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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
Merge pull request #618 from hyperion-project/Beta
Merge Beta to Master Former-commit-id: a31855da06132db8c4c9e16be3cc0a4d12a2194d
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..
# or if you are not compiling on the raspberry pi (e.g. OrangePi) and need to disable the Dispmanx grabber and support for spi devices
# on amlogic platforms
# as an alternative for the dispmanx grabber on non-rpi devices (e.g. cubox-i) you could try the framebuffer grabber
# for OSX build you need XCode, qt4 libraries and cmake (maybe libusb too). You can use macport or homebrew(recommended) to install them:
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
**Please provide some information that we could help as fast as possible.
Please check the wiki in case your problem is already known/feature requested.**
**1.** Used hardware and sofware (Wetek,RPi1,Rpi2,... Ubuntu 14.04(64bit),OSX,OpenELEC,OSMC,XBian,...)
**2.** Your LED device and additional hardware (if used) (WS2801,APA102,WS2812B,... connected through (direct,arduino uno,...))
**3.** Please upload your Hyperion log to pastebin.com and insert the link. Have a look at the wiki how you get one.
**4.** Please upload your "Hyperion Configuration File" to pastebin.com and insert the link.
Search at our wiki: wiki.hyperion-project.org
Our FAQ: https://hyperion-project.org/wiki/FAQ-Frequently-Asked-Questions
And have a look at our forum: forum.hyperion-project.org
If you need help please open a new thread their!
All misleading issues will be closed without a announcement!
@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ IMPORTANT: Please don´t commit to master, we will test your changes first at th
**2.** If this changes affect the .conf file. Please provide the changed section
**3.** Reference a issue (optional)
Note: For further discussions use our forum: forum.hyperion-project.org
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
Hyperion is an opensource 'AmbiLight' implementation controlled using the RaspBerry Pi running [Raspbmc](http://www.raspbmc.com). The main features of Hyperion are:
Hyperion is an opensource 'AmbiLight' implementation supported by many devices. The main features of Hyperion are:
* Low CPU load. For a led string of 50 leds the CPU usage will typically be below 1.5% on a non-overclocked Pi.
* Json interface which allows easy integration into scripts.
* A command line utility allows easy testing and configuration of the color transforms (Transformation settings are not preserved over a restart at the moment...).
* Priority channels are not coupled to a specific led data provider which means that a provider can post led data and leave without the need to maintain a connection to Hyperion. This is ideal for a remote application (like our Android app).
* HyperCon. A tool which helps generate a Hyperion configuration file.
* XBMC-checker which checks the playing status of XBMC and decides whether or not to capture the screen.
* Kodi-checker which checks the playing status of Kodi and decides whether or not to capture the screen.
* Black border detector.
* A scriptable effect engine.
* Generic software architecture to support new devices and new algorithms easily.
More information can be found on the [wiki](https://github.com/tvdzwan/hyperion/wiki) or the [Hyperion topic](http://forum.stmlabs.com/showthread.php?tid=11053) on the Raspbmc forum.
More information can be found on the [wiki](wiki.hyperion-project.org) or the [Hyperion webpage/forum](www.hyperion-project.org).
The source is released under MIT-License (see http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# create all directly for release with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev
# Create the x64 build
mkdir build-x32x64
cd build-x32x64
mkdir build-x86x64
cd build-x86x64
make -j 4
cd ..
@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ cd ..
# Create the RPI build
mkdir build-rpi
cd build-rpi
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../Toolchain-rpi.cmake" -DIMPORT_PROTOC=../build-x32x64/protoc_export.cmake -DENABLE_WS2812BPWM=ON -DENABLE_WS281XPWM=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../Toolchain-rpi.cmake" -DIMPORT_PROTOC=../build-x86x64/protoc_export.cmake -DENABLE_WS2812BPWM=ON -DENABLE_WS281XPWM=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..
make -j 4
cd ..
# Create the WETEK build
mkdir build-wetek
cd build-wetek
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../Toolchain-rpi.cmake" -DIMPORT_PROTOC=../build-x32x64/protoc_export.cmake -DENABLE_DISPMANX=OFF -DENABLE_FB=ON -DENABLE_AMLOGIC=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../Toolchain-rpi.cmake" -DIMPORT_PROTOC=../build-x86x64/protoc_export.cmake -DENABLE_DISPMANX=OFF -DENABLE_FB=ON -DENABLE_AMLOGIC=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev ..
make -j 4
cd ..
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ cd ..
#make -j 4
#cd ..
bin/create_release.sh . x32x64
bin/create_release.sh . x86x64
#bin/create_release.sh . x32
bin/create_release.sh . rpi
bin/create_release.sh . wetek
@ -9,16 +9,9 @@ if [ "$1" = "HyperConInstall" ] || [ "$2" = "HyperConInstall" ]; then
else HCInstall=0
if [ "$1" = "WS281X" ] || [ "$2" = "WS281X" ]; then
else PWM=0
#Check if HyperCon is logged in as root
if [ $(id -u) != 0 ] && [ $HCInstall -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Critical Error: Please connect as user "root" through HyperCon'
echo '---> We need admin privileges to install/update your Hyperion! -> abort'
exit 1
if [ "$1" = "BETA" ] || [ "$2" = "BETA" ]; then
else BETA=0
#Check, if script is running as root
@ -27,27 +20,39 @@ if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
exit 1
#Set welcome message
if [ $BETA -eq 1 ]; then
WMESSAGE="echo This script will update Hyperion to the latest BETA"
else WMESSAGE="echo This script will install/update Hyperion ambilight"
#Welcome message
echo '*******************************************************************************'
echo 'This script will install/update Hyperion and it´s services'
echo 'Version 0.1'
echo 'Created by brindosch - hyperion-project.org - the official Hyperion source.'
echo '*******************************************************************************'
# Find out if we are on OpenElec / OSMC
# Find out if we are on OpenElec / OSMC / Raspbian
OS_OPENELEC=`grep -m1 -c OpenELEC /etc/issue`
OS_OSMC=`grep -m1 -c OSMC /etc/issue`
OS_RASPBIAN=`grep -m1 -c 'Raspbian\|RetroPie' /etc/issue`
# Find out if its an imx6 device
# Find out which device this script runs on
CPU_RPI=`grep -m1 -c 'BCM2708\|BCM2709\|BCM2710' /proc/cpuinfo`
CPU_IMX6=`grep -m1 -c i.MX6 /proc/cpuinfo`
CPU_WETEK=`grep -m1 -c Amlogic /proc/cpuinfo`
CPU_X32X64=`uname -m | grep 'x86_32\|i686\|x86_64' | wc -l`
#CPU_X32=`uname -m | grep 'x86_32\|i686' | wc -l`
# Check that we have a known configuration
if [ $CPU_RPI -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_IMX6 -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_WETEK -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_X32X64 -ne 1 ]; then
echo '---> Critical Error: CPU information does not match any known releases -> abort'
exit 1
#Check which RPi we are one (in case)
RPI_1=`grep -m1 -c BCM2708 /proc/cpuinfo`
RPI_2=`grep -m1 -c BCM2709 /proc/cpuinfo`
RPI_3=`grep -m1 -c BCM2710 /proc/cpuinfo`
#Check, if year equals 1970
DATE=$(date +"%Y")
if [ "$DATE" -le "2015" ]; then
@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ USE_SERVICE=`which /usr/sbin/service | wc -l`
# Make sure that the boblight daemon is no longer running
BOBLIGHT_PROCNR=$(pidof boblightd | wc -l)
if [ $BOBLIGHT_PROCNR -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Critical Error: Found running instance of boblight. Please stop boblight via XBMC menu before installing hyperion -> abort'
echo '---> Critical Error: Found running instance of boblight. Please stop boblight via Kodi menu before installing hyperion -> abort'
exit 1
@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ if [ $OS_OPENELEC -ne 1 ]; then
#Check, if dtparam=spi=on is in place (not for OPENELEC)
if [ $PWM -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -ne 1 ]; then
if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -ne 1 ]; then
SPIOK=`grep '^\dtparam=spi=on' /boot/config.txt | wc -l`
if [ $SPIOK -ne 1 ]; then
echo '---> Raspberry Pi found, but SPI is not ready, we write "dtparam=spi=on" to /boot/config.txt'
@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ if [ $PWM -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -ne 1 ]; then
#Check, if dtparam=spi=on is in place (just for OPENELEC)
if [ $PWM -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
SPIOK=`grep '^\dtparam=spi=on' /flash/config.txt | wc -l`
if [ $SPIOK -ne 1 ]; then
mount -o remount,rw /flash
@ -109,27 +114,6 @@ if [ $PWM -ne 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
#Check, if dtoverlay=pwm is in place (not for OPENELEC)
#if [ $PWM -eq 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -ne 1 ]; then
# PWMOK=`grep '^\dtoverlay=pwm' /boot/config.txt | wc -l`
# if [ $PWMOK -ne 1 ]; then
# echo '---> Raspberry Pi found, but PWM is not ready, we write "dtoverlay=pwm" to /boot/config.txt'
# sed -i '$a dtoverlay=pwm' /boot/config.txt
# PWMREBOOTMESSAGE="echo Please reboot your Raspberry Pi, we inserted dtoverlay=pwm to /boot/config.txt"
# fi
#Check, if dtoverlay=pwm is in place (just for OPENELEC)
if [ $PWM -eq 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
PWMOK=`grep '^\dtoverlay=pwm' /flash/config.txt | wc -l`
if [ $PWMOK -ne 1 ]; then
mount -o remount,rw /flash
echo '---> Raspberry Pi with OpenELEC found, but PWM is not ready, we write "dtoverlay=pwm" to /flash/config.txt'
sed -i '$a dtoverlay=pwm' /flash/config.txt
mount -o remount,ro /flash
PWMREBOOTMESSAGE="echo Please reboot your OpenELEC, we inserted dtoverlay=pwm to /flash/config.txt"
#Backup the .conf files, if present
echo '---> Backup Hyperion configuration(s), if present'
rm -f /tmp/*.json 2>/dev/null
@ -138,11 +122,33 @@ if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
else cp -v /opt/hyperion/config/*.json /tmp 2>/dev/null
# Select the appropriate download path
if [ $BETA -eq 1 ]; then
else HYPERION_ADDRESS=https://sourceforge.net/projects/hyperion-project/files/release
# Select the appropriate release
if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_1 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_2 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_3 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_1 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_2 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_3 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_1 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_2 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $RPI_3 -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_IMX6 -eq 1 ]; then
