* Replaced getoptplusplus with QCommandLineParser. Fixes#39
* enabling C++11 if possible
* enabling C++11 if possible
* fixed gcc compilation issues
* fixed linux builds and improved os x build
* trying to fix dispmanx
* trying to fix dispmanx
* simplified travis build script
* fixed argumentparser default values
* rewrote validator system and made sure default arguments are processed correctly
* rewrote validator system and made sure default arguments are processed correctly
* fixed bool vs. regular options
* oops... removing debug code
* reverted screenshot api change
* common ledbuffer for color transform
hyperion class uses a common buffer for all operations on ledColors got from muxer
all color transforms uses new ledBuffer instead of making copies of ledbuffer
other fixes:
fix compile bug in profiler
update doxygen config
* migrate logging for color transform classes
* prepare new logger in hyperion class
* implement hwledcount
* Update Hyperion.cpp
Fix off color
* remove ledscount equivalent from apa102
migrate logging in hyperion.cpp
remove unused and duuplicate colorcorrection - but same is available through tempertature
* remove colorcorrection completly
fix compile
* set colororder back to static
* in remote: using correction is the same as using temperature - correction is obsolete, command not delete atm for compat reasons