The slot in the websocket client will now run through until there are no more data in the buffer

Signed-off-by: Paulchen-Panther <>
This commit is contained in:
Paulchen-Panther 2019-07-21 15:03:50 +02:00
parent 370e1b5f45
commit 96d79cdef6
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 84E3B692456B6840
14 changed files with 652 additions and 661 deletions

View File

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
createCP('cp2', cpcolor, function(rgbT,hex){
rgb = rgbT;
setStorage('rmcpcolor', hex);

View File

@ -180,8 +180,6 @@ void LinearColorSmoothing::componentStateChange(const hyperion::Components compo
void LinearColorSmoothing::setEnable(bool enable)
if (!enable)

View File

@ -27,93 +27,131 @@ QtHttpClientWrapper::QtHttpClientWrapper (QTcpSocket * sock, const bool& localCo
, m_websocketClient(nullptr)
, m_webJsonRpc (nullptr)
connect (m_sockClient, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived);
connect (m_sockClient, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived);
QString QtHttpClientWrapper::getGuid (void) {
if (m_guid.isEmpty ()) {
m_guid = QString::fromLocal8Bit (
QCryptographicHash::hash (
QByteArray::number ((quint64) (this)),
).toHex ()
return m_guid;
QString QtHttpClientWrapper::getGuid (void)
if (m_guid.isEmpty ())
m_guid = QString::fromLocal8Bit (
QCryptographicHash::hash (
QByteArray::number ((quint64) (this)),
).toHex ()
return m_guid;
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived (void) {
if (m_sockClient != Q_NULLPTR) {
while (m_sockClient->bytesAvailable ()) {
QByteArray line = m_sockClient->readLine ();
switch (m_parsingStatus) { // handle parsing steps
case AwaitingRequest: { // "command url version" × 1
QString str = QString::fromUtf8 (line).trimmed ();
QStringList parts = str.split (SPACE, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (parts.size () == 3) {
QString command = (0);
QString url = (1);
QString version = (2);
if (version == QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION) {
m_currentRequest = new QtHttpRequest (this, m_serverHandle);
m_currentRequest->setClientInfo(m_sockClient->localAddress(), m_sockClient->peerAddress());
m_currentRequest->setUrl (QUrl (url));
m_currentRequest->setCommand (command);
m_parsingStatus = AwaitingHeaders;
else {
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
//qWarning () << "Error : unhandled HTTP version :" << version;
else {
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
//qWarning () << "Error : incorrect HTTP command line :" << line;
case AwaitingHeaders: { // "header: value" × N (until empty line)
QByteArray raw = line.trimmed ();
if (!raw.isEmpty ()) { // parse headers
int pos = raw.indexOf (COLON);
if (pos > 0) {
QByteArray header = raw.left (pos).trimmed ();
QByteArray value = raw.mid (pos +1).trimmed ();
m_currentRequest->addHeader (header, value);
if (header == QtHttpHeader::ContentLength) {
bool ok = false;
const int len = value.toInt (&ok, 10);
if (ok) {
m_currentRequest->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArray::number (len));
else {
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
qWarning () << "Error : incorrect HTTP headers line :" << line;
else { // end of headers
if (m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength).toInt () > 0) {
m_parsingStatus = AwaitingContent;
else {
m_parsingStatus = RequestParsed;
case AwaitingContent: { // raw data × N (until EOF ??)
m_currentRequest->appendRawData (line);
if (m_currentRequest->getRawDataSize () == m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength).toInt ()) {
m_parsingStatus = RequestParsed;
default: { break; }
switch (m_parsingStatus) { // handle parsing status end/error
case RequestParsed: { // a valid request has ben fully parsed
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived (void)
if (m_sockClient != Q_NULLPTR)
while (m_sockClient->bytesAvailable ())
QByteArray line = m_sockClient->readLine ();
switch (m_parsingStatus) // handle parsing steps
case AwaitingRequest: // "command url version" × 1
QString str = QString::fromUtf8 (line).trimmed ();
QStringList parts = str.split (SPACE, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (parts.size () == 3)
QString command = (0);
QString url = (1);
QString version = (2);
if (version == QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION)
m_currentRequest = new QtHttpRequest (this, m_serverHandle);
m_currentRequest->setClientInfo(m_sockClient->localAddress(), m_sockClient->peerAddress());
m_currentRequest->setUrl (QUrl (url));
m_currentRequest->setCommand (command);
m_parsingStatus = AwaitingHeaders;
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
//qWarning () << "Error : unhandled HTTP version :" << version;
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
//qWarning () << "Error : incorrect HTTP command line :" << line;
case AwaitingHeaders: // "header: value" × N (until empty line)
QByteArray raw = line.trimmed ();
if (!raw.isEmpty ()) // parse headers
int pos = raw.indexOf (COLON);
if (pos > 0)
QByteArray header = raw.left (pos).trimmed ();
QByteArray value = raw.mid (pos +1).trimmed ();
m_currentRequest->addHeader (header, value);
if (header == QtHttpHeader::ContentLength)
bool ok = false;
const int len = value.toInt (&ok, 10);
if (ok)
m_currentRequest->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArray::number (len));
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
qWarning () << "Error : incorrect HTTP headers line :" << line;
else // end of headers
if (m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength).toInt () > 0)
m_parsingStatus = AwaitingContent;
m_parsingStatus = RequestParsed;
case AwaitingContent: // raw data × N (until EOF ??)
m_currentRequest->appendRawData (line);
if (m_currentRequest->getRawDataSize () == m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength).toInt ())
m_parsingStatus = RequestParsed;
switch (m_parsingStatus) // handle parsing status end/error
case RequestParsed: // a valid request has ben fully parsed
// Catch websocket header "Upgrade"
if(m_currentRequest->getHeader(QtHttpHeader::Upgrade) == "websocket")
@ -121,146 +159,184 @@ void QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived (void) {
// disconnect this slot from socket for further requests
disconnect(m_sockClient, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived);
// disabling packet bunching
m_sockClient->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::LowDelayOption, 1);
m_sockClient->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::KeepAliveOption, 1);
m_websocketClient = new WebSocketClient(m_currentRequest, m_sockClient, m_localConnection, this);
// add post data to request and catch /jsonrpc subroute url
if ( m_currentRequest->getCommand() == "POST")
QtHttpPostData postData;
QByteArray data = m_currentRequest->getRawData();
QList<QByteArray> parts = data.split('&');
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
QList<QByteArray> keyValue ='=');
QByteArray value;
if (keyValue.size()>1)
value = QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(;
if ( m_currentRequest->getCommand() == "POST")
QtHttpPostData postData;
QByteArray data = m_currentRequest->getRawData();
QList<QByteArray> parts = data.split('&');
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
QList<QByteArray> keyValue ='=');
