"InfoDialog_access_text":"Depending on settings level you could adjust more options or get access to more features. Recommended is the \"Default\" level.",
"InfoDialog_iswitch_text":"If you run Hyperion more than once in your local network, you could switch between the web configurations. Select the Hyperion instance below and switch!",
"InfoDialog_iswitch_title":"Hyperion switcher",
"InfoDialog_lang_text":"If you don't like the result of the automatic language detection you could overwrite it here.",
"InfoDialog_lang_title":"Language setting",
"InfoDialog_nowrite_foottext":"The WebUI will be unlocked automatically after you solved the problem!",
"InfoDialog_nowrite_text":"Hyperion can't write to your current loaded configuration file. Please repair the file permissions to proceed.",
"about_3rd_party_licenses_error":"We had trouble collecting 3rd party licenses information from web. <br />Please follow this link to the GitHub Resource.",
"about_builddate":"Build date",
"about_contribute":"Develop Hyperion further with us!",
"about_credits":"Credits to all these developers!",
"about_resources":"$1 libraries",
"conf_colors_blackborder_intro":"Skip black bars wherever they are. Each mode use another detection algorithm which is tuned for special situations. Higher the threshold if it doesn't work for you.",
"conf_colors_color_intro":"Create one or more calibration profiles, adjust each color, brightness, linearization and more.",
"conf_colors_smoothing_intro":"Smoothing flattens color/brightness changes to reduce annoying distraction.",
"conf_effect_bgeff_intro":"Define a background effect/color, which is shown during Hyperion \"idle\". Starts always with priority channel 255.",
"conf_effect_fgeff_intro":"Define a boot-effect or color, which is shown during Hyperion startup for the defined duration.",
"conf_effect_path_intro":"Load effects from the defined paths. Additional you can disable single effects by name to hide them from all effect lists.",
"conf_general_createInst_btn":"Create Instance",
"conf_general_impexp_l1":"Import a configuration by selecting a configuration file below and click on \"Import\".",
"conf_general_impexp_l2":"Export a configuration by clicking on \"Export\". Your browser starts a download.",
"conf_general_inst_delreq_h":"Delete LED Hardware instance",
"conf_general_inst_delreq_t":"Are you sure that you want to delete instance \"$1\"? All settings will be deleted too.",
"conf_general_inst_desc":"Use different LED hardware at the same time. Each instance runs independent of each other which allows different LED layouts and calibration settings. Running instances are available at the top icon bar",
"conf_leds_device_intro":"Hyperion supports a lot of controllers to transmit data to your target device. Select a LED controller out of the sorted list and configure it. We have chosen the best default settings for each device.",
"conf_leds_layout_checkp1":"The black led is your first led, the first led is the point where you input your data signal.",
"conf_leds_layout_checkp2":"The layout is always the front view of your TV, never the back view.",
"conf_leds_layout_checkp3":"Make sure the direction is right. The grey LEDs indicate LED number 2 and 3 to visualise the data direction.",
"conf_leds_layout_checkp4":"Case Gap: To create a gap, ignore it first when you define Top/Bottom/Left/Right and set afterwards your gap length to remove a amount of leds. Modify the gap position until it matches.",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_bottomleft":"Bottom Left (Corner)",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_bottomright":"Bottom Right (Corner)",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_cornergap":"Corner Gap",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_edgegap":"Edge Gap",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_gaglength":"Gap length",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_gappos":"gap position",
"conf_leds_layout_cl_hleddepth":"Horizontal LED depth",
"conf_leds_layout_generatedconf":"Generated/Current LED Configuration",
"conf_leds_layout_intro":"You need also a led layout, which reflects your led positions. The classic layout is the usual used tv frame, but we also support led matrix (led walls) creation. The view on this layout is ALWAYS of the FRONT of your TV.",
