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2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
// stl includes
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cassert>
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
// Qt includes
#include <QRgb>
// hyperion-remote includes
#include "JsonConnection.h"
JsonConnection::JsonConnection(const QString & address, bool printJson)
: _printJson(printJson)
, _socket()
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
QStringList parts = address.split(":");
if (parts.size() != 2)
throw std::runtime_error(QString("Wrong address: unable to parse address (%1)").arg(address).toStdString());
bool ok;
uint16_t port = parts[1].toUShort(&ok);
if (!ok)
throw std::runtime_error(QString("Wrong address: Unable to parse the port number (%1)").arg(parts[1]).toStdString());
_socket.connectToHost(parts[0], port);
if (!_socket.waitForConnected())
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to connect to host");
qDebug() << "Connected to:" << address;
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
void JsonConnection::setColor(std::vector<QColor> colors, int priority, int duration)
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
std::cout << "Set color to " << colors[0].red() << " " << colors[0].green() << " " << colors[0].blue() << (colors.size() > 1 ? " + ..." : "") << std::endl;
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "color";
command["priority"] = priority;
Json::Value & rgbValue = command["color"];
for (const QColor & color : colors)
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
if (duration > 0)
command["duration"] = duration;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setImage(QImage &image, int priority, int duration)
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
std::cout << "Set image has size: " << image.width() << "x" << image.height() << std::endl;
// ensure the image has RGB888 format
image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QByteArray binaryImage;
binaryImage.reserve(image.width() * image.height() * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < image.height(); ++i)
const QRgb * scanline = reinterpret_cast<const QRgb *>(image.scanLine(i));
for (int j = 0; j < image.width(); ++j)
binaryImage.append((char) qRed(scanline[j]));
binaryImage.append((char) qGreen(scanline[j]));
binaryImage.append((char) qBlue(scanline[j]));
const QByteArray base64Image = binaryImage.toBase64();
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "image";
command["priority"] = priority;
command["imagewidth"] = image.width();
command["imageheight"] = image.height();
command["imagedata"] = base64Image.data();
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
if (duration > 0)
command["duration"] = duration;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setEffect(const QString &effectName, const QString & effectArgs, int priority, int duration)
qDebug() << "Start effect " << effectName;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "effect";
command["priority"] = priority;
Json::Value & effect = command["effect"];
effect["name"] = effectName.toStdString();
if (effectArgs.size() > 0)
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(effectArgs.toStdString(), effect["args"], false))
throw std::runtime_error("Error in effect arguments: " + reader.getFormattedErrorMessages());
if (duration > 0)
command["duration"] = duration;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
QString JsonConnection::getServerInfo()
std::cout << "Get server info" << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "serverinfo";
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
if (parseReply(reply))
if (!reply.isMember("info") || !reply["info"].isObject())
throw std::runtime_error("No info available in result");
const Json::Value & info = reply["info"];
return QString(info.toStyledString().c_str());
return QString();
void JsonConnection::clear(int priority)
std::cout << "Clear priority channel " << priority << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "clear";
command["priority"] = priority;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::clearAll()
std::cout << "Clear all priority channels" << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "clearall";
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setComponentState(const QString & component, const bool state)
qDebug() << (state ? "Enable" : "Disable") << "Component" << component;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "componentstate";
Json::Value & parameter = command["componentstate"];
parameter["component"] = component.toStdString();
parameter["state"] = state;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setSource(int priority)
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "sourceselect";
command["priority"] = priority;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setSourceAutoSelect()
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "sourceselect";
command["auto"] = true;
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
QString JsonConnection::getConfig(std::string type)
assert( type == "schema" || type == "config" );
std::cout << "Get configuration file from Hyperion Server" << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "config";
command["subcommand"] = (type == "schema")? "getschema" : "getconfig";
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
if (parseReply(reply))
if (!reply.isMember("result") || !reply["result"].isObject())
throw std::runtime_error("No configuration file available in result");
const Json::Value & config = reply["result"];
return QString(config.toStyledString().c_str());
return QString();
void JsonConnection::setConfig(const QString &jsonString)
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "config";
command["subcommand"] = "setconfig";
Json::Value & config = command["config"];
if (jsonString.size() > 0)
Json::Reader reader;
if (!reader.parse(jsonString.toStdString(), config, false))
throw std::runtime_error("Error in configset arguments: " + reader.getFormattedErrorMessages());
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setTransform(const QString &transformId,
double *saturation,
double *value,
double *saturationL,
double *luminance,
double *luminanceMin,
QColor threshold,
QColor gamma,
QColor blacklevel,
QColor whitelevel)
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
std::cout << "Set color transforms" << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "transform";
Json::Value & transform = command["transform"];
if (!transformId.isNull())
transform["id"] = transformId.toStdString();
if (saturation != nullptr)
transform["saturationGain"] = *saturation;
if (value != nullptr)
transform["valueGain"] = *value;
if (saturationL != nullptr)
transform["saturationLGain"] = *saturationL;
if (luminance != nullptr)
transform["luminanceGain"] = *luminance;
if (luminanceMin != nullptr)
transform["luminanceMinimum"] = *luminanceMin;
if (threshold.isValid())
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
Json::Value & v = transform["threshold"];
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
if (gamma.isValid())
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
Json::Value & v = transform["gamma"];
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
if (blacklevel.isValid())
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
Json::Value & v = transform["blacklevel"];
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
if (whitelevel.isValid())
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
Json::Value & v = transform["whitelevel"];
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
void JsonConnection::setAdjustment(const QString &adjustmentId,
const QColor & redAdjustment,
const QColor & greenAdjustment,
const QColor & blueAdjustment)
std::cout << "Set color adjustments" << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "adjustment";
Json::Value & adjust = command["adjustment"];
if (!adjustmentId.isNull())
adjust["id"] = adjustmentId.toStdString();
if (redAdjustment.isValid())
Json::Value & v = adjust["redAdjust"];
if (greenAdjustment.isValid())
Json::Value & v = adjust["greenAdjust"];
if (blueAdjustment.isValid())
Json::Value & v = adjust["blueAdjust"];
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
Json::Value JsonConnection::sendMessage(const Json::Value & message)
// serialize message (FastWriter already appends a newline)
std::string serializedMessage = Json::FastWriter().write(message);
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// print command if requested
if (_printJson)
std::cout << "Command: " << serializedMessage;
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
// write message
if (!_socket.waitForBytesWritten())
throw std::runtime_error("Error while writing data to host");
// read reply data
QByteArray serializedReply;
while (!serializedReply.contains('\n'))
// receive reply
if (!_socket.waitForReadyRead())
throw std::runtime_error("Error while reading data from host");
serializedReply += _socket.readAll();
int bytes = serializedReply.indexOf('\n') + 1; // Find the end of message
// print reply if requested
if (_printJson)
std::cout << "Reply: " << std::string(serializedReply.data(), bytes);
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
// parse reply data
Json::Reader jsonReader;
Json::Value reply;
if (!jsonReader.parse(serializedReply.constData(), serializedReply.constData() + bytes, reply))
throw std::runtime_error("Error while parsing reply: invalid json");
return reply;
bool JsonConnection::parseReply(const Json::Value &reply)
bool success = false;
std::string reason = "No error info";
success = reply.get("success", false).asBool();
if (!success)
reason = reply.get("error", reason).asString();
catch (const std::runtime_error &)
// Some json parsing error: ignore and set parsing error
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
if (!success)
2013-08-18 12:02:17 +02:00
throw std::runtime_error("Error: " + reason);
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
return success;