QByteArray value;
if (keyValue.size()>1)
value = QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(;
// catch /jsonrpc in url, we need async callback, StaticFileServing is sync
QString path = m_currentRequest->getUrl ().path ();
QStringList uri_parts = path.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if ( ! uri_parts.empty() && == "json-rpc" )
if(m_webJsonRpc == Q_NULLPTR)
m_webJsonRpc = new WebJsonRpc(m_currentRequest, m_serverHandle, m_localConnection, this);
QtHttpReply reply (m_serverHandle);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders,
this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData,
this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested);
emit m_serverHandle->requestNeedsReply (m_currentRequest, &reply); // allow app to handle request
QtHttpReply reply (m_serverHandle);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested);
emit m_serverHandle->requestNeedsReply (m_currentRequest, &reply); // allow app to handle request
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (&reply);
case ParsingError: { // there was an error durin one of parsing steps
m_sockClient->readAll (); // clear remaining buffer to ignore content
QtHttpReply reply (m_serverHandle);
reply.setStatusCode (QtHttpReply::BadRequest);
reply.appendRawData (QByteArrayLiteral ("<h1>Bad Request (HTTP parsing error) !</h1>"));
reply.appendRawData (CRLF);
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (&reply);
default: { break; }
case ParsingError: // there was an error durin one of parsing steps
m_sockClient->readAll (); // clear remaining buffer to ignore content
QtHttpReply reply (m_serverHandle);
reply.setStatusCode (QtHttpReply::BadRequest);
reply.appendRawData (QByteArrayLiteral ("<h1>Bad Request (HTTP parsing error) !</h1>"));
reply.appendRawData (CRLF);
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (&reply);
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested (void) {
QtHttpReply * reply = qobject_cast<QtHttpReply *> (sender ());
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR) {
QByteArray data;
// HTTP Version + Status Code + Status Msg
data.append (QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION);
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (QByteArray::number (reply->getStatusCode ()));
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (QtHttpReply::getStatusTextForCode (reply->getStatusCode ()));
data.append (CRLF);
// Header name: header value
if (reply->useChunked ()) {
static const QByteArray & CHUNKED = QByteArrayLiteral ("chunked");
reply->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::TransferEncoding, CHUNKED);
else {
reply->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArray::number (reply->getRawDataSize ()));
const QList<QByteArray> & headersList = reply->getHeadersList ();
foreach (const QByteArray & header, headersList) {
data.append (header);
data.append (COLON);
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (reply->getHeader (header));
data.append (CRLF);
// empty line
data.append (CRLF);
m_sockClient->write (data);
m_sockClient->flush ();
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested (void)
QtHttpReply * reply = qobject_cast<QtHttpReply *> (sender ());
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR)
QByteArray data;
// HTTP Version + Status Code + Status Msg
data.append (QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION);
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (QByteArray::number (reply->getStatusCode ()));
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (QtHttpReply::getStatusTextForCode (reply->getStatusCode ()));
data.append (CRLF);
if (reply->useChunked ()) // Header name: header value
static const QByteArray & CHUNKED = QByteArrayLiteral ("chunked");
reply->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::TransferEncoding, CHUNKED);
reply->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArray::number (reply->getRawDataSize ()));
const QList<QByteArray> & headersList = reply->getHeadersList ();
foreach (const QByteArray & header, headersList)
data.append (header);
data.append (COLON);
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (reply->getHeader (header));
data.append (CRLF);
// empty line
data.append (CRLF);
m_sockClient->write (data);
m_sockClient->flush ();
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested (void) {
QtHttpReply * reply = qobject_cast<QtHttpReply *> (sender ());
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR) {
// content raw data
QByteArray data = reply->getRawData ();
if (reply->useChunked ()) {
data.prepend (QByteArray::number (data.size (), 16) % CRLF);
data.append (CRLF);
reply->resetRawData ();
// write to socket
m_sockClient->write (data);
m_sockClient->flush ();
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested (void)
QtHttpReply * reply = qobject_cast<QtHttpReply *> (sender ());
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR)
// content raw data
QByteArray data = reply->getRawData ();
if (reply->useChunked ())
data.prepend (QByteArray::number (data.size (), 16) % CRLF);
data.append (CRLF);
reply->resetRawData ();
// write to socket
m_sockClient->write (data);
m_sockClient->flush ();
void QtHttpClientWrapper::sendToClientWithReply(QtHttpReply * reply) {
connect (reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders,
this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested);
connect (reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData,
this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested);
void QtHttpClientWrapper::sendToClientWithReply(QtHttpReply * reply)
connect (reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested);
connect (reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested);
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (reply);
QtHttpClientWrapper::ParsingStatus QtHttpClientWrapper::sendReplyToClient (QtHttpReply * reply) {
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR) {
if (!reply->useChunked ()) {
//reply->appendRawData (CRLF);
// send all headers and all data in one shot
reply->requestSendHeaders ();
reply->requestSendData ();
else {
// last chunk
m_sockClient->write ("0" % CRLF % CRLF);
m_sockClient->flush ();
if (m_currentRequest != Q_NULLPTR) {
static const QByteArray & CLOSE = QByteArrayLiteral ("close");
if (m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::Connection).toLower () == CLOSE) {
// must close connection after this request
m_sockClient->close ();
m_currentRequest->deleteLater ();
m_currentRequest = Q_NULLPTR;
return AwaitingRequest;
QtHttpClientWrapper::ParsingStatus QtHttpClientWrapper::sendReplyToClient (QtHttpReply * reply)
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR)
if (!reply->useChunked ())
//reply->appendRawData (CRLF);
// send all headers and all data in one shot
reply->requestSendHeaders ();
reply->requestSendData ();
// last chunk
m_sockClient->write ("0" % CRLF % CRLF);
m_sockClient->flush ();
if (m_currentRequest != Q_NULLPTR)
static const QByteArray & CLOSE = QByteArrayLiteral ("close");
if (m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::Connection).toLower () == CLOSE)
// must close connection after this request
m_sockClient->close ();
m_currentRequest->deleteLater ();
m_currentRequest = Q_NULLPTR;
return AwaitingRequest;

