/** * Enables translation for the form * with the ID given in "formID" * Generates token with the given token prefix * and an underscore followed by the input id * Example: input id = input_one * token prefix = tokenprefix * The translation token would be: "tokenprefix_input_one" * Default language in "lang" attribute will always be "en" * @param {String} tokenPrefix * @param {String} formID */ function enableFormTranslation(tokenPrefix, formID) { var $inputs = $("#" + formID + " :input"); $inputs.each(function() { console.log("InputID: " + $(this).attr('id')); var oldtext = $("label[for='" + $(this).attr('id') + "']").text(); $("label[for='" + $(this).attr('id') + "']").html('' + oldtext + ''); }); } // global vars var currentVersion; var cleanCurrentVersion; var latestVersion; var cleanLatestVersion; var parsedServerInfoJSON; var parsedUpdateJSON; var hyperionport = 19444; function button_reloaddata(){ hyperionport = $("#json_port").val(); loaddata(); }; function loaddata() { webSocket = new WebSocket('ws://'+document.location.hostname+':'+hyperionport); webSocket.onerror = function(event) { $('#con_error_modal').modal('show'); }; webSocket.onopen = function(event) { webSocket.send('{"command":"serverinfo"}'); }; webSocket.onmessage = function(response){ parsedServerInfoJSON = JSON.parse(response.data ); currentVersion = parsedServerInfoJSON.info.hyperion[0].version; cleanCurrentVersion = currentVersion.replace(/\./g, ''); // get active led device var leddevice = parsedServerInfoJSON.info.ledDevices.active; $('#dash_leddevice').html(leddevice); // get host var hostname = parsedServerInfoJSON.info.hostname; $('#dash_systeminfo').html(hostname+':'+hyperionport); $.get( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/master/version.json", function( data ) { parsedUpdateJSON = JSON.parse(data); latestVersion = parsedUpdateJSON[0].versionnr; cleanLatestVersion = latestVersion.replace(/\./g, ''); $('#currentversion').html(' V'+currentVersion); $('#latestversion').html(' V'+latestVersion); if ( cleanCurrentVersion < cleanLatestVersion ) { $('#versioninforesult').html('
A newer version of Hyperion is available!
'); } else{ $('#versioninforesult').html('
You run the latest version of Hyperion.
'); } }); }; };