mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
[DO NOT MERGE] Preperation for V1.03.0 (#672)
Preperation for V1.03.0 Former-commit-id: d3ef9dbe74df304dd0653818415f10401ac72af4
This commit is contained in:
@ -172,10 +172,6 @@ if(ENABLE_OSX)
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-framework CoreGraphics")
configure_file(bin/install_hyperion.sh ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} @ONLY)
configure_file(config/hyperion.config.json ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} @ONLY)
configure_file(config/hyperion_x86.config.json ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH} @ONLY)
# Add the source/lib directories
@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ tar --create --gzip --absolute-names --show-transformed-names --ignore-failed-re
--transform "s:$builddir/bin/:hyperion/bin/:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/effects/:hyperion/effects/:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/config/:hyperion/config/:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.init.sh:hyperion/init.d/hyperion.init.sh:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.systemd.sh:hyperion/init.d/hyperion.systemd.sh:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.initctl.sh:hyperion/init.d/hyperion.initctl.sh:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.init.sh:hyperion/services/hyperion.init.sh:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.systemd.sh:hyperion/services/hyperion.systemd.sh:" \
--transform "s:$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.initctl.sh:hyperion/services/hyperion.initctl.sh:" \
--transform "s://:/:g" \
"$builddir/bin/hyperion"* \
"$repodir/effects/"* \
"$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.init.sh" \
"$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.systemd.sh" \
"$repodir/bin/service/hyperion.initctl.sh" \
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fi
#Set welcome message
if [ $BETA -eq 1 ]; then
WMESSAGE="echo This script will update Hyperion to the latest BETA"
else WMESSAGE="echo This script will install/update Hyperion Ambilight"
else WMESSAGE="echo This script will install/update Hyperion Ambient Light"
#Welcome message
@ -74,24 +74,34 @@ if [ $BOBLIGHT_PROCNR -eq 1 ]; then
exit 1
# Stop hyperion daemon if it is running
#set service script path
# Stop hyperion daemon if it is running and set service path
echo '---> Stop Hyperion, if necessary'
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
killall hyperiond 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_INITCTL -eq 1 ]; then
/sbin/initctl stop hyperion 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
#many people installed with the official script and this just uses service, if both registered -> dead
/usr/sbin/service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
#Bad workaround for Jessie (systemd) users that used the old official script for install
update-rc.d -f hyperion remove 2>/dev/null
rm /etc/init.d/hyperion 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
#Install dependencies for Hyperion
#Install dependencies for Hyperion and setup preperation
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -ne 1 ]; then
echo '---> Install/Update Hyperion dependencies (This may take a while)'
apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qq --yes install libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libqt4-network libusb-1.0-0 ca-certificates
mkdir /etc/hyperion 2>/dev/null
#Check, if dtparam=spi=on is in place (not for OPENELEC)
@ -119,15 +129,29 @@ if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
#Backup the .conf files, if present
echo '---> Backup Hyperion configuration(s), if present'
rm -f /tmp/*.json 2>/dev/null
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
cp -v /storage/.config/*.json /tmp 2>/dev/null
else cp -v /opt/hyperion/config/*.json /tmp 2>/dev/null
# compatibility layer to move old configs to new config dir
if [ -f "/opt/hyperion" ]; then