View File

@ -3,35 +3,36 @@
class QByteArray;
class QtHttpHeader {
class QtHttpHeader
static const QByteArray & Server;
static const QByteArray & Date;
static const QByteArray & Host;
static const QByteArray & Accept;
static const QByteArray & ContentType;
static const QByteArray & ContentLength;
static const QByteArray & Connection;
static const QByteArray & Cookie;
static const QByteArray & UserAgent;
static const QByteArray & AcceptCharset;
static const QByteArray & AcceptEncoding;
static const QByteArray & AcceptLanguage;
static const QByteArray & Authorization;
static const QByteArray & CacheControl;
static const QByteArray & ContentMD5;
static const QByteArray & ProxyAuthorization;
static const QByteArray & Range;
static const QByteArray & ContentEncoding;
static const QByteArray & ContentLanguage;
static const QByteArray & ContentLocation;
static const QByteArray & ContentRange;
static const QByteArray & Expires;
static const QByteArray & LastModified;
static const QByteArray & Location;
static const QByteArray & SetCookie;
static const QByteArray & TransferEncoding;
static const QByteArray & ContentDisposition;
static const QByteArray & Server;
static const QByteArray & Date;
static const QByteArray & Host;
static const QByteArray & Accept;
static const QByteArray & ContentType;
static const QByteArray & ContentLength;
static const QByteArray & Connection;
static const QByteArray & Cookie;
static const QByteArray & UserAgent;
static const QByteArray & AcceptCharset;
static const QByteArray & AcceptEncoding;
static const QByteArray & AcceptLanguage;
static const QByteArray & Authorization;
static const QByteArray & CacheControl;
static const QByteArray & ContentMD5;
static const QByteArray & ProxyAuthorization;
static const QByteArray & Range;
static const QByteArray & ContentEncoding;
static const QByteArray & ContentLanguage;
static const QByteArray & ContentLocation;
static const QByteArray & ContentRange;
static const QByteArray & Expires;
static const QByteArray & LastModified;
static const QByteArray & Location;
static const QByteArray & SetCookie;
static const QByteArray & TransferEncoding;
static const QByteArray & ContentDisposition;
static const QByteArray & AccessControlAllow;
// Websocket specific headers
static const QByteArray & Upgrade;