@ -150,11 +156,8 @@ elif [ $CPU_WETEK -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $CPU_X32X64 -eq 1 ]; then
#elif [ $CPU_X32 -eq 1 ]; then
# OE_DEPENDECIES=$HYPERION_ADDRESS/hyperion.deps.openelec-x32x64.tar.gz
echo "---> Critical Error: Target platform unknown -> abort"
exit 1
@ -185,9 +188,6 @@ else
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-v4l2 /usr/bin/hyperion-v4l2
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-dispmanx /usr/bin/hyperion-dispmanx 2>/dev/null
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-x11 /usr/bin/hyperion-x11 2>/dev/null
# Copy a link to the hyperion configuration file to /etc (-s for people who replaced the symlink with their config)
ln -s /opt/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json /etc/hyperion.config.json 2>/dev/null
# Restore backup of .conf files, if present
@ -203,16 +203,18 @@ if [ $USE_INITCTL -eq 1 ]; then
cp -n /opt/hyperion/init.d/hyperion.initctl.sh /etc/init/hyperion.conf 2>/dev/null
initctl reload-configuration
elif [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
#modify all old installs with a logfile output
sed -i 's|/dev/null|/storage/logfiles/hyperion.log|g' /storage/.config/autostart.sh
# only add to start script if hyperion is not present yet
if [ `cat /storage/.config/autostart.sh 2>/dev/null | grep hyperiond | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
echo '---> Adding Hyperion to OpenELEC autostart.sh'
echo "/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh
echo "/storage/hyperion/bin/hyperiond.sh /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json > /storage/logfiles/hyperion.log 2>&1 &" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh
chmod +x /storage/.config/autostart.sh
# only add hyperion-x11 to startup, if not found and x32x64 detected
if [ $CPU_X32X64 -eq 1 ] && [ `cat /storage/.config/autostart.sh 2>/dev/null | grep hyperion-x11 | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
echo '---> Adding Hyperion-x11 to OpenELEC autostart.sh'
echo "DISPLAY=:0.0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/storage/hyperion/bin /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperion-x11 </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh
echo "DISPLAY=:0.0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/storage/hyperion/bin /storage/hyperion/bin/hyperion-x11 </dev/null >/storage/logfiles/hyperion.log 2>&1 &" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh
elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Installing systemd script'
@ -223,22 +225,14 @@ elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
rm /etc/init.d/hyperion 2>/dev/null
cp -n /opt/hyperion/init.d/hyperion.systemd.sh /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
systemctl -q enable hyperion.service
if [ $PWM -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Modify systemd script for OSMC usage (PWM Support)'
# Wait until kodi is sarted (for xbmc checker) and FIX user in case it is wrong (need root for access to pwm!)!
if [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Modify systemd script for OSMC usage'
# Wait until kodi is sarted (for kodi checker)
sed -i '/After = mediacenter.service/d' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i '/Unit/a After = mediacenter.service' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i 's/User=osmc/User=root/g' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i 's/Group=osmc/Group=root/g' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
systemctl -q daemon-reload
elif [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Modify systemd script for OSMC usage'
# Wait until kodi is sarted (for xbmc checker) and replace user (for remote control through osmc)
sed -i '/After = mediacenter.service/d' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i '/Unit/a After = mediacenter.service' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i 's/User=root/User=osmc/g' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i 's/Group=root/Group=osmc/g' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
systemctl -q daemon-reload
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Installing startup script in init.d'
@ -248,10 +242,17 @@ elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
update-rc.d hyperion defaults 98 02
#chown the /config/ dir and all configs inside for hypercon config upload for non-root logins
if [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ]; then
chown -R osmc:osmc /opt/hyperion/config
elif [ $OS_RASPBIAN -eq 1 ]; then
chown -R pi:pi /opt/hyperion/config
# Start the hyperion daemon
echo '---> Starting Hyperion'
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
/storage/.config/autostart.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
elif [ $USE_INITCTL -eq 1 ]; then
/sbin/initctl start hyperion
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
@ -260,27 +261,21 @@ elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
service hyperion start
#Hint for the user with path to config
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ];then
HINTMESSAGE="echo Path to your configuration -> /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json"
else HINTMESSAGE="echo Path to your configuration -> /etc/hyperion.config.json"
echo '*******************************************************************************'
echo 'Hyperion Installation/Update finished!'
echo 'Please get a new HyperCon version to benefit from the latest features!'
echo 'Create a new config file, if you encounter problems!'
echo 'Please download the latest HyperCon version to benefit from new features!'
echo 'To create a config, follow the HyperCon Guide at our Wiki (EN/DE)!'
echo 'Wiki: wiki.hyperion-project.org Webpage: www.hyperion-project.org'
echo '*******************************************************************************'
## Force reboot and prevent prompt if spi is added during a HyperCon Install
if ( [ "$HCInstall" = "1" ] && [ "$CPU_RPI" = "1" ] ) && ( [ "$SPIOK" = "0" ] || [ "$PWMOK" = "0" ] ); then
echo "Rebooting now, we added dtparam=spi=on and/or dtoverlay=pwm to config.txt"
if [ $HCInstall -eq 1 ] && [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $SPIOK -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Rebooting now, we added dtparam=spi=on to config.txt"
exit 0
#Prompt for reboot, if spi added to config.txt
if ( [ "$CPU_RPI" = "1" ] ) && ( [ "$SPIOK" = "0" ] || [ "$PWMOK" = "0" ] ); then
if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $SPIOK -ne 1 ]; then
while true
echo -n "---> Do you want to reboot your Raspberry Pi now? (y or n) :"
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ fi
echo '*******************************************************************************'
echo 'This script will remove Hyperion and it´s services'
echo '-----> Please BACKUP your hyperion.config.json if necessary <-----'
echo 'Created by brindosch - hyperion-project.org - the official Hyperion source.'
echo '*******************************************************************************'
#Skip the prompt if HyperCon Remove
@ -49,6 +50,9 @@ USE_SYSTEMD=`grep -m1 -c systemd /proc/1/comm`
USE_INITCTL=`which /sbin/initctl | wc -l`
USE_SERVICE=`which /usr/sbin/service | wc -l`
# set count for forwarder
# Stop hyperion daemon if it is running
echo '---> Stop Hyperion, if necessary'
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
@ -59,12 +63,19 @@ elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
while [ $SERVICEC -le 20 ]; do
service hyperion_fw$SERVICEC stop 2>/dev/null
#reset count
SERVICEC=`which /usr/sbin/service | wc -l`
#Disabling and delete service files
if [ $USE_INITCTL -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Delete and disable Hyperion initctl script'
rm -v /etc/init/hyperion.conf 2>/dev/null
rm -v /etc/init/hyperion* 2>/dev/null
initctl reload-configuration
elif [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
# Remove Hyperion from OpenELEC autostart.sh
@ -75,12 +86,20 @@ elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
# Delete and disable Hyperion systemd script
echo '---> Delete and disable Hyperion systemd script'
systemctl disable hyperion.service
rm -v /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service 2>/dev/null
while [ $SERVICEC -le 20 ]; do
systemctl -q disable hyperion_fw$SERVICEC.service 2>/dev/null
rm -v /etc/systemd/system/hyperion* 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
# Delete and disable Hyperion init.d script
echo '---> Delete and disable Hyperion init.d script'
update-rc.d -f hyperion remove
rm /etc/init.d/hyperion 2>/dev/null
while [ $SERVICEC -le 20 ]; do
update-rc.d -f hyperion_fw$SERVICEC remove 2>/dev/null
rm /etc/init.d/hyperion* 2>/dev/null
# Delete Hyperion binaries
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ PIDFILE=/var/run/$NAME.pid
case "$1" in
if [ $(pgrep -l $NAME |wc -l) = 1 ]
if [ $(pgrep -xl $NAME |wc -l) = 1 ]
printf "%-50s\n" "Already running..."
exit 1
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ stop)
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
kill -HUP $PID
kill $PID
printf "%s\n" "Ok"
rm -f $PIDFILE
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ stop on (runlevel [!2345])
exec /usr/bin/hyperiond /etc/hyperion.config.json
exec /usr/bin/hyperiond /opt/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ Type=simple
ExecStart=/opt/hyperion/bin/hyperiond /etc/hyperion.config.json
ExecStart=/opt/hyperion/bin/hyperiond /opt/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder)
// Created with HyperCon V1.02.0 (30.04.2016)
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are
/// APA102, Adalight, AmbiLed, Atmo, Hyperion-USBASP-WS2801, Hyperion-USBASP-WS2812, Lightberry, Lightpack, LPD6803, LPD8806, Multi-Lightpack, P9813, Paintpack, PhilipsHUE, PiBlaster, SEDU, file, ThinkerForge, TPM2, WS2801, WS2812b, None)
/// ---------SPI---------, APA102, WS2801, P9813, LPD6803, LPD8806, ---------PWM---------, WS2812b (just RPi1), WS281X (RPi1, RPi2, RPi3), --------OTHER--------, PhilipsHUE, AtmoOrb, PiBlaster, Tinkerforge, FadeCandy, RawHID (USB), UDP, SEDU, TPM2, USBASP-WS2801, USBASP-WS2812, ------3rd PARTY------, Adalight, AdalightAPA102, AmbiLed, Atmo, Lightpack, Multi-Lightpack, Paintpack, Test (file), None)
/// * [device type specific configuration]
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"name" : "MyHyperionConfig",
"type" : "ws2801",
"output" : "/dev/spidev0.0",
"rate" : 1000000,
@ -20,18 +21,31 @@
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// * 'channelAdjustment'
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the channel adjustments (eg 'device_1')
/// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this channel adjustment applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based.
