# define temporary directory $tempdirectory = "$pwd\temp" # define services to patch $components = "Api","Identity" # delete old directories / files if applicable if (Test-Path "$tempdirectory") { Remove-Item "$tempdirectory" -Recurse -Force } if (Test-Path -Path "$pwd\src\licenseGen\Core.dll" -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item "$pwd\src\licenseGen\Core.dll" -Force } if (Test-Path -Path "$pwd\src\licenseGen\cert.pfx" -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item "$pwd\src\licenseGen\cert.pfx" -Force } if (Test-Path -Path "$pwd\src\bitBetter\cert.cert" -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item "$pwd\src\bitBetter\cert.cert" -Force } # generate keys if none are available if (!(Test-Path "$pwd\.keys")) { .\generateKeys.ps1 } # copy the key to bitBetter and licenseGen Copy-Item "$pwd\.keys\cert.cert" -Destination "$pwd\src\bitBetter" Copy-Item "$pwd\.keys\cert.pfx" -Destination "$pwd\src\licenseGen" # build bitBetter and clean the source directory after docker build -t bitbetter/bitbetter "$pwd\src\bitBetter" Remove-Item "$pwd\src\bitBetter\cert.cert" -Force # gather all running instances $oldinstances = docker container ps --all -f Name=bitwarden --format '{{.ID}}' # stop all running instances foreach ($instance in $oldinstances) { docker stop $instance docker rm $instance } # update bitwarden itself if ($args[0] -eq 'y') { docker pull bitwarden/self-host:beta } else { $confirmation = Read-Host "Update (or get) bitwarden source container" if ($confirmation -eq 'y') { docker pull bitwarden/self-host:beta } } # stop and remove previous existing patch(ed) container docker stop bitwarden-patch docker rm bitwarden-patch docker image rm bitwarden-patch # start a new bitwarden instance so we can patch it $patchinstance = docker run -d --name bitwarden-patch bitwarden/self-host:beta # create our temporary directory New-item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempdirectory # extract the files that need to be patched from the services that need to be patched into our temporary directory foreach ($component in $components) { New-item -itemtype Directory -path "$tempdirectory\$component" docker cp $patchinstance`:/app/$component/Core.dll "$tempdirectory\$component\Core.dll" } # run bitBetter, this applies our patches to the required files docker run -v "$tempdirectory`:/app/mount" --rm bitbetter/bitbetter # create a new image with the patched files docker build . --tag bitwarden-patch --file "$pwd\src\bitBetter\Dockerfile-bitwarden-patch" # stop and remove our temporary container docker stop bitwarden-patch docker rm bitwarden-patch # copy our patched library to the licenseGen source directory Copy-Item "$tempdirectory\Identity\Core.dll" -Destination "$pwd\src\licenseGen" # remove our temporary directory Remove-Item "$tempdirectory" -Recurse -Force # start all user requested instances foreach($line in Get-Content "$pwd\.servers\serverlist.txt") { Invoke-Expression "& $line" } # remove our bitBetter image docker image rm bitbetter/bitbetter # build the licenseGen docker build -t bitbetter/licensegen "$pwd\src\licenseGen" # clean the licenseGen source directory Remove-Item "$pwd\src\licenseGen\Core.dll" -Force Remove-Item "$pwd\src\licenseGen\cert.pfx" -Force