View File

@ -6,70 +6,35 @@
#include <QDateTime>
QtHttpReply::QtHttpReply (QtHttpServer * parent)
: QObject (parent)
, m_useChunked (false)
, m_statusCode (Ok)
, m_data (QByteArray ())
, m_serverHandle (parent)
: QObject (parent)
, m_useChunked (false)
, m_statusCode (Ok)
, m_data (QByteArray ())
, m_serverHandle (parent)
// set some additional headers
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::Date, QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("ddd, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss t").toUtf8 ());
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::Server, m_serverHandle->getServerName ().toUtf8 ());
// set some additional headers
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::Date, QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("ddd, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss t").toUtf8 ());
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::Server, m_serverHandle->getServerName ().toUtf8 ());
int QtHttpReply::getRawDataSize (void) const {
return m_data.size ();
const QByteArray QtHttpReply::getStatusTextForCode (QtHttpReply::StatusCode statusCode)
switch (statusCode)
case Ok: return QByteArrayLiteral ("OK.");
case BadRequest: return QByteArrayLiteral ("Bad request !");
case Forbidden: return QByteArrayLiteral ("Forbidden !");
case NotFound: return QByteArrayLiteral ("Not found !");
default: return QByteArrayLiteral ("");
bool QtHttpReply::useChunked (void) const {
return m_useChunked;
void QtHttpReply::addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value)
QByteArray key = header.trimmed ();
QtHttpReply::StatusCode QtHttpReply::getStatusCode (void) const {
return m_statusCode;
QByteArray QtHttpReply::getRawData (void) const {
return m_data;
QList<QByteArray> QtHttpReply::getHeadersList (void) const {
return m_headersHash.keys ();
QByteArray QtHttpReply::getHeader (const QByteArray & header) const {
return m_headersHash.value (header, QByteArray ());
const QByteArray QtHttpReply::getStatusTextForCode (QtHttpReply::StatusCode statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case Ok: return QByteArrayLiteral ("OK.");
case BadRequest: return QByteArrayLiteral ("Bad request !");
case Forbidden: return QByteArrayLiteral ("Forbidden !");
case NotFound: return QByteArrayLiteral ("Not found !");
default: return QByteArrayLiteral ("");
void QtHttpReply::setUseChunked (bool chunked){
m_useChunked = chunked;
void QtHttpReply::setStatusCode (QtHttpReply::StatusCode statusCode) {
m_statusCode = statusCode;
void QtHttpReply::appendRawData (const QByteArray & data) {
m_data.append (data);
void QtHttpReply::addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value) {
QByteArray key = header.trimmed ();
if (!key.isEmpty ()) {
m_headersHash.insert (key, value);
void QtHttpReply::resetRawData (void) {
m_data.clear ();
if (!key.isEmpty ())
m_headersHash.insert (key, value);

View File

@ -8,53 +8,58 @@
class QtHttpServer;
class QtHttpReply : public QObject {
Q_ENUMS (StatusCode)
class QtHttpReply : public QObject
Q_ENUMS (StatusCode)
explicit QtHttpReply (QtHttpServer * parent);
explicit QtHttpReply (QtHttpServer * parent);
enum StatusCode {
Ok = 200,
SeeOther = 303,
BadRequest = 400,
Forbidden = 403,
NotFound = 404,
MethodNotAllowed = 405,
InternalError = 500,
NotImplemented = 501,
BadGateway = 502,
ServiceUnavailable = 503,
enum StatusCode
Ok = 200,
SeeOther = 303,
BadRequest = 400,
Forbidden = 403,
NotFound = 404,
MethodNotAllowed = 405,
InternalError = 500,
NotImplemented = 501,
BadGateway = 502,
ServiceUnavailable = 503,
int getRawDataSize (void) const;
bool useChunked (void) const;
StatusCode getStatusCode (void) const;
QByteArray getRawData (void) const;
QList<QByteArray> getHeadersList (void) const;
int getRawDataSize (void) const { return m_data.size(); };
bool useChunked (void) const { return m_useChunked; };
StatusCode getStatusCode (void) const { return m_statusCode; };
QByteArray getRawData (void) const { return m_data; };
QList<QByteArray> getHeadersList (void) const { return m_headersHash.keys (); };
QByteArray getHeader (const QByteArray & header) const;
QByteArray getHeader (const QByteArray & header) const
return m_headersHash.value (header, QByteArray ());
static const QByteArray getStatusTextForCode (StatusCode statusCode);
static const QByteArray getStatusTextForCode (StatusCode statusCode);
public slots:
void setUseChunked (bool chunked = false);
void setStatusCode (StatusCode statusCode);
void appendRawData (const QByteArray & data);
void addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value);
void resetRawData (void);
void setUseChunked (bool chunked = false) { m_useChunked = chunked; };
void setStatusCode (StatusCode statusCode) { m_statusCode = statusCode; };
void appendRawData (const QByteArray & data) { m_data.append(data); };
void addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value);
void resetRawData (void) { m_data.clear (); };
void requestSendHeaders (void);
void requestSendData (void);
void requestSendHeaders (void);
void requestSendData (void);
bool m_useChunked;
StatusCode m_statusCode;
QByteArray m_data;
QtHttpServer * m_serverHandle;
QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> m_headersHash;
bool m_useChunked;
StatusCode m_statusCode;
QByteArray m_data;
QtHttpServer * m_serverHandle;
QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> m_headersHash;

