add logger/compiler class (#680)

* implement make install
set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion
set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation
after compiling use
make install
make install/strip
(for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance)

* cleanup cmake files
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion ..
to install all files to hyperion or
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion

* add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system
install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files

* optimize build release script
install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script)
initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things)
automatic detect for apple build

* update submodule

* fix cmake error when no platform is given

* initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm!

* make packeages contain usefull stuff

* add license
make packes more functional. package specific install missing yet

* implement debian postinstall

* disable rpm generation until it has a working state

* add hypercon compat

* add posibility for multiple config files. first one found is taken

* remove hyperion comaptlayer
services is not started automaticly

* rework debian postinstall:
- remove /opt compatibility complety. This makes more trouble as it is usefull
- when hyperiond already started, restart it
- cleanup

* add deb package dependencies

* wipe out last support for /opt installation

* change default effect path in config to /usr

* revert service files and config files

* remove last occurences of ENABLE_PROTOBUF
fix cmake warnings and make it ready for cmake 3
fix refactoring of hyperiond.cpp creates no objects for network services

* all arguments via reference ...

* fix xbmcchecker not working

* add logger class

* - profiler must be activated with ENABLE_PROFILER, otherwise an error will raise
-> this should prevent profiler gets into release code

* fix profiler

Former-commit-id: b716dd40dbf5b837356eec876d85ec71c86d5c6c
This commit is contained in:
redPanther 2016-06-05 16:08:55 +02:00 committed by brindosch
parent a5b8aeff54
commit f39f074dcf
7 changed files with 298 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ message(STATUS "ENABLE_QT5 = " ${ENABLE_QT5})
option(ENABLE_TESTS "Compile additional test applications" OFF)
option(ENABLE_PROFILER "enable profiler capabilities - not for release code" OFF)
message(FATAL_ERROR "dispmanx grabber and framebuffer grabber cannot be used at the same time")

View File

@ -30,4 +30,8 @@
// Define to enable the bonjour/zeroconf publishing
#cmakedefine ENABLE_ZEROCONF
// Define to enable profiler for development purpose
#cmakedefine ENABLE_PROFILER
// the hyperion build id string

include/utils/Logger.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <map>
// standard log messages
#define Debug(logger, ...) { (logger)->Message(Logger::DEBUG , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); }
#define Info(logger, ...) { (logger)->Message(Logger::INFO , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); }
#define Warning(logger, ...) { (logger)->Message(Logger::WARNING, __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); }
#define Error(logger, ...) { (logger)->Message(Logger::ERROR , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); }
// conditional log messages
#define DebugIf(condition, logger, ...) { if (condition) {(logger)->Message(Logger::DEBUG , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__);} }
#define InfoIf(condition, logger, ...) { if (condition) {(logger)->Message(Logger::INFO , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__);} }
#define WarningIf(condition, logger, ...) { if (condition) {(logger)->Message(Logger::WARNING , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__);} }
#define ErrorIf(condition, logger, ...) { if (condition) {(logger)->Message(Logger::ERROR , __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__);} }
// ================================================================
class Logger
enum LogLevel { DEBUG=0, INFO=1,WARNING=2,ERROR=3 };
static Logger* getInstance(std::string name="", LogLevel minLevel=Logger::INFO);
void Message(LogLevel level, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line, const char* fmt, ...);
void setMinLevel(LogLevel level) { _minLevel = level; };
Logger( std::string name="", LogLevel minLevel=INFO);
static std::map<std::string,Logger*> *LoggerMap;
std::string _name;
std::string _appname;
LogLevel _minLevel;
bool _syslogEnabled;
unsigned int _loggerId;

include/utils/Profiler.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#error "Profiler is not for productive code, enable it via cmake or remove header include"
// profiler
#define PROFILER_TIMER_START(stopWatchName) Profiler::TimerStart(stopWatchName, __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__);
#define PROFILER_TIMER_GET(stopWatchName) Profiler::TimerGetTime(stopWatchName, __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__);
#define PROFILER_TIMER_GET_IF(condition, stopWatchName) { if (condition) {Profiler::TimerGetTime(stopWatchName, __FILE__, _FUNCNAME_, __LINE__);} }
class Profiler
Profiler(const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line);
static void TimerStart(const std::string stopWatchName, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line);
static void TimerGetTime(const std::string stopWatchName, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line);
static void initLogger();
static Logger* _logger;
const char* _file;
const char* _func;
unsigned int _line;
unsigned int _blockId;
clock_t _startTime;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
@ -16,6 +20,10 @@ add_library(hyperion-utils

