#include <QMetaType> #include <grabber/V4L2Wrapper.h> #include <hyperion/ImageProcessorFactory.h> V4L2Wrapper::V4L2Wrapper(const std::string &device, int input, VideoStandard videoStandard, PixelFormat pixelFormat, int width, int height, int frameDecimation, int pixelDecimation, double redSignalThreshold, double greenSignalThreshold, double blueSignalThreshold, const int priority) : GrabberWrapper("V4L2:"+device, priority, hyperion::COMP_V4L) , _timeout_ms(1000) , _grabber(device, input, videoStandard, pixelFormat, width, height, frameDecimation, pixelDecimation, pixelDecimation) , _ledColors(Hyperion::getInstance()->getLedCount(), ColorRgb{0,0,0}) { // set the signal detection threshold of the grabber _grabber.setSignalThreshold( redSignalThreshold, greenSignalThreshold, blueSignalThreshold, 50); // register the image type qRegisterMetaType<Image<ColorRgb>>("Image<ColorRgb>"); qRegisterMetaType<std::vector<ColorRgb>>("std::vector<ColorRgb>"); // Handle the image in the captured thread using a direct connection QObject::connect(&_grabber, SIGNAL(newFrame(Image<ColorRgb>)), this, SLOT(newFrame(Image<ColorRgb>)), Qt::DirectConnection); QObject::connect(&_grabber, SIGNAL(readError(const char*)), this, SLOT(readError(const char*)), Qt::DirectConnection); // send color data to Hyperion using a queued connection to handle the data over to the main event loop // QObject::connect( // this, SIGNAL(emitColors(int,std::vector<ColorRgb>,int)), // _hyperion, SLOT(setColors(int,std::vector<ColorRgb>,int)), // Qt::QueuedConnection); // setup the higher prio source checker // this will disable the v4l2 grabber when a source with higher priority is active _timer.setInterval(500); } V4L2Wrapper::~V4L2Wrapper() { } bool V4L2Wrapper::start() { return ( _grabber.start() && GrabberWrapper::start()); } void V4L2Wrapper::stop() { _grabber.stop(); GrabberWrapper::stop(); } void V4L2Wrapper::setCropping(int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom) { _grabber.setCropping(cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom); } void V4L2Wrapper::set3D(VideoMode mode) { _grabber.set3D(mode); } void V4L2Wrapper::newFrame(const Image<ColorRgb> &image) { // forward to other hyperions if ( _forward ) { emit emitImage(_priority, image, _timeout_ms); } // process the new image _processor->process(image, _ledColors); _hyperion->setColors(_priority, _ledColors, _timeout_ms); } void V4L2Wrapper::readError(const char* err) { Error(_log, "stop grabber, because reading device failed. (%s)", err); stop(); } void V4L2Wrapper::checkSources() { QList<int> activePriorities = _hyperion->getActivePriorities(); for (int x : activePriorities) { if (x < _priority) { // found a higher priority source: grabber should be disabled _grabber.stop(); return; } } // no higher priority source was found: grabber should be enabled _grabber.start(); } void V4L2Wrapper::action() { checkSources(); }