View File

@ -4,80 +4,31 @@
#include "QtHttpServer.h"
QtHttpRequest::QtHttpRequest (QtHttpClientWrapper * client, QtHttpServer * parent)
: QObject (parent)
, m_url (QUrl ())
, m_command (QString ())
, m_data (QByteArray ())
, m_serverHandle (parent)
, m_clientHandle (client)
, m_postData (QtHttpPostData())
: QObject (parent)
, m_url (QUrl ())
, m_command (QString ())
, m_data (QByteArray ())
, m_serverHandle (parent)
, m_clientHandle (client)
, m_postData (QtHttpPostData())
// set some additional headers
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArrayLiteral ("0"));
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::Connection, QByteArrayLiteral ("Keep-Alive"));
// set some additional headers
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArrayLiteral ("0"));
addHeader (QtHttpHeader::Connection, QByteArrayLiteral ("Keep-Alive"));
QUrl QtHttpRequest::getUrl (void) const {
return m_url;
void QtHttpRequest::setClientInfo (const QHostAddress & server, const QHostAddress & client)
m_clientInfo.serverAddress = server;
m_clientInfo.clientAddress = client;
QString QtHttpRequest::getCommand (void) const {
return m_command;
void QtHttpRequest::addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value)
QByteArray key = header.trimmed ();
QtHttpRequest::ClientInfo QtHttpRequest::getClientInfo (void) const {
return m_clientInfo;
int QtHttpRequest::getRawDataSize (void) const {
return m_data.size ();
QByteArray QtHttpRequest::getRawData (void) const {
return m_data;
QtHttpPostData QtHttpRequest::getPostData (void) const {
return m_postData;
QList<QByteArray> QtHttpRequest::getHeadersList (void) const {
return m_headersHash.keys ();
QtHttpClientWrapper * QtHttpRequest::getClient (void) const {
return m_clientHandle;
QByteArray QtHttpRequest::getHeader (const QByteArray & header) const {
return m_headersHash.value (header, QByteArray ());
void QtHttpRequest::setUrl (const QUrl & url) {
m_url = url;
void QtHttpRequest::setCommand (const QString & command) {
m_command = command;
void QtHttpRequest::setClientInfo (const QHostAddress & server, const QHostAddress & client) {
m_clientInfo.serverAddress = server;
m_clientInfo.clientAddress = client;
void QtHttpRequest::addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value) {
QByteArray key = header.trimmed ();
if (!key.isEmpty ()) {
m_headersHash.insert (key, value);
void QtHttpRequest::appendRawData (const QByteArray & data) {
m_data.append (data);
void QtHttpRequest::setPostData (const QtHttpPostData & data) {
m_postData = data;
if (!key.isEmpty ())
m_headersHash.insert (key, value);

View File

@ -14,45 +14,50 @@ class QtHttpClientWrapper;
using QtHttpPostData = QMap<QString,QByteArray>;
class QtHttpRequest : public QObject {
class QtHttpRequest : public QObject
explicit QtHttpRequest (QtHttpClientWrapper * client, QtHttpServer * parent);
explicit QtHttpRequest (QtHttpClientWrapper * client, QtHttpServer * parent);
struct ClientInfo {
QHostAddress serverAddress;
QHostAddress clientAddress;
struct ClientInfo
QHostAddress serverAddress;
QHostAddress clientAddress;
int getRawDataSize (void) const;
QUrl getUrl (void) const;
QString getCommand (void) const;
QByteArray getRawData (void) const;
QList<QByteArray> getHeadersList (void) const;
QtHttpClientWrapper * getClient (void) const;
int getRawDataSize (void) const { return m_data.size (); };
QUrl getUrl (void) const { return m_url; };
QString getCommand (void) const { return m_command; };
QByteArray getRawData (void) const { return m_data; };
QList<QByteArray> getHeadersList (void) const { return m_headersHash.keys (); };
QtHttpClientWrapper * getClient (void) const { return m_clientHandle; };
QtHttpPostData getPostData (void) const { return m_postData; };
ClientInfo getClientInfo (void) const { return m_clientInfo; };
QByteArray getHeader (const QByteArray & header) const;
QtHttpPostData getPostData (void) const;
ClientInfo getClientInfo (void) const;
QByteArray getHeader (const QByteArray & header) const
return m_headersHash.value (header, QByteArray ());
public slots:
void setUrl (const QUrl & url);
void setCommand (const QString & command);
void setClientInfo (const QHostAddress & server, const QHostAddress & client);
void addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value);
void appendRawData (const QByteArray & data);
void setPostData (const QtHttpPostData & data);
void setUrl (const QUrl & url) { m_url = url; };
void setCommand (const QString & command) { m_command = command; };
void appendRawData (const QByteArray & data) { m_data.append (data); };
void setPostData (const QtHttpPostData & data) { m_postData = data; };
void setClientInfo (const QHostAddress & server, const QHostAddress & client);
void addHeader (const QByteArray & header, const QByteArray & value);
QUrl m_url;
QString m_command;
QByteArray m_data;
QtHttpServer * m_serverHandle;
QtHttpClientWrapper * m_clientHandle;
QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> m_headersHash;
ClientInfo m_clientInfo;
QUrl m_url;
QString m_command;
QByteArray m_data;
QtHttpServer * m_serverHandle;
QtHttpClientWrapper * m_clientHandle;
QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> m_headersHash;
ClientInfo m_clientInfo;
QtHttpPostData m_postData;

