mirror of https://github.com/Tafkas/fritzbox-munin.git synced 2023-10-10 11:36:55 +00:00

changes towards python 3 compatibility

This commit is contained in:
Christian Stade-Schuldt 2017-11-04 17:04:26 +01:00
parent bfdeb190f3
commit 666e3d0a0a
8 changed files with 163 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -31,22 +31,22 @@ def print_values():
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Connection Uptime"
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
print 'graph_vlabel uptime in days'
print "graph_scale no'"
print "graph_category network"
print "uptime.label uptime"
print "uptime.draw AREA"
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Connection Uptime")
print("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print('graph_vlabel uptime in days')
print("graph_scale no'")
print("graph_category network")
print("uptime.label uptime")
print("uptime.draw AREA")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print "yes" # Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all
print("yes") # Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch'):

View File

@ -31,34 +31,34 @@ def get_cpu_temperature():
server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']
sid = fh.get_sid(server, password)
data = fh.get_page(server, sid, PAGE)
session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
data = fh.get_page_content(server, (session_id, PAGE))
m = re.search(pattern, data)
if m:
print 'temp.value %d' % (int(m.group(1)))
print('temp.value %d' % (int(m.group(1))))
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box CPU temperature"
print "graph_vlabel degrees Celsius"
print "graph_category sensors"
print "graph_order tmp"
print "graph_scale no"
print "temp.label CPU temperature"
print "temp.type GAUGE"
print "temp.graph LINE1"
print "temp.min 0"
print "temp.info Fritzbox CPU temperature"
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box CPU temperature")
print("graph_vlabel degrees Celsius")
print("graph_category sensors")
print("graph_order tmp")
print("graph_scale no")
print("temp.label CPU temperature")
print("temp.type GAUGE")
print("temp.graph LINE1")
print("temp.min 0")
print("temp.info Fritzbox CPU temperature")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print 'yes'
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch':
# Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all

View File

@ -31,25 +31,25 @@ def get_cpu_usage():
server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']
sid = fh.get_sid(server, password)
data = fh.get_page(server, sid, PAGE)
session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
data = fh.get_page_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
m = re.search(pattern, data)
if m:
print 'cpu.value %d' % (int(m.group(1)))
print('cpu.value %d' % (int(m.group(1))))
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box CPU usage"
print "graph_vlabel %"
print "graph_category system"
print "graph_order cpu"
print "graph_scale no"
print "cpu.label system"
print "cpu.type GAUGE"
print "cpu.graph AREA"
print "cpu.min 0"
print "cpu.info Fritzbox CPU usage"
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box CPU usage")
print("graph_vlabel %")
print("graph_category system")
print("graph_order cpu")
print("graph_scale no")
print("cpu.label system")
print("cpu.type GAUGE")
print("cpu.graph AREA")
print("cpu.min 0")
print("cpu.info Fritzbox CPU usage")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print 'yes'
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch':
# Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all

View File

@ -32,41 +32,41 @@ def get_memory_usage():
server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']
sid = fh.get_sid(server, password)
data = fh.get_page(server, sid, PAGE)
session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
data = fh.get_page_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
matches = re.finditer(pattern, data)
if matches:
data = zip(USAGE, [m.group(1) for m in matches])
for d in data:
print'%s.value %s' % (d[0], d[1])
print('%s.value %s' % (d[0], d[1]))
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Memory"
print "graph_vlabel %"
print "graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100"
print "graph_category system"
print "graph_order strict cache free"
print "graph_info This graph shows what the Fritzbox uses memory for."
print "graph_scale no"
print "strict.label strict"
print "strict.type GAUGE"
print "strict.draw AREA"
print "cache.label cache"
print "cache.type GAUGE"
print "cache.draw STACK"
print "free.label free"
print "free.type GAUGE"
print "free.draw STACK"
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Memory")
print("graph_vlabel %")
print("graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100")
print("graph_category system")
print("graph_order strict cache free")
print("graph_info This graph shows what the Fritzbox uses memory for.")
print("graph_scale no")
print("strict.label strict")
print("strict.type GAUGE")
print("strict.draw AREA")
print("cache.label cache")
print("cache.type GAUGE")
print("cache.draw STACK")
print("free.label free")
print("free.type GAUGE")
print("free.draw STACK")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print 'yes'
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch':
# Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all