/// * 'pureRed'/'pureGreen'/'pureBlue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// * 'temperature'
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the temperature (eg 'device_1')
/// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this temperature applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based.
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The temperature manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// * 'transform'
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1')
/// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based.
/// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// - 'luminanceGain' The gain adjustement of the luminance
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
@ -42,16 +56,28 @@
/// - 'updateDelay' The delay of the output to leds (in periods of smoothing)
"color" :
"correction" :
"channelAdjustment" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"correctionValues" :
"pureRed" :
"red" : 255,
"green" : 255,
"blue" : 255
"redChannel" : 255,
"greenChannel" : 0,
"blueChannel" : 0
"pureGreen" :
"redChannel" : 0,
"greenChannel" : 255,
"blueChannel" : 0
"pureBlue" :
"redChannel" : 0,
"greenChannel" : 0,
"blueChannel" : 255
@ -62,9 +88,9 @@
"leds" : "*",
"temperatureValues" :
"red" : 255,
"green" : 255,
"blue" : 255
"red" : 255,
"green" : 255,
"blue" : 255
@ -73,39 +99,29 @@
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 1.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.0000
"hsl" :
"saturationGain" : 1.0000,
"luminanceGain" : 1.0000
"saturationGain" : 1.0000,
"luminanceGain" : 1.0000
"red" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 2.5000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 2.5000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 2.5000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "linear",
@ -139,7 +155,7 @@
/// * color : Set static color after boot -> set effect to "" (empty) and input the values [R,G,B] and set duration_ms NOT to 0 (use 1) instead
/// * effect : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
/// * duration_ms : The duration of the selected effect (0=endless)
/// * priority : The priority of the selected effect/static color (default=0)
/// * priority : The priority of the selected effect/static color (default=990) HINT: lower value result in HIGHER priority!
"effects" :
"paths" :
@ -165,20 +181,21 @@
// "forwarder" :
// {
// "proto" : [""],
// "json" : [""]
// "json" : [""]
// },
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
/// * priority : The priority
/// * priority : The priority of the frame-gabber (Default=890) HINT: lower value result in HIGHER priority!
/// * ATTENTION : Power-of-Two resolution is not supported and leads to unexpected behaviour!
"framegrabber" :
"width" : 80,
"height" : 45,
"width" : 64,
"height" : 64,
"frequency_Hz" : 10.0,
"priority" : 900
"priority" : 890
/// The configuration of the Kodi connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
@ -217,10 +234,11 @@
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
/// * priority: Priority of the boblight server (Default=900) HINT: lower value result in HIGHER priority!
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333,
// "port" : 19333,
// "priority" : 900
// },
@ -232,7 +250,7 @@
/// * height : V4L2 height to set [default=-1]
/// * frameDecimation : Frame decimation factor [default=2]
/// * sizeDecimation : Size decimation factor [default=8]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=800]
/// * priority : Hyperion priority channel [default=900]
/// * mode : 3D mode to use 2D/3DSBS/3DTAB (note: no autodetection) [default="2D"]
/// * cropLeft : Cropping from the left [default=0]
/// * cropRight : Cropping from the right [default=0]
@ -250,7 +268,7 @@
// "height" : -1,
// "frameDecimation" : 2,
// "sizeDecimation" : 8,
// "priority" : 800,
// "priority" : 900,
// "mode" : "2D",
// "cropLeft" : 0,
// "cropRight" : 0,
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'file' and 'none')
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
@ -19,21 +19,6 @@
"colorOrder" : "rgb"
/// Configuration for message forwarding to other hyperions
/// protobuffer and json remote interface are forwarded to configured hosts
/// 'proto' is mostly used for video streams and 'json' for effects
/// ** pay attention which port you use. use correct ports for protols **
/// * 'proto' : list of host in form of <ip>:<port>
/// * 'json' : list of host in form of <ip>:<port>
/// "forwarder" :
/// {
/// "proto" : [ "","" ],
/// "json" : [ "","" ]
/// },
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
@ -374,10 +359,6 @@
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
/// * effect : name of the effect you want to start. Set to empty if no effect wanted
/// * color : switch to static color after effect is done
/// * duration_ms : duration of boot effect in ms. 0 means effect stays forever
/// * priority : priority of boot effect and static color
"effects" :
"paths" :
@ -388,23 +369,20 @@
"bootsequence" :
"color" : [0,0,0],
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 3000,
"priority" : 990
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 3000
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
/// "framegrabber" :
/// {
/// "width" : 64,
/// "height" : 64,
/// "frequency_Hz" : 10.0,
/// "priority" : 900
/// },
// "framegrabber" :
// {
// "width" : 64,
// "height" : 64,
// "frequency_Hz" : 10.0
// },
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
@ -445,8 +423,7 @@
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333,
// "priority" : 900
// "port" : 19333
// },
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson"
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
// stl include
#include <string>
// json include
#include <json/value.h>
struct ActiveEffectDefinition
std::string script;
int priority;
int timeout;
Json::Value args;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
// Effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectDefinition.h>
#include <effectengine/ActiveEffectDefinition.h>
// pre-declarioation
class Effect;
@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ public:
virtual ~EffectEngine();
const std::list<EffectDefinition> & getEffects() const;
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> & getActiveEffects();
static bool loadEffectDefinition(const std::string & path, const std::string & effectConfigFile, EffectDefinition &effectDefinition);
@ -54,6 +57,8 @@ private:
std::list<EffectDefinition> _availableEffects;
std::list<Effect *> _activeEffects;
std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> _availableActiveEffects;
PyThreadState * _mainThreadState;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
// STL includes
#include <string>
// Utils includes
#include <utils/RgbChannelAdjustment.h>
class ColorAdjustment
/// Unique identifier for this color transform
std::string _id;
/// The RED-Channel (RGB) adjustment
RgbChannelAdjustment _rgbRedAdjustment;
/// The GREEN-Channel (RGB) transform
RgbChannelAdjustment _rgbGreenAdjustment;
/// The BLUE-Channel (RGB) transform
RgbChannelAdjustment _rgbBlueAdjustment;
@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
#include <hyperion/PriorityMuxer.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorTransform.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorCorrection.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
#include <hyperion/MessageForwarder.h>
// Effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectDefinition.h>
#include <effectengine/ActiveEffectDefinition.h>
// Forward class declaration
class LedDevice;
@ -28,10 +30,11 @@ class HsvTransform;
class HslTransform;
class RgbChannelTransform;
class RgbChannelCorrection;
class RgbChannelAdjustment;
class MultiColorTransform;
class MultiColorCorrection;
class MultiColorTemperature;
class MultiColorAdjustment;
/// The main class of Hyperion. This gives other 'users' access to the attached LedDevice through
/// the priority muxer.
