The caX device associated with a CI device behaves just like any other caX interface. You usually use it through a library like libdvben50221 which is part of the dvb-apps package available at But contrary to other hardware where the CI module is physically placed in the data path between the the demod and PCIe bridge, in the Digital Devices cards the CI module is separate hardware. So, you have to feed data to the CI module by writing to the secX (in later kernel ci0) device and read it back from the same secX device. The advantage is that the CI module can be used with any data coming from any frontend or file. The disadvantage is that the user application has to write/read the data to/from the module by itself. The sample application apps/cit.c shows how to pipe a stream through the CI interface. In its ouput it will show discontinuities. Those should only occur at the start of the program (due to old packets inside the CI interface hardware and the CI module itself) and when a CI module is inserted or removed. Since some users have problems using standard software which cannot use the CI interface in this way, there is now the redirect feature which allows you to tell the driver to automatically pass the data coming from one demod through a CI before offering it through the normal demux/dvr interface. But note that this is a kludge to support old software until they can use the new interface. See docs/redirect for more info.