2019-01-19 18:35:40 +01:00
echo "---Hyperion ambient light preinst ---"
# search for users in system, returns first entry
2019-08-07 15:10:51 +01:00
FOUND_USR=`who | grep -o -m1 '^\w*\b'` || "root"
2019-01-19 18:35:40 +01:00
# stop running daemon before we install
if pgrep hyperiond > /dev/null 2>&1
if grep -m1 systemd /proc/1/comm > /dev/null
echo "--> stop init deamon: systemd"
# systemd
systemctl stop hyperiond"@${FOUND_USR}" 2> /dev/null
elif [ -e /sbin/initctl ]
echo "--> stop init deamon: upstart"
# upstart
initctl stop hyperiond
echo "--> stop init deamon: sysV"
# sysV
service hyperiond stop 2>/dev/null
# In case we don't use a service kill all instances
killall hyperiond 2> /dev/null
exit 0
# getent group $1 && adduser $USR $1;
#check if user exists
#if id $USR >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# echo "--> hyperion user exists, skip creation";
## create user
# echo "--> Create Hyperion user";
# adduser --system --group $USR;
# add user to groups if required
## secondary user groups that are required to access system things
# platform specific groups