libsrc/utils/Logger.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <map>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QString>
std::string getBaseName( std::string sourceFile)
QFileInfo fi( sourceFile.c_str() );
return fi.fileName().toStdString();
static const char * LogLevelStrings[] = { "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR" };
static const int LogLevelSysLog[] = { LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERR };
static unsigned int loggerCount = 0;
static unsigned int loggerId = 0;
std::map<std::string,Logger*> *Logger::LoggerMap = nullptr;
Logger* Logger::getInstance(std::string name, Logger::LogLevel minLevel)
if (Logger::LoggerMap == nullptr)
Logger::LoggerMap = new std::map<std::string,Logger*>;
if ( LoggerMap->find(name) == LoggerMap->end() )
Logger* log = new Logger(name,minLevel);
return log;
return Logger::LoggerMap->at(name);
Logger::Logger ( std::string name, LogLevel minLevel ):
_appname = std::string(program_invocation_short_name);
std::transform(_appname.begin(), _appname.end(),_appname.begin(), ::toupper);
// if (pLoggerMap == NULL)
// pLoggerMap = new std::map<unsigned int,Logger*>;
if (_syslogEnabled && loggerCount == 1 )
openlog (program_invocation_short_name, LOG_CONS | LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL0);
if ( loggerCount == 0 )
void Logger::Message(LogLevel level, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line, const char* fmt, ...)
if ( level < _minLevel )
char msg[512];
va_list args;
va_start (args, fmt);
vsprintf (msg,fmt, args);
va_end (args);
std::string location;
std::string function(func);
if ( level == Logger::DEBUG )
location = "<" + getBaseName(sourceFile) + ":" + QString::number(line).toStdString()+":"+ function + "()> ";
<< "[" << _appname << " " << _name << "] <"
<< LogLevelStrings[level] << "> " << location << msg
<< std::endl;
if ( _syslogEnabled && level >= Logger::WARNING )
syslog (LogLevelSysLog[level], "%s", msg);

libsrc/utils/Profiler.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
#include "utils/Profiler.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QString>
struct StopWatchItem {
const char* sourceFile;
const char* func;
unsigned int line;
clock_t startTime;
static unsigned int blockCounter = 0;
static std::map<std::string,StopWatchItem> GlobalProfilerMap;
Logger* Profiler::_logger = nullptr;
std::string profiler_getBaseName( std::string sourceFile)
QFileInfo fi( sourceFile.c_str() );
return fi.fileName().toStdString();
double getClockDelta(clock_t start)
return ((double)(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ;
Profiler::Profiler(const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line) :
_logger->Message(Logger::DEBUG,_file,_func,_line,">>> enter block %d", _blockId);
_logger->Message( Logger::DEBUG, _file,_func, _line, "<<< exit block %d, executed for %f s", _blockId, getClockDelta(_startTime) );
void Profiler::initLogger()
if (_logger == nullptr )
_logger = Logger::getInstance("PROFILER", Logger::DEBUG);
void Profiler::TimerStart(const std::string timerName, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line)
std::pair<std::map<std::string,StopWatchItem>::iterator,bool> ret;
StopWatchItem item = {sourceFile, func, line};
ret = GlobalProfilerMap.emplace(timerName, item);
if ( ! ret.second )
if ( ret.first->second.sourceFile == sourceFile && ret.first->second.func == func && ret.first->second.line == line )
_logger->Message(Logger::DEBUG, sourceFile, func, line, "restart timer '%s'", timerName.c_str() );
ret.first->second.startTime = clock();
_logger->Message(Logger::DEBUG, sourceFile, func, line, "ERROR timer '%s' started in multiple locations. First occurence %s:%d:%s()",
timerName.c_str(), profiler_getBaseName(ret.first->second.sourceFile).c_str(), ret.first->second.line, ret.first->second.func );
_logger->Message(Logger::DEBUG, sourceFile, func, line, "start timer '%s'", timerName.c_str() );
void Profiler::TimerGetTime(const std::string timerName, const char* sourceFile, const char* func, unsigned int line)
std::map<std::string,StopWatchItem>::iterator ret = GlobalProfilerMap.find(timerName);
if (ret != GlobalProfilerMap.end())
_logger->Message(Logger::DEBUG, sourceFile, func, line, "timer '%s' started at %s:%d:%s() took %f s execution time until here", timerName.c_str(),
profiler_getBaseName(ret->second.sourceFile).c_str(), ret->second.line, ret->second.func, getClockDelta(ret->second.startTime) );
_logger->Message(Logger::DEBUG, sourceFile, func, line, "ERROR timer '%s' not started", timerName.c_str() );