echo '---> Old installation found, move configs to /etc/hyperion/ and move hyperion to /usr/share/hyperion/'
mv /opt/hyperion/config/*.json /etc/hyperion 2>/dev/null
sed -i "s|/opt/hyperion/effects|/usr/share/hyperion/effects|g" /etc/hyperion/*.json
if [ $USE_INITCTL -eq 1 ]; then
sed -i "s|/etc/hyperion.config.json|/etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|g" $SERVICEP/hyperion.conf
sed -i "s|/opt/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|/etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|g" $SERVICEP/hyperion.conf
initctl reload-configuration
elif [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
sleep 0
elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
sed -i "s|/etc/hyperion.config.json|/etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|g" $SERVICEP/hyperion.service
sed -i "s|/opt/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|/etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|g" $SERVICEP/hyperion.service
systemctl -q daemon-reload
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
sed -i "s|/etc/hyperion.config.json|/etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|g" $SERVICEP/hyperion
sed -i "s|/opt/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|/etc/hyperion/hyperion.config.json|g" $SERVICEP/hyperion
update-rc.d hyperion defaults 98 02
# Select the appropriate download path
if [ $BETA -eq 1 ]; then
@ -191,32 +215,25 @@ if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
curl -# -L --get $OE_DEPENDECIES | tar -C /storage/hyperion/bin -xz
#set the executen bit (failsave)
chmod +x -R /storage/hyperion/bin
# /storage/.config is available as samba share. A symbolic link would not be working
false | cp -i /storage/hyperion/config/hyperion.config.json /storage/.config/hyperion.config.json 2>/dev/null
wget -nv $HYPERION_RELEASE -O - | tar -C /opt -xz
#set the executen bit (failsave)
chmod +x -R /opt/hyperion/bin
wget -nv $HYPERION_RELEASE -O - | tar -C /usr/share -xz
#set the executen bit (failsave) and move config to /etc/hyperion
chmod +x -R $BINSP
# create links to the binaries
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperiond /usr/bin/hyperiond
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-remote /usr/bin/hyperion-remote
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-v4l2 /usr/bin/hyperion-v4l2
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-dispmanx /usr/bin/hyperion-dispmanx 2>/dev/null
ln -fs /opt/hyperion/bin/hyperion-x11 /usr/bin/hyperion-x11 2>/dev/null
# Restore backup of .conf files, if present
echo '---> Restore Hyperion configuration(s), if present'
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
mv -v /tmp/*.json /storage/.config/ 2>/dev/null
else mv -v /tmp/*.json /opt/hyperion/config/ 2>/dev/null
ln -fs $BINSP/hyperiond $BINTP/hyperiond
ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-remote $BINTP/hyperion-remote
ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-v4l2 $BINTP/hyperion-v4l2
ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-dispmanx $BINTP/hyperion-dispmanx 2>/dev/null
ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-x11 $BINTP/hyperion-x11 2>/dev/null
ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-aml $BINTP/hyperion-aml 2>/dev/null
# Copy the service control configuration to /etc/int (-n to respect user modified scripts)
# Copy the service control configuration to /etc/init (-n to respect user modified scripts)
if [ $USE_INITCTL -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Installing initctl script'
cp -n /opt/hyperion/init.d/hyperion.initctl.sh /etc/init/hyperion.conf 2>/dev/null
cp -n $SERVICEL/hyperion.initctl.sh $SERVICEP/hyperion.conf 2>/dev/null
initctl reload-configuration
elif [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
#modify all old installs with a logfile output
@ -237,34 +254,35 @@ elif [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Installing systemd script'
#place startup script for systemd and activate
#Problem with systemd to enable symlinks - Bug? Workaround cp -n (overwrite never)
#Bad workaround for Jessie (systemd) users that used the official script for install