View File

@ -32,65 +32,65 @@ def get_power_consumption():
server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']
sid = fh.get_sid(server, password)
data = fh.get_page(server, sid, PAGE)
session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
data = fh.get_page_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
matches = re.finditer(pattern, data)
if matches:
data = zip(DEVICES, [m.group(4) for m in matches])
for d in data:
print'%s.value %s' % (d[0], d[1])
print('%s.value %s' % (d[0], d[1]))
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Power Consumption"
print "graph_vlabel %"
print "graph_category system"
print "graph_order system cpu wifi dsl ab usb"
print "system.label system"
print "system.type GAUGE"
print "system.graph LINE12"
print "system.min 0"
print "system.max 100"
print "system.info Fritzbox overall power consumption"
print "cpu.label cpu"
print "cpu.type GAUGE"
print "cpu.graph LINE1"
print "cpu.min 0"
print "cpu.max 100"
print "cpu.info Fritzbox central processor power consumption"
print "wifi.label wifi"
print "wifi.type GAUGE"
print "wifi.graph LINE1"
print "wifi.min 0"
print "wifi.max 100"
print "wifi.info Fritzbox wifi power consumption"
print "dsl.label dsl"
print "dsl.type GAUGE"
print "dsl.graph LINE1"
print "dsl.min 0"
print "dsl.max 100"
print "dsl.info Fritzbox dsl power consumption"
print "ab.label ab"
print "ab.type GAUGE"
print "ab.graph LINE1"
print "ab.min 0"
print "ab.max 100"
print "ab.info Fritzbox analog phone ports power consumption"
print "usb.label usb"
print "usb.type GAUGE"
print "usb.graph LINE1"
print "usb.min 0"
print "usb.max 100"
print "usb.info Fritzbox usb devices power consumption"
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Power Consumption")
print("graph_vlabel %")
print("graph_category system")
print("graph_order system cpu wifi dsl ab usb")
print("system.label system")
print("system.type GAUGE")
print("system.graph LINE12")
print("system.min 0")
print("system.max 100")
print("system.info Fritzbox overall power consumption")
print("cpu.label cpu")
print("cpu.type GAUGE")
print("cpu.graph LINE1")
print("cpu.min 0")
print("cpu.max 100")
print("cpu.info Fritzbox central processor power consumption")
print("wifi.label wifi")
print("wifi.type GAUGE")
print("wifi.graph LINE1")
print("wifi.min 0")
print("wifi.max 100")
print("wifi.info Fritzbox wifi power consumption")
print("dsl.label dsl")
print("dsl.type GAUGE")
print("dsl.graph LINE1")
print("dsl.min 0")
print("dsl.max 100")
print("dsl.info Fritzbox dsl power consumption")
print("ab.label ab")
print("ab.type GAUGE")
print("ab.graph LINE1")
print("ab.min 0")
print("ab.max 100")
print("ab.info Fritzbox analog phone ports power consumption")
print("usb.label usb")
print("usb.type GAUGE")
print("usb.graph LINE1")
print("usb.min 0")
print("usb.max 100")
print("usb.info Fritzbox usb devices power consumption")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print 'yes'
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch':
# Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all

