mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
Config refactoring fixes (#1799)
* Correct JS requestConfig call * Update requestWriteConfig to new API format * Add hyperion-light and bare-minimum preset scenarios
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,60 @@
"BUILDCACHE_DIR": "${sourceDir}/.buildcache"
"name": "hyperion-light",
"hidden": true,
"cacheVariables": {
"name": "hyperion-bare-minimum",
"hidden": true,
"cacheVariables": {
// Disable Grabbers
"ENABLE_X11": "OFF",
// LED-Devices
// Disable Input Servers
// Disable Output Connectors
// Disable Services
"name": "debug",
"hidden": true,
@ -34,35 +34,29 @@ tokenList = {};
const ENDLESS = -1;
function initRestart()
function initRestart() {
window.watchdog = 10;
function connectionLostDetection(type)
if ( window.watchdog > 2 )
var interval_id = window.setInterval(function(){clearInterval(interval_id);}, 9999); // Get a reference to the last
function connectionLostDetection(type) {
if (window.watchdog > 2) {
var interval_id = window.setInterval(function () { clearInterval(interval_id); }, 9999); // Get a reference to the last
for (var i = 1; i < interval_id; i++)
if(type == 'restart')
if (type == 'restart') {
// setTimeout delay for probably slower systems, some browser don't execute THIS action
setTimeout(restartAction, 250);
else {
$.get( "/cgi/cfg_jsonserver", function() {window.watchdog=0}).fail(function() {window.watchdog++;});
else {
$.get("/cgi/cfg_jsonserver", function () { window.watchdog = 0 }).fail(function () { window.watchdog++; });
@ -70,25 +64,22 @@ setInterval(connectionLostDetection, 3000);
// init websocket to hyperion and bind socket events to jquery events of $(hyperion) object
function initWebSocket()
if ("WebSocket" in window)
if (window.websocket == null)
function initWebSocket() {
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
if (window.websocket == null) {
window.jsonPort = '';
if(document.location.port == '' && document.location.protocol == "http:")
if (document.location.port == '' && document.location.protocol == "http:")
window.jsonPort = '80';
else if (document.location.port == '' && document.location.protocol == "https:")
window.jsonPort = '443';
window.jsonPort = document.location.port;
window.websocket = (document.location.protocol == "https:") ? new WebSocket('wss://'+document.location.hostname+":"+window.jsonPort) : new WebSocket('ws://'+document.location.hostname+":"+window.jsonPort);
window.websocket = (document.location.protocol == "https:") ? new WebSocket('wss://' + document.location.hostname + ":" + window.jsonPort) : new WebSocket('ws://' + document.location.hostname + ":" + window.jsonPort);
window.websocket.onopen = function (event) {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "open" });
$(window.hyperion).on("cmd-serverinfo", function(event) {
$(window.hyperion).on("cmd-serverinfo", function (event) {
window.watchdog = 0;
@ -96,8 +87,7 @@ function initWebSocket()
window.websocket.onclose = function (event) {
// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1
var reason;
switch (event.code) {
case 1000: reason = "Normal closure, meaning that the purpose for which the connection was established has been fulfilled."; break;
case 1001: reason = "An endpoint is \"going away\", such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page."; break;
case 1002: reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error"; break;
@ -113,72 +103,66 @@ function initWebSocket()
case 1015: reason = "The connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate can't be verified)."; break;
default: reason = "Unknown reason";
$(window.hyperion).trigger({type:"close", reason:reason});
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "close", reason: reason });
window.watchdog = 10;
window.websocket.onmessage = function (event) {
try {
var response = JSON.parse(event.data);
var success = response.success;
var cmd = response.command;
var tan = response.tan
if (success || typeof(success) == "undefined")
$(window.hyperion).trigger({type:"cmd-"+cmd, response:response});
if (success || typeof (success) == "undefined") {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "cmd-" + cmd, response: response });
// skip tan -1 error handling
if(tan != -1){
var error = response.hasOwnProperty("error")? response.error : "unknown";
