// Qt includes #include #include XBMCVideoChecker::XBMCVideoChecker(QString address, uint16_t port, uint64_t interval_ms, Hyperion * hyperion, int priority) : QObject(), _address(address), _port(port), _request("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"Player.GetActivePlayers\",\"id\":1}"), _timer(), _socket(), _hyperion(hyperion), _priority(priority) { // setup timer _timer.setSingleShot(false); _timer.setInterval(interval_ms); connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendRequest())); // setup socket connect(&_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receiveReply())); } void XBMCVideoChecker::start() { _timer.start(); } void XBMCVideoChecker::sendRequest() { switch (_socket.state()) { case QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState: // not connected. try to connect std::cout << "Connecting to " << _address.toStdString() << ":" << _port << " to check XBMC player status" << std::endl; _socket.connectToHost(_address, _port); break; case QTcpSocket::ConnectedState: // write the request on the socket _socket.write(_request); break; default: // whatever. let's check again at the next timer tick break; } } void XBMCVideoChecker::receiveReply() { // expect that the reply is received as a single message. Probaly oke considering the size of the expected reply QString reply(_socket.readAll()); if (reply.contains("playerid")) { // something is playing. check for "video" to check if a video is playing // clear our priority channel to allow the grabbed vido colors to be shown _hyperion->clear(_priority); } else { // Nothing is playing. set our priority channel completely to black // The timeout is used to have the channel cleared after 30 seconds of connection problems... _hyperion->setColor(_priority, RgbColor::BLACK, 30000); } }