@ -97,6 +100,10 @@ public:
/// Get the list of available effects
/// @return The list of available effects
const std::list<EffectDefinition> &getEffects() const;
/// Get the list of active effects
/// @return The list of active effects
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> &getActiveEffects();
public slots:
@ -135,6 +142,12 @@ public slots:
const std::vector<std::string> & getTemperatureIds() const;
/// Returns the list with unique adjustment identifiers
/// @return The list with adjustment identifiers
const std::vector<std::string> & getAdjustmentIds() const;
/// Returns the ColorTransform with the given identifier
/// @return The transform with the given identifier (or nullptr if the identifier does not exist)
@ -153,6 +166,12 @@ public slots:
ColorCorrection * getTemperature(const std::string& id);
/// Returns the ColorAdjustment with the given identifier
/// @return The adjustment with the given identifier (or nullptr if the identifier does not exist)
ColorAdjustment * getAdjustment(const std::string& id);
/// Returns MessageForwarder Object
/// @return instance of message forwarder object
@ -168,6 +187,9 @@ public slots:
/// Tell Hyperion that the corrections have changed and the leds need to be updated
void temperaturesUpdated();
/// Tell Hyperion that the corrections have changed and the leds need to be updated
void adjustmentsUpdated();
/// Clears the given priority channel. This will switch the led-colors to the colors of the next
/// lower priority channel (or off if no more channels are set)
@ -208,16 +230,19 @@ public:
static MultiColorTransform * createLedColorsTransform(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorTransformConfig);
static MultiColorCorrection * createLedColorsCorrection(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorCorrectionConfig);
static MultiColorCorrection * createLedColorsTemperature(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorTemperatureConfig);
static MultiColorAdjustment * createLedColorsAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorAdjustmentConfig);
static ColorTransform * createColorTransform(const Json::Value & transformConfig);
static ColorCorrection * createColorCorrection(const Json::Value & correctionConfig);
static ColorAdjustment * createColorAdjustment(const Json::Value & adjustmentConfig);
static HsvTransform * createHsvTransform(const Json::Value & hsvConfig);
static HslTransform * createHslTransform(const Json::Value & hslConfig);
static RgbChannelTransform * createRgbChannelTransform(const Json::Value& colorConfig);
static RgbChannelCorrection * createRgbChannelCorrection(const Json::Value& colorConfig);
static RgbChannelAdjustment * createRgbChannelAdjustment(const Json::Value& colorConfig, const RgbChannel color);
static LedDevice * createColorSmoothing(const Json::Value & smoothingConfig, LedDevice * ledDevice);
static MessageForwarder * createMessageForwarder(const Json::Value & forwarderConfig);
/// Signal which is emitted when a priority channel is actively cleared
/// This signal will not be emitted when a priority channel time out
@ -241,15 +266,18 @@ private:
/// The priority muxer
PriorityMuxer _muxer;
/// The transformation from corrected colors to led colors
/// The transformation from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorTransform * _raw2ledTransform;
/// The correction from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorCorrection * _raw2ledCorrection;
/// The temperature from corrected colors to led colors
/// The temperature from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorCorrection * _raw2ledTemperature;
/// The adjustment from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorAdjustment * _raw2ledAdjustment;
/// The actual LedDevice
LedDevice * _device;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#pragma once
// STL includes
#include <cstdint>
/// Correction for a single color byte value
/// All configuration values are unsigned int and assume the color value to be between 0 and 255
class RgbChannelAdjustment
/// Default constructor
/// Constructor
/// @param adjustR
/// @param adjustG
/// @param adjustB
RgbChannelAdjustment(int adjustR, int adjustG, int adjustB);
/// Destructor
/// @return The current adjustR value
uint8_t getadjustmentR() const;
/// @param threshold New adjustR value
void setadjustmentR(uint8_t adjustR);
/// @return The current adjustG value
uint8_t getadjustmentG() const;
/// @param gamma New adjustG value
void setadjustmentG(uint8_t adjustG);
/// @return The current adjustB value
uint8_t getadjustmentB() const;
/// @param blacklevel New adjustB value
void setadjustmentB(uint8_t adjustB);
/// Transform the given array value
/// @param input The input color bytes
/// @return The corrected byte value
uint8_t adjustmentR(uint8_t inputR) const;
uint8_t adjustmentG(uint8_t inputG) const;
uint8_t adjustmentB(uint8_t inputB) const;
/// (re)-initilize the color mapping
void initializeMapping();
/// The adjustment of R channel
int _adjustR;
/// The adjustment of G channel
int _adjustG;
/// The adjustment of B channel
int _adjustB;
/// The mapping from input color to output color
int _mappingR[256];
int _mappingG[256];
int _mappingB[256];
@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ public:
virtual void run();
int getPriority() const;
std::string getScript() const { return _script; }
int getTimeout() const {return _timeout; }
Json::Value getArgs() const { return _args; }
bool isAbortRequested() const;
@ -73,6 +73,23 @@ const std::list<EffectDefinition> &EffectEngine::getEffects() const
return _availableEffects;
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> &EffectEngine::getActiveEffects()
for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects)
ActiveEffectDefinition activeEffectDefinition;
activeEffectDefinition.script = effect->getScript();
activeEffectDefinition.priority = effect->getPriority();
activeEffectDefinition.timeout = effect->getTimeout();
activeEffectDefinition.args = effect->getArgs();
return _availableActiveEffects;
bool EffectEngine::loadEffectDefinition(const std::string &path, const std::string &effectConfigFile, EffectDefinition & effectDefinition)
#ifdef ENABLE_QT5
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ SET(Hyperion_HEADERS
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ SET(Hyperion_SOURCES
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <hyperion/ImageProcessorFactory.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorTransform.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorCorrection.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
// Leddevice includes
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
#include "MultiColorTransform.h"
#include "MultiColorCorrection.h"
#include "MultiColorAdjustment.h"
#include "LinearColorSmoothing.h"
// effect engine includes
@ -101,6 +103,7 @@ ColorTransform * Hyperion::createColorTransform(const Json::Value & transformCon
return transform;
ColorCorrection * Hyperion::createColorCorrection(const Json::Value & correctionConfig)
const std::string id = correctionConfig.get("id", "default").asString();
@ -117,6 +120,30 @@ ColorCorrection * Hyperion::createColorCorrection(const Json::Value & correction
return correction;
ColorAdjustment * Hyperion::createColorAdjustment(const Json::Value & adjustmentConfig)
const std::string id = adjustmentConfig.get("id", "default").asString();
RgbChannelAdjustment * redAdjustment = createRgbChannelAdjustment(adjustmentConfig["pureRed"],RED);
RgbChannelAdjustment * greenAdjustment = createRgbChannelAdjustment(adjustmentConfig["pureGreen"],GREEN);
RgbChannelAdjustment * blueAdjustment = createRgbChannelAdjustment(adjustmentConfig["pureBlue"],BLUE);
ColorAdjustment * adjustment = new ColorAdjustment();
adjustment->_id = id;
adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment = *redAdjustment;
adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment = *greenAdjustment;
adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment = *blueAdjustment;
// Cleanup the allocated individual adjustments
delete redAdjustment;
delete greenAdjustment;
delete blueAdjustment;
return adjustment;
MultiColorTransform * Hyperion::createLedColorsTransform(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorConfig)
// Create the result, the transforms are added to this
@ -206,7 +233,7 @@ MultiColorCorrection * Hyperion::createLedColorsCorrection(const unsigned ledCnt
else if (!correctionConfig.isArray())
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(colorConfig);
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(correctionConfig);
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
@ -280,7 +307,7 @@ MultiColorCorrection * Hyperion::createLedColorsTemperature(const unsigned ledCn
else if (!correctionConfig.isArray())
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(colorConfig);
ColorCorrection * colorCorrection = createColorCorrection(correctionConfig);
correction->setCorrectionForLed(colorCorrection->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
@ -339,6 +366,80 @@ MultiColorCorrection * Hyperion::createLedColorsTemperature(const unsigned ledCn
return correction;
MultiColorAdjustment * Hyperion::createLedColorsAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt, const Json::Value & colorConfig)
// Create the result, the transforms are added to this
MultiColorAdjustment * adjustment = new MultiColorAdjustment(ledCnt);
const Json::Value adjustmentConfig = colorConfig.get("channelAdjustment", Json::nullValue);
if (adjustmentConfig.isNull())
// Old style color transformation config (just one for all leds)
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = createColorAdjustment(colorConfig);
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
else if (!adjustmentConfig.isArray())
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = createColorAdjustment(adjustmentConfig);
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
const QRegExp overallExp("([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?)(,[ ]*([0-9]+(\\-[0-9]+)?))*");