View File

@ -11,142 +11,116 @@
const QString & QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION = QStringLiteral ("HTTP/1.1");
QtHttpServerWrapper::QtHttpServerWrapper (QObject * parent)
: QTcpServer (parent)
, m_useSsl (false)
{ }
: QTcpServer (parent)
, m_useSsl (false)
QtHttpServerWrapper::~QtHttpServerWrapper (void) { }
void QtHttpServerWrapper::setUseSecure (const bool ssl) {
m_useSsl = ssl;
void QtHttpServerWrapper::incomingConnection (qintptr handle) {
QTcpSocket * sock = (m_useSsl
? new QSslSocket (this)
: new QTcpSocket (this));
if (sock->setSocketDescriptor (handle)) {
addPendingConnection (sock);
else {
delete sock;
QtHttpServerWrapper::~QtHttpServerWrapper (void)
void QtHttpServerWrapper::setUseSecure (const bool ssl)
m_useSsl = ssl;
void QtHttpServerWrapper::incomingConnection (qintptr handle)
QTcpSocket * sock = (m_useSsl ? new QSslSocket (this) : new QTcpSocket (this));
sock->setSocketDescriptor(handle) ? addPendingConnection (sock) : delete sock;
QtHttpServer::QtHttpServer (QObject * parent)
: QObject (parent)
, m_useSsl (false)
, m_serverName (QStringLiteral ("The Qt5 HTTP Server"))
: QObject (parent)
, m_useSsl (false)
, m_serverName (QStringLiteral ("The Qt5 HTTP Server"))
, m_netOrigin (NetOrigin::getInstance())
m_sockServer = new QtHttpServerWrapper (this);
connect (m_sockServer, &QtHttpServerWrapper::newConnection, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientConnected);
m_sockServer = new QtHttpServerWrapper (this);
connect (m_sockServer, &QtHttpServerWrapper::newConnection, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientConnected);
const QString & QtHttpServer::getServerName (void) const {
return m_serverName;
quint16 QtHttpServer::getServerPort (void) const {
return m_sockServer->serverPort ();
QString QtHttpServer::getErrorString (void) const {
return m_sockServer->errorString ();
void QtHttpServer::start (quint16 port) {
void QtHttpServer::start (quint16 port)
if (m_sockServer->listen (QHostAddress::Any, port)) {
emit started (m_sockServer->serverPort ());
else {
emit error (m_sockServer->errorString ());
m_sockServer->listen (QHostAddress::Any, port)
? emit started (m_sockServer->serverPort ())
: emit error (m_sockServer->errorString ());
void QtHttpServer::stop (void) {
if (m_sockServer->isListening ()) {
m_sockServer->close ();
void QtHttpServer::stop (void)
if (m_sockServer->isListening ())
m_sockServer->close ();
// disconnect clients
const QList<QTcpSocket*> socks = m_socksClientsHash.keys();
for(auto sock : socks)
emit stopped ();
emit stopped ();
void QtHttpServer::setServerName (const QString & serverName) {
m_serverName = serverName;
void QtHttpServer::setUseSecure (const bool ssl)
m_useSsl = ssl;
m_sockServer->setUseSecure (m_useSsl);
void QtHttpServer::setUseSecure (const bool ssl) {
m_useSsl = ssl;
m_sockServer->setUseSecure (m_useSsl);
void QtHttpServer::setPrivateKey (const QSslKey & key) {
m_sslKey = key;
void QtHttpServer::setCertificates (const QList<QSslCertificate> & certs) {
m_sslCerts = certs;
void QtHttpServer::onClientConnected (void) {
while (m_sockServer->hasPendingConnections ()) {
if (QTcpSocket * sock = m_sockServer->nextPendingConnection ()) {
void QtHttpServer::onClientConnected (void)
while (m_sockServer->hasPendingConnections ())
if (QTcpSocket * sock = m_sockServer->nextPendingConnection ())
if(m_netOrigin->accessAllowed(sock->peerAddress(), sock->localAddress()))
connect (sock, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientDisconnected);
if (m_useSsl) {
if (QSslSocket * ssl = qobject_cast<QSslSocket *> (sock)) {
connect (ssl, SslErrorSignal (&QSslSocket::sslErrors), this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslErrors);
connect (ssl, &QSslSocket::encrypted, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslEncrypted);
connect (ssl, &QSslSocket::peerVerifyError, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslPeerVerifyError);
connect (ssl, &QSslSocket::modeChanged, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslModeChanged);
ssl->setLocalCertificateChain (m_sslCerts);
ssl->setPrivateKey (m_sslKey);
ssl->setPeerVerifyMode (QSslSocket::AutoVerifyPeer);
ssl->startServerEncryption ();
QtHttpClientWrapper * wrapper = new QtHttpClientWrapper (sock, m_netOrigin->isLocalAddress(sock->peerAddress(), sock->localAddress()), this);
m_socksClientsHash.insert (sock, wrapper);
emit clientConnected (wrapper->getGuid ());
connect (sock, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientDisconnected);
if (m_useSsl)
if (QSslSocket * ssl = qobject_cast<QSslSocket *> (sock))
connect (ssl, SslErrorSignal (&QSslSocket::sslErrors), this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslErrors);
connect (ssl, &QSslSocket::encrypted, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslEncrypted);
connect (ssl, &QSslSocket::peerVerifyError, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslPeerVerifyError);
connect (ssl, &QSslSocket::modeChanged, this, &QtHttpServer::onClientSslModeChanged);
ssl->setLocalCertificateChain (m_sslCerts);
ssl->setPrivateKey (m_sslKey);
ssl->setPeerVerifyMode (QSslSocket::AutoVerifyPeer);
ssl->startServerEncryption ();
QtHttpClientWrapper * wrapper = new QtHttpClientWrapper (sock, m_netOrigin->isLocalAddress(sock->peerAddress(), sock->localAddress()), this);
m_socksClientsHash.insert (sock, wrapper);
emit clientConnected (wrapper->getGuid ());
void QtHttpServer::onClientSslEncrypted (void) { }
void QtHttpServer::onClientSslPeerVerifyError (const QSslError & err) {
Q_UNUSED (err)
void QtHttpServer::onClientSslErrors (const QList<QSslError> & errors) {
Q_UNUSED (errors)
void QtHttpServer::onClientSslModeChanged (QSslSocket::SslMode mode) {
Q_UNUSED (mode)
void QtHttpServer::onClientDisconnected (void) {
if (QTcpSocket * sockClient = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *> (sender ())) {
if (QtHttpClientWrapper * wrapper = m_socksClientsHash.value (sockClient, Q_NULLPTR)) {
emit clientDisconnected (wrapper->getGuid ());
wrapper->deleteLater ();
m_socksClientsHash.remove (sockClient);
void QtHttpServer::onClientDisconnected (void)
if (QTcpSocket * sockClient = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *> (sender ()))
if (QtHttpClientWrapper * wrapper = m_socksClientsHash.value (sockClient, Q_NULLPTR))
emit clientDisconnected (wrapper->getGuid ());
wrapper->deleteLater ();
m_socksClientsHash.remove (sockClient);