if (error == "Service Unavailable") {
} else {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({type:"error", reason:error});
let errorData = response.hasOwnProperty("errorData")? response.errorData : "";
console.log("[window.websocket::onmessage] ",error, ", Description:", errorData);
else {
// skip tan -1 error handling
if (tan != -1) {
var error = response.hasOwnProperty("error") ? response.error : "unknown";
if (error == "Service Unavailable") {
} else {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "error", reason: error });
let errorData = response.hasOwnProperty("errorData") ? response.errorData : "";
console.log("[window.websocket::onmessage] ", error, ", Description:", errorData);
console.log("[window.websocket::onmessage] ",exception_error)
catch (exception_error) {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "error", reason: exception_error });
console.log("[window.websocket::onmessage] ", exception_error)
window.websocket.onerror = function (error) {
console.log("[window.websocket::onerror] ",error)
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "error", reason: error });
console.log("[window.websocket::onerror] ", error)
else {
alert("Websocket is not supported by your browser");
function sendToHyperion(command, subcommand, msg)
function sendToHyperion(command, subcommand, msg) {
if (typeof subcommand != 'undefined' && subcommand.length > 0)
subcommand = ',"subcommand":"'+subcommand+'"';
subcommand = ',"subcommand":"' + subcommand + '"';
subcommand = "";
if (typeof msg != 'undefined' && msg.length > 0)
msg = ","+msg;
msg = "," + msg;
msg = "";
window.wsTan = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
window.websocket.send('{"command":"'+command+'", "tan":'+window.wsTan+subcommand+msg+'}');
window.wsTan = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
window.websocket.send('{"command":"' + command + '", "tan":' + window.wsTan + subcommand + msg + '}');
// Send a json message to Hyperion and wait for a matching response
@ -188,9 +172,9 @@ function sendToHyperion(command, subcommand, msg)
// data: The json data as Object
// tan: The optional tan, default 1. If the tan is -1, we skip global response error handling
// Returns data of response or false if timeout
async function sendAsyncToHyperion (command, subcommand, data, tan = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) ) {
async function sendAsyncToHyperion(command, subcommand, data, tan = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)) {
let obj = { command, tan }
if (subcommand) {Object.assign(obj, {subcommand})}
if (subcommand) { Object.assign(obj, { subcommand }) }
if (data) { Object.assign(obj, data) }
//if (process.env.DEV || sstore.getters['common/getDebugState']) console.log('SENDAS', obj)
@ -200,7 +184,7 @@ async function sendAsyncToHyperion (command, subcommand, data, tan = Math.floor(
// Send a json message to Hyperion and wait for a matching response
// A response matches, when command(+subcommand) of request and response is the same
// Returns data of response or false if timeout
async function __sendAsync (data) {
async function __sendAsync(data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let cmd = data.command
let subc = data.subcommand
@ -213,7 +197,7 @@ async function __sendAsync (data) {
try {
rdata = JSON.parse(e.data)
} catch (error) {
console.error("[window.websocket::onmessage] ",error)
console.error("[window.websocket::onmessage] ", error)
if (rdata.command == cmd && rdata.tan == tan) {
@ -232,279 +216,273 @@ async function __sendAsync (data) {
// wrapped server commands
// Test if admin requires authentication
function requestRequiresAdminAuth()
function requestRequiresAdminAuth() {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "adminRequired");
// Test if the default password needs to be changed
function requestRequiresDefaultPasswortChange()
function requestRequiresDefaultPasswortChange() {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "newPasswordRequired");
// Change password
function requestChangePassword(oldPw, newPw)
sendToHyperion("authorize","newPassword",'"password": "'+oldPw+'", "newPassword":"'+newPw+'"');
function requestChangePassword(oldPw, newPw) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "newPassword", '"password": "' + oldPw + '", "newPassword":"' + newPw + '"');
