mirror of https://github.com/jakeswenson/BitBetter.git synced 2023-10-10 13:36:57 +02:00
Michiel Hazelhof d8b87985b2
Initial work
2023-01-02 20:59:14 +01:00

446 lines
18 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace licenseGen;
internal class Program
private static Int32 Main(String[] args)
CommandLineApplication app = new();
CommandOption cert = app.Option("--cert", "cert file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
CommandOption coreDll = app.Option("--core", "path to core dll", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
Boolean CertExists()
return File.Exists(cert.Value());
Boolean CoreExists()
return File.Exists(coreDll.Value());
Boolean VerifyTopOptions()
return !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cert.Value()) &&
!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(coreDll.Value()) &&
CertExists() && CoreExists();
app.Command("interactive", config =>
String buff, licensetype="", name="", email="", businessname="";
Int16 storage = 0;
Boolean validGuid = false, validInstallid = false;
Guid guid = new(), installid = new();
config.OnExecute(() =>
if (!VerifyTopOptions())
if (!CoreExists()) config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find core dll at: {coreDll.Value()}");
if (!CertExists()) config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find certificate at: {cert.Value()}");
return 1;
WriteLine("Interactive license mode...");
while (licensetype == "")
WriteLine("What would you like to generate, a [u]ser license or an [o]rg license?");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if(buff == "u")
licensetype = "user";
WriteLineOver("Okay, we will generate a user license.");
while (validGuid == false)
WriteLine("Please provide the user's guid — refer to the Readme for details on how to retrieve this. [GUID]:");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if (Guid.TryParse(buff, out guid))validGuid = true;
else WriteLineOver("The user-guid provided does not appear to be valid.");
else if (buff == "o")
licensetype = "org";
WriteLineOver("Okay, we will generate an organization license.");
while (validInstallid == false)
WriteLine("Please provide your Bitwarden Install-ID — refer to the Readme for details on how to retrieve this. [Install-ID]:");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if (Guid.TryParse(buff, out installid)) validInstallid = true;
else WriteLineOver("The install-id provided does not appear to be valid.");
while (businessname == "")
WriteLineOver("Please enter a business name, default is BitBetter. [Business Name]:");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if (buff == "") businessname = "BitBetter";
else if (CheckBusinessName(buff)) businessname = buff;
WriteLineOver("Unrecognized option \'" + buff + "\'. ");
while (name == "")
WriteLineOver("Please provide the username this license will be registered to. [username]:");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if ( CheckUsername(buff) ) name = buff;
while (email == "")
WriteLineOver("Please provide the email address for the user " + name + ". [email]");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if ( CheckEmail(buff) ) email = buff;
while (storage == 0)
WriteLineOver("Extra storage space for the user " + name + ". (max.: " + Int16.MaxValue + "). Defaults to maximum value. [storage]");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buff))
storage = Int16.MaxValue;
if (CheckStorage(buff)) storage = Int16.Parse(buff);
if (licensetype == "user")
WriteLineOver("Confirm creation of \"user\" license for username: \"" + name + "\", email: \"" + email + "\", Storage: \"" + storage + " GB\", User-GUID: \"" + guid + "\"? Y/n");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if ( buff == "" || buff == "y" || buff == "Y" )
GenerateUserLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name, email, storage, guid, null);
return 0;
else if (licensetype == "org")
WriteLineOver("Confirm creation of \"organization\" license for business name: \"" + businessname + "\", username: \"" + name + "\", email: \"" + email + "\", Storage: \"" + storage + " GB\", Install-ID: \"" + installid + "\"? Y/n");
buff = Console.ReadLine();
if ( buff == "" || buff == "y" || buff == "Y" )
GenerateOrgLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name, email, storage, installid, businessname, null);
return 0;
return 0;
app.Command("user", config =>
CommandArgument name = config.Argument("Name", "your name");
CommandArgument email = config.Argument("Email", "your email");
CommandArgument userIdArg = config.Argument("User ID", "your user id");
CommandArgument storage = config.Argument("Storage", "extra storage space in GB. Maximum is " + Int16.MaxValue + " (optional, default = max)");
CommandArgument key = config.Argument("Key", "your key id (optional)");
config.OnExecute(() =>
if (!VerifyTopOptions())
if (!CoreExists())
config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find core dll at: {coreDll.Value()}");
if (!CertExists())
config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find certificate at: {cert.Value()}");
return 1;
else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name.Value) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.Value))
config.Error.WriteLine($"Some arguments are missing: Name='{name.Value}' Email='{email.Value}'");
return 1;
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userIdArg.Value) || !Guid.TryParse(userIdArg.Value, out Guid userId))
config.Error.WriteLine("User ID not provided");
return 1;
Int16 storageShort = 0;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storage.Value))
Double parsedStorage = Double.Parse(storage.Value);
if (parsedStorage > Int16.MaxValue || parsedStorage < 0)
config.Error.WriteLine("The storage value provided is outside the accepted range of [0-" + Int16.MaxValue + "]");
return 1;
storageShort = (Int16) parsedStorage;
GenerateUserLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name.Value, email.Value, storageShort, userId, key.Value);
return 0;
app.Command("org", config =>
CommandArgument name = config.Argument("Name", "your name");
CommandArgument email = config.Argument("Email", "your email");
CommandArgument installId = config.Argument("InstallId", "your installation id (GUID)");
CommandArgument storage = config.Argument("Storage", "extra storage space in GB. Maximum is " + Int16.MaxValue + " (optional, default = max)");
CommandArgument businessName = config.Argument("BusinessName", "name for the organization (optional)");
CommandArgument key = config.Argument("Key", "your key id (optional)");
config.OnExecute(() =>
if (!VerifyTopOptions())
if (!CoreExists())
config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find core dll at: {coreDll.Value()}");