"conf_leds_layout_textf1":"This text field shows by default your current loaded layout and will be overwritten if you generate a new one with the options above. Optional you could perform further edits.",
"conf_logging_uplfailed":"Upload failed! Please check your internet connection!",
"conf_logging_uploading":"Prepare data...",
"conf_logging_uplpolicy":"By clicking this button you accept the",
"conf_logging_yourlink":"Link to your report",
"conf_network_bobl_intro":"Receiver for Boblight",
"conf_network_createToken_btn":"Create Token",
"conf_network_fbs_intro":"Google Flatbuffers Receiver. Used for fast image transmission.",
"conf_network_forw_intro":"Forward all input to a second Hyperion instance which could be driven with another led controller",
"conf_network_json_intro":"The JSON-RPC-Port of all Hyperion instances, used for remote control.",
"conf_network_net_intro":"Network related settings which are applied to all network services.",
"conf_network_proto_intro":"The PROTO-Port of all Hyperion instances, used for picture streams (HyperionScreenCap, Kodi Addon, Android Hyperion Grabber, ...)",
"conf_network_tok_desc":"Tokens grant other applications access to the Hyperion API, an application can request a token where you need to accept it or you create them on your own below. These tokens are just required when \"API Authorization\" is enabled in network settings.",
"conf_network_tok_diaMsg":"Here is your new token which can be used to grant an application access to the Hyperion API. For security reasons you can't view it again so use/note it down.",
"conf_network_tok_diaTitle":"New Token created!",
"conf_network_tok_grantMsg":"An App requested a token to get access to the Hyperion API. Do you want to grant access? Please verify the provided information!",
"conf_network_tok_grantT":"App Requests Token",
"conf_network_tok_intro":"Here you can create and delete tokens for API authentication. Created tokens will only be displayed once.",
"dashboard_infobox_label_watchedversionbranch":"Watched version branch:",
"dashboard_infobox_message_updatesuccess":"You run the latest version of Hyperion.",
"dashboard_infobox_message_updatewarning":"A newer version of Hyperion is available! ($1)",
"dashboard_label_intro":"The dashboard give you a quick overview about the status of Hyperion and show you the latest news of the Hyperion Blog.",
"dashboard_message_default_password":"The default password for the WebUi is set. We strongly recommend to change this.",
"dashboard_message_default_password_t":"WebUI default password is set",
"dashboard_message_do_not_show_again":"Do not show this message again",
"dashboard_message_global_setting":"The settings on this page are not depending on a specific instance. Changes will be stored globally for all instances.",
"edt_conf_color_black_expl":"The calibrated black value.",
"edt_conf_color_blue_expl":"The calibrated blue value.",
"edt_conf_color_brightnessComp_expl":"Compensates brightness differences between red green blue, cyan magenta yellow and white. 100 means full compensation, 0 no compensation",
"edt_conf_color_brightness_expl":"set overall brightness of LEDs",
"edt_conf_color_channelAdjustment_header_expl":"Create color profiles that could be assigned to a specific component. Adjust color, gamma, brightness, compensation and more.",
"edt_conf_log_level_expl":"Depending on loglevel you see less or more messages in your log.",
"edt_conf_net_apiAuth_expl":"Enforce all applications that use the Hyperion API to authenticate themself against Hyperion (Exception see \"Local API Authentication\"). Higher security, as you control the access and revoke it at any time.",
"edt_conf_net_internetAccessAPI_expl":"Allow access to the Hyperion API/Webinterface from the internet, disable for higher security.",
"edt_conf_net_internetAccessAPI_title":"Internet API Access",
"edt_conf_net_ipWhitelist_expl":"You can whitelist IP addresses instead allowing all connections from internet to connect to the Hyperion API/Webinterface.",
"edt_conf_v4l2_signalDetection_expl":"If enabled, usb capture will be temporarily disabled when no signal was found. This will happen when the picture fall below the threshold value for a period of 4 seconds.",
"edt_eff_collision_header_desc":"Two color projectiles are sent from random positions and collide with each other",
"edt_eff_colorHour":"Color hour",
"edt_eff_colorMarker":"Marker color",
"edt_eff_colorMinute":"Color minute",
"edt_eff_colorSecond":"Color second",