function requestAuthorization(password)
sendToHyperion("authorize","login",'"password": "' + password + '"');
function requestAuthorization(password) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "login", '"password": "' + password + '"');
function requestTokenAuthorization(token)
sendToHyperion("authorize","login",'"token": "' + token + '"');
function requestTokenAuthorization(token) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "login", '"token": "' + token + '"');
function requestToken(comment)
sendToHyperion("authorize","createToken",'"comment": "'+comment+'"');
function requestToken(comment) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "createToken", '"comment": "' + comment + '"');
function requestTokenInfo()
function requestTokenInfo() {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "getTokenList", "");
function requestGetPendingTokenRequests (id, state) {
function requestGetPendingTokenRequests(id, state) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "getPendingTokenRequests", "");
function requestHandleTokenRequest(id, state)
sendToHyperion("authorize","answerRequest",'"id":"'+id+'", "accept":'+state);
function requestHandleTokenRequest(id, state) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "answerRequest", '"id":"' + id + '", "accept":' + state);
function requestTokenDelete(id)
function requestTokenDelete(id) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "deleteToken", '"id":"' + id + '"');
function requestInstanceRename(inst, name)
sendToHyperion("instance", "saveName",'"instance": '+inst+', "name": "'+name+'"');
function requestInstanceRename(inst, name) {
sendToHyperion("instance", "saveName", '"instance": ' + inst + ', "name": "' + name + '"');
function requestInstanceStartStop(inst, start)
sendToHyperion("instance","startInstance",'"instance": '+inst);
function requestInstanceStartStop(inst, start) {
if (start)
sendToHyperion("instance", "startInstance", '"instance": ' + inst);
sendToHyperion("instance","stopInstance",'"instance": '+inst);
sendToHyperion("instance", "stopInstance", '"instance": ' + inst);
function requestInstanceDelete(inst)
sendToHyperion("instance","deleteInstance",'"instance": '+inst);
function requestInstanceDelete(inst) {
sendToHyperion("instance", "deleteInstance", '"instance": ' + inst);
function requestInstanceCreate(name)
sendToHyperion("instance","createInstance",'"name": "'+name+'"');
function requestInstanceCreate(name) {
sendToHyperion("instance", "createInstance", '"name": "' + name + '"');
function requestInstanceSwitch(inst)
sendToHyperion("instance","switchTo",'"instance": '+inst);
function requestInstanceSwitch(inst) {
sendToHyperion("instance", "switchTo", '"instance": ' + inst);
function requestServerInfo()
sendToHyperion("serverinfo","",'"subscribe":["components-update", "priorities-update", "imageToLedMapping-update", "adjustment-update", "videomode-update", "effects-update", "settings-update", "instance-update"]');
function requestServerInfo() {
sendToHyperion("serverinfo", "", '"subscribe":["components-update", "priorities-update", "imageToLedMapping-update", "adjustment-update", "videomode-update", "effects-update", "settings-update", "instance-update"]');
function requestSysInfo()
function requestSysInfo() {
function requestSystemSuspend()
function requestSystemSuspend() {
sendToHyperion("system", "suspend");
function requestSystemResume()
function requestSystemResume() {
sendToHyperion("system", "resume");
function requestSystemRestart()
function requestSystemRestart() {
sendToHyperion("system", "restart");
function requestServerConfigSchema()
function requestServerConfigSchema() {
sendToHyperion("config", "getschema");
function requestServerConfig()
function requestServerConfig() {
sendToHyperion("config", "getconfig");
function requestServerConfigOld()
function requestServerConfigOld() {
sendToHyperion("config", "getconfig-old");
function requestServerConfigReload()
function requestServerConfigReload() {
sendToHyperion("config", "reload");
function requestLedColorsStart()
function requestLedColorsStart() {
window.ledStreamActive = true;
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "ledstream-start");
function requestLedColorsStop()