if (!CertExists())
config.Error.WriteLine($"Cant find certificate at: {cert.Value()}");
return 1;
else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name.Value) ||
String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.Value) ||
config.Error.WriteLine($"Some arguments are missing: Name='{name.Value}' Email='{email.Value}' InstallId='{installId.Value}'");
return 1;
if (!Guid.TryParse(installId.Value, out Guid installationId))
config.Error.WriteLine("Unable to parse your installation id as a GUID");
config.Error.WriteLine($"Here's a new guid: {Guid.NewGuid()}");
return 1;
Int16 storageShort = 0;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(storage.Value))
Double parsedStorage = Double.Parse(storage.Value);
if (parsedStorage > Int16.MaxValue || parsedStorage < 0)
config.Error.WriteLine("The storage value provided is outside the accepted range of [0-" + Int16.MaxValue + "]");
return 1;
storageShort = (Int16) parsedStorage;
GenerateOrgLicense(new X509Certificate2(cert.Value(), "test"), coreDll.Value(), name.Value, email.Value, storageShort, installationId, businessName.Value, key.Value);
return 0;
app.OnExecute(() =>
return 10;
app.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");
return app.Execute(args);
catch (Exception e)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Oops: {0}", e);
return 100;
// checkUsername Checks that the username is a valid username
private static Boolean CheckUsername(String s)
if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) {
WriteLineOver("The username provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n");
return false;
return true; // TODO: Actually validate
// checkBusinessName Checks that the Business Name is a valid username
private static Boolean CheckBusinessName(String s)
if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) {
WriteLineOver("The Business Name provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n");
return false;
return true; // TODO: Actually validate
// checkEmail Checks that the email address is a valid email address
private static Boolean CheckEmail(String s)
if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) {
WriteLineOver("The email provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n");
return false;
return true; // TODO: Actually validate
// checkStorage Checks that the storage is in a valid range
private static Boolean CheckStorage(String s)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
WriteLineOver("The storage provided doesn't appear to be valid.\n");
return false;
if (Double.Parse(s) > Int16.MaxValue || Double.Parse(s) < 0)
WriteLineOver("The storage value provided is outside the accepted range of [0-" + Int16.MaxValue + "].\n");
return false;
return true;
// WriteLineOver Writes a new line to console over last line.
private static void WriteLineOver(String s)
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop -1);
// WriteLine This wrapper is just here so that console writes all look similar.
private static void WriteLine(String s)
private static void GenerateUserLicense(X509Certificate2 cert, String corePath, String userName, String email, Int16 storage, Guid userId, String key)
Assembly core = AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath(corePath);
Type type = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Models.Business.UserLicense");
Type licenseTypeEnum = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Enums.LicenseType");
Object license = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
void Set(String name, Object value)
type.GetProperty(name).SetValue(license, value);
Set("LicenseKey", String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n") : key);
Set("Id", userId);
Set("Name", userName);
Set("Email", email);
Set("Premium", true);
Set("MaxStorageGb", storage == 0 ? Int16.MaxValue : storage);
Set("Version", 1);
Set("Issued", DateTime.UtcNow);
Set("Refresh", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100).AddMonths(-1));
Set("Expires", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100));
Set("Trial", false);
Set("LicenseType", Enum.Parse(licenseTypeEnum, "User"));
Set("Hash", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("ComputeHash").Invoke(license, new Object[0])));
Set("Signature", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("Sign").Invoke(license, new Object[] { cert })));
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(license, Formatting.Indented));
private static void GenerateOrgLicense(X509Certificate2 cert, String corePath, String userName, String email, Int16 storage, Guid instalId, String businessName, String key)
Assembly core = AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath(corePath);
Type type = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Models.Business.OrganizationLicense");
Type licenseTypeEnum = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Enums.LicenseType");
Type planTypeEnum = core.GetType("Bit.Core.Enums.PlanType");
Object license = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
void set(String name, Object value)
type.GetProperty(name).SetValue(license, value);
set("LicenseKey", String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n") : key);
set("InstallationId", instalId);
set("Id", Guid.NewGuid());
set("Name", userName);
set("BillingEmail", email);
set("BusinessName", String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(businessName) ? "BitBetter" : businessName);
set("Enabled", true);
set("Plan", "Custom");
set("PlanType", Enum.Parse(planTypeEnum, "Custom"));
set("Seats", (Int32)Int16.MaxValue);
set("MaxCollections", Int16.MaxValue);
set("UsePolicies", true);
set("UseSso", true);
set("UseKeyConnector", true);
//set("UseScim", true); // available in version 10, which is not released yet
set("UseGroups", true);
set("UseEvents", true);
set("UseDirectory", true);
set("UseTotp", true);
set("Use2fa", true);
set("UseApi", true);
set("UseResetPassword", true);
set("MaxStorageGb", storage == 0 ? Int16.MaxValue : storage);
set("SelfHost", true);
set("UsersGetPremium", true);
set("Version", 9);
set("Issued", DateTime.UtcNow);
set("Refresh", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100).AddMonths(-1));
set("Expires", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100));
set("Trial", false);
set("LicenseType", Enum.Parse(licenseTypeEnum, "Organization"));
set("Hash", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("ComputeHash").Invoke(license, new Object[0])));
set("Signature", Convert.ToBase64String((Byte[])type.GetMethod("Sign").Invoke(license, new Object[] { cert })));
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(license, Formatting.Indented));