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#include <unistd.h>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QResource>
#include <QLocale>
create debian packages / multiple configs (#650) * implement make install set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation after compiling use make install or make install/strip (for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance) * cleanup cmake files use cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion .. to install all files to hyperion or cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion * add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files * optimize build release script install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script) initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things) automatic detect for apple build * update submodule * fix cmake error when no platform is given * initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm! * make packeages contain usefull stuff * add license make packes more functional. package specific install missing yet * implement debian postinstall * disable rpm generation until it has a working state * add hypercon compat * add posibility for multiple config files. first one found is taken Former-commit-id: 1c2669961da98fd05a97359e75f1d6d68e126715
2016-05-24 19:56:43 +02:00
#include <QFile>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
2013-08-14 10:54:49 +02:00
#include <utils/jsonschema/JsonFactory.h>
#include <utils/Logger.h>
2013-08-14 10:54:49 +02:00
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
#include <effectengine/EffectEngine.h>
#include <bonjour/bonjourserviceregister.h>
#include <bonjour/bonjourrecord.h>
#include <jsonserver/JsonServer.h>
#include <protoserver/ProtoServer.h>
#include <boblightserver/BoblightServer.h>
#include "hyperiond.h"
void startBootsequence()
Hyperion *hyperion = Hyperion::getInstance();
const Json::Value &config = hyperion->getJsonConfig();
// create boot sequence if the configuration is present
if (config.isMember("bootsequence"))
const Json::Value effectConfig = config["bootsequence"];
// Get the parameters for the bootsequence
const std::string effectName = effectConfig["effect"].asString();
const unsigned duration_ms = effectConfig["duration_ms"].asUInt();
const int priority = (duration_ms != 0) ? 0 : effectConfig.get("priority",990).asInt();
const int bootcolor_priority = (priority > 990) ? priority+1 : 990;
// clear the leds
ColorRgb boot_color = ColorRgb::BLACK;
hyperion->setColor(bootcolor_priority, boot_color, 0, false);
// start boot effect
if ( ! effectName.empty() )
int result;
std::cout << "INFO: Boot sequence '" << effectName << "' ";
if (effectConfig.isMember("args"))
std::cout << " (with user defined arguments) ";
const Json::Value effectConfigArgs = effectConfig["args"];
result = hyperion->setEffect(effectName, effectConfigArgs, priority, duration_ms);
result = hyperion->setEffect(effectName, priority, duration_ms);
std::cout << ((result == 0) ? "started" : "failed") << std::endl;
// static color
if ( ! effectConfig["color"].isNull() && effectConfig["color"].isArray() && effectConfig["color"].size() == 3 )
boot_color = {
hyperion->setColor(bootcolor_priority, boot_color, 0, false);
// create XBMC video checker if the configuration is present
XBMCVideoChecker* createXBMCVideoChecker()
XBMCVideoChecker* xbmcVideoChecker = nullptr;
const Json::Value &config = Hyperion::getInstance()->getJsonConfig();
if (config.isMember("xbmcVideoChecker"))
const Json::Value & videoCheckerConfig = config["xbmcVideoChecker"];
xbmcVideoChecker = XBMCVideoChecker::initInstance(
videoCheckerConfig.get("grabPause", true).asBool(),
videoCheckerConfig.get("grabScreensaver", true).asBool(),
videoCheckerConfig.get("enable3DDetection", true).asBool());
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Kodi checker created and started");
return xbmcVideoChecker;
2013-08-23 20:44:53 +02:00
void startNetworkServices(JsonServer* &jsonServer, ProtoServer* &protoServer, BoblightServer* &boblightServer)
Hyperion *hyperion = Hyperion::getInstance();
XBMCVideoChecker* xbmcVideoChecker = XBMCVideoChecker::getInstance();
const Json::Value &config = hyperion->getJsonConfig();
// Create Json server if configuration is present
unsigned int jsonPort = 19444;
if (config.isMember("jsonServer"))
const Json::Value & jsonServerConfig = config["jsonServer"];
//jsonEnable = jsonServerConfig.get("enable", true).asBool();
jsonPort = jsonServerConfig.get("port", jsonPort).asUInt();
jsonServer = new JsonServer(hyperion, jsonPort );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Json server created and started on port %d", jsonServer->getPort());
// Create Proto server if configuration is present
unsigned int protoPort = 19445;
if (config.isMember("protoServer"))
const Json::Value & protoServerConfig = config["protoServer"];
//protoEnable = protoServerConfig.get("enable", true).asBool();
protoPort = protoServerConfig.get("port", protoPort).asUInt();
protoServer = new ProtoServer(hyperion, protoPort );