for (Json::UInt i = 0; i < adjustmentConfig.size(); ++i)
const Json::Value & config = adjustmentConfig[i];
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = createColorAdjustment(config);
const QString ledIndicesStr = QString(config.get("leds", "").asCString()).trimmed();
if (ledIndicesStr.compare("*") == 0)
// Special case for indices '*' => all leds
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, 0, ledCnt-1);
std::cout << "HYPERION INFO: ColorAdjustment '" << colorAdjustment->_id << "' => [0; "<< ledCnt-1 << "]" << std::endl;
if (!overallExp.exactMatch(ledIndicesStr))
std::cerr << "HYPERION ERROR: Given led indices " << i << " not correct format: " << ledIndicesStr.toStdString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "HYPERION INFO: ColorAdjustment '" << colorAdjustment->_id << "' => [";
const QStringList ledIndexList = ledIndicesStr.split(",");
for (int i=0; i<ledIndexList.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
std::cout << ", ";
if (ledIndexList[i].contains("-"))
QStringList ledIndices = ledIndexList[i].split("-");
int startInd = ledIndices[0].toInt();
int endInd = ledIndices[1].toInt();
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, startInd, endInd);
std::cout << startInd << "-" << endInd;
int index = ledIndexList[i].toInt();
adjustment->setAdjustmentForLed(colorAdjustment->_id, index, index);
std::cout << index;
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
return adjustment;
HsvTransform * Hyperion::createHsvTransform(const Json::Value & hsvConfig)
const double saturationGain = hsvConfig.get("saturationGain", 1.0).asDouble();
@ -376,6 +477,32 @@ RgbChannelCorrection* Hyperion::createRgbChannelCorrection(const Json::Value& co
return correction;
RgbChannelAdjustment* Hyperion::createRgbChannelAdjustment(const Json::Value& colorConfig, const RgbChannel color)
int varR, varG, varB;
if (color == RED)
varR = colorConfig.get("redChannel", 255).asInt();
varG = colorConfig.get("greenChannel", 0).asInt();
varB = colorConfig.get("blueChannel", 0).asInt();
else if (color == GREEN)
varR = colorConfig.get("redChannel", 0).asInt();
varG = colorConfig.get("greenChannel", 255).asInt();
varB = colorConfig.get("blueChannel", 0).asInt();
else if (color == BLUE)
varR = colorConfig.get("redChannel", 0).asInt();
varG = colorConfig.get("greenChannel", 0).asInt();
varB = colorConfig.get("blueChannel", 255).asInt();
RgbChannelAdjustment* adjustment = new RgbChannelAdjustment(varR, varG, varB);
return adjustment;
LedString Hyperion::createLedString(const Json::Value& ledsConfig, const ColorOrder deviceOrder)
LedString ledString;
@ -490,6 +617,7 @@ MessageForwarder * Hyperion::getForwarder()
Hyperion::Hyperion(const Json::Value &jsonConfig) :
_ledString(createLedString(jsonConfig["leds"], createColorOrder(jsonConfig["device"]))),
_raw2ledAdjustment(createLedColorsAdjustment(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"])),
_raw2ledCorrection(createLedColorsCorrection(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"])),
_raw2ledTemperature(createLedColorsTemperature(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"])),
_raw2ledTransform(createLedColorsTransform(_ledString.leds().size(), jsonConfig["color"])),
@ -498,6 +626,10 @@ Hyperion::Hyperion(const Json::Value &jsonConfig) :
if (!_raw2ledAdjustment->verifyAdjustments())
throw std::runtime_error("HYPERION ERROR: Color adjustment incorrectly set");
if (!_raw2ledCorrection->verifyCorrections())
throw std::runtime_error("HYPERION ERROR: Color correction incorrectly set");
@ -551,6 +683,9 @@ Hyperion::~Hyperion()
// delete the color temperature correction
delete _raw2ledTemperature;
// delete the color adjustment
delete _raw2ledAdjustment;
// delete the message forwarder
delete _messageForwarder;
@ -609,6 +744,11 @@ const std::vector<std::string> & Hyperion::getTemperatureIds() const
return _raw2ledTemperature->getCorrectionIds();
const std::vector<std::string> & Hyperion::getAdjustmentIds() const
return _raw2ledAdjustment->getAdjustmentIds();
ColorTransform * Hyperion::getTransform(const std::string& id)
return _raw2ledTransform->getTransform(id);
@ -624,6 +764,11 @@ ColorCorrection * Hyperion::getTemperature(const std::string& id)
return _raw2ledTemperature->getCorrection(id);
ColorAdjustment * Hyperion::getAdjustment(const std::string& id)
return _raw2ledAdjustment->getAdjustment(id);
void Hyperion::transformsUpdated()
@ -639,6 +784,11 @@ void Hyperion::temperaturesUpdated()
void Hyperion::adjustmentsUpdated()
void Hyperion::clear(int priority)
if (_muxer.hasPriority(priority))
@ -683,6 +833,11 @@ const std::list<EffectDefinition> & Hyperion::getEffects() const
return _effectEngine->getEffects();
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> & Hyperion::getActiveEffects()
return _effectEngine->getActiveEffects();
int Hyperion::setEffect(const std::string &effectName, int priority, int timeout)
return _effectEngine->runEffect(effectName, priority, timeout);
@ -703,9 +858,11 @@ void Hyperion::update()
const PriorityMuxer::InputInfo & priorityInfo = _muxer.getInputInfo(priority);
// Apply the correction and the transform to each led and color-channel
std::vector<ColorRgb> correctedColors = _raw2ledCorrection->applyCorrection(priorityInfo.ledColors);
std::vector<ColorRgb> temperatureColors = _raw2ledTemperature->applyCorrection(correctedColors);
std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors =_raw2ledTransform->applyTransform(temperatureColors);
// Avoid applying correction, the same task is performed by adjustment
// std::vector<ColorRgb> correctedColors = _raw2ledCorrection->applyCorrection(priorityInfo.ledColors);
std::vector<ColorRgb> adjustedColors = _raw2ledAdjustment->applyAdjustment(priorityInfo.ledColors);
std::vector<ColorRgb> transformColors =_raw2ledTransform->applyTransform(adjustedColors);
std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors = _raw2ledTemperature->applyCorrection(transformColors);
const std::vector<Led>& leds = _ledString.leds();
int i = 0;
for (ColorRgb& color : ledColors)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
// STL includes
#include <cassert>
// Hyperion includes
#include "MultiColorAdjustment.h"
MultiColorAdjustment::MultiColorAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt) :
_ledAdjustments(ledCnt, nullptr)
// Clean up all the transforms
for (ColorAdjustment * adjustment : _adjustment)
delete adjustment;
void MultiColorAdjustment::addAdjustment(ColorAdjustment * adjustment)
void MultiColorAdjustment::setAdjustmentForLed(const std::string& id, const unsigned startLed, const unsigned endLed)
assert(startLed <= endLed);
assert(endLed < _ledAdjustments.size());
// Get the identified adjustment (don't care if is nullptr)
ColorAdjustment * adjustment = getAdjustment(id);
for (unsigned iLed=startLed; iLed<=endLed; ++iLed)
_ledAdjustments[iLed] = adjustment;
bool MultiColorAdjustment::verifyAdjustments() const
bool allLedsSet = true;
for (unsigned iLed=0; iLed<_ledAdjustments.size(); ++iLed)
if (_ledAdjustments[iLed] == nullptr)
std::cerr << "HYPERION (C.adjustment) ERROR: No adjustment set for " << iLed << std::endl;
allLedsSet = false;
return allLedsSet;
const std::vector<std::string> & MultiColorAdjustment::getAdjustmentIds()
return _adjustmentIds;
ColorAdjustment* MultiColorAdjustment::getAdjustment(const std::string& id)
// Iterate through the unique adjustments until we find the one with the given id
for (ColorAdjustment* adjustment : _adjustment)
if (adjustment->_id == id)
return adjustment;
// The ColorAdjustment was not found
return nullptr;
std::vector<ColorRgb> MultiColorAdjustment::applyAdjustment(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& rawColors)
// Create a copy, as we will do the rest of the adjustment in place
std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors(rawColors);
const size_t itCnt = std::min(_ledAdjustments.size(), rawColors.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<itCnt; ++i)
ColorAdjustment* adjustment = _ledAdjustments[i];
if (adjustment == nullptr)
// No transform set for this led (do nothing)
ColorRgb& color = ledColors[i];
int RR = adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment.adjustmentR(color.red);
int RG = adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment.adjustmentG(color.red);
int RB = adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment.adjustmentB(color.red);
int GR = adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment.adjustmentR(color.green);
int GG = adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment.adjustmentG(color.green);
int GB = adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment.adjustmentB(color.green);
int BR = adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment.adjustmentR(color.blue);
int BG = adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment.adjustmentG(color.blue);
int BB = adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment.adjustmentB(color.blue);
int ledR = RR + GR + BR;
int maxR = (int)adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment.getadjustmentR();
int ledG = RG + GG + BG;
int maxG = (int)adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment.getadjustmentG();
int ledB = RB + GB + BB;
int maxB = (int)adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment.getadjustmentB();
if (ledR > maxR)
color.red = (uint8_t)maxR;
color.red = (uint8_t)ledR;
if (ledG > maxG)
color.green = (uint8_t)maxG;
color.green = (uint8_t)ledG;
if (ledB > maxB)
color.blue = (uint8_t)maxB;
color.blue = (uint8_t)ledB;
return ledColors;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#pragma once
// STL includes
#include <vector>
// Utils includes
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
// Hyperion includes
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
/// The LedColorTransform is responsible for performing color transformation from 'raw' colors
/// received as input to colors mapped to match the color-properties of the leds.
