// // ____ _ _ // / ___|| |_ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ (_)___ (*) // \___ \| __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \/ __| | / __| // ___) | || (_| | |_) | __/\__ \_ | \__ \ // |____/ \__\__,_| .__/ \___||___(_)/ |___/ // |_| |__/ // // (*) a (really) tiny Javascript MVC microframework // // (c) Hay Kranen < hay@bykr.org > // Released under the terms of the MIT license // < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License > // // Stapes.js : http://hay.github.com/stapes (function() { 'use strict'; var VERSION = "0.8.0"; // Global counter for all events in all modules (including mixed in objects) var guid = 1; // Makes _.create() faster if (!Object.create) { var CachedFunction = function(){}; } // So we can use slice.call for arguments later on var slice = Array.prototype.slice; // Private attributes and helper functions, stored in an object so they // are overwritable by plugins var _ = { // Properties attributes : {}, eventHandlers : { "-1" : {} // '-1' is used for the global event handling }, guid : -1, // Methods addEvent : function(event) { // If we don't have any handlers for this type of event, add a new // array we can use to push new handlers if (!_.eventHandlers[event.guid][event.type]) { _.eventHandlers[event.guid][event.type] = []; } // Push an event object _.eventHandlers[event.guid][event.type].push({ "guid" : event.guid, "handler" : event.handler, "scope" : event.scope, "type" : event.type }); }, addEventHandler : function(argTypeOrMap, argHandlerOrScope, argScope) { var eventMap = {}, scope; if (typeof argTypeOrMap === "string") { scope = argScope || false; eventMap[ argTypeOrMap ] = argHandlerOrScope; } else { scope = argHandlerOrScope || false; eventMap = argTypeOrMap; } for (var eventString in eventMap) { var handler = eventMap[eventString]; var events = eventString.split(" "); for (var i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; i++) { var eventType = events[i]; _.addEvent.call(this, { "guid" : this._guid || this._.guid, "handler" : handler, "scope" : scope, "type" : eventType }); } } }, addGuid : function(object, forceGuid) { if (object._guid && !forceGuid) return; object._guid = guid++; _.attributes[object._guid] = {}; _.eventHandlers[object._guid] = {}; }, // This is a really small utility function to save typing and produce // better optimized code attr : function(guid) { return _.attributes[guid]; }, clone : function(obj) { var type = _.typeOf(obj); if (type === 'object') { return _.extend({}, obj); } if (type === 'array') { return obj.slice(0); } }, create : function(proto) { if (Object.create) { return Object.create(proto); } else { CachedFunction.prototype = proto; return new CachedFunction(); } }, createSubclass : function(props, includeEvents) { props = props || {}; includeEvents = includeEvents || false; var superclass = props.superclass.prototype; // Objects always have a constructor, so we need to be sure this is // a property instead of something from the prototype var realConstructor = props.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ? props.constructor : function(){}; function constructor() { // Be kind to people forgetting new if (!(this instanceof constructor)) { throw new Error("Please use 'new' when initializing Stapes classes"); } // If this class has events add a GUID as well if (this.on) { _.addGuid( this, true ); } realConstructor.apply(this, arguments); } if (includeEvents) { _.extend(superclass, Events); } constructor.prototype = _.create(superclass); constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor; _.extend(constructor, { extend : function() { return _.extendThis.apply(this, arguments); }, // We can't call this 'super' because that's a reserved keyword // and fails in IE8 'parent' : superclass, proto : function() { return _.extendThis.apply(this.prototype, arguments); }, subclass : function(obj) { obj = obj || {}; obj.superclass = this; return _.createSubclass(obj); } }); // Copy all props given in the definition to the prototype for (var key in props) { if (key !== 'constructor' && key !