update-rc.d -f hyperion remove 2>/dev/null
rm /etc/init.d/hyperion 2>/dev/null
cp -n /opt/hyperion/init.d/hyperion.systemd.sh /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
cp -n $SERVICEL/hyperion.systemd.sh $SERVICEP/hyperion.service
systemctl -q enable hyperion.service
if [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Modify systemd script for OSMC usage'
# Wait until kodi is sarted (for kodi checker)
sed -i '/After = mediacenter.service/d' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i '/Unit/a After = mediacenter.service' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i 's/User=osmc/User=root/g' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
sed -i 's/Group=osmc/Group=root/g' /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service
# Wait until kodi is sarted
sed -i '/After = mediacenter.service/d' $SERVICEP/hyperion.service
sed -i '/Unit/a After = mediacenter.service' $SERVICEP/hyperion.service
systemctl -q daemon-reload
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
echo '---> Installing startup script in init.d'
# place startup script in init.d and add it to upstart (-s to respect user modified scripts)
ln -s /opt/hyperion/init.d/hyperion.init.sh /etc/init.d/hyperion 2>/dev/null
chmod +x /etc/init.d/hyperion
ln -s $SERVICEL/hyperion.init.sh $SERVICEP/hyperion 2>/dev/null && chmod +x $SERVICEP/hyperion
update-rc.d hyperion defaults 98 02
#remove unwanted files/dirs
if [ $OS_OPENELEC -eq 1 ]; then
rm -r /storage/hyperion/services
rm -r /usr/share/hyperion/services
rm -r /opt/hyperion 2>/dev/null
#chown the /config/ dir and all configs inside for hypercon config upload for non-root logins
if [ $OS_OSMC -eq 1 ]; then
chown -R osmc:osmc /opt/hyperion/config
chown -R osmc:osmc /etc/hyperion/config
elif [ $OS_RASPBIAN -eq 1 ]; then
chown -R pi:pi /opt/hyperion/config
chown -R pi:pi /etc/hyperion/config
# Start the hyperion daemon
@ -311,4 +329,4 @@ if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ] && [ $SPIOK -ne 1 ]; then
exit 0
exit 0
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
*) echo "-> Please enter only y or n"
echo "---> You entered \"$CONFIRM\". Remove Hyperion!"
# Find out if we are on OpenElec or RasPlex
OS_OPENELEC=`grep -m1 -c 'OpenELEC\|RasPlex\|LibreELEC' /etc/issue`
@ -64,10 +64,6 @@ elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
service hyperion stop 2>/dev/null
# while [ $SERVICEC -le 20 ]; do
# service hyperion_fw$SERVICEC stop 2>/dev/null
# ((SERVICEC++))
# done
#reset count
@ -87,19 +83,11 @@ elif [ $USE_SYSTEMD -eq 1 ]; then
# Delete and disable Hyperion systemd script
echo '---> Delete and disable Hyperion systemd script'
systemctl disable hyperion.service
# while [ $SERVICEC -le 20 ]; do
# systemctl -q disable hyperion_fw$SERVICEC.service 2>/dev/null
# ((SERVICEC++))
# done
rm -v /etc/systemd/system/hyperion* 2>/dev/null
elif [ $USE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then
# Delete and disable Hyperion init.d script
echo '---> Delete and disable Hyperion init.d script'
update-rc.d -f hyperion remove
# while [ $SERVICEC -le 20 ]; do
# update-rc.d -f hyperion_fw$SERVICEC remove 2>/dev/null
# ((SERVICEC++))
# done
rm /etc/init.d/hyperion* 2>/dev/null
@ -117,11 +105,15 @@ else
rm -v /usr/bin/hyperion-v4l2 2>/dev/null
rm -v /usr/bin/hyperion-dispmanx 2>/dev/null
rm -v /usr/bin/hyperion-x11 2>/dev/null
rm -v /usr/bin/hyperion-aml 2>/dev/null
rm -v /etc/hyperion.config.json 2>/dev/null
echo "---> Remove binaries"
rm -rv /opt/hyperion 2>/dev/null
rm -rv /etc/hyperion 2>/dev/null
rm -rv /usr/share/hyperion 2>/dev/null
echo '*******************************************************************************'
echo 'Hyperion successful removed!'
echo '*******************************************************************************'
exit 0
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder)
// Created with HyperCon V1.02.0 (30.04.2016)
// This is a example config (hyperion.config.json) with comments, in any case you need to create your own one with HyperCon!
