
309 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// stl includes
#include <clocale>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
// Qt includes
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QLocale>
// getoptPlusPLus includes
#include <getoptPlusPlus/getoptpp.h>
// hyperion-remote include
#include "CustomParameter.h"
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
#include "JsonConnection.h"
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
using namespace vlofgren;
/// Count the number of true values in a list of booleans
int count(std::initializer_list<bool> values)
int count = 0;
for (bool value : values) {
if (value)
return count;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
<< "hyperion-remote:" << std::endl
<< "\tVersion : " << HYPERION_VERSION << " (" << HYPERION_BUILD_ID << ")" << std::endl
<< "\tbuild time: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << std::endl;
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// force the locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
// some default settings
QString defaultServerAddress = "localhost:19444";
int defaultPriority = 100;
// create the option parser and initialize all parameters
OptionsParser optionParser("Simple application to send a command to hyperion using the Json interface");
ParameterSet & parameters = optionParser.getParameters();
StringParameter & argAddress = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('a', "address" , QString("Set the address of the hyperion server [default: %1]").arg(defaultServerAddress).toLatin1().constData());
IntParameter & argPriority = parameters.add<IntParameter> ('p', "priority" , QString("Use to the provided priority channel (the lower the number, the higher the priority) [default: %1]").arg(defaultPriority).toLatin1().constData());
IntParameter & argDuration = parameters.add<IntParameter> ('d', "duration" , "Specify how long the leds should be switched on in millseconds [default: infinity]");
ColorParameter & argColor = parameters.add<ColorParameter> ('c', "color" , "Set all leds to a constant color (either RRGGBB hex value or a color name. The color may be repeated multiple time like: RRGGBBRRGGBB)");
ImageParameter & argImage = parameters.add<ImageParameter> ('i', "image" , "Set the leds to the colors according to the given image file");
StringParameter & argEffect = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('e', "effect" , "Enable the effect with the given name");
StringParameter & argEffectArgs = parameters.add<StringParameter> (0x0, "effectArgs", "Arguments to use in combination with the specified effect. Should be a Json object string.");
SwitchParameter<> & argServerInfo = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('l', "list" , "List server info and active effects with priority and duration");
SwitchParameter<> & argClear = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('x', "clear" , "Clear data for the priority channel provided by the -p option");
SwitchParameter<> & argClearAll = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "clearall" , "Clear data for all active priority channels");
StringParameter & argEnableComponent = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('E', "enable" , "Enable the Component with the given name. Available Components are [SMOOTHING, BLACKBORDER, KODICHECKER, FORWARDER, UDPLISTENER, BOBLIGHT_SERVER, GRABBER]");
StringParameter & argDisableComponent = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('D', "disable" , "Disable the Component with the given name. Available Components are [SMOOTHING, BLACKBORDER, KODICHECKER, FORWARDER, UDPLISTENER, BOBLIGHT_SERVER, GRABBER]");
StringParameter & argId = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('q', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the transform to set");
DoubleParameter & argSaturation = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('s', "saturation", "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the HSV saturation gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argValue = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('v', "value" , "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the HSV value gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argSaturationL = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('u', "saturationL", "Set the HSL saturation gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argLuminance = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('m', "luminance" , "Set the HSL luminance gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argLuminanceMin= parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('n', "luminanceMin" , "Set the HSL luminance minimum of the leds (backlight)");
TransformParameter & argGamma = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('g', "gamma" , "Set the gamma of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values)");
TransformParameter & argThreshold = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('t', "threshold" , "Set the threshold of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0.0 and 1.0)");
TransformParameter & argBlacklevel = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('b', "blacklevel", "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the blacklevel of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values which are normally between 0.0 and 1.0)");