"edt_eff_colorcount":"Color length",
"edt_eff_colorend":"Color end",
"edt_eff_colorendtime":"Time to hold start color",
"edt_eff_colorevel":"Color level",
"edt_eff_colorone":"Color one",
"edt_eff_colorrandom":"Random color",
"edt_eff_colorshift":"Color Shift",
"edt_eff_colorstart":"Color start",
"edt_eff_colorstarttime":"Time to hold end color",
"edt_eff_colortwo":"Color two",
"edt_eff_customColor":"Custom Color",
"edt_eff_enableSecondSwirl":"Second Swirl",
"edt_eff_enableshutdown":"Real shutdown",
"edt_eff_enum_all-together":"All together",
"edt_eff_enum_list":"LED List",
"edt_eff_explodeRadius":"Detonation Range ",
"edt_eff_fade_header_desc":"Fades between colors",
"edt_eff_fadefactor":"Fade factor",
"edt_eff_fadeintime":"Fade in time",
"edt_eff_fadeouttime":"Fade out time",
"edt_eff_flag_header_desc":"Let your LEDs shine bright in the colours of your country. You can select more than one flag and they will change based on the interval time.",
"edt_eff_fps":"Frames per seconds",
"edt_eff_gif_header_desc":"This effect plays .gif files, provide a simple video like loop as effect.",
"edt_eff_huechange":"Color change",
"edt_eff_image":"Image file",
"edt_eff_knightrider_header":"Knight Rider",
"edt_eff_knightrider_header_desc":"K.I.T.T is back! The front-scanner of the well known car, this time not just in red.",
"edt_eff_lightclock_header_desc":"A real clock as light! Adjust the colors of hours, minute, seconds. A optional 3/6/9/12 o'clock marker is also available. In case the clock is wrong, you need to check your system clock.",
"edt_eff_maintain_end_color":"Keep endcolor",
"edt_eff_markerDepth":"Marker depth",
"edt_eff_markerEnable":"Show Marker",
"edt_eff_markerWidth":"Marker width",
"edt_eff_max_len":"Maximal length",
"edt_eff_min_len":"Minimal length",
"edt_eff_moodblobs_header":"Mood Blobs",
"edt_eff_moodblobs_header_desc":"Relax at the evening with slow moving and color changing blobs.",
"edt_eff_pacman_header_desc":"Small hungry and yellow. Who will survive?",
"edt_eff_plasma_header_desc":"Color distortion in different directions",
"edt_eff_police_header_desc":"Lights like a police car in action",
"edt_eff_snake_header_desc":"Where is something to eat?",
"edt_eff_sparks_header_desc":"Star-Sparking, choose between a static color or random. You could also adjust brightness, saturation and speed.",
"edt_eff_swirl_header":"Color Swirl",
"edt_eff_swirl_header_desc":"A swirl with custom colors. Colors are even spread to 360°, in between colors shifts will be calculated. Additional you can add a second swirl on top, be aware that you need partly transparency! Hint: A repeat of the same color results in a \"higher\" color area and a reduced color shift area.",
"effectsconfigurator_label_intro":"Create out of the base effects new effects that are tuned to your liking. Depending on Effect there are options like color, speed, direction and more available.",
"remote_adjustment_intro":"Modify color/brightness/compensation during runtime. $1",
"remote_adjustment_label":"Color adjustment",
"remote_color_button_reset":"Reset Color/Effect",
"remote_color_intro":"Set an effect or color. Also your self created effects are listed (if available). $1",
"remote_components_intro":"Enable and disable components of Hyperion during runtime. $1",
"remote_components_label":"Components control",
"remote_input_clearall":"Clear all Effects/Colors",
"remote_input_intro":"Hyperion uses a priority system to select a source. Everything you set has a priority (Effect/Color/Platform capture/USB capture and network sources). By default, Hyperion select sources depending on priority (lowest number reflects the current active source). Now you have the opportunity to select sources on your own. $1",
"remote_input_label":"Source Selection",
"remote_input_label_autoselect":"Auto Selection",
"remote_input_setsource_btn":"Select Source",
"remote_input_sourceactiv_btn":"Source active",
"remote_losthint":"Note: All changes are lost after a restart.",
"remote_maptype_intro":"Usually the led layout defines which LED covers a specific picture area, you could change it here: $1.",
"remote_videoMode_intro":"Switch between different video modes to enjoy 3D movies! Supported are all capture devices. $1",
"remote_videoMode_label":"Video mode",
"support_label_affinstr1":"Click on the appropriate link of your country",
"support_label_affinstr2":"Everything you buy (doesn't matter what) we get a small fee based on your turnover",