// Webpage: https://www.hyperion-project.org
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are
/// ---------SPI---------, APA102, WS2801, P9813, LPD6803, LPD8806, ---------PWM---------, WS2812b (just RPi1), WS281X (RPi1, RPi2, RPi3), --------OTHER--------, PhilipsHUE, AtmoOrb, PiBlaster, Tinkerforge, FadeCandy, RawHID (USB), UDP, SEDU, TPM2, USBASP-WS2801, USBASP-WS2812, ------3rd PARTY------, Adalight, AdalightAPA102, AmbiLed, Atmo, Lightpack, Multi-Lightpack, Paintpack, Test (file), None)
/// APA102, WS2801, P9813, LPD6803, LPD8806, ---------PWM---------, WS2812b (just RPi1), WS281X (RPi1, RPi2, RPi3), --------OTHER--------, PhilipsHUE, AtmoOrb, PiBlaster, Tinkerforge, FadeCandy, RawHID (USB), UDP, SEDU, TPM2, USBASP-WS2801, USBASP-WS2812, ------3rd PARTY------, Adalight, AdalightAPA102, AmbiLed, Atmo, Lightpack, Multi-Lightpack, Paintpack, Test (file), None)
/// * [device type specific configuration]
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'luminanceGain' The gain adjustement of the luminance
/// - 'luminanceMinimum' The minimum luminance (backlight)
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
@ -102,7 +103,8 @@
"hsl" :
"saturationGain" : 1.0000,
"luminanceGain" : 1.0000
"luminanceGain" : 1.0000,
"luminanceMinimum" : 0.0000
"red" :
@ -178,11 +180,11 @@
/// * json : Json server adress and port of your target. Syntax:[IP:PORT] -> [""] or more instances to forward ["",""]
/// HINT: If you redirect to "" (localhost) you could start a second hyperion with another device/led config!
/// Be sure your client(s) is/are listening on the configured ports. The second Hyperion (if used) also needs to be configured! (HyperCon -> External -> Json Server/Proto Server)
// "forwarder" :
// {
// "proto" : [""],
// "json" : [""]
// },
"forwarder" :
"proto" : [""],
"json" : [""]
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
@ -205,19 +207,21 @@
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) at the Kodi menu
/// * grabPause : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) at player state "pause"
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when Kodi is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
// "xbmcVideoChecker" :
// {
// "xbmcAddress" : "",
// "xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
// "grabVideo" : true,
// "grabPictures" : true,
// "grabAudio" : true,
// "grabMenu" : false,
// "grabScreensaver" : true,
// "enable3DDetection" : true
// },
"xbmcVideoChecker" :
"xbmcAddress" : "",
"xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
"grabVideo" : true,
"grabPictures" : true,
"grabAudio" : true,
"grabMenu" : false,
"grabPause" : false,
"grabScreensaver" : true,
"enable3DDetection" : true
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
@ -236,11 +240,11 @@
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
/// * priority: Priority of the boblight server (Default=900) HINT: lower value result in HIGHER priority!
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333,
// "priority" : 900
// },
"boblightServer" :
"port" : 19333,
"priority" : 900
/// Configuration for the embedded V4L2 grabber
/// * device : V4L2 Device to use [default="/dev/video0"]
@ -259,25 +263,25 @@
/// * redSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the red channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * greenSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the green channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
/// * blueSignalThreshold : Signal threshold for the blue channel between 0.0 and 1.0 [default=0.0]
// "grabber-v4l2" :
// {
// "device" : "/dev/video0",
// "input" : 0,
// "standard" : "no-change",
// "width" : -1,
// "height" : -1,
// "frameDecimation" : 2,
// "sizeDecimation" : 8,
// "priority" : 900,
// "mode" : "2D",
// "cropLeft" : 0,
// "cropRight" : 0,
// "cropTop" : 0,
// "cropBottom" : 0,
// "redSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
// "greenSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
// "blueSignalThreshold" : 0.0
// },
"grabber-v4l2" :
"device" : "/dev/video0",
"input" : 0,
"standard" : "no-change",
"width" : -1,
"height" : -1,
"frameDecimation" : 2,
"sizeDecimation" : 8,
"priority" : 900,
"mode" : "2D",
"cropLeft" : 0,
"cropRight" : 0,
"cropTop" : 0,
"cropBottom" : 0,
"redSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
"greenSignalThreshold" : 0.0,
"blueSignalThreshold" : 0.0
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
// Automatically generated configuration file for 'Hyperion daemon'
// Generated by: HyperCon (The Hyperion deamon configuration file builder
/// Device configuration contains the following fields:
/// * 'name' : The user friendly name of the device (only used for display purposes)
/// * 'type' : The type of the device or leds (known types for now are 'ws2801', 'ldp8806',
/// 'lpd6803', 'sedu', 'adalight', 'lightpack', 'test' and 'none')
/// * 'output' : The output specification depends on selected device. This can for example be the
/// device specifier, device serial number, or the output file name
/// * 'rate' : The baudrate of the output to the device
/// * 'colorOrder' : The order of the color bytes ('rgb', 'rbg', 'bgr', etc.).