View File

@ -13,76 +13,77 @@
class QTcpSocket;
class QTcpServer;
class QtHttpRequest;
class QtHttpReply;
class QtHttpClientWrapper;
class NetOrigin;
class QtHttpServerWrapper : public QTcpServer {
class QtHttpServerWrapper : public QTcpServer
explicit QtHttpServerWrapper (QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR);
virtual ~QtHttpServerWrapper (void);
explicit QtHttpServerWrapper (QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR);
virtual ~QtHttpServerWrapper (void);
void setUseSecure (const bool ssl = true);
void setUseSecure (const bool ssl = true);
void incomingConnection (qintptr handle) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
void incomingConnection (qintptr handle) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
bool m_useSsl;
bool m_useSsl;
class QtHttpServer : public QObject {
class QtHttpServer : public QObject
explicit QtHttpServer (QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR);
explicit QtHttpServer (QObject * parent = Q_NULLPTR);
static const QString & HTTP_VERSION;
static const QString & HTTP_VERSION;
typedef void (QSslSocket::* SslErrorSignal) (const QList<QSslError> &);
typedef void (QSslSocket::* SslErrorSignal) (const QList<QSslError> &);
const QString & getServerName (void) const;
const QString & getServerName (void) const { return m_serverName; };
quint16 getServerPort (void) const;
QString getErrorString (void) const;
bool isListening() { return m_sockServer->isListening(); };
quint16 getServerPort (void) const { return m_sockServer->serverPort(); };
QString getErrorString (void) const { return m_sockServer->errorString(); };
bool isListening() { return m_sockServer->isListening(); };
public slots:
void start (quint16 port = 0);
void stop (void);
void setServerName (const QString & serverName);
void setUseSecure (const bool ssl = true);
void setPrivateKey (const QSslKey & key);
void setCertificates (const QList<QSslCertificate> & certs);
void start (quint16 port = 0);
void stop (void);
void setUseSecure (const bool ssl = true);
void setServerName (const QString & serverName) { m_serverName = serverName; };
void setPrivateKey (const QSslKey & key) { m_sslKey = key; };
void setCertificates (const QList<QSslCertificate> & certs) { m_sslCerts = certs; };
void started (quint16 port);
void stopped (void);
void error (const QString & msg);
void clientConnected (const QString & guid);
void clientDisconnected (const QString & guid);
void requestNeedsReply (QtHttpRequest * request, QtHttpReply * reply);
void started (quint16 port);
void stopped (void);
void error (const QString & msg);
void clientConnected (const QString & guid);
void clientDisconnected (const QString & guid);
void requestNeedsReply (QtHttpRequest * request, QtHttpReply * reply);
private slots:
void onClientConnected (void);
void onClientDisconnected (void);
void onClientSslEncrypted (void);
void onClientSslPeerVerifyError (const QSslError & err);
void onClientSslErrors (const QList<QSslError> & errors);
void onClientSslModeChanged (QSslSocket::SslMode mode);
void onClientConnected (void);
void onClientDisconnected (void);
void onClientSslEncrypted (void) { };
void onClientSslPeerVerifyError (const QSslError & err) { Q_UNUSED (err) };
void onClientSslErrors (const QList<QSslError> & errors) { Q_UNUSED (errors) };
void onClientSslModeChanged (QSslSocket::SslMode mode) { Q_UNUSED (mode) };
bool m_useSsl;
QSslKey m_sslKey;
QList<QSslCertificate> m_sslCerts;
QString m_serverName;
bool m_useSsl;
QSslKey m_sslKey;
QList<QSslCertificate> m_sslCerts;
QString m_serverName;
NetOrigin* m_netOrigin;
QtHttpServerWrapper * m_sockServer;
QHash<QTcpSocket *, QtHttpClientWrapper *> m_socksClientsHash;
QtHttpServerWrapper * m_sockServer;
QHash<QTcpSocket *, QtHttpClientWrapper *> m_socksClientsHash;