if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr)
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), protoServer, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)));
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), protoServer, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)));
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Proto server created and started on port %d", protoServer->getPort());
fix #674 (#676) * implement make install set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation after compiling use make install or make install/strip (for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance) * cleanup cmake files use cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion .. to install all files to hyperion or cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion * add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files * optimize build release script install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script) initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things) automatic detect for apple build * update submodule * fix cmake error when no platform is given * initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm! * make packeages contain usefull stuff * add license make packes more functional. package specific install missing yet * implement debian postinstall * disable rpm generation until it has a working state * add hypercon compat * add posibility for multiple config files. first one found is taken * remove hyperion comaptlayer services is not started automaticly * rework debian postinstall: - remove /opt compatibility complety. This makes more trouble as it is usefull - when hyperiond already started, restart it - cleanup * add deb package dependencies * wipe out last support for /opt installation * change default effect path in config to /usr * revert service files and config files * remove last occurences of ENABLE_PROTOBUF fix cmake warnings and make it ready for cmake 3 fix refactoring of hyperiond.cpp creates no objects for network services Former-commit-id: 56e3e0d1014999b2555418c7b5a2898ac29fb5f1
2016-06-04 19:26:34 +02:00
const Json::Value & deviceConfig = config["device"];
const std::string deviceName = deviceConfig.get("name", "").asString();
const std::string hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName().toStdString();
std::string mDNSDescr_json = hostname;
std::string mDNSService_json = "_hyperiond_json._tcp";
if (config.isMember("jsonServer"))
const Json::Value & jsonServerConfig = config["jsonServer"];
mDNSDescr_json = jsonServerConfig.get("mDNSDescr", mDNSDescr_json).asString();
mDNSService_json = jsonServerConfig.get("mDNSService", mDNSService_json).asString();
BonjourServiceRegister *bonjourRegister_json = new BonjourServiceRegister();
bonjourRegister_json->registerService(BonjourRecord((deviceName + " @ " + mDNSDescr_json).c_str(), mDNSService_json.c_str(),
QString()), jsonServer->getPort() );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Json mDNS responder started");
std::string mDNSDescr_proto = hostname;
std::string mDNSService_proto = "_hyperiond_proto._tcp";
if (config.isMember("protoServer"))
const Json::Value & protoServerConfig = config["protoServer"];
mDNSDescr_proto = protoServerConfig.get("mDNSDescr", mDNSDescr_proto).asString();
mDNSService_proto = protoServerConfig.get("mDNSService", mDNSService_proto).asString();
BonjourServiceRegister *bonjourRegister_proto = new BonjourServiceRegister();
bonjourRegister_proto->registerService(BonjourRecord((deviceName + " @ " + mDNSDescr_proto).c_str(), mDNSService_proto.c_str(),
QString()), protoServer->getPort() );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Proto mDNS responder started");
// Create Boblight server if configuration is present
if (config.isMember("boblightServer"))
const Json::Value & boblightServerConfig = config["boblightServer"];
boblightServer = new BoblightServer(hyperion, boblightServerConfig.get("priority",900).asInt(), boblightServerConfig["port"].asUInt());
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Boblight server created and started on port %d", boblightServer->getPort());
DispmanxWrapper* createGrabberDispmanx(ProtoServer* &protoServer)
DispmanxWrapper* dispmanx = nullptr;
XBMCVideoChecker* xbmcVideoChecker = XBMCVideoChecker::getInstance();
const Json::Value &config = Hyperion::getInstance()->getJsonConfig();
// Construct and start the frame-grabber if the configuration is present
if (config.isMember("framegrabber"))
const Json::Value & frameGrabberConfig = config["framegrabber"];
dispmanx = new DispmanxWrapper(
frameGrabberConfig.get("cropLeft", 0).asInt(),
frameGrabberConfig.get("cropRight", 0).asInt(),
frameGrabberConfig.get("cropTop", 0).asInt(),
frameGrabberConfig.get("cropBottom", 0).asInt());
if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr)
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), dispmanx, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode)));
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), dispmanx, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode)));