View File

@ -43,43 +43,43 @@ def print_values():
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box WAN traffic"
print "graph_args --base 1000"
print "graph_vlabel bits in (-) / out (+) per \${graph_period}"
print "graph_category network"
print "graph_order down up maxdown maxup"
print "down.label received"
print "down.type DERIVE"
print "down.graph no"
print "down.cdef down,8,*"
print "down.min 0"
print "down.max 1000000000"
print "up.label bps"
print "up.type DERIVE"
print "up.draw AREA"
print "up.cdef up,8,*"
print "up.min 0"
print "up.max 1000000000"
print "up.negative down"
print "up.info Traffic of the WAN interface."
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box WAN traffic")
print("graph_args --base 1000")
print("graph_vlabel bits in (-) / out (+) per \${graph_period}")
print("graph_category network")
print("graph_order down up maxdown maxup")
print("down.label received")
print("down.type DERIVE")
print("down.graph no")
print("down.cdef down,8,*")
print("down.min 0")
print("down.max 1000000000")
print("up.label bps")
print("up.type DERIVE")
print("up.draw AREA")
print("up.cdef up,8,*")
print("up.min 0")
print("up.max 1000000000")
print("up.negative down")
print("up.info Traffic of the WAN interface.")
if not os.environ.get('traffic_remove_max'):
print "maxdown.label received"
print "maxdown.type GAUGE"
print "maxdown.graph no"
print "maxup.label MAX"
print "maxup.type GAUGE"
print "maxup.negative maxdown"
print "maxup.draw LINE1"
print "maxup.info Maximum speed of the WAN interface."
print("maxdown.label received")
print("maxdown.type GAUGE")
print("maxdown.graph no")
print("maxup.label MAX")
print("maxup.type GAUGE")
print("maxup.negative maxdown")
print("maxup.draw LINE1")
print("maxup.info Maximum speed of the WAN interface.")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print "yes" # Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all
print("yes") # Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch'):

View File

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def get_uptime():
server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']
sid = fh.get_sid(server, password)
data = fh.get_page(server, sid, PAGE)
session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
data = fh.get_page_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
matches = re.finditer(pattern, data)
if matches:
hours = 0.0
@ -56,22 +56,22 @@ def get_uptime():
def print_config():
print "graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Uptime"
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0"
print 'graph_vlabel uptime in days'
print "graph_scale no'"
print "graph_category system"
print "uptime.label uptime"
print "uptime.draw AREA"
print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Uptime")
print("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0")
print('graph_vlabel uptime in days')
print("graph_scale no'")
print("graph_category system")
print("uptime.label uptime")
print("uptime.draw AREA")
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print 'yes'
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch':
# Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all

View File

@ -35,33 +35,33 @@ def get_connected_wifi_devices():
server = os.environ['fritzbox_ip']
password = os.environ['fritzbox_password']
sid = fh.get_sid(server, password)
data = fh.get_page(server, sid, PAGE)
session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, password)
data = fh.get_page_content(server, session_id, PAGE)
m = re.search(pattern, data)
if m:
connected_devices = int(m.group(1))
print 'wifi.value %d' % connected_devices
print('wifi.value %d' % connected_devices)
def print_config():
print 'graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Connected Wifi Devices'
print 'graph_vlabel Number of devices'
print 'graph_args --base 1000'
print 'graph_category network'
print 'graph_order wifi'
print 'wifi.label Wifi Connections on 2.4 & 5 Ghz'
print 'wifi.type GAUGE'
print 'wifi.graph LINE1'
print 'wifi.info Wifi Connections on 2.4 & 5 Ghz'
print('graph_title AVM Fritz!Box Connected Wifi Devices')
print('graph_vlabel Number of devices')
print('graph_args --base 1000')
print('graph_category network')
print('graph_order wifi')
print('wifi.label Wifi Connections on 2.4 & 5 Ghz')
print('wifi.type GAUGE')
print('wifi.graph LINE1')
print('wifi.info Wifi Connections on 2.4 & 5 Ghz')
if os.environ.get('host_name'):
print "host_name " + os.environ['host_name']
print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf':
print 'yes'
elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch':
# Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all