using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Loader; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace licenseGen; internal class Program { private static Int32 Main(String[] args) { CommandLineApplication app = new(); CommandOption cert = app.Option("--cert", "cert file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); CommandOption coreDll = app.Option("--core", "path to core dll", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); Boolean CertExists() { return File.Exists(cert.Value()); } Boolean CoreExists() { return File.Exists(coreDll.Value()); } Boolean VerifyTopOptions() { return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cert.Value()) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(coreDll.Value()) && CertExists() && CoreExists(); } app.Command("interactive", config => { String buff, licensetype="", name="", email="", businessname=""; Int16 storage = 0; Boolean validGuid = false, validInstallid = false; Guid guid = new(), installid = new(); config.OnExecute(() => { if (!VerifyTopOptions()) { if (!CoreExists()) config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find core dll at: {coreDll.Value()}"); if (!CertExists()) config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find certificate at: {cert.Value()}"); config.ShowHelp(); return 1; } WriteLine("Interactive license mode..."); while (licensetype == "") { WriteLine("What would you like to generate, a [u]ser license or an [o]rg license?"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if(buff == "u") { licensetype = "user"; WriteLineOver("Okay, we will generate a user license."); while (validGuid == false) { WriteLine("Please provide the user's guid — refer to the Readme for details on how to retrieve this. [GUID]:"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if (Guid.TryParse(buff, out guid))validGuid = true; else WriteLineOver("The user-guid provided does not appear to be valid."); } } else if (buff == "o") { licensetype = "org"; WriteLineOver("Okay, we will generate an organization license."); while (validInstallid == false) { WriteLine("Please provide your Bitwarden Install-ID — refer to the Readme for details on how to retrieve this. [Install-ID]:"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if (Guid.TryParse(buff, out installid)) validInstallid = true; else WriteLineOver("The install-id provided does not appear to be valid."); } while (businessname == "") { WriteLineOver("Please enter a business name, default is BitBetter. [Business Name]:"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if (buff == "") businessname = "BitBetter"; else if (CheckBusinessName(buff)) businessname = buff; } } else { WriteLineOver("Unrecognized option \'" + buff + "\'. "); } } while (name == "") { WriteLineOver("Please provide the username this license will be registered to. [username]:"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if ( CheckUsername(buff) ) name = buff; } while (email == "") { WriteLineOver("Please provide the email address for the user " + name + ". [email]"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if ( CheckEmail(buff) ) email = buff; } while (storage == 0) { WriteLineOver("Extra storage space for the user " + name + ". (max.: " + Int16.MaxValue + "). Defaults to maximum value. [storage]"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buff)) { storage = Int16.MaxValue; } else { if (CheckStorage(buff)) storage = Int16.Parse(buff); } } if (licensetype == "user") { WriteLineOver("Confirm creation of \"user\" license for username: \"" + name + "\", email: \"" + email + "\", Storage: \"" + storage + " GB\", User-GUID: \"" + guid + "\"? Y/n"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if ( buff == "" || buff == "y" || buff == "Y" ) { GenerateUserLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name, email, storage, guid, null); } else { WriteLineOver("Exiting..."); return 0; } } else if (licensetype == "org") { WriteLineOver("Confirm creation of \"organization\" license for business name: \"" + businessname + "\", username: \"" + name + "\", email: \"" + email + "\", Storage: \"" + storage + " GB\", Install-ID: \"" + installid + "\"? Y/n"); buff = Console.ReadLine(); if ( buff == "" || buff == "y" || buff == "Y" ) { GenerateOrgLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name, email, storage, installid, businessname, null); } else { WriteLineOver("Exiting..."); return 0; } } return 0; }); }); app.Command("user", config => { CommandArgument name = config.Argument("Name", "your name"); CommandArgument email = config.Argument("Email", "your email"); CommandArgument userIdArg = config.Argument("User ID", "your user id"); CommandArgument storage = config.Argument("Storage", "extra storage space in GB. Maximum is " + Int16.MaxValue + " (optional, default = max)"); CommandArgument key = config.Argument("Key", "your key id (optional)"); config.OnExecute(() => { if (!VerifyTopOptions()) { if (!CoreExists()) { config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find core dll at: {coreDll.Value()}"); } if (!CertExists()) { config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find certificate at: {cert.Value()}"); } config.ShowHelp(); return 1; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name.Value) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.Value)) { config.Error.WriteLine($"Some arguments are missing: Name='{name.Value}' Email='{email.Value}'"); config.ShowHelp("user"); return 1; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userIdArg.Value) || !Guid.TryParse(userIdArg.Value, out Guid userId)) { config.Error.WriteLine("User ID not provided"); config.ShowHelp("user"); return 1; } Int16 storageShort = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storage.Value)) { Double parsedStorage = Double.Parse(storage.Value); if (parsedStorage > Int16.MaxValue || parsedStorage < 0) { config.Error.WriteLine("The storage value provided is outside the accepted range of [0-" + Int16.MaxValue + "]"); config.ShowHelp("org"); return 1; } storageShort = (Int16) parsedStorage; } GenerateUserLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name.Value, email.Value, storageShort, userId, key.Value); return 0; }); }); app.Command("org", config => { CommandArgument name = config.Argument("Name", "your name"); CommandArgument email = config.Argument("Email", "your email"); CommandArgument installId = config.Argument("InstallId", "your installation id (GUID)"); CommandArgument storage = config.Argument("Storage", "extra storage space in GB. Maximum is " + Int16.MaxValue + " (optional, default = max)"); CommandArgument businessName = config.Argument("BusinessName", "name for the organization (optional)"); CommandArgument key = config.Argument("Key", "your key id (optional)"); config.OnExecute(() => { if (!VerifyTopOptions()) { if (!CoreExists()) { config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find core dll at: {coreDll.Value()}"); } if (!CertExists()) { config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find certificate at: {cert.Value()}"); } config.ShowHelp(); return 1; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name.Value) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.Value) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installId.Value)) { config.Error.WriteLine($"Some arguments are missing: Name='{name.Value}' Email='{email.Value}' InstallId='{installId.Value}'"); config.ShowHelp("org"); return 1; } if (!Guid.TryParse(installId.Value, out Guid installationId)) { config.Error.WriteLine("Unable to parse your installation id as a GUID"); config.Error.WriteLine($"Here's a new guid: {Guid.NewGuid()}"); config.ShowHelp("org"); return 1; } Int16 storageShort = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storage.Value)) { Double parsedStorage = Double.Parse(storage.Value); if (parsedStorage > Int16.MaxValue || parsedStorage < 0) { config.Error.WriteLine("The storage value provided is outside the accepted range of [0-" + Int16.MaxValue + "]"); config.ShowHelp("org"); return 1; } storageShort = (Int16) parsedStorage; } GenerateOrgLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name.Value, email.Value, storageShort, installationId, businessName.Value, key.Value); return 0; }); }); app.OnExecute(() => { app.ShowHelp(); return 10; }); app.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help"); try { return app.Execute(args); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Oops: {0}", e); return 100; } } // checkUsername Checks that the username is a valid username private static Boolean CheckUsername(String s) { if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) { WriteLineOver("The username provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n"); return false; } return true; // TODO: Actually validate } // checkBusinessName Checks that the Business Name is a valid username private static Boolean CheckBusinessName(String s) { if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) { WriteLineOver("The Business Name provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n"); return false; } return true; // TODO: Actually validate } // checkEmail Checks that the email address is a valid email address private static Boolean CheckEmail(String s) { if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) { WriteLineOver("The email provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n"); return false; } return true; // TODO: Actually validate } // checkStorage Checks that the storage is in a valid range private static Boolean CheckStorage(String s) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { WriteLineOver("The storage provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n"); return false; } if (Double.Parse(s) > Int16.MaxValue || Double.Parse(s) < 0) { WriteLineOver("The storage value provided is outside the accepted range of [0-" + Int16.MaxValue + "].\n"); return false; } return true; } // WriteLineOver Writes a new line to console over last line. private static void WriteLineOver(String s) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop -1); Console.WriteLine(s); } // WriteLine This wrapper is just here so that console writes all look similar. private static void WriteLine(String s) { Console.WriteLine(s); } private static void GenerateUserLicense(X509Certificate2 cert, String corePath, String userName, String email, Int16 storage, Guid userId, String key) { Assembly core = AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath(corePath); Type type = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Models.Business.UserLicense"); Type licenseTypeEnum = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Enums.LicenseType"); Object license = Activator.CreateInstance(type); void Set(String name, Object value) { type.GetProperty(name).SetValue(license, value); } Set("LicenseKey", String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n") : key); Set("Id", userId); Set("Name", userName); Set("Email", email); Set("Premium", true); Set("MaxStorageGb", storage == 0 ? Int16.MaxValue : storage); Set("Version", 1); Set("Issued", DateTime.UtcNow); Set("Refresh", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100).AddMonths(-1)); Set("Expires", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100)); Set("Trial", false); Set("LicenseType", Enum.Parse(licenseTypeEnum, "User")); Set("Hash", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("ComputeHash").Invoke(license, new Object[0]))); Set("Signature", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("Sign").Invoke(license, new Object[] { cert }))); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(license, Formatting.Indented)); } private static void GenerateOrgLicense(X509Certificate2 cert, String corePath, String userName, String email, Int16 storage, Guid instalId, String businessName, String key) { Assembly core = AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath(corePath); Type type = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Models.Business.OrganizationLicense"); Type licenseTypeEnum = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Enums.LicenseType"); Type planTypeEnum = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Enums.PlanType"); Object license = Activator.CreateInstance(type); void set(String name, Object value) { type.GetProperty(name).SetValue(license, value); } set("LicenseKey", String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n") : key); set("InstallationId", instalId); set("Id", Guid.NewGuid()); set("Name", userName); set("BillingEmail", email); set("BusinessName", String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(businessName) ? "BitBetter" : businessName); set("Enabled", true); set("Plan", "Custom"); set("PlanType", Enum.Parse(planTypeEnum, "Custom")); set("Seats", (Int32)Int16.MaxValue); set("MaxCollections", Int16.MaxValue); set("UsePolicies", true); set("UseSso", true); set("UseKeyConnector", true); //set("UseScim", true); // available in version 10, which is not released yet set("UseGroups", true); set("UseEvents", true); set("UseDirectory", true); set("UseTotp", true); set("Use2fa", true); set("UseApi", true); set("UseResetPassword", true); set("MaxStorageGb", storage == 0 ? Int16.MaxValue : storage); set("SelfHost", true); set("UsersGetPremium", true); set("Version", 9); set("Issued", DateTime.UtcNow); set("Refresh", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100).AddMonths(-1)); set("Expires", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100)); set("Trial", false); set("LicenseType", Enum.Parse(licenseTypeEnum, "Organization")); set("Hash", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("ComputeHash").Invoke(license, new Object[0]))); set("Signature", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("Sign").Invoke(license, new Object[] { cert }))); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(license, Formatting.Indented)); } }