* Readd import Collections to show JSON validation failures details
* Editorial update
* Audiograbber - Remove config for not implemented feature
* Smoothing - Update defaults and range
* Version 2.0.15
* Systemd changes and URL option for Gif Effects
* Add grayscale to gif effect
* WebUI adjustments
* Rename version to .version
* Copy runHyperionAsRoot.sh to rpi packages
* Pack script into all unix packages
* Start hyperion only after network is available
* Snap builds removed due to poor server connection
* Flexible updateHyperionUser.sh
* updateHyperionUser script entered in the package
* Print help on none sudo execute
* Corrected embedded Python location
* Replacement for the QWindowsScreen grabWindow function
* Updated to latest 2.x mbedtls version 2.27
Co-authored-by: LordGrey <lordgrey.emmel@gmail.com>