function requestLedColorsStop() {
window.ledStreamActive = false;
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "ledstream-stop");
function requestLedImageStart()
function requestLedImageStart() {
window.imageStreamActive = true;
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "imagestream-start");
function requestLedImageStop()
function requestLedImageStop() {
window.imageStreamActive = false;
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "imagestream-stop");
function requestPriorityClear(prio)
if(typeof prio !== 'number')
function requestPriorityClear(prio) {
if (typeof prio !== 'number')
prio = window.webPrio;
sendToHyperion("clear", "", '"priority":'+prio+'');
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "stopBrowerScreenCapture" });
sendToHyperion("clear", "", '"priority":' + prio + '');
function requestClearAll()
function requestClearAll() {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "stopBrowerScreenCapture" });
function requestPlayEffect(effectName, duration)
sendToHyperion("effect", "", '"effect":{"name":"'+effectName+'"},"priority":'+window.webPrio+',"duration":'+validateDuration(duration)+',"origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'"');
function requestPlayEffect(effectName, duration) {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "stopBrowerScreenCapture" });
sendToHyperion("effect", "", '"effect":{"name":"' + effectName + '"},"priority":' + window.webPrio + ',"duration":' + validateDuration(duration) + ',"origin":"' + window.webOrigin + '"');
function requestSetColor(r,g,b,duration)
sendToHyperion("color", "", '"color":['+r+','+g+','+b+'], "priority":'+window.webPrio+',"duration":'+validateDuration(duration)+',"origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'"');
function requestSetColor(r, g, b, duration) {
$(window.hyperion).trigger({ type: "stopBrowerScreenCapture" });
sendToHyperion("color", "", '"color":[' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + '], "priority":' + window.webPrio + ',"duration":' + validateDuration(duration) + ',"origin":"' + window.webOrigin + '"');
function requestSetImage(data,duration,name)
sendToHyperion("image", "", '"imagedata":"'+data+'", "priority":'+window.webPrio+',"duration":'+validateDuration(duration)+', "format":"auto", "origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'", "name":"'+name+'"');
function requestSetImage(data, duration, name) {
sendToHyperion("image", "", '"imagedata":"' + data + '", "priority":' + window.webPrio + ',"duration":' + validateDuration(duration) + ', "format":"auto", "origin":"' + window.webOrigin + '", "name":"' + name + '"');
function requestSetComponentState(comp, state)
function requestSetComponentState(comp, state) {
var state_str = state ? "true" : "false";
sendToHyperion("componentstate", "", '"componentstate":{"component":"'+comp+'","state":'+state_str+'}');
sendToHyperion("componentstate", "", '"componentstate":{"component":"' + comp + '","state":' + state_str + '}');
function requestSetSource(prio)
if ( prio == "auto" )
function requestSetSource(prio) {
if (prio == "auto")
sendToHyperion("sourceselect", "", '"auto":true');
sendToHyperion("sourceselect", "", '"priority":'+prio);
sendToHyperion("sourceselect", "", '"priority":' + prio);
function requestWriteConfig(config, full)
if(full === true)
window.serverConfig = config;
jQuery.each(config, function(i, val) {
window.serverConfig[i] = val;
// Function to transform the legacy config into thee new API format
function transformConfig(configInput, instanceId = 0) {
const globalConfig = {};
const instanceSettings = {};
// Populate globalConfig and instanceSettings based on the specified properties
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(configInput)) {
if (window.schema.propertiesTypes.globalProperties.includes(key)) {
globalConfig[key] = value;
} else if (window.schema.propertiesTypes.instanceProperties.includes(key)) {
instanceSettings[key] = value;
sendToHyperion("config","setconfig", '"config":'+JSON.stringify(window.serverConfig));
// Initialize the final transformed configuration
const transformedConfig = {};
// Add `global` only if it has properties
if (Object.keys(globalConfig).length > 0) {
transformedConfig.global = { settings: globalConfig };
// Add `instance` only if there are instance settings