QObject::connect(dispmanx, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)) );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Frame grabber created and started");
return dispmanx;
V4L2Wrapper* createGrabberV4L2(ProtoServer* &protoServer )
// construct and start the v4l2 grabber if the configuration is present
V4L2Wrapper* v4l2Grabber = nullptr;
#ifdef ENABLE_V4L2
const Json::Value &config = Hyperion::getInstance()->getJsonConfig();
if (config.isMember("grabber-v4l2"))
const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config["grabber-v4l2"];
v4l2Grabber = new V4L2Wrapper(
grabberConfig.get("device", "/dev/video0").asString(),
grabberConfig.get("input", 0).asInt(),
parseVideoStandard(grabberConfig.get("standard", "no-change").asString()),
parsePixelFormat(grabberConfig.get("pixelFormat", "no-change").asString()),
grabberConfig.get("width", -1).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("height", -1).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("frameDecimation", 2).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("sizeDecimation", 8).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("redSignalThreshold", 0.0).asDouble(),
grabberConfig.get("greenSignalThreshold", 0.0).asDouble(),
grabberConfig.get("blueSignalThreshold", 0.0).asDouble(),
grabberConfig.get("priority", 900).asInt());
v4l2Grabber->set3D(parse3DMode(grabberConfig.get("mode", "2D").asString()));
grabberConfig.get("cropLeft", 0).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("cropRight", 0).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("cropTop", 0).asInt(),
grabberConfig.get("cropBottom", 0).asInt());
QObject::connect(v4l2Grabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)) );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "V4L2 grabber created and started");
return v4l2Grabber;
AmlogicWrapper* createGrabberAmlogic(ProtoServer* &protoServer)
AmlogicWrapper* amlGrabber = nullptr;
XBMCVideoChecker* xbmcVideoChecker = XBMCVideoChecker::getInstance();
const Json::Value &config = Hyperion::getInstance()->getJsonConfig();
// Construct and start the framebuffer grabber if the configuration is present
if (config.isMember("amlgrabber"))
const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config["amlgrabber"];
amlGrabber = new AmlogicWrapper(
if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr)
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), amlGrabber, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode)));
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), amlGrabber, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode)));
QObject::connect(amlGrabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)) );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "AMLOGIC grabber created and started");
return amlGrabber;
FramebufferWrapper* createGrabberFramebuffer(ProtoServer* &protoServer)
FramebufferWrapper* fbGrabber = nullptr;
#ifdef ENABLE_FB
XBMCVideoChecker* xbmcVideoChecker = XBMCVideoChecker::getInstance();
const Json::Value &config = Hyperion::getInstance()->getJsonConfig();
// Construct and start the framebuffer grabber if the configuration is present
if (config.isMember("framebuffergrabber") || config.isMember("framegrabber"))
const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config.isMember("framebuffergrabber")? config["framebuffergrabber"] : config["framegrabber"];
fbGrabber = new FramebufferWrapper(
grabberConfig.get("device", "/dev/fb0").asString(),
if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr)
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), fbGrabber, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode)));
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), fbGrabber, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode)));
QObject::connect(fbGrabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)) );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "Framebuffer grabber created and started");
return fbGrabber;
OsxWrapper* createGrabberOsx(ProtoServer* &protoServer)
OsxWrapper* osxGrabber = nullptr;
XBMCVideoChecker* xbmcVideoChecker = XBMCVideoChecker::getInstance();
const Json::Value &config = Hyperion::getInstance()->getJsonConfig();
// Construct and start the osx grabber if the configuration is present
if (config.isMember("osxgrabber") || config.isMember("framegrabber"))
const Json::Value & grabberConfig = config.isMember("osxgrabber")? config["osxgrabber"] : config["framegrabber"];
osxGrabber = new OsxWrapper(
grabberConfig.get("display", 0).asUInt(),
if (xbmcVideoChecker != nullptr)
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(grabbingMode(GrabbingMode)), osxGrabber, SLOT(setGrabbingMode(GrabbingMode)));
QObject::connect(xbmcVideoChecker, SIGNAL(videoMode(VideoMode)), osxGrabber, SLOT(setVideoMode(VideoMode)));
QObject::connect(osxGrabber, SIGNAL(emitImage(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)), protoServer, SLOT(sendImageToProtoSlaves(int, const Image<ColorRgb>&, const int)) );
Info(Logger::getInstance("MAIN"), "OSX grabber created and started");
return osxGrabber;