class MultiColorAdjustment
MultiColorAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt);
* Adds a new ColorAdjustment to this MultiColorTransform
* @param adjustment The new ColorAdjustment (ownership is transfered)
void addAdjustment(ColorAdjustment * adjustment);
void setAdjustmentForLed(const std::string& id, const unsigned startLed, const unsigned endLed);
bool verifyAdjustments() const;
/// Returns the identifier of all the unique ColorAdjustment
/// @return The list with unique id's of the ColorAdjustment
const std::vector<std::string> & getAdjustmentIds();
/// Returns the pointer to the ColorAdjustment with the given id
/// @param id The identifier of the ColorAdjustment
/// @return The ColorAdjustment with the given id (or nullptr if it does not exist)
ColorAdjustment* getAdjustment(const std::string& id);
/// Performs the color adjustment from raw-color to led-color
/// @param rawColors The list with raw colors
/// @return The list with led-colors
std::vector<ColorRgb> applyAdjustment(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& rawColors);
/// List with transform ids
std::vector<std::string> _adjustmentIds;
/// List with unique ColorTransforms
std::vector<ColorAdjustment*> _adjustment;
/// List with a pointer to the ColorAdjustment for each individual led
std::vector<ColorAdjustment*> _ledAdjustments;
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include <hyperion/MessageForwarder.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorTransform.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorCorrection.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
// project includes
@ -252,6 +253,8 @@ void JsonClientConnection::handleMessage(const std::string &messageString)
else if (command == "temperature")
else if (command == "adjustment")
@ -470,6 +473,34 @@ void JsonClientConnection::handleServerInfoCommand(const Json::Value &)
// collect adjustment information
Json::Value & adjustmentArray = info["adjustment"];
for (const std::string& adjustmentId : _hyperion->getAdjustmentIds())
const ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = _hyperion->getAdjustment(adjustmentId);
if (colorAdjustment == nullptr)
std::cerr << "JSONCLIENT ERROR: Incorrect color adjustment id: " << adjustmentId << std::endl;
Json::Value & adjustment = adjustmentArray.append(Json::Value());
adjustment["id"] = adjustmentId;
Json::Value & redAdjust = adjustment["redAdjust"];
Json::Value & greenAdjust = adjustment["greenAdjust"];
Json::Value & blueAdjust = adjustment["blueAdjust"];
// collect effect info
Json::Value & effects = info["effects"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
@ -483,6 +514,20 @@ void JsonClientConnection::handleServerInfoCommand(const Json::Value &)
// collect active effect info
Json::Value & activeEffects = info["activeEffects"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> & activeEffectsDefinitions = _hyperion->getActiveEffects();
for (const ActiveEffectDefinition & activeEffectDefinition : activeEffectsDefinitions)
Json::Value activeEffect;
activeEffect["script"] = activeEffectDefinition.script;
activeEffect["priority"] = activeEffectDefinition.priority;
activeEffect["timeout"] = activeEffectDefinition.timeout;
activeEffect["args"] = activeEffectDefinition.args;
// send the result
@ -634,6 +679,47 @@ void JsonClientConnection::handleTemperatureCommand(const Json::Value &message)
void JsonClientConnection::handleAdjustmentCommand(const Json::Value &message)
const Json::Value & adjustment = message["adjustment"];
const std::string adjustmentId = adjustment.get("id", _hyperion->getAdjustmentIds().front()).asString();
ColorAdjustment * colorAdjustment = _hyperion->getAdjustment(adjustmentId);
if (colorAdjustment == nullptr)
//sendErrorReply(std::string("Incorrect transform identifier: ") + transformId);
if (adjustment.isMember("redAdjust"))
const Json::Value & values = adjustment["redAdjust"];
if (adjustment.isMember("greenAdjust"))
const Json::Value & values = adjustment["greenAdjust"];
if (adjustment.isMember("blueAdjust"))
const Json::Value & values = adjustment["blueAdjust"];
// commit the changes
void JsonClientConnection::handleNotImplemented()
@ -712,7 +798,6 @@ void JsonClientConnection::sendMessage(const Json::Value & message, QTcpSocket *
void JsonClientConnection::sendSuccessReply()
// create reply
@ -126,6 +126,13 @@ private:
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleTemperatureCommand(const Json::Value & message);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Adjustment message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleAdjustmentCommand(const Json::Value & message);
/// Handle an incoming JSON message of unknown type
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<file alias="schema-transform">schema/schema-transform.json</file>
<file alias="schema-correction">schema/schema-correction.json</file>
<file alias="schema-temperature">schema/schema-temperature.json</file>
<file alias="schema-adjustment">schema/schema-adjustment.json</file>
<file alias="schema-effect">schema/schema-effect.json</file>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"command": {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"enum" : ["adjustment"]
"adjustment": {
"type": "object",
"required": true,
"properties": {
"id" : {
"type" : "string",
"required" : false
"redAdjust": {
"type": "array",
"required": false,
"items" : {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 255
"minItems": 3,
"maxItems": 3
"greenAdjust": {
"type": "array",
"required": false,
"items" : {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 255
"minItems": 3,
"maxItems": 3
"blueAdjust": {
"type": "array",
"required": false,
"items" : {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 255
"minItems": 3,
"maxItems": 3
"additionalProperties": false
"additionalProperties": false
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"command": {
"type" : "string",
"required" : true,
"enum" : ["color", "image", "effect", "serverinfo", "clear", "clearall", "transform", "correction", "temperature"]
"enum" : ["color", "image", "effect", "serverinfo", "clear", "clearall", "transform", "correction", "temperature", "adjustment"]
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ AtmoOrbLight::AtmoOrbLight(unsigned int id) {
// Not implemented
LedDeviceAtmoOrb::LedDeviceAtmoOrb(const std::string &output, bool switchOffOnBlack,
int transitiontime, int port, int numLeds, std::vector<unsigned int> orbIds) :
multicastGroup(output.c_str()), switchOffOnBlack(switchOffOnBlack), transitiontime(transitiontime),
LedDeviceAtmoOrb::LedDeviceAtmoOrb(const std::string &output, bool useOrbSmoothing,
int transitiontime, int skipSmoothingDiff, int port, int numLeds, std::vector<unsigned int> orbIds) :
multicastGroup(output.c_str()), useOrbSmoothing(useOrbSmoothing), transitiontime(transitiontime), skipSmoothingDiff(skipSmoothingDiff),
multiCastGroupPort(port), numLeds(numLeds), orbIds(orbIds) {
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
groupAddress = QHostAddress(multicastGroup);
@ -35,37 +35,64 @@ int LedDeviceAtmoOrb::write(const std::vector <ColorRgb> &ledValues) {
return 0;
// Command options:
// 1 = force off
// 2 = use lamp smoothing and validate by Orb ID
// 4 = validate by Orb ID
// When setting useOrbSmoothing = true it's recommended to disable Hyperion's own smoothing as it will conflict (double smoothing)
int commandType = 4;
commandType = 2;
// Iterate through colors and set Orb color
// Start off with idx 1 as 0 is reserved for controlling all orbs at once
unsigned int idx = 1;
for (const ColorRgb &color : ledValues) {
// Options parameter:
// 1 = force off
// 2 = use lamp smoothing and validate by Orb ID
// 4 = validate by Orb ID
if (switchOffOnBlack && color.red == 0 && color.green == 0 && color.blue == 0) {
// Force to black
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < orbIds.size(); i++) {
if (orbIds[i] == idx) {
setColor(idx, color, 1);
for (const ColorRgb &color : ledValues) {
// Retrieve last send colors
int lastRed = lastColorRedMap[idx];
int lastGreen = lastColorGreenMap[idx];
int lastBlue = lastColorBlueMap[idx];
// If last colors send are identical than last send return
if(lastRed == color.red && lastGreen == color.green && lastBlue == color.blue)
return 0;
else {
// Default send color
// If color difference is higher than skipSmoothingDiff than we skip Orb smoothing (if enabled) and send it right away
if ((skipSmoothingDiff != 0 && useOrbSmoothing) && (abs(color.red - lastRed) >= skipSmoothingDiff || abs(color.blue - lastBlue) >= skipSmoothingDiff ||
abs(color.green - lastGreen) >= skipSmoothingDiff))
// Skip Orb smoothing when using (command type 4)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < orbIds.size(); i++) {
if (orbIds[i] == idx) {
setColor(idx, color, 4);
else {
// Send color
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < orbIds.size(); i++) {
if (orbIds[i] == idx) {
setColor(idx, color, commandType);
// Store last colors send for light id
lastColorRedMap[idx] = color.red;
lastColorGreenMap[idx] = color.green;
lastColorBlueMap[idx] = color.blue;
// Next light id.
return 0;
@ -80,7 +107,7 @@ void LedDeviceAtmoOrb::setColor(unsigned int orbId, const ColorRgb &color, int c
bytes[2] = 0xEE;
// Command type
bytes[3] = 2;
bytes[3] = commandType;
// Orb ID
bytes[4] = orbId;
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ public:
class LedDeviceAtmoOrb : public QObject, public LedDevice {
// Last color sent
int lastRed;
int lastGreen;
int lastBlue;
// Last send color map
QMap<int, int> lastColorRedMap;
QMap<int, int> lastColorGreenMap;
QMap<int, int> lastColorBlueMap;
// Multicast status
bool joinedMulticastgroup;
@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ public:
/// @param output is the multicast address of Orbs
/// @param switchOffOnBlack turn off Orbs on black (default: false)
/// @param transitiontime is optional and not used at the moment
/// @param useOrbSmoothing use Orbs own (external) smoothing algorithm (default: false)
/// @param skipSmoothingDiff minimal color (0-255) difference to override smoothing so that if current and previously received colors are higher than set dif we override smoothing
/// @param port is the multicast port.
