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/* ***********************************************************
* This file was automatically generated on 2013-12-19. *
* *
* Bindings Version 2.0.13 *
* *
* If you have a bugfix for this file and want to commit it, *
* please fix the bug in the generator. You can find a link *
* to the generator git on tinkerforge.com *
#include "ip_connection.h"
* \defgroup BrickletLEDStrip LEDStrip Bricklet
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Device to control up to 320 RGB LEDs
typedef Device LEDStrip;
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Signature: \code void callback(uint16_t length, void *user_data) \endcode
* This callback is triggered directly after a new frame is rendered.
* You should send the data for the next frame directly after this callback
* was triggered.
* For an explanation of the general approach see {@link led_strip_set_rgb_values}.
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* This constant is used to identify a LEDStrip Bricklet.
* The {@link led_strip_get_identity} function and the
* {@link IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE} callback of the IP Connection have a
* \c device_identifier parameter to specify the Brick's or Bricklet's type.
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Creates the device object \c led_strip with the unique device ID \c uid and adds
* it to the IPConnection \c ipcon.
void led_strip_create(LEDStrip *led_strip, const char *uid, IPConnection *ipcon);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Removes the device object \c led_strip from its IPConnection and destroys it.
* The device object cannot be used anymore afterwards.
void led_strip_destroy(LEDStrip *led_strip);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the response expected flag for the function specified by the
* \c function_id parameter. It is *true* if the function is expected to
* send a response, *false* otherwise.
* For getter functions this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled,
* because those functions will always send a response. For callback
* configuration functions it is enabled by default too, but can be disabled
* via the led_strip_set_response_expected function. For setter functions it is
* disabled by default and can be enabled.
* Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to
* detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well.
* The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is
* disabled for a setter function then no response is send and errors are
* silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.
int led_strip_get_response_expected(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint8_t function_id, bool *ret_response_expected);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Changes the response expected flag of the function specified by the
* \c function_id parameter. This flag can only be changed for setter
* (default value: *false*) and callback configuration functions
* (default value: *true*). For getter functions it is always enabled and
* callbacks it is always disabled.
* Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect
* timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device
* will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a
* setter function then no response is send and errors are silently ignored,
* because they cannot be detected.
int led_strip_set_response_expected(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint8_t function_id, bool response_expected);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Changes the response expected flag for all setter and callback configuration
* functions of this device at once.
int led_strip_set_response_expected_all(LEDStrip *led_strip, bool response_expected);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Registers a callback with ID \c id to the function \c callback. The
* \c user_data will be given as a parameter of the callback.
void led_strip_register_callback(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint8_t id, void *callback, void *user_data);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the API version (major, minor, release) of the bindings for this
* device.
int led_strip_get_api_version(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint8_t ret_api_version[3]);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Sets the *rgb* values for the LEDs with the given *length* starting
* from *index*.
* The maximum length is 16, the index goes from 0 to 319 and the rgb values
* have 8 bits each.
* Example: If you set
* * index to 5,
* * length to 3,
* * r to [255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
* * g to [0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] and
* * b to [0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
* the LED with index 5 will be red, 6 will be green and 7 will be blue.
* The colors will be transfered to actual LEDs when the next
* frame duration ends, see {@link led_strip_set_frame_duration}.
* Generic approach:
* * Set the frame duration to a value that represents
* the number of frames per second you want to achieve.
* * Set all of the LED colors for one frame.
* * Wait for the {@link LED_STRIP_CALLBACK_FRAME_RENDERED} callback.
* * Set all of the LED colors for next frame.
* * Wait for the {@link LED_STRIP_CALLBACK_FRAME_RENDERED} callback.
* * and so on.
* This approach ensures that you can change the LED colors with
* a fixed frame rate.
* The actual number of controllable LEDs depends on the number of free
* Bricklet ports. See :ref:`here <led_strip_bricklet_ram_constraints>` for more
* information. A call of {@link led_strip_set_rgb_values} with index + length above the
* bounds is ignored completely.
int led_strip_set_rgb_values(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint16_t index, uint8_t length, uint8_t r[16], uint8_t g[16], uint8_t b[16]);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the rgb with the given *length* starting from the
* given *index*.
* The values are the last values that were set by {@link led_strip_set_rgb_values}.
int led_strip_get_rgb_values(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint16_t index, uint8_t length, uint8_t ret_r[16], uint8_t ret_g[16], uint8_t ret_b[16]);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Sets the frame duration in ms.
* Example: If you want to achieve 20 frames per second, you should
* set the frame duration to 50ms (50ms * 20 = 1 second).
* For an explanation of the general approach see {@link led_strip_set_rgb_values}.
* Default value: 100ms (10 frames per second).
int led_strip_set_frame_duration(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint16_t duration);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the frame duration as set by {@link led_strip_set_frame_duration}.
int led_strip_get_frame_duration(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint16_t *ret_duration);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the current supply voltage of the LEDs. The voltage is given in mV.
int led_strip_get_supply_voltage(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint16_t *ret_voltage);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Sets the frequency of the clock in Hz. The range is 10000Hz (10kHz) up to
* 2000000Hz (2MHz).
* The Bricklet will choose the nearest achievable frequency, which may
* be off by a few Hz. You can get the exact frequency that is used by
* calling {@link led_strip_get_clock_frequency}.
* If you have problems with flickering LEDs, they may be bits flipping. You
* can fix this by either making the connection between the LEDs and the
* Bricklet shorter or by reducing the frequency.
* With a decreasing frequency your maximum frames per second will decrease
* too.
* The default value is 1.66MHz.
* \note
* The frequency in firmware version 2.0.0 is fixed at 2MHz.
* .. versionadded:: 2.0.1~(Plugin)
int led_strip_set_clock_frequency(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint32_t frequency);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the currently used clock frequency.
* .. versionadded:: 2.0.1~(Plugin)
int led_strip_get_clock_frequency(LEDStrip *led_strip, uint32_t *ret_frequency);
* \ingroup BrickletLEDStrip
* Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to,
* the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the
* device identifier.
* The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'd'.
* The device identifiers can be found :ref:`here <device_identifier>`.
* .. versionadded:: 2.0.0~(Plugin)
int led_strip_get_identity(LEDStrip *led_strip, char ret_uid[8], char ret_connected_uid[8], char *ret_position, uint8_t ret_hardware_version[3], uint8_t ret_firmware_version[3], uint16_t *ret_device_identifier);