"device" :
"name" : "MyPi",
"type" : "adalight",
"output" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"rate" : 115200,
"colorOrder" : "rgb"
/// Color manipulation configuration used to tune the output colors to specific surroundings.
/// The configuration contains a list of color-transforms. Each transform contains the
/// following fields:
/// * 'id' : The unique identifier of the color transformation (eg 'device_1') /// * 'leds' : The indices (or index ranges) of the leds to which this color transform applies
/// (eg '0-5, 9, 11, 12-17'). The indices are zero based. /// * 'hsv' : The manipulation in the Hue-Saturation-Value color domain with the following
/// tuning parameters:
/// - 'saturationGain' The gain adjustement of the saturation
/// - 'valueGain' The gain adjustement of the value
/// * 'red'/'green'/'blue' : The manipulation in the Red-Green-Blue color domain with the
/// following tuning parameters for each channel:
/// - 'threshold' The minimum required input value for the channel to be on
/// (else zero)
/// - 'gamma' The gamma-curve correction factor
/// - 'blacklevel' The lowest possible value (when the channel is black)
/// - 'whitelevel' The highest possible value (when the channel is white)
/// Next to the list with color transforms there is also a smoothing option.
/// * 'smoothing' : Smoothing of the colors in the time-domain with the following tuning
/// parameters:
/// - 'type' The type of smoothing algorithm ('linear' or 'none')
/// - 'time_ms' The time constant for smoothing algorithm in milliseconds
/// - 'updateFrequency' The update frequency of the leds in Hz
"color" :
"transform" :
"id" : "default",
"leds" : "*",
"hsv" :
"saturationGain" : 1.0000,
"valueGain" : 1.0000
"red" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"green" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"blue" :
"threshold" : 0.0000,
"gamma" : 1.0000,
"blacklevel" : 0.0000,
"whitelevel" : 1.0000
"smoothing" :
"type" : "none",
"time_ms" : 200,
"updateFrequency" : 20.0000
/// The configuration for each individual led. This contains the specification of the area
/// averaged of an input image for each led to determine its color. Each item in the list
/// contains the following fields:
/// * index: The index of the led. This determines its location in the string of leds; zero
/// being the first led.