if (Object.keys(instanceSettings).length > 0) {
transformedConfig.instances = [
id: instanceId,
settings: instanceSettings
return transformedConfig;
function requestWriteConfig(singleInstanceConfig, full) {
let newConfig = "";
const instance = Number(window.currentHyperionInstance);
if (full === true) {
window.serverConfig = singleInstanceConfig;
newConfig = transformConfig(window.serverConfig, instance);
else {
jQuery.each(singleInstanceConfig, function (i, val) {
window.serverConfig[i] = val;
newConfig = transformConfig(singleInstanceConfig, instance);
sendToHyperion("config", "setconfig", '"config":' + JSON.stringify(newConfig));
function requestRestoreConfig(config) {
sendToHyperion("config", "restoreconfig", '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config));
function requestWriteEffect(effectName,effectPy,effectArgs,data)
function requestWriteEffect(effectName, effectPy, effectArgs, data) {
var cutArgs = effectArgs.slice(1, -1);
sendToHyperion("create-effect", "", '"name":"'+effectName+'", "script":"'+effectPy+'", '+cutArgs+',"imageData":"'+data+'"');
sendToHyperion("create-effect", "", '"name":"' + effectName + '", "script":"' + effectPy + '", ' + cutArgs + ',"imageData":"' + data + '"');
function requestTestEffect(effectName,effectPy,effectArgs,data)
sendToHyperion("effect", "", '"effect":{"name":"'+effectName+'", "args":'+effectArgs+'}, "priority":'+window.webPrio+', "origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'", "pythonScript":"'+effectPy+'", "imageData":"'+data+'"');
function requestTestEffect(effectName, effectPy, effectArgs, data) {
sendToHyperion("effect", "", '"effect":{"name":"' + effectName + '", "args":' + effectArgs + '}, "priority":' + window.webPrio + ', "origin":"' + window.webOrigin + '", "pythonScript":"' + effectPy + '", "imageData":"' + data + '"');
function requestDeleteEffect(effectName)
sendToHyperion("delete-effect", "", '"name":"'+effectName+'"');
function requestDeleteEffect(effectName) {
sendToHyperion("delete-effect", "", '"name":"' + effectName + '"');
function requestLoggingStart()
function requestLoggingStart() {
window.loggingStreamActive = true;
sendToHyperion("logging", "start");
function requestLoggingStop()
function requestLoggingStop() {
window.loggingStreamActive = false;
sendToHyperion("logging", "stop");
function requestMappingType(type)
sendToHyperion("processing", "", '"mappingType": "'+type+'"');
function requestMappingType(type) {
sendToHyperion("processing", "", '"mappingType": "' + type + '"');
function requestVideoMode(newMode)
sendToHyperion("videomode", "", '"videoMode": "'+newMode+'"');
function requestVideoMode(newMode) {
sendToHyperion("videomode", "", '"videoMode": "' + newMode + '"');
function requestAdjustment(type, value, complete)
if(complete === true)
sendToHyperion("adjustment", "", '"adjustment": '+type+'');
function requestAdjustment(type, value, complete) {
if (complete === true)
sendToHyperion("adjustment", "", '"adjustment": ' + type + '');
sendToHyperion("adjustment", "", '"adjustment": {"'+type+'": '+value+'}');
sendToHyperion("adjustment", "", '"adjustment": {"' + type + '": ' + value + '}');
async function requestLedDeviceDiscovery(type, params)
async function requestLedDeviceDiscovery(type, params) {
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "discover", data);
async function requestLedDeviceProperties(type, params)
async function requestLedDeviceProperties(type, params) {
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "getProperties", data);
function requestLedDeviceIdentification(type, params)
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
function requestLedDeviceIdentification(type, params) {
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "identify", data);
@ -528,9 +506,9 @@ async function requestServiceDiscovery(type, params) {
async function requestConfig(globalTypes, instances, instanceTypes) {
let globalFilter = { "global": { "types": globalTypes } };
let globalFilter = { "global": { "types": globalTypes } };
let instanceFilter = { "instances": { "ids": instances, "types": instanceTypes } };
let filter = { "configFilter" : globalFilter, instanceFilter };
let filter = { "configFilter": { globalFilter, instanceFilter } };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("config", "getconfig", filter);
