* implement make install
set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion
set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation
after compiling use
make install
make install/strip
(for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance)
* cleanup cmake files
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion ..
to install all files to hyperion or
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion
* add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system
install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files
* optimize build release script
install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script)
initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things)
automatic detect for apple build
* update submodule
* fix cmake error when no platform is given
* initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm!
* make packeages contain usefull stuff
* add license
make packes more functional. package specific install missing yet
* implement debian postinstall
* disable rpm generation until it has a working state
* add hypercon compat
* add posibility for multiple config files. first one found is taken
* remove hyperion comaptlayer
services is not started automaticly
* rework debian postinstall:
- remove /opt compatibility complety. This makes more trouble as it is usefull
- when hyperiond already started, restart it
- cleanup
* add deb package dependencies
* wipe out last support for /opt installation
* change default effect path in config to /usr
* revert service files and config files
Former-commit-id: 4462021775b71a78497e0f0887a9f58111f91a5e
* implement make install
set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion
set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation
after compiling use
make install
make install/strip
(for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance)
* cleanup cmake files
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion ..
to install all files to hyperion or
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion
* add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system
install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files
* optimize build release script
install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script)
initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things)
automatic detect for apple build
* update submodule
* fix cmake error when no platform is given
* initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm!
* make packeages contain usefull stuff
* add license
make packes more functional. package specific install missing yet
* implement debian postinstall
* disable rpm generation until it has a working state
* add hypercon compat
* add posibility for multiple config files. first one found is taken
Former-commit-id: 1c2669961da98fd05a97359e75f1d6d68e126715
* implement make install
set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion
set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation
after compiling use
make install
make install/strip
(for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance)
* cleanup cmake files
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion ..
to install all files to hyperion or
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion
* add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system
install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files
* optimize build release script
install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script)
initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things)
automatic detect for apple build
* update submodule
* fix cmake error when no platform is given
* initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm!
Former-commit-id: 7d7ca8685c632bb35fbe607b2ff463ef589f72e8
* implement make install
set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion
set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation
after compiling use
make install
make install/strip
(for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance)
* cleanup cmake files
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion ..
to install all files to hyperion or
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion
* add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system
install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files
* optimize build release script
install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script)
initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things)
automatic detect for apple build
* update submodule
Former-commit-id: 5f06f314841810c780c871f810158010d3d2de70
Make sure pthreads and dl get linked when building Hyperion
using a static Qt Embedded library instead of Qt X11
Former-commit-id: d1e57e9192dfb6c3c42261a9ee57ebdc85bf03cd