/// * hscan: The fractional part of the image along the horizontal used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
/// * vscan: The fractional part of the image along the vertical used for the averaging
/// (minimum and maximum inclusive)
"leds" :
"index" : 0,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4375, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 1,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3750, "maximum" : 0.4375 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 2,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3125, "maximum" : 0.3750 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 3,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.3125 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 4,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1875, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 5,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1250, "maximum" : 0.1875 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 6,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0625, "maximum" : 0.1250 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 7,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0625 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 8,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 9,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 10,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.8571 }
"index" : 11,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.7143 }
"index" : 12,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.5714 }
"index" : 13,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.4286 }
"index" : 14,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.2857 }
"index" : 15,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1429 }
"index" : 16,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 17,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0625 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 18,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0625, "maximum" : 0.1250 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 19,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1250, "maximum" : 0.1875 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 20,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1875, "maximum" : 0.2500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 21,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2500, "maximum" : 0.3125 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 22,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3125, "maximum" : 0.3750 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 23,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.3750, "maximum" : 0.4375 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 24,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4375, "maximum" : 0.5000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 25,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5625 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 26,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5625, "maximum" : 0.6250 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 27,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6250, "maximum" : 0.6875 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 28,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6875, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 29,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.8125 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 30,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8125, "maximum" : 0.8750 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 31,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8750, "maximum" : 0.9375 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 32,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9375, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 33,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.0800 }
"index" : 34,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.0000, "maximum" : 0.1429 }
"index" : 35,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.1429, "maximum" : 0.2857 }
"index" : 36,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.2857, "maximum" : 0.4286 }
"index" : 37,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.4286, "maximum" : 0.5714 }
"index" : 38,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5714, "maximum" : 0.7143 }
"index" : 39,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7143, "maximum" : 0.8571 }
"index" : 40,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8571, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 41,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9500, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 42,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9375, "maximum" : 1.0000 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 43,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8750, "maximum" : 0.9375 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 44,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.8125, "maximum" : 0.8750 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 45,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.7500, "maximum" : 0.8125 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 46,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6875, "maximum" : 0.7500 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 47,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.6250, "maximum" : 0.6875 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 48,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5625, "maximum" : 0.6250 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
"index" : 49,
"hscan" : { "minimum" : 0.5000, "maximum" : 0.5625 },
"vscan" : { "minimum" : 0.9200, "maximum" : 1.0000 }
/// The black border configuration, contains the following items:
/// * enable : true if the detector should be activated
/// * threshold : Value below which a pixel is regarded as black (value between 0.0 and 1.0)
"blackborderdetector" :
"enable" : true,
"threshold" : 0.01
/// The configuration of the effect engine, contains the following items:
/// * paths : An array with absolute location(s) of directories with effects
/// * bootsequence : The effect selected as 'boot sequence'
"effects" :
"paths" :
"bootsequence" :
"effect" : "Rainbow swirl fast",
"duration_ms" : 3000
/// The configuration for the frame-grabber, contains the following items:
/// * width : The width of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * height : The height of the grabbed frames [pixels]
/// * frequency_Hz : The frequency of the frame grab [Hz]
// "framegrabber" :
// {
// "width" : 64,
// "height" : 64,
// "frequency_Hz" : 10.0
// },
/// The configuration of the XBMC connection used to enable and disable the frame-grabber. Contains the following fields:
/// * xbmcAddress : The IP address of the XBMC-host
/// * xbmcTcpPort : The TCP-port of the XBMC-server
/// * grabVideo : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during video playback
/// * grabPictures : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during picture show
/// * grabAudio : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) during audio playback
/// * grabMenu : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) in the XBMC menu
/// * grabScreensaver : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber is on(true) when XBMC is on screensaver
/// * enable3DDetection : Flag indicating that the frame-grabber should switch to a 3D compatible modus if a 3D video is playing
// "xbmcVideoChecker" :
// {
// "xbmcAddress" : "",
// "xbmcTcpPort" : 9090,
// "grabVideo" : true,
// "grabPictures" : true,
// "grabAudio" : true,
// "grabMenu" : false,
// "grabScreensaver" : true,
// "enable3DDetection" : true
// },
/// The configuration of the Json server which enables the json remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the json server is started
"jsonServer" :
"port" : 19444
/// The configuration of the Proto server which enables the protobuffer remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the protobuffer server is started
"protoServer" :
"port" : 19445
/// The configuration of the boblight server which enables the boblight remote interface
/// * port : Port at which the boblight server is started
// "boblightServer" :
// {
// "port" : 19333
// },
"endOfJson" : "endOfJson"
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