== 'superclass') { constructor.prototype[key] = props[key]; } } return constructor; }, emitEvents : function(type, data, explicitType, explicitGuid) { explicitType = explicitType || false; explicitGuid = explicitGuid || this._guid; // #30: make a local copy of handlers to prevent problems with // unbinding the event while unwinding the loop var handlers = slice.call(_.eventHandlers[explicitGuid][type]); for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) { // Clone the event to prevent issue #19 var event = _.extend({}, handlers[i]); var scope = (event.scope) ? event.scope : this; if (explicitType) { event.type = explicitType; } event.scope = scope; event.handler.call(event.scope, data, event); } }, // Extend an object with more objects extend : function() { var args = slice.call(arguments); var object = args.shift(); for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) { var props = args[i]; for (var key in props) { object[key] = props[key]; } } return object; }, // The same as extend, but uses the this value as the scope extendThis : function() { var args = slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(this); return _.extend.apply(this, args); }, // from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2117523/152809 makeUuid : function() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8); return v.toString(16); }); }, removeAttribute : function(keys, silent) { silent = silent || false; // Split the key, maybe we want to remove more than one item var attributes = _.trim(keys).split(" "); // Actually delete the item for (var i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++) { var key = _.trim(attributes[i]); if (key) { delete _.attr(this._guid)[key]; // If 'silent' is set, do not throw any events if (!silent) { this.emit('change', key); this.emit('change:' + key); this.emit('remove', key); this.emit('remove:' + key); } } } }, removeEventHandler : function(type, handler) { var handlers = _.eventHandlers[this._guid]; if (type && handler) { // Remove a specific handler handlers = handlers[type]; if (!handlers) return; for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length, h; i < l; i++) { h = handlers[i].handler; if (h && h === handler) { handlers.splice(i--, 1); l--; } } } else if (type) { // Remove all handlers for a specific type delete handlers[type]; } else { // Remove all handlers for this module _.eventHandlers[this._guid] = {}; } }, setAttribute : function(key, value, silent) { silent = silent || false; // We need to do this before we actually add the item :) var itemExists = this.has(key); var oldValue = _.attr(this._guid)[key]; // Is the value different than the oldValue? If not, ignore this call if (value === oldValue) { return; } // Actually add the item to the attributes _.attr(this._guid)[key] = value; // If 'silent' flag is set, do not throw any events if (silent) { return; } // Throw a generic event this.emit('change', key); // And a namespaced event as well, NOTE that we pass value instead of // key here! this.emit('change:' + key, value); // Throw namespaced and non-namespaced 'mutate' events as well with // the old value data as well and some extra metadata such as the key var mutateData = { "key" : key, "newValue" : value, "oldValue" : oldValue || null }; this.emit('mutate', mutateData); this.emit('mutate:' + key, mutateData); // Also throw a specific event for this type of set var specificEvent = itemExists ? 'update' : 'create'; this.emit(specificEvent, key); // And a namespaced event as well, NOTE that we pass value instead of key this.emit(specificEvent + ':' + key, value); }, trim : function(str) { return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); }, typeOf : function(val) { if (val === null || typeof val === "undefined") { // This is a special exception for IE, in other browsers the // method below works all the time return String(val); } else { return Object.prototype.toString.call(val).replace(/\[object |\]/g, '').toLowerCase(); } }, updateAttribute : function(key, fn, silent) { var item = this.get(key); // In previous versions of Stapes we didn't have the check for object, // but still this worked. In 0.7.0 it suddenly doesn't work anymore and // we need the check. Why? I have no clue. var type = _.typeOf(item); if (type === 'object' || type === 'array') { item = _.clone(item); } var newValue = fn.call(this, item, key); _.setAttribute.call(this, key, newValue, silent || false); } }; // Can be mixed in later using Stapes.mixinEvents(object); var Events = { emit : function(types, data) { data = (typeof data === "undefined") ? null : data; var splittedTypes = types.split(" "); for (var i = 0, l = splittedTypes.length; i < l; i++) { var type = splittedTypes[i]; // First 'all' type events: is there an 'all' handler in the // global stack? if (_.eventHandlers[-1].all) { _.emitEvents.call(this, "all", data, type, -1); } // Catch all events for this type? if (_.eventHandlers[-1][type]) { _.emitEvents.call(this, type, data, type, -1); } if (typeof this._guid === 'number') { // 'all' event for this specific module? if (_.eventHandlers[this._guid].all) { _.emitEvents.call(this, "all", data, type); } // Finally, normal events :) if (_.eventHandlers[this._guid][type]) { _.emitEvents.call(this, type, data); } } } }, off : function() { _.removeEventHandler.apply(this, arguments); }, on : function() { _.addEventHandler.apply(this, arguments); } }; _.Module = function() { }; _.Module.prototype = { each : function(fn, ctx) { var attr = _.attr(this._guid); for (var key in attr) { var value = attr[key]; fn.call(ctx || this, value, key); } }, extend : function() { return _.extendThis.apply(this, arguments); }, filter : function(fn) { var filtered = []; var attributes = _.attr(this._guid); for (var key in attributes) { if ( fn.call(this, attributes[key], key)) { filtered.push( attributes[key] ); } } return filtered; }, get : function(input) { if (typeof input === "string") { return this.has(input) ? _.attr(this._guid)[input] : null; } else if (typeof input === "function") { var items = this.filter(input); return (items.length) ? items[0] : null; } }, getAll : function() { return _.clone( _.attr(this._guid) ); }, getAllAsArray : function() { var arr = []; var attributes = _.attr(this._guid); for (var key in attributes) { var value = attributes[key]; if (_.typeOf(value) === "object" && !value.id) { value.id = key; } arr.push(value); } return arr; }, has : function(key) { return (typeof _.attr(this._guid)[key] !== "undefined"); }, map : function(fn, ctx) { var mapped = []; this.each(function(value, key) { mapped.push( fn.call(ctx || this, value, key) ); }, ctx || this); return mapped; }, // Akin to set(), but makes a unique id push : function(input, silent) { if (_.typeOf(input) === "array") { for (var i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; i++) { _.setAttribute.call(this, _.makeUuid(), input[i], silent || false); } } else { _.setAttribute.call(this, _.makeUuid(), input, silent || false); } return this; }, remove : function(input, silent) { if (typeof input === 'undefined') { // With no arguments, remove deletes all attributes _.attributes[this._guid] = {}; this.emit('change remove'); } else if (typeof input === "function") { this.each(function(item, key) { if (input(item)) { _.removeAttribute.call(this, key, silent); } }); } else { // nb: checking for exists happens in removeAttribute _.removeAttribute.call(this, input, silent || false); } return this; }, set : function(objOrKey, valueOrSilent, silent) { if (typeof objOrKey === "object") { for (var key in objOrKey) { _.setAttribute.call(this, key, objOrKey[key], valueOrSilent || false); } } else { _.setAttribute.call(this, objOrKey, valueOrSilent, silent || false); } return this; }, size : function() { var size = 0; var attr = _.attr(this._guid); for (var key in attr) { size++; } return size; }, update : function(keyOrFn, fn, silent) { if (typeof keyOrFn === "string") { _.updateAttribute.call(this, keyOrFn, fn, silent || false); } else if (typeof keyOrFn === "function") { this.each(function(value, key) { _.updateAttribute.call(this, key, keyOrFn); }); } return this; } }; var Stapes = { "_" : _, // private helper functions and properties "extend" : function() { return _.extendThis.apply(_.Module.prototype, arguments); }, "mixinEvents" : function(obj) { obj = obj || {}; _.addGuid(obj); return _.extend(obj, Events); }, "on" : function() { _.addEventHandler.apply(this, arguments); }, "subclass" : function(obj, classOnly) { classOnly = classOnly || false; obj = obj || {}; obj.superclass = classOnly ? function(){} : _.Module; return _.createSubclass(obj, !classOnly); }, "version" : VERSION }; // This library can be used as an AMD module, a Node.js module, or an // old fashioned global if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { // Server if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = Stapes; } exports.Stapes = Stapes; } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(function() { return Stapes; }); } else { // Global scope window.Stapes = Stapes; } })();