#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ fritzbox_smart_home_temperature - A munin plugin for Linux to monitor AVM Fritzbox SmartHome temperatures Copyright (C) 2018 Bernd Oerding, 2021 Ernst Martin Witte Authors: Bernd Oerding, Ernst Martin Witte Like Munin, this plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 Add the following section to your munin-node's plugin configuration: [fritzbox_*] env.fritzbox_ip [ip address of the fritzbox] env.fritzbox_username [optionial, if you configured the FritzBox to use user and password] env.fritzbox_password [fritzbox password] This plugin supports the following munin configuration parameters: #%# family=auto contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf """ import json import os import re import sys import fritzbox_helper as fh import pprint PAGE = 'sh' def getSimplifiedDevices(debug=False): server = os.environ["fritzbox_ip"] username = os.environ["fritzbox_username"] password = os.environ["fritzbox_password"] session_id = fh.get_session_id(server, username, password) if debug : pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) if debug: print("requesting data through get_xhr_content") xhr_data = fh.get_xhr_content(server, session_id, PAGE) if debug: pp.pprint(xhr_data) data = json.loads(xhr_data) if debug : pp.pprint(data) simplifiedDevices = dict() devices = data["data"]["devices"] for device in devices: devDisplayName = device["displayName"] category = device["category"] deviceType = device["type"] units = device["units"] connected = device["masterConnectionState"] devID = device["id"] simpleDev = { "id" : devID, "displayName" : devDisplayName, "present" : connected == "CONNECTED", "model" : device["model"], "identifier" : device["actorIdentificationNumber"], } if debug: print(f"device {devDisplayName}: cat:{category}, type:{deviceType}, con:{connected}") for unit in units: unitDisplayName = unit["displayName"] skills = unit["skills"] unitType = unit["type"] unitID = unit["id"] if debug: print(f" unit {unitDisplayName}: type:{unitType}") for skill in skills: skillType = skill["type"] if debug: print(f" skill, type:{skillType}") if (skillType == "SmartHomeThermostat"): if "mode" in skill: simpleDev["mode" ] = skill["mode"] # new state reporting in Fritz!OS 7.51/7.56 if "state" in skill: state = skill["state"] if "current" in state: simpleDev["summerActive"] = 1 if state["current"] == "SUMMER" else 0 simpleDev["holidyActive"] = 1 if state["current"] == "HOLIDAY" else 0 # FIXME: guess, to be tested simpleDev["windowOpen" ] = 1 if state["current"] == "WINDOW_OPEN" else 0 # FIXME: guess, to be tested # end if # end if # old state reporting in Fritz!OS 7.29/7.31 if "summerActive" in skill: simpleDev["summerActive" ] = skill["summerActive"] # old state reporting in Fritz!OS 7.29/7.31 if "holidayActive" in skill: simpleDev["holidayActive" ] = skill["holidayActive"] # old state reporting in Fritz!OS 7.29/7.31 if "temperatureDropDetection" in skill and "isWindowOpen" in skill["temperatureDropDetection"]: simpleDev["windowOpen" ] = skill["temperatureDropDetection"]["isWindowOpen"] if "targetTemp" in skill: simpleDev["targetTemperatureInDegC"] = skill["targetTemp"] else: simpleDev["targetTemperatureInDegC"] = None if "usedTempSensor" in skill: refSkills = skill["usedTempSensor"]["skills"] for refSkill in refSkills: if "currentInCelsius" in refSkill: simpleDev["refTemperatureInDegC"] = refSkill["currentInCelsius"] elif (skillType == "SmartHomeTemperatureSensor"): # let's not blindly assume that the # currentInCelsius is there. Seems that after a # fritzbox restart, thermostats are not yet # connected properly to the fritz box and that the # report has the devices, but without temperature # entry until DECT connection is established again. simpleDev["currentTemperatureInDegC"] = skill["currentInCelsius"] if ("currentInCelsius" in skill) else None elif (skillType == "SmartHomeHumiditySensor"): # Why this check: See skill["currentInCelsius"] simpleDev["currentHumidityInPct"] = skill["currentInPercent"] if ("currentInPercent" in skill) else None elif (skillType == "SmartHomeBattery"): # Why this check: See skill["currentInCelsius"] simpleDev["batteryChargeLevelInPct"] = skill["chargeLevelInPercent"] if ("chargeLevelInPercent" in skill) else None # FIXME: currently no batteryLow indicator available # simpleDev["batteryLow"] = FIXME elif (skillType == "SmartHomeMultimeter"): if "electricCurrentInAmpere" in skill: simpleDev["currentInAmp"] = skill["electricCurrentInAmpere"] if "powerConsumptionInWatt" in skill: simpleDev["powerInWatt"] = skill["powerConsumptionInWatt"] if "powerPerHour" in skill: simpleDev["energyInKWH"] = float(skill["powerPerHour"]) / 1000 if "voltageInVolt" in skill: simpleDev["voltageInVolt"] = skill["voltageInVolt"] elif (skillType == "SmartHomeSocket"): pass elif (skillType == "SmartHomeSwitch"): if "state" in skill: simpleDev["powerSwitchOn"] = skill["state"] == "ON" # end select skillType # end for each skill # end for each unit simplifiedDevices[devID] = simpleDev if debug: pp.pprint(simpleDev) # end for each device if debug: pp.pprint(simplifiedDevices) return simplifiedDevices # end getSimplifiedDevices def print_smart_home_measurements(simpleDevices, debug=False): """get the current measurements (temperature, humidity, power, states, ...)""" print("multigraph temperatures") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "currentTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("t{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["currentTemperatureInDegC"])) print("") print("multigraph humidity") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "currentHumidityInPct" in dev: print ("humidity{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], dev["currentHumidityInPct"])) print("\n") print("multigraph temperatures_target") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "targetTemperatureInDegC" in dev and dev["targetTemperatureInDegC"] is not None: print ("tsoll{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["targetTemperatureInDegC"])) for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"]: print("") print("multigraph temperatures.t{}".format(dev["id"])) if "refTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("tref{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["refTemperatureInDegC"])) if "currentTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("t{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["currentTemperatureInDegC"])) if "targetTemperatureInDegC" in dev and dev["targetTemperatureInDegC"] is not None: print ("tsoll{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["targetTemperatureInDegC"])) print("\n") print("multigraph thermostat_modes") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "windowOpen" in dev: print ("windowopenmode{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], int(dev["windowOpen"]))) for dev in simpleDevices: if "windowOpen" in dev or "summerActive" in dev or "holidayActive" in dev: print("\n") print("multigraph thermostat_modes.id{}".format(dev["id"])) if "windowOpen" in dev: print ("windowopenmode{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], int(dev["windowOpen"]))) if "summerActive" in dev: print ("summermode{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], int(dev["summerActive"]))) if "holidayActive" in dev: print ("holidaymode{}.value {}" .format(dev["id"], int(dev["holidayActive"]))) print("") print("multigraph battery") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "batteryChargeLevelInPct" in dev: print ("battery{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], dev["batteryChargeLevelInPct"])) print("") print("multigraph batterylow") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "batteryLow" in dev: print ("batterylow{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], dev["batteryLow"])) print("") print("multigraph voltage") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "voltageInVolt" in dev: print ("voltage{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], dev["voltageInVolt"])) print("") print("multigraph power") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "powerInWatt" in dev: print ("power{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], dev["powerInWatt"])) print("") print("multigraph powerAvg") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "energyInKWH" in dev: # it is ok to use integer Joules here: 1 Joule in 5 min # => 0.003 W precision => We don't care, the device doesn't have this precision energyInJoule = int(dev["energyInKWH"] * 3600000) devID = dev["id"] print (f"powerAvg{devID}.value {energyInJoule:15}") # end print("") print("multigraph energy") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "energyInKWH" in dev: print ("energy{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], dev["energyInKWH"])) print("") print("multigraph powerswitch") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "powerSwitchOn" in dev: print ("powerswitch{}.value {}".format(dev["id"], int(dev["powerSwitchOn"]))) def getDevices(debug=False): simpleDevicesDict = getSimplifiedDevices(debug) simpleDevices = sorted(simpleDevicesDict.values(), key = lambda x: x["displayName"]) return simpleDevices # end getDevices def print_config(simpleDevices, debug=False): print("multigraph temperatures") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Temperatures (locally measured)") print("graph_vlabel degrees Celsius") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("") for dev in simpleDevices: if "currentTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("t{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("t{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.info Locally measured temperature [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph humidity") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Humidity") print("graph_vlabel percent") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "currentHumidityInPct" in dev: print ("humidity{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("humidity{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("humidity{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("humidity{}.max 100" .format(dev["id"])) print ("humidity{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("humidity{}.warning 30:70" .format(dev["id"])) print ("humidity{}.critical 20:75" .format(dev["id"])) print ("humidity{}.info Humidity [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph temperatures_target") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Target Temperatures") print("graph_vlabel degrees Celsius") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("") for dev in simpleDevices: if "targetTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("tsoll{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("tsoll{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tsoll{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tsoll{}.info Target temperature [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) for dev in simpleDevices: print("\n") print("multigraph temperatures.t{}".format(dev["id"])) print("graph_title Temperatures for {}".format(dev["displayName"])) print("graph_vlabel degrees Celsius") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") if "currentTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("t{}.label measured locally" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.warning 15:30" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.critical 10:35" .format(dev["id"])) print ("t{}.info Locally measured temperature [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) if "refTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("tref{}.label measured ref." .format(dev["id"])) print ("tref{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tref{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tref{}.info Measured reference temperature [{} - {}]".format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) if "targetTemperatureInDegC" in dev: print ("tsoll{}.label target" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tsoll{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tsoll{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("tsoll{}.info Target temperature [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph thermostat_modes") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Thermostat Modes") print("graph_vlabel on/off") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "windowOpen" in dev: print ("windowopenmode{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.max 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.info Window Open Mode [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) for dev in simpleDevices: if "windowOpen" in dev or "summerActive" in dev or "holidayActive" in dev: print("\n") print("multigraph thermostat_modes.id{}".format(dev["id"])) print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Modes for {}".format(dev["displayName"])) print("graph_vlabel on/off") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") if "windowOpen" in dev: print ("windowopenmode{}.label Window Open" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.max 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("windowopenmode{}.info Window Open Mode [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) if "summerActive" in dev: print ("summermode{}.label Summer Mode" .format(dev["id"])) print ("summermode{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("summermode{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("summermode{}.max 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("summermode{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("summermode{}.info Summer Mode [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) if "holidayActive" in dev: print ("holidaymode{}.label Holiday Mode" .format(dev["id"])) print ("holidaymode{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("holidaymode{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("holidaymode{}.max 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("holidaymode{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("holidaymode{}.info Holiday Mode [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph battery") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Battery") print("graph_vlabel percent") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "batteryChargeLevelInPct" in dev: print ("battery{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("battery{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("battery{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("battery{}.max 100" .format(dev["id"])) print ("battery{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("battery{}.warning 30:110" .format(dev["id"])) print ("battery{}.critical 10:120" .format(dev["id"])) print ("battery{}.info Battery [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph batterylow") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Battery Low Warning") print("graph_vlabel ok/warning") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "batteryLow" in dev: print ("batterylow{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("batterylow{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("batterylow{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("batterylow{}.max 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("batterylow{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("batterylow{}.warning 0.5" .format(dev["id"])) print ("batterylow{}.critical 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("batterylow{}.info Battery Low Warning [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph voltage") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Voltage") print("graph_vlabel Volt") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "voltageInVolt" in dev: print ("voltage{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("voltage{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("voltage{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("voltage{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("voltage{}.warning 220:240" .format(dev["id"])) print ("voltage{}.critical 210:245" .format(dev["id"])) print ("voltage{}.info Voltage [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print("\n") print("multigraph power") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Power") print("graph_vlabel Watt") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") powerIdList = [f'power{dev["id"]}' for dev in simpleDevices if ( dev["present"] and "powerInWatt" in dev ) ] print("graph_order total_power " + " ".join(powerIdList)) print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "powerInWatt" in dev: print ("power{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("power{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("power{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("power{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("power{}.warning 1500" .format(dev["id"])) print ("power{}.critical 2000" .format(dev["id"])) print ("power{}.info Power [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) # end if # end if print(f"total_power.label total") print(f"total_power.cdef " + ",".join(powerIdList) + ",ADDNAN" * (len(powerIdList) - 1)); print(f"total_power.min 0") print("\n") print("multigraph powerAvg") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Power Average (from Energy)") print("graph_vlabel W") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") powerAvgIdList = [f'powerAvg{dev["id"]}' for dev in simpleDevices if ( dev["present"] and "energyInKWH" in dev ) ] print("graph_order total_powerAvg " + " ".join(powerAvgIdList)) print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "energyInKWH" in dev: print ("powerAvg{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("powerAvg{}.type DERIVE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerAvg{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerAvg{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerAvg{}.info Power Average [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print(f"total_powerAvg.label total") print(f"total_powerAvg.cdef " + ",".join(powerAvgIdList) + ",ADDNAN" * (len(powerAvgIdList) - 1)); print(f"total_powerAvg.min 0") print("\n") print("multigraph energy") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Energy") print("graph_vlabel kWh") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") energyIdList = [f'energy{dev["id"]}' for dev in simpleDevices if ( dev["present"] and "energyInKWH" in dev ) ] print("graph_order total_energy " + " ".join(energyIdList)) print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "energyInKWH" in dev: print ("energy{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("energy{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("energy{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("energy{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("energy{}.info Energy [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) print(f"total_energy.label total") print(f"total_energy.cdef " + ",".join(energyIdList) + ",ADDNAN" * (len(energyIdList) - 1)); print(f"total_energy.min 0") print("\n") print("multigraph powerswitch") print("graph_title AVM Fritz!Box SmartHome Power Switch") print("graph_vlabel On/Off") print("graph_category sensors") print("graph_scale no") print("\n") for dev in simpleDevices: if dev["present"] and "powerSwitchOn" in dev: print ("powerswitch{}.label {}" .format(dev["id"], dev["displayName"])) print ("powerswitch{}.type GAUGE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerswitch{}.graph LINE" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerswitch{}.min 0" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerswitch{}.max 1" .format(dev["id"])) print ("powerswitch{}.info On/Off [{} - {}]" .format(dev["id"], dev["model"], dev["identifier"])) if os.environ.get('host_name'): print("host_name " + os.environ['host_name']) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'config': devices = getDevices(debug = False) print_config(devices) if "MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG" in os.environ and os.environ["MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG"] == "1": print("") print_smart_home_measurements(devices, debug = False) # end if DIRTY CONFIG elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf': print('yes') elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': devices = getDevices(debug = True) print_smart_home_measurements(devices, debug = True) elif len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fetch': # Some docs say it'll be called with fetch, some say no arg at all try: devices = getDevices(debug = False) print_smart_home_measurements(devices, debug = False) except: sys.exit("Couldn't retrieve fritzbox smarthome temperatures")