TransformParameter & argWhitelevel = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('w', "whitelevel", "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the whitelevel of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values which are normally between 0.0 and 1.0)");
SwitchParameter<> & argPrint = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "print" , "Print the json input and output messages on stdout");
SwitchParameter<> & argHelp = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('h', "help" , "Show this help message and exit");
StringParameter & argIdC = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('y', "qualifier" , "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Identifier(qualifier) of the correction to set");
CorrectionParameter & argCorrection = parameters.add<CorrectionParameter>('Y', "correction" , "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the correction of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
StringParameter & argIdT = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('z', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the temperature correction to set");
CorrectionParameter & argTemperature= parameters.add<CorrectionParameter>('Z', "temperature" , "Set the temperature correction of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
StringParameter & argIdA = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('j', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the adjustment to set");
AdjustmentParameter & argRAdjust = parameters.add<AdjustmentParameter>('R', "redAdjustment" , "Set the adjustment of the red color (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
AdjustmentParameter & argGAdjust = parameters.add<AdjustmentParameter>('G', "greenAdjustment", "Set the adjustment of the green color (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
AdjustmentParameter & argBAdjust = parameters.add<AdjustmentParameter>('B', "blueAdjustment", "Set the adjustment of the blue color (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
IntParameter & argSource = parameters.add<IntParameter> (0x0, "sourceSelect" , "Set current active priority channel and deactivate auto source switching");
SwitchParameter<> & argSourceAuto = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "sourceAutoSelect", "Enables auto source, if disabled prio by manual selecting input source");
SwitchParameter<> & argSourceOff = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "sourceOff", "select no source, this results in leds activly set to black (=off)");
SwitchParameter<> & argConfigGet = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "configGet" , "Print the current loaded Hyperion configuration file");
SwitchParameter<> & argSchemaGet = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "schemaGet" , "Print the json schema for Hyperion configuration");
StringParameter & argConfigSet = parameters.add<StringParameter>('W', "configSet", "Write to the actual loaded configuration file. Should be a Json object string.");
SwitchParameter<> & argCreate = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "createkeys", "Create non exist Json Entry(s) in the actual loaded configuration file. Argument to use in combination with configSet.");
// set the default values
// parse all options
optionParser.parse(argc, const_cast<const char **>(argv));
// check if we need to display the usage. exit if we do.
if (argHelp.isSet())
return 0;
// check if at least one of the available color transforms is set
bool colorTransform = argSaturation.isSet() || argValue.isSet() || argSaturationL.isSet() || argLuminance.isSet() || argLuminanceMin.isSet() || argThreshold.isSet() || argGamma.isSet() || argBlacklevel.isSet() || argWhitelevel.isSet();
bool colorAdjust = argRAdjust.isSet() || argGAdjust.isSet() || argBAdjust.isSet();
bool colorModding = colorTransform || colorAdjust || argCorrection.isSet() || argTemperature.isSet();
// check that exactly one command was given
int commandCount = count({
argColor.isSet(), argImage.isSet(), argEffect.isSet(), argServerInfo.isSet(), argClear.isSet(), argClearAll.isSet(), argEnableComponent.isSet(),
argDisableComponent.isSet(), colorModding, argSource.isSet(), argSourceAuto.isSet(), argSourceOff.isSet(), argSchemaGet.isSet(), argConfigGet.isSet(),
if (commandCount != 1)
std::cerr << (commandCount == 0 ? "No command found." : "Multiple commands found.") << " Provide exactly one of the following options:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argColor.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argImage.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argEffect.usageLine() << std::endl;
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
