[Homematic](http://www.homematic.com/) is a series of Smart Home devices from the manufacturer [eQ-3](http://www.eq-3.de), popular especially in Germany.
* [HistClient](https://www.sa-com.de/smarthome-special/histclient-handbuch/) - **$** (inApp-Purchase) - CCU-Historian Client mit erweitereten Features für iOS und Android
* [Anleitung zur Installation der CCU auf einem x86 system](https://homematic-forum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39240) - OCCU Installation auf x86 Systemen
* [Homegear](https://www.homegear.eu/index.php/Main_Page) - Free and open source program to interface your smart home devices with your home automation software or your own scripts.
* [piVCCU](https://github.com/alexreinert/piVCCU) - Install the original Homematic CCU2 firmware inside a virtualized container (lxc) on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Jessie or Stretch.
* [RaspberryMatic](https://github.com/jens-maus/RaspberryMatic) - Lightweight, OCCU and Linux/buildroot-based distribution for running a HomeMatic CCU on embedded devices like the RaspberryPi.
* [YAHM](https://github.com/leonsio/YAHM) - Setup Scripts to run the OCCU software in a LXC Container.
* [Beispiel_AskSinPP](https://github.com/jp112sdl/Beispiel_AskSinPP) - Beispiel für die Verwendung der [AskSinPP](https://github.com/pa-pa/AskSinPP) Bibliothek
* [CCU Historian](http://www.ccu-historian.de/) - Langzeit Archiv und Graphen.
* [CUxD](https://www.homematic-inside.de/software/cuxdaemon) - Der "Leatherman" für die CCU. Verbindet FS20, ... (**$** EnOcean, ...), stellt virtuelle Geräte und hilfreiche Tools zur Verfügung.
* [CUxD-Highcharts](https://github.com/hobbyquaker/cuxd-highcharts) - Visualisiert CUxD Logs mit Highcharts.
* [Email](https://github.com/jens-maus/hm_email) - HomeMatic CCU Addon für den Email Versand.
* [Hm-print](https://github.com/litti/hm-print) - CCU Programme drucken.
* [Hm-tools](https://github.com/fhetty/hm-tools) - Sammlung von Tools für RaspberryMatic.
* [homematic_check_mk](https://github.com/alexreinert/homematic_check_mk) - Addon for the Homematic CCU2 or a Raspberrymatic device which acts as an check_mk_agent.
* [Mosquitto](https://github.com/hobbyquaker/ccu-addon-mosquitto) - Mosquitto packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic
* [rmupdate](https://github.com/j-a-n/raspberrymatic-addon-rmupdate) - RaspberryMatic Addon das RaspberryMatic selbst aktualisieren kann, vereinfacht die WLAN Konfiguration mit GUI und kann andere Addons ohne Zwangsreboot installieren und aktualisieren
* [Homebridge-homematic](https://github.com/thkl/homebridge-homematic) - Supports the Homematic System on [HomeBridge](https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge) Platform.
* [Homematic-Virtual-Interface](https://github.com/thkl/Homematic-Virtual-Interface) - Virtual Interface for Homematic CCU with plugins to connect other devices to your CCU (e.g. Philips Hue).
* [Hm2mqtt.js](https://github.com/hobbyquaker/hm2mqtt.js) - Interface between Homematic and MQTT.
* [Homematicip-rest-api](https://github.com/coreGreenberet/homematicip-rest-api) - Python wrapper for the homematicIP REST API (Cloud / Access Point Based).