View File

@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ void WebServer::onServerStarted (quint16 port)
emit stateChange(true);
void WebServer::onServerStopped () {
void WebServer::onServerStopped ()
Info(_log, "Stopped %s", _server->getServerName().toStdString().c_str());
emit stateChange(false);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ WebSocketClient::WebSocketClient(QtHttpRequest* request, QTcpSocket* sock, const
: QObject(parent)
, _socket(sock)
, _log(Logger::getInstance("WEBSOCKET"))
// , _hyperion(Hyperion::getInstance())
// connect socket; disconnect handled from QtHttpServer
connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead , this, &WebSocketClient::handleWebSocketFrame);
@ -45,107 +44,113 @@ WebSocketClient::WebSocketClient(QtHttpRequest* request, QTcpSocket* sock, const
void WebSocketClient::handleWebSocketFrame(void)
// we are on no continious reading from socket from call before
if (!_notEnoughData)
while (_socket->bytesAvailable())
if(_socket->bytesAvailable() < (qint64)_wsh.payloadLength)
//printf("not enough data %llu %llu\n", _socket->bytesAvailable(), _wsh.payloadLength);
_notEnoughData = false;
QByteArray buf = _socket->read(_wsh.payloadLength);
//printf("opcode %x payload bytes %llu avail: %llu\n", _wsh.opCode, _wsh.payloadLength, _socket->bytesAvailable());
if (OPCODE::invalid((OPCODE::value)_wsh.opCode))
sendClose(CLOSECODE::INV_TYPE, "invalid opcode");
// check the type of data frame
bool isContinuation=false;
switch (_wsh.opCode)
isContinuation = true;
// no break here, just jump over to opcode text
// we are on no continious reading from socket from call before
if (!_notEnoughData)
// check for protocal violations
if (_onContinuation && !isContinuation)
sendClose(CLOSECODE::VIOLATION, "protocol violation, somebody sends frames in between continued frames");
if (!_wsh.masked && _wsh.opCode == OPCODE::TEXT)
sendClose(CLOSECODE::VIOLATION, "protocol violation, unmasked text frames not allowed");
if(_socket->bytesAvailable() < (qint64)_wsh.payloadLength)
//printf("not enough data %llu %llu\n", _socket->bytesAvailable(), _wsh.payloadLength);
_notEnoughData = false;
// unmask data
for (int i=0; i < buf.size(); i++)
buf[i] = buf[i] ^ _wsh.key[i % 4];
QByteArray buf = _socket->read(_wsh.payloadLength);
//printf("opcode %x payload bytes %llu avail: %llu\n", _wsh.opCode, _wsh.payloadLength, _socket->bytesAvailable());
_onContinuation = !_wsh.fin || isContinuation;
if (OPCODE::invalid((OPCODE::value)_wsh.opCode))
sendClose(CLOSECODE::INV_TYPE, "invalid opcode");
// frame contains text, extract it, append data if this is a continuation
if (_wsh.fin && ! isContinuation) // one frame
// check the type of data frame
bool isContinuation=false;
// this is the final frame, decode and handle data
if (_wsh.fin)
switch (_wsh.opCode)
isContinuation = true;
// no break here, just jump over to opcode text
_onContinuation = false;
// check for protocol violations
if (_onContinuation && !isContinuation)
sendClose(CLOSECODE::VIOLATION, "protocol violation, somebody sends frames in between continued frames");
if (!_wsh.masked && _wsh.opCode == OPCODE::TEXT)
sendClose(CLOSECODE::VIOLATION, "protocol violation, unmasked text frames not allowed");
// unmask data
for (int i=0; i < buf.size(); i++)
buf[i] = buf[i] ^ _wsh.key[i % 4];
_onContinuation = !_wsh.fin || isContinuation;
// frame contains text, extract it, append data if this is a continuation
if (_wsh.fin && ! isContinuation) // one frame
// this is the final frame, decode and handle data
if (_wsh.fin)
_onContinuation = false;
if (_wsh.opCode == OPCODE::TEXT)
// ping received, send pong
quint8 pong[] = {OPCODE::PONG, 0};
_socket->write((const char*)pong, 2);
Error(_log, "pong received, protocol violation!");
Warning(_log, "strange %d\n%s\n", _wsh.opCode, QSTRING_CSTR(QString(buf)));
// ping received, send pong
quint8 pong[] = {OPCODE::PONG, 0};
_socket->write((const char*)pong, 2);
Error(_log, "pong received, protocol violation!");
Warning(_log, "strange %d\n%s\n", _wsh.opCode, QSTRING_CSTR(QString(buf)));
@ -221,6 +226,7 @@ void WebSocketClient::sendClose(int status, QString reason)
void WebSocketClient::handleBinaryMessage(QByteArray &data)
//uint8_t priority =;
@ -243,6 +249,7 @@ void WebSocketClient::handleBinaryMessage(QByteArray &data)
//_hyperion->setInputImage(priority, image, duration_s*1000);
qint64 WebSocketClient::sendMessage(QJsonObject obj)
QJsonDocument writer(obj);

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public:
struct WebSocketHeader
bool fin;
quint8 opCode;
quint8 opCode;
bool masked;
quint64 payloadLength;
char key[4];

View File

@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
* WebSocket Opcodes are 4 bits. See RFC6455 section 5.2.
namespace OPCODE {
enum value {
namespace OPCODE
enum value
TEXT = 0x1,
BINARY = 0x2,
@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ namespace OPCODE {
* @param v The opcode to test.
* @return Whether or not the opcode is reserved.
inline bool reserved(value v) {
inline bool reserved(value v)
return (v >= RSV3 && v <= RSV7) || (v >= CONTROL_RSVB && v <= CONTROL_RSVF);
@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ namespace OPCODE {
* @param v The opcode to test.
* @return Whether or not the opcode is invalid.
inline bool invalid(value v) {
inline bool invalid(value v)
return (v > 0xF || v < 0);
@ -49,13 +53,16 @@ namespace OPCODE {
* @param v The opcode to test.
* @return Whether or not the opcode is a control opcode.
inline bool is_control(value v) {
inline bool is_control(value v)
return v >= 0x8;
namespace CLOSECODE {
enum value {
namespace CLOSECODE
enum value
NORMAL = 1000,
AWAY = 1001,
TERM = 1002,