std::cerr << " " << argServerInfo.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argClear.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argClearAll.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argEnableComponent.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argDisableComponent.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argSource.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argSourceAuto.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argConfigGet.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argSchemaGet.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argConfigSet.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "or one or more of the available color modding operations:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argId.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argSaturation.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argValue.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argSaturationL.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argLuminance.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argLuminanceMin.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argThreshold.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argGamma.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argBlacklevel.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argWhitelevel.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argIdC.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argCorrection.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argIdT.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argTemperature.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argIdA.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argRAdjust.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argGAdjust.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argBAdjust.usageLine() << std::endl;
return 1;
// create the connection to the hyperion server
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
JsonConnection connection(argAddress.getValue(), argPrint.isSet());
// now execute the given command
if (argColor.isSet())
connection.setColor(argColor.getValue(), argPriority.getValue(), argDuration.getValue());
else if (argImage.isSet())
connection.setImage(argImage.getValue(), argPriority.getValue(), argDuration.getValue());
else if (argEffect.isSet())
connection.setEffect(argEffect.getValue(), argEffectArgs.getValue(), argPriority.getValue(), argDuration.getValue());
else if (argServerInfo.isSet())
2013-08-17 11:54:16 +02:00
QString info = connection.getServerInfo();
std::cout << "Server info:\n" << info.toStdString() << std::endl;
else if (argClear.isSet())
else if (argClearAll.isSet())
else if (argEnableComponent.isSet())
connection.setComponentState(argEnableComponent.getValue(), true);
else if (argDisableComponent.isSet())
connection.setComponentState(argDisableComponent.getValue(), false);
else if (argSourceOff.isSet())
else if (argSource.isSet())
else if (argSourceAuto.isSet())
else if (argConfigGet.isSet())
QString info = connection.getConfig("config");
std::cout << "Configuration:\n" << info.toStdString() << std::endl;
else if (argSchemaGet.isSet())
QString info = connection.getConfig("schema");
std::cout << "Configuration Schema\n" << info.toStdString() << std::endl;
else if (argConfigSet.isSet())
connection.setConfig(argConfigSet.getValue(), argCreate.isSet());
else if (colorModding)
if (argCorrection.isSet())
std::string corrId;
ColorCorrectionValues correction;
if (argIdC.isSet()) corrId = argIdC.getValue();
if (argCorrection.isSet()) correction = argCorrection.getValue();
argIdC.isSet() ? &corrId : nullptr,
argCorrection.isSet() ? &correction : nullptr);
if (argTemperature.isSet())
std::string tempId;
ColorCorrectionValues temperature;
if (argIdT.isSet()) tempId = argIdT.getValue();
if (argTemperature.isSet()) temperature = argTemperature.getValue();
argIdT.isSet() ? &tempId : nullptr,
argTemperature.isSet() ? &temperature : nullptr);
if (colorAdjust)
std::string adjustId;
ColorAdjustmentValues redChannel, greenChannel, blueChannel;
if (argIdA.isSet()) adjustId = argIdA.getValue();
if (argRAdjust.isSet()) redChannel = argRAdjust.getValue();
if (argGAdjust.isSet()) greenChannel = argGAdjust.getValue();
if (argBAdjust.isSet()) blueChannel = argBAdjust.getValue();
argIdA.isSet() ? &adjustId : nullptr,
argRAdjust.isSet() ? &redChannel : nullptr,
argGAdjust.isSet() ? &greenChannel : nullptr,
argBAdjust.isSet() ? &blueChannel : nullptr);
if (colorTransform)
std::string transId;
double saturation, value, saturationL, luminance, luminanceMin;
ColorTransformValues threshold, gamma, blacklevel, whitelevel;
if (argId.isSet()) transId = argId.getValue();
if (argSaturation.isSet()) saturation = argSaturation.getValue();
if (argValue.isSet()) value = argValue.getValue();
if (argSaturationL.isSet()) saturationL = argSaturationL.getValue();
if (argLuminance.isSet()) luminance = argLuminance.getValue();
if (argLuminanceMin.isSet()) luminanceMin = argLuminanceMin.getValue();
if (argThreshold.isSet()) threshold = argThreshold.getValue();
if (argGamma.isSet()) gamma = argGamma.getValue();
if (argBlacklevel.isSet()) blacklevel = argBlacklevel.getValue();
if (argWhitelevel.isSet()) whitelevel = argWhitelevel.getValue();
argId.isSet() ? &transId : nullptr,
argSaturation.isSet() ? &saturation : nullptr,
argValue.isSet() ? &value : nullptr,
argSaturationL.isSet() ? &saturationL : nullptr,
argLuminance.isSet() ? &luminance : nullptr,
argLuminanceMin.isSet() ? &luminanceMin : nullptr,
argThreshold.isSet() ? &threshold : nullptr,
argGamma.isSet() ? &gamma : nullptr,
argBlacklevel.isSet() ? &blacklevel : nullptr,
argWhitelevel.isSet() ? &whitelevel : nullptr);
catch (const std::runtime_error & e)
// An error occured. Display error and quit
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;