/// @param numLeds is the total amount of leds per Orb
/// @param array containing orb ids
LedDeviceAtmoOrb(const std::string &output, bool switchOffOnBlack =
false, int transitiontime = 0, int port = 49692, int numLeds = 24,
std::vector<unsigned int> orbIds = std::vector < unsigned int
LedDeviceAtmoOrb(const std::string &output, bool useOrbSmoothing =
false, int transitiontime = 0, int skipSmoothingDiff = 0, int port = 49692, int numLeds = 24,
std::vector<unsigned int> orbIds = std::vector < unsigned int>());
/// Destructor of this device
@ -87,12 +87,15 @@ private:
/// String containing multicast group IP address
QString multicastGroup;
/// Switch off when detecting black
bool switchOffOnBlack;
/// use Orbs own (external) smoothing algorithm
bool useOrbSmoothing;
/// Transition time between colors (not implemented)
int transitiontime;
// Maximum allowed color difference, will skip Orb (external) smoothing once reached
int skipSmoothingDiff;
/// Multicast port to send data to
int multiCastGroupPort;
@ -126,4 +129,4 @@ private:
/// @param bytes the byte array containing command to send over multicast
void sendCommand(const QByteArray &bytes);
@ -206,11 +206,21 @@ LedDevice * LedDeviceFactory::construct(const Json::Value & deviceConfig)
const std::string output = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString();
const std::string assignment = deviceConfig.get("assignment", "").asString();
const Json::Value gpioMapping = deviceConfig.get("gpiomap", Json::nullValue);
LedDevicePiBlaster * devicePiBlaster = new LedDevicePiBlaster(output, assignment);
if (assignment.length() > 0) {
std::cout << "ERROR: Sorry, the configuration syntax has changed in this version." << std::endl;
if (! gpioMapping.isNull() ) {
LedDevicePiBlaster * devicePiBlaster = new LedDevicePiBlaster(output, gpioMapping);
device = devicePiBlaster;
device = devicePiBlaster;
} else {
std::cout << "ERROR: no gpiomap defined." << std::endl;
else if (type == "sedu")
@ -246,35 +256,36 @@ LedDevice * LedDeviceFactory::construct(const Json::Value & deviceConfig)
device = new LedDevicePhilipsHue(output, username, switchOffOnBlack, transitiontime, lightIds);
else if (type == "atmoorb")
else if (type == "atmoorb")
const std::string output = deviceConfig["output"].asString();
const bool switchOffOnBlack = deviceConfig.get("switchOffOnBlack", true).asBool();
const bool useOrbSmoothing = deviceConfig.get("useOrbSmoothing", false).asBool();
const int transitiontime = deviceConfig.get("transitiontime", 1).asInt();
const int skipSmoothingDiff = deviceConfig.get("skipSmoothingDiff", 0).asInt();
const int port = deviceConfig.get("port", 1).asInt();
const int numLeds = deviceConfig.get("numLeds", 1).asInt();
const std::string orbId = deviceConfig["orbIds"].asString();
const std::string orbId = deviceConfig["orbIds"].asString();
std::vector<unsigned int> orbIds;
// If we find multiple Orb ids separate them and add to list
const std::string separator (",");
if (orbId.find(separator) != std::string::npos) {
std::stringstream ss(orbId);
std::vector<int> output;
unsigned int i;
while (ss >> i) {
if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ')
std::stringstream ss(orbId);
std::vector<int> output;
unsigned int i;
while (ss >> i) {
if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ')
device = new LedDeviceAtmoOrb(output, switchOffOnBlack, transitiontime, port, numLeds, orbIds);
device = new LedDeviceAtmoOrb(output, useOrbSmoothing, transitiontime, skipSmoothingDiff, port, numLeds, orbIds);
else if (type == "file")
const std::string output = deviceConfig.get("output", "/dev/null").asString();
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
// STL includes
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <csignal>
// jsoncpp includes
#include <json/json.h>
// QT includes
#include <QFile>
@ -9,12 +14,40 @@
// Local LedDevice includes
#include "LedDevicePiBlaster.h"
LedDevicePiBlaster::LedDevicePiBlaster(const std::string & deviceName, const std::string & channelAssignment) :
LedDevicePiBlaster::LedDevicePiBlaster(const std::string & deviceName, const Json::Value & gpioMapping) :
// empty
// initialise the mapping tables
// -1 is invalid
// z is also meaningless
// { "gpio" : 4, "ledindex" : 0, "ledcolor" : "r" },
#define TABLE_SZ sizeof(_gpio_to_led)/sizeof(_gpio_to_led[0])
for (int i=0; i < TABLE_SZ; i++ )
_gpio_to_led[i] = -1;
_gpio_to_color[i] = 'z';
// walk through the json config and populate the mapping tables
for (const Json::Value& gpioMap : gpioMapping)
const int gpio = gpioMap.get("gpio",-1).asInt();
const int ledindex = gpioMap.get("ledindex",-1).asInt();
const std::string ledcolor = gpioMap.get("ledcolor","z").asString();
// printf ("got gpio %d ledindex %d color %c\n", gpio,ledindex, ledcolor[0]);
// ignore missing/invalid settings
if ( (gpio >= 0) && (gpio < TABLE_SZ) && (ledindex >= 0) ){
_gpio_to_led[gpio] = ledindex;
_gpio_to_color[gpio] = ledcolor[0]; // 1st char of string
} else {
printf ("IGNORING gpio %d ledindex %d color %c\n", gpio,ledindex, ledcolor[0]);
@ -63,15 +96,6 @@ int LedDevicePiBlaster::open(bool report)
return 0;
//Channel number GPIO number Pin in P1 header
// 0 4 P1-7
// 1 17 P1-11
// 2 18 P1-12
// 3 21 P1-13
// 4 22 P1-15
// 5 23 P1-16
// 6 24 P1-18
// 7 25 P1-22
int LedDevicePiBlaster::write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledValues)
// Attempt to open if not yet opened
@ -80,32 +104,47 @@ int LedDevicePiBlaster::write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledValues)
return -1;
std::vector<int> iPins = {4, 17, 18, 27, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25};
unsigned colorIdx = 0;
for (unsigned iPin=0; iPin<iPins.size(); ++iPin)
int valueIdx = -1;
for (unsigned int i=0; i < TABLE_SZ; i++ )
double pwmDutyCycle = 0.0;
switch (_channelAssignment[iPin])
valueIdx = _gpio_to_led[ i ];
if ( (valueIdx >= 0) && (valueIdx < (signed) ledValues.size()) )
case 'r':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[colorIdx].red / 255.0;
case 'g':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[colorIdx].green / 255.0;
case 'b':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[colorIdx].blue / 255.0;
double pwmDutyCycle = 0.0;
// printf ("iPin %d valueIdx %d color %c\n", iPin, valueIdx, _gpio_to_color[ iPins[iPin] ] ) ;
switch (_gpio_to_color[ i ])
case 'r':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].red / 255.0;
case 'g':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].green / 255.0;
case 'b':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].blue / 255.0;
case 'w':
pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].red;
pwmDutyCycle += ledValues[valueIdx].green;
pwmDutyCycle += ledValues[valueIdx].blue;
pwmDutyCycle /= (3.0*255.0);
fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", iPins[iPin], pwmDutyCycle);
// fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", iPins[iPin], pwmDutyCycle);
if ( (fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", i, pwmDutyCycle) < 0)
|| (fflush(_fid) < 0)) {
if (_fid != nullptr)
_fid = nullptr;
return -1;
return 0;
@ -119,13 +158,13 @@ int LedDevicePiBlaster::switchOff()
return -1;
std::vector<int> iPins = {4, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25};
for (unsigned iPin=0; iPin<iPins.size(); ++iPin)
int valueIdx = -1;
for (unsigned int i=0; i < TABLE_SZ; i++ )
if (_channelAssignment[iPin] != ' ')
valueIdx = _gpio_to_led[ i ];
if (valueIdx >= 0)
fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", iPins[iPin], 0.0);
fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", i, 0.0);
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
// STL includes
#include <cstdio>
// jsoncpp includes
#include <json/json.h>
// Hyperion-Leddevice includes
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
@ -14,9 +17,9 @@ public:
/// Constructs the PiBlaster device which writes to the indicated device and for the assigned
/// channels
/// @param deviceName The name of the output device
/// @param channelAssignment The RGB-Channel assignment (8 characters long)
/// @param gpioMapping The RGB-Channel assignment json object
LedDevicePiBlaster(const std::string & deviceName, const std::string & channelAssignment);
LedDevicePiBlaster(const std::string & deviceName, const Json::Value & gpioMapping);
virtual ~LedDevicePiBlaster();
@ -50,9 +53,8 @@ private:
/// The name of the output device (very likely '/dev/pi-blaster')
const std::string _deviceName;
/// String with eight characters with the rgb-channel assignment per pwm-channel
/// ('r' = red, 'g' = green, 'b' = blue, ' ' = empty)
const std::string _channelAssignment;
int _gpio_to_led[64];
char _gpio_to_color[64];
/// File-Pointer to the PiBlaster device
FILE * _fid;
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ add_library(hyperion-utils
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
// STL includes
#include <cmath>
// Utils includes
#include <utils/RgbChannelAdjustment.h>
RgbChannelAdjustment::RgbChannelAdjustment() :
RgbChannelAdjustment::RgbChannelAdjustment(int adjustR, int adjustG, int adjustB) :
uint8_t RgbChannelAdjustment::getadjustmentR() const
return _adjustR;
void RgbChannelAdjustment::setadjustmentR(uint8_t adjustR)
_adjustR = adjustR;
uint8_t RgbChannelAdjustment::getadjustmentG() const
return _adjustG;
void RgbChannelAdjustment::setadjustmentG(uint8_t adjustG)
_adjustG = adjustG;
uint8_t RgbChannelAdjustment::getadjustmentB() const
return _adjustB;
void RgbChannelAdjustment::setadjustmentB(uint8_t adjustB)
_adjustB = adjustB;
uint8_t RgbChannelAdjustment::adjustmentR(uint8_t inputR) const
return _mappingR[inputR];
uint8_t RgbChannelAdjustment::adjustmentG(uint8_t inputG) const
return _mappingG[inputG];
uint8_t RgbChannelAdjustment::adjustmentB(uint8_t inputB) const
return _mappingB[inputB];
void RgbChannelAdjustment::initializeMapping()
// initialize the mapping
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
int outputR = (i * _adjustR) / 255;
if (outputR > 255)
outputR = 255;
_mappingR[i] = outputR;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
int outputG = (i * _adjustG) / 255;
if (outputG > 255)
outputG = 255;
_mappingG[i] = outputG;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
int outputB = (i * _adjustB) / 255;
if (outputB > 255)
outputB = 255;
_mappingB[i] = outputB;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
/// Simple structure to contain the values of a color transformation
struct ColorAdjustmentValues
/// The value for the red color-channel
int valueRed;
/// The value for the green color-channel
int valueGreen;
/// The value for the blue color-channel
int valueBlue;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
// hyperion-remote includes
#include "ColorTransformValues.h"
#include "ColorCorrectionValues.h"
#include "ColorAdjustmentValues.h"
/// Data parameter for a color
typedef vlofgren::PODParameter<std::vector<QColor>> ColorParameter;
@ -26,6 +27,9 @@ typedef vlofgren::PODParameter<ColorTransformValues> TransformParameter;
/// Data parameter for color correction values (list of three values)
typedef vlofgren::PODParameter<ColorCorrectionValues> CorrectionParameter;
/// Data parameter for color correction values (list of three values)
