#!/bin/bash # Check if user is root or sudo if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then echo "Please run this script as sudo or root"; exit 1 ; fi # Version number of Guacamole to install GUACVERSION="1.3.0" # Initialize variable values installTOTP="" # This is where we'll store persistent data for mysql and guacamole INSTALLFOLDER="/opt/guacamole" mkdir -p ${INSTALLFOLDER}/install_files mkdir -p ${INSTALLFOLDER}/extensions mkdir -p ${INSTALLFOLDER}/mysql cd ${INSTALLFOLDER}/install_files # Get script arguments for non-interactive mode while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -m | --mysqlpwd ) shift mysqlpwd="$1" ;; -g | --guacpwd ) shift guacpwd="$1" ;; -t | --totp ) installTOTP=true esac shift done # Get MySQL root password and Guacamole User password if [ -n "$mysqlpwd" ] && [ -n "$guacpwd" ]; then mysqlrootpassword=$mysqlpwd guacdbuserpassword=$guacpwd else echo while true do read -s -p "Enter a MySQL ROOT Password: " mysqlrootpassword echo read -s -p "Confirm MySQL ROOT Password: " password2 echo [ "$mysqlrootpassword" = "$password2" ] && break echo "Passwords don't match. Please try again." echo done echo while true do read -s -p "Enter a Guacamole User Database Password: " guacdbuserpassword echo read -s -p "Confirm Guacamole User Database Password: " password2 echo [ "$guacdbuserpassword" = "$password2" ] && break echo "Passwords don't match. Please try again." echo done echo fi if [[ -z "${installTOTP}" ]]; then # Prompt the user if they would like to install TOTP MFA, default of no echo -e -n "${CYAN}MFA: Would you like to install TOTP? (y/N): ${NC}" read PROMPT if [[ ${PROMPT} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then installTOTP=true else installTOTP=false fi fi # Update apt and install wget if it's missing apt-get update apt-get -y install wget # Check if mysql client already installed if [ -x "$(command -v mysql)" ]; then echo "mysql detected!" else # Install mysql-client apt-get -y install default-mysql-client if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install apt prerequisites: default-mysql-client" echo "Try manually isntalling this prerequisites and try again" exit fi fi # Check if docker already installed if [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then echo "docker detected!" else echo "Installing docker" # Try to install docker from the official repo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install docker via official apt repo" echo "Trying to install docker from https://get.docker.com" wget -O get-docker.sh https://get.docker.com chmod +x ./get-docker.sh ./get-docker.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install docker from https://get.docker.com" exit fi fi fi # Set SERVER to be the preferred download server from the Apache CDN SERVER="http://apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?action=download&filename=guacamole/${GUACVERSION}" # Download Guacamole authentication extensions wget -O guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz ${SERVER}/binary/guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to download guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz" echo "${SERVER}/binary/guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz" exit fi tar -xzf guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz # Download and install TOTP if [ "${installTOTP}" = true ]; then wget -q --show-progress -O guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz ${SERVER}/binary/guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Failed to download guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz" 1>&2 echo -e "${SERVER}/binary/guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz" exit 1 else echo -e "${GREEN}Downloaded guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz${NC}" tar -xzf guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.tar.gz echo -e "${BLUE}Moving guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.jar (${INSTALLFOLDER}/extensions/)...${NC}" cp -f guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}/guacamole-auth-totp-${GUACVERSION}.jar ${INSTALLFOLDER}/extensions/ echo fi fi # Start MySQL docker run --restart=always --detach --name=mysql -v ${INSTALLFOLDER}/mysql:/var/lib/mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$mysqlrootpassword" --publish 3306:3306 healthcheck/mysql --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password # Wait for the MySQL Health Check equal "healthy" echo "Waiting for MySQL to be healthy" until [ "$(/usr/bin/docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} mysql)" == "healthy" ]; do sleep 0.1; done; # Create the Guacamole database and the user account # SQL Code SQLCODE=" create database guacamole_db; create user 'guacamole_user'@'%' identified by '$guacdbuserpassword'; GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON guacamole_db.* TO 'guacamole_user'@'%'; flush privileges;" # Execute SQL Code echo $SQLCODE | mysql -h -P 3306 -u root -p$mysqlrootpassword cat guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}/mysql/schema/*.sql | mysql -u root -p$mysqlrootpassword -h -P 3306 guacamole_db docker run --restart=always --name guacd --detach guacamole/guacd docker run --restart=always --name guacamole --detach --link mysql:mysql --link guacd:guacd -v ${INSTALLFOLDER}/extensions:/etc/guacamole/extensions -e MYSQL_HOSTNAME= -e MYSQL_DATABASE=guacamole_db -e MYSQL_USER=guacamole_user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=$guacdbuserpassword -e GUACAMOLE_HOME=/etc/guacamole -p 8080:8080 guacamole/guacamole # Done echo echo -e "Installation Complete\n- Visit: http://localhost:8080/guacamole/\n- Default login (username/password): guacadmin/guacadmin\n***Be sure to change the password***."