@ -43,9 +43,7 @@
"config": {
"required": false,
"$ref": "schema-settings-full-relaxed.json",
"required": false,
"$ref": "schema-settings-ui.json"
"$ref": "schema-settings-full-relaxed.json"
"additionalProperties": false
@ -736,90 +736,64 @@ void JsonAPI::handleConfigSetCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCo
QJsonObject config = message["config"].toObject();
if (config.contains("global") || config.contains("instances"))
QStringList errorDetails;
QMap<quint8, QJsonObject> instancesNewConfigs;
const QJsonArray instances = config["instances"].toArray();
if (!instances.isEmpty())
QList<quint8> configuredInstanceIds = _instanceManager->getInstanceIds();
for (const auto &instance : instances)
QJsonObject instanceObject = instance.toObject();
const QJsonValue idx = instanceObject["id"];
if (idx.isDouble())
quint8 instanceId = static_cast<quint8>(idx.toInt());
if (configuredInstanceIds.contains(instanceId))
errorDetails.append(QString("Given instance id '%1' does not exist. Configuration item will be ignored").arg(instanceId));
const QJsonObject globalSettings = config["global"].toObject().value("settings").toObject();
if (!globalSettings.isEmpty())
const QJsonObject instanceZeroConfig = instancesNewConfigs.value(0);
instancesNewConfigs.insert(0, JsonUtils::mergeJsonObjects(instanceZeroConfig, globalSettings));
QMapIterator<quint8, QJsonObject> i (instancesNewConfigs);
while (i.hasNext()) {
quint8 idx = i.key();
Hyperion* instance = HyperionIManager::getInstance()->getHyperionInstance(idx);
QPair<bool, QStringList> isSaved = instance->saveSettings(i.value());
if (!errorDetails.isEmpty())
sendErrorReply("Update configuration failed", errorDetails, cmd);
if (config.isEmpty())
sendErrorReply("Update configuration failed", {"No configuration data provided!"}, cmd);
//Backward compatability until UI mesages are updated
if (API::isHyperionEnabled())
QStringList errorDetails;
QMap<quint8, QJsonObject> instancesNewConfigs;
const QJsonArray instances = config["instances"].toArray();
if (!instances.isEmpty())
QStringList errorDetails;
QPair<bool, QStringList> isSaved = _hyperion->saveSettings(config);
if (!errorDetails.isEmpty())
QList<quint8> configuredInstanceIds = _instanceManager->getInstanceIds();
for (const auto &instance : instances)
sendErrorReply("Save settings failed", errorDetails, cmd);
QJsonObject instanceObject = instance.toObject();
const QJsonValue idx = instanceObject["id"];
if (idx.isDouble())
quint8 instanceId = static_cast<quint8>(idx.toInt());
if (configuredInstanceIds.contains(instanceId))
errorDetails.append(QString("Given instance id '%1' does not exist. Configuration item will be ignored").arg(instanceId));
const QJsonObject globalSettings = config["global"].toObject().value("settings").toObject();
if (!globalSettings.isEmpty())
sendErrorReply("Updating the configuration while Hyperion is disabled is not possible", cmd);
const QJsonObject instanceZeroConfig = instancesNewConfigs.value(0);
instancesNewConfigs.insert(0, JsonUtils::mergeJsonObjects(instanceZeroConfig, globalSettings));
QMapIterator<quint8, QJsonObject> i (instancesNewConfigs);
while (i.hasNext()) {
quint8 idx = i.key();
Hyperion* instance = HyperionIManager::getInstance()->getHyperionInstance(idx);
QPair<bool, QStringList> isSaved = instance->saveSettings(i.value());
if (!errorDetails.isEmpty())
sendErrorReply("Update configuration failed", errorDetails, cmd);
void JsonAPI::handleConfigGetCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd)
@ -943,6 +917,21 @@ void JsonAPI::handleSchemaGetCommand(const QJsonObject& /*message*/, const JsonA
alldevices = LedDeviceWrapper::getLedDeviceSchemas();
properties.insert("alldevices", alldevices);
// Add infor about the type of setting elements
QJsonObject settingTypes;
QJsonArray globalSettingTypes;
for (const QString &type : SettingsTable().getGlobalSettingTypes()) {
settingTypes.insert("globalProperties", globalSettingTypes);
QJsonArray instanceSettingTypes;
for (const QString &type : SettingsTable().getInstanceSettingTypes()) {
settingTypes.insert("instanceProperties", instanceSettingTypes);
properties.insert("propertiesTypes", settingTypes);
// collect all available effect schemas
QJsonArray schemaList;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user