"support_label_affinstr3":"You ALWAYS pay the same price, there is absolutely no difference. Try it out!",
"support_label_donate":"Donate or use our affiliate links",
"support_label_fbtext":"Share our Hyperion Facebook page and get a notice when new updates are released",
"support_label_forumtext":"Showcases, discussions, help and more",
"support_label_ggtext":"Circle us on Google +!",
"support_label_ghtext":"Visit us on GitHub",
"support_label_igtext":"Visit us on Instagram to watch the latest Hyperion pictures!",
"support_label_intro":"Hyperion is a free non-profit software. A small team is working on it and this is why we need your steady support.",
"support_label_spreadtheword":"Spread the word",
"support_label_title":"Support Hyperion",
"support_label_twtext":"Share and follow on Twitter, be always up to date with latest post about the Hyperion development",
"support_label_webpagetext":"Home of Hyperion",
"support_label_webrestitle":"Information and help resources",
"support_label_wikitext":"The A to Z source for almost everything Hyperion related",
"support_label_yttext":"Bored from pictures? Check out our YouTube channel!",
"update_button_changelog":"Full changelog",
"update_error_getting_versions":"We had trouble determining the latest available Version.",
"update_label_intro":"Overview about all available Hyperion versions. On top you could update or downgrade your version of Hyperion whenever you want. Sorted from newest to oldest",
"update_no_updates_for_branch":"No updates for selected version channel.",
"update_versreminder":"Your version: $1",
"wiz_atmoorb_desc2":"Now choose which Orbs should be added. The position assigns the lamp to a specific position on your \"picture\". Disabled lamps won't be added. To identify single lamps press the button on the right.",
"wiz_atmoorb_intro1":"This wizards configures Hyperion for AtmoOrbs. Features are the AtmoOrb auto detection, setting each light to a specific position on your picture or disable it and optimise the Hyperion settings automatically! So in short: All you need are some clicks and you are done!",
"wiz_atmoorb_title":"AtmoOrb Wizard",
"wiz_cc_adjustgamma":"Gamma: What you have to do is, adjust gamma levels of each channel until you have the same perceived amount of each channel. Hint: Neutral is 1.0! For example, if your Grey is a bit reddish it means that you have to increase red gamma to reduce the amount of red (the more gamma, the less amount of color).",
"wiz_cc_adjustit":"Adjust your \"$1\", until your are fine with it. Take notice: The more you adjust away from the default value the color spectrum will be limited (Also for all colors in between). Depending on TV/LED color spectrum the results will vary.",
"wiz_cc_backlight":"Additional you could define a backlight to sort out \"bad colors\" on nearly dark areas or if you don't like the switch between color and off during watching. Additional you could define if there should be some color in it or just white. This is disabled during the state \"Off\" ,\"Color\" and \"Effect\".",
"wiz_cc_btn_stop":"Stop video",
"wiz_cc_btn_switchpic":"Switch picture",
"wiz_cc_chooseid":"Define a name for this color profile.",
"wiz_cc_intro1":"This wizard will guide you through your led calibration. If you are using Kodi, the calibration pictures and videos can be sent directly to it. Prerequisite: You need to enable \"Allow remote control from applications on other systems\" in Kodi.<br />Alternatively, you might want downloading these files yourself and display them when the wizard asks you to adjust the setting.",
"wiz_cc_kodicon":"Kodi found, proceed with Kodi support.",
"wiz_cololight_desc2":"Now choose which Cololights should be added. To identify single lights, press the button on the right.",
"wiz_cololight_intro1":"This wizards configures Hyperion for the Cololight system. Features are the Cololight auto detection and tune the Hyperion settings automatically! In short: All you need are some clicks and you are done!<br />Note: In case of Cololight Strip, you might need to manually correct the LED count and layout.",
"wiz_cololight_noprops":"Not able to get device properties - Define Hardware LED count manually",
"wiz_guideyou":"The $1 will guide you through the settings. Just press the button!",
"wiz_hue_blinkblue":"Let ID $1 light up blue",
"wiz_hue_create_user":"Create new User",