typedef vlofgren::PODParameter<ColorAdjustmentValues> AdjustmentParameter;
namespace vlofgren {
/// Translates a string (as passed on the commandline) to a vector of colors
@ -161,4 +165,33 @@ namespace vlofgren {
return correction;
ColorAdjustmentValues AdjustmentParameter::validate(const std::string& s) throw (Parameter::ParameterRejected)
ColorAdjustmentValues adjustment;
// s should be split in 3 parts
// seperators are either a ',' or a space
QStringList components = QString(s.c_str()).split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (components.size() == 3)
bool ok1, ok2, ok3;
adjustment.valueRed = components[0].toInt(&ok1);
adjustment.valueGreen = components[1].toInt(&ok2);
adjustment.valueBlue = components[2].toInt(&ok3);
if (ok1 && ok2 && ok3)
return adjustment;
std::stringstream errorMessage;
errorMessage << "Argument " << s << " can not be parsed to 3 integer values";
throw Parameter::ParameterRejected(errorMessage.str());
return adjustment;
@ -322,6 +322,51 @@ void JsonConnection::setTemperature(std::string * temperatureId, ColorCorrection
void JsonConnection::setAdjustment(std::string * adjustmentId, ColorAdjustmentValues * redAdjustment, ColorAdjustmentValues * greenAdjustment, ColorAdjustmentValues * blueAdjustment)
std::cout << "Set color adjustments" << std::endl;
// create command
Json::Value command;
command["command"] = "adjustment";
Json::Value & adjust = command["adjustment"];
if (adjustmentId != nullptr)
adjust["id"] = *adjustmentId;
if (redAdjustment != nullptr)
Json::Value & v = adjust["redAdjust"];
if (greenAdjustment != nullptr)
Json::Value & v = adjust["greenAdjust"];
if (blueAdjustment != nullptr)
Json::Value & v = adjust["blueAdjust"];
// send command message
Json::Value reply = sendMessage(command);
// parse reply message
Json::Value JsonConnection::sendMessage(const Json::Value & message)
// serialize message (FastWriter already appends a newline)
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
// hyperion-remote includes
#include "ColorTransformValues.h"
#include "ColorCorrectionValues.h"
#include "ColorAdjustmentValues.h"
/// Connection class to setup an connection to the hyperion server and execute commands
@ -130,6 +131,21 @@ public:
std::string * temperatureId,
ColorCorrectionValues * temperature);
/// Set the color adjustment of the leds
/// @note Note that providing a NULL will leave the settings on the server unchanged
/// @param adjustmentId The identifier of the correction to set
/// @param redAdjustment The red channel adjustment values
/// @param greenAdjustment The green channel adjustment values
/// @param blueAdjustment The blue channel adjustment values
void setAdjustment(
std::string * adjustmentId,
ColorAdjustmentValues * redAdjustment,
ColorAdjustmentValues * greenAdjustment,
ColorAdjustmentValues * blueAdjustment);
/// Send a json command message and receive its reply
@ -63,24 +63,28 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
ImageParameter & argImage = parameters.add<ImageParameter> ('i', "image" , "Set the leds to the colors according to the given image file");
StringParameter & argEffect = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('e', "effect" , "Enable the effect with the given name");
StringParameter & argEffectArgs = parameters.add<StringParameter> (0x0, "effectArgs", "Arguments to use in combination with the specified effect. Should be a Json object string.");
SwitchParameter<> & argServerInfo = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('l', "list" , "List server info");
SwitchParameter<> & argServerInfo = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('l', "list" , "List server info and active effects with priority and duration");
SwitchParameter<> & argClear = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('x', "clear" , "Clear data for the priority channel provided by the -p option");
SwitchParameter<> & argClearAll = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "clearall" , "Clear data for all active priority channels");
StringParameter & argId = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('q', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the transform to set");
DoubleParameter & argSaturation = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('s', "saturation", "Set the HSV saturation gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argValue = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('v', "value" , "Set the HSV value gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argSaturation = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('s', "saturation", "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the HSV saturation gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argValue = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('v', "value" , "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the HSV value gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argSaturationL = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('u', "saturationL", "Set the HSL saturation gain of the leds");
DoubleParameter & argLuminance = parameters.add<DoubleParameter> ('m', "luminance" , "Set the HSL luminance gain of the leds");
TransformParameter & argGamma = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('g', "gamma" , "Set the gamma of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values)");
TransformParameter & argThreshold = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('t', "threshold" , "Set the threshold of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0.0 and 1.0)");
TransformParameter & argBlacklevel = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('b', "blacklevel", "Set the blacklevel of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values which are normally between 0.0 and 1.0)");
TransformParameter & argWhitelevel = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('w', "whitelevel", "Set the whitelevel of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values which are normally between 0.0 and 1.0)");
TransformParameter & argBlacklevel = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('b', "blacklevel", "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the blacklevel of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values which are normally between 0.0 and 1.0)");
TransformParameter & argWhitelevel = parameters.add<TransformParameter>('w', "whitelevel", "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the whitelevel of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values which are normally between 0.0 and 1.0)");
SwitchParameter<> & argPrint = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >(0x0, "print" , "Print the json input and output messages on stdout");
SwitchParameter<> & argHelp = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<> >('h', "help" , "Show this help message and exit");
StringParameter & argIdC = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('y', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the correction to set");
CorrectionParameter & argCorrection = parameters.add<CorrectionParameter>('Y', "correction" , "Set the correction of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
StringParameter & argIdC = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('y', "qualifier" , "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Identifier(qualifier) of the correction to set");
CorrectionParameter & argCorrection = parameters.add<CorrectionParameter>('Y', "correction" , "!DEPRECATED! Will be removed soon! Set the correction of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
StringParameter & argIdT = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('z', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the temperature correction to set");
CorrectionParameter & argTemperature = parameters.add<CorrectionParameter>('Z', "temperature" , "Set the temperature correction of the leds (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
StringParameter & argIdA = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('j', "qualifier" , "Identifier(qualifier) of the adjustment to set");
AdjustmentParameter & argRAdjust = parameters.add<AdjustmentParameter>('R', "redAdjustment" , "Set the adjustment of the red color (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
AdjustmentParameter & argGAdjust = parameters.add<AdjustmentParameter>('G', "greenAdjustment", "Set the adjustment of the green color (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
AdjustmentParameter & argBAdjust = parameters.add<AdjustmentParameter>('B', "blueAdjustment", "Set the adjustment of the blue color (requires 3 space seperated values between 0 and 255)");
// set the default values
@ -100,10 +104,11 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// check if at least one of the available color transforms is set
bool colorTransform = argSaturation.isSet() || argValue.isSet() || argSaturationL.isSet() || argLuminance.isSet() || argThreshold.isSet() || argGamma.isSet() || argBlacklevel.isSet() || argWhitelevel.isSet();
bool colorModding = colorTransform || argCorrection.isSet() || argTemperature.isSet();
bool colorAdjust = argRAdjust.isSet() || argGAdjust.isSet() || argBAdjust.isSet();
bool colorModding = colorTransform || colorAdjust || argCorrection.isSet() || argTemperature.isSet();
// check that exactly one command was given
int commandCount = count({argColor.isSet(), argImage.isSet(), argEffect.isSet(), argServerInfo.isSet(), argClear.isSet(), argClearAll.isSet(), colorModding});
int commandCount = count({argColor.isSet(), argImage.isSet(), argEffect.isSet(), argServerInfo.isSet(), argClear.isSet(), argClearAll.isSet(), colorModding});
if (commandCount != 1)
std::cerr << (commandCount == 0 ? "No command found." : "Multiple commands found.") << " Provide exactly one of the following options:" << std::endl;
@ -127,6 +132,10 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
std::cerr << " " << argCorrection.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argIdT.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argTemperature.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argIdA.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argRAdjust.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argGAdjust.usageLine() << std::endl;
std::cerr << " " << argBAdjust.usageLine() << std::endl;
return 1;
@ -186,6 +195,24 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
argIdT.isSet() ? &tempId : nullptr,
argTemperature.isSet() ? &temperature : nullptr);
if (colorAdjust)
std::string adjustId;
ColorAdjustmentValues redChannel, greenChannel, blueChannel;
if (argIdA.isSet()) adjustId = argIdA.getValue();
if (argRAdjust.isSet()) redChannel = argRAdjust.getValue();
if (argGAdjust.isSet()) greenChannel = argGAdjust.getValue();
if (argBAdjust.isSet()) blueChannel = argBAdjust.getValue();
argIdA.isSet() ? &adjustId : nullptr,
argRAdjust.isSet() ? &redChannel : nullptr,
argGAdjust.isSet() ? &greenChannel : nullptr,
argBAdjust.isSet() ? &blueChannel : nullptr);
if (colorTransform)
std::string transId;
Reference in New Issue
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