
133 lines
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#pragma once
// stl includes
#include <string>
// Qt includes
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QStringList>
// Hyperion includes
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
// proto includes
#include "message.pb.h"
#include "protoserver/ProtoConnection.h"
class ImageProcessor;
/// The Connection object created by \a ProtoServer when a new connection is establshed
class ProtoClientConnection : public QObject
/// Constructor
/// @param socket The Socket object for this connection
/// @param hyperion The Hyperion server
ProtoClientConnection(QTcpSocket * socket, Hyperion * hyperion, QStringList forwardClientList);
/// Destructor
/// Signal which is emitted when the connection is being closed
/// @param connection This connection object
void connectionClosed(ProtoClientConnection * connection);
private slots:
/// Slot called when new data has arrived
void readData();
/// Slot called when this connection is being closed
void socketClosed();
/// Handle an incoming Proto message
/// @param message the incoming message as string
void handleMessage(const proto::HyperionRequest &message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Color message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleColorCommand(const proto::ColorRequest & message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Image message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleImageCommand(const proto::ImageRequest & message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Clear message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleClearCommand(const proto::ClearRequest & message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Clearall message
void handleClearallCommand();
/// Handle an incoming Proto message of unknown type
void handleNotImplemented();
/// Send a message to the connected client
/// @param message The Proto message to send
void sendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message &message);
/// Send a standard reply indicating success
void sendSuccessReply();
/// Send an error message back to the client
/// @param error String describing the error
void sendErrorReply(const std::string & error);
/// The TCP-Socket that is connected tot the Proto-client
QTcpSocket * _socket;
/// The processor for translating images to led-values
ImageProcessor * _imageProcessor;
/// Link to Hyperion for writing led-values to a priority channel
Hyperion * _hyperion;
/// The buffer used for reading data from the socket
QByteArray _receiveBuffer;
/// Hyperion proto connection object for forwarding
QList<ProtoConnection*> _proxy_connections;