"wiz_hue_desc1":"It searches automatically for a Hue-Bridge, in case it can't find one you need to provide the IP-address and push the reload button on the right. Now you need a user ID, if you don't have one create a new one.",
"wiz_hue_desc2":"Now choose which lamps should be added. The position assigns the lamp to a specific position on your \"picture\". Disabled lamps won't be added. To identify single lamps press the button on the right.",
"wiz_hue_e_clientkey_needed":"A clientkey that matches the username is required to use the entertainment API. Please enter an existing one or use the button below to create a new one.",
"wiz_hue_e_create_user":"Create new User and clientkey",
"wiz_hue_e_desc1":"It searches automatically for a hue bridge, in case it can't find one you need to provide the ip address and push the reload button on the right. Now you need a user id and the clientkey, if you don't have both, create a new one.",
"wiz_hue_e_desc2":"Now choose your entertainment group, which has all your lights inside for use with Hyperion.",
"wiz_hue_e_desc3":"Now you can choose in which position the respective lamp should be \"in the picture\". A preselection of the position was made based on the configured positions of the lights in the entertainment group. This is just a recommendation and can be customized as desired. You can therefore highlight them briefly by clicking on the right button to improve the selection.",
"wiz_hue_e_intro1":"This wizards configures Hyperion for the well known Philips Hue Entertainment system. Features are: Hue Bridge auto detection, user and clientkey creation, entertainment group selection, setting group lights to a specific position on your picture and optimise the Hyperion settings automatically! So in short: All you need are some clicks and you are done!",
"wiz_hue_e_noapisupport":"The Wizard has disabled entertainment API support and will continue in classic mode.",
"wiz_hue_e_noapisupport_hint":"The option \"<b>Use Hue Entertainment API</b>\" was unchecked.",
"wiz_hue_e_noegrpids":"No entertainment groups in this Hue bridge defined.",
"wiz_hue_e_nogrpids":"This Hue bridge has no groups defined, please create at least one before with the Hue Apps.",
"wiz_hue_e_title":"Philips Hue Entertainment Wizard",
"wiz_hue_e_use_group":"Use group",
"wiz_hue_e_use_groupid":"Use group ID $1",
"wiz_hue_failure_connection":"Timeout: Please press the bridge button within the period of 30 seconds",
"wiz_hue_failure_ip":"No Bridge found, please type in a valid IP-Address",
"wiz_hue_failure_user":"User not found, create a new one with the button below or input a valid user id and press the \"reload\" symbol.",
"wiz_hue_intro1":"This wizards configures Hyperion for the well known Philips Hue system. Features are Hue Bridge auto detection, user creation, set each hue light to a specific position on your picture or disable it and tune the Hyperion settings automatically! So in short: All you need are some clicks and you are done!",
"wiz_hue_ip":"Hue Bridge IP:",
"wiz_hue_noids":"This Hue bridge has no bulbs/stripes, please pair them before with the Hue Apps",
"wiz_hue_press_link":"Please press link button on the Hue Bridge.",
"wiz_rgb_expl":"The color dot switches every x seconds the color (red, green), at the same time your LEDs switch the color too. Answer the questions at the bottom to check/correct your byte order.",
"wiz_rgb_intro1":"This wizard will guide you through the finding process of the correct color order for your leds. Click on continue to begin.",
"wiz_rgb_intro2":"When do you need this wizard? Example: You set the color red, but you get green or blue. You could also use it for first configuration.",
"wiz_rgb_q":"Which color show your LEDs, when the color dot above shows...",
"wiz_rgb_switchevery":"Switch color every...",
"wiz_rgb_title":"RGB Byte Order Wizard",
"wiz_wizavail":"Wizard available",
"wiz_yeelight_desc2":"Now choose which lamps should be added. The position assigns the lamp to a specific position on your \"picture\". Disabled lamps won't be added. To identify single lamps press the button on the right.",
"wiz_yeelight_intro1":"This wizards configures Hyperion for the Yeelight system. Features are the Yeelighs' auto detection, setting each light to a specific position on your picture or disable it and tune the Hyperion settings automatically! So in short: All you need are some clicks and you are done!",