#!/bin/sh install_file() { src="$1" dest="$2" if [ ! -e "$dest" ] then cp "$src" "${dest}" return 1 else echo "--> Service file already exists, skip creation" return 0 fi } echo "---Hyperion ambient light postinstall ---" #check system CPU_RPI=`grep -m1 -c 'BCM2708\|BCM2709\|BCM2710\|BCM2835' /proc/cpuinfo` CPU_X32X64=`uname -m | grep 'x86_32\|i686\|x86_64' | wc -l` #Check for a bootloader as Berryboot BOOT_BERRYBOOT=$(grep -m1 -c '\(/var/media\|/media/pi\)/berryboot' /etc/mtab) #get current system ip NET_IP=`hostname -I | cut -d " " -f1` # search for users in system, returns first entry FOUND_USR=`whoami` || "root" # determine if we should use a service ENABLE_SERVICE=0 STARTUP_MSG="echo ---> You can start Hyperion from your menu now" if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ]; then ENABLE_SERVICE=1 STARTUP_MSG="echo ---> Hyperion has been installed as service, it will start on each system startup" fi start_msg="" restart_msg="" if grep -m1 systemd /proc/1/comm > /dev/null then echo "---> init deamon: systemd" # systemd install_file /usr/share/hyperion/service/hyperion.systemd /etc/systemd/system/hyperiond@.service # service registration just on Raspberry Pi, probably need to ask the user how we should use the service. TODO service start in user login scope eg for x11?! if [ $ENABLE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then systemctl enable hyperiond"@${FOUND_USR}".service start_msg="--> systemctl start hyperiond for user ${FOUND_USR}" systemctl start hyperiond"@${FOUND_USR}" fi elif [ -e /sbin/initctl ] then echo "---> init deamon: upstart" # upstart if [ $ENABLE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then install_file /usr/share/hyperion/service/hyperiond.initctl /etc/init/hyperion.conf && initctl reload-configuration start_msg="--> initctl start hyperiond" initctl start hyperiond fi else echo "---> init deamon: sysV" # sysV if [ $ENABLE_SERVICE -eq 1 ]; then install_file /usr/share/hyperion/service/hyperion.init /etc/init.d/hyperiond && chmod +x /etc/init.d/hyperiond && update-rc.d hyperiond defaults 98 02 start_msg="---> service hyperiond start" service hyperiond start fi fi #cleanup rm -r /usr/share/hyperion/service #link binarys and set exec bit BINSP=/usr/share/hyperion/bin BINTP=/usr/bin chmod +x -R $BINSP ln -fs $BINSP/hyperiond $BINTP/hyperiond ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-remote $BINTP/hyperion-remote ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-v4l2 $BINTP/hyperion-v4l2 ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-framebuffer $BINTP/hyperion-framebuffer 2>/dev/null ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-dispmanx $BINTP/hyperion-dispmanx 2>/dev/null ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-x11 $BINTP/hyperion-x11 2>/dev/null ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-aml $BINTP/hyperion-aml 2>/dev/null ln -fs $BINSP/hyperion-qt $BINTP/hyperion-qt 2>/dev/null # install desktop icons echo "---> Install Hyperion desktop icons" mkdir /usr/share/pixmaps/hyperion 2>/dev/null cp /usr/share/hyperion/desktop/*.png /usr/share/pixmaps/hyperion 2>/dev/null desktop-file-install /usr/share/hyperion/desktop/hyperiond.desktop 2>/dev/null # cleanup desktop icons rm -r /usr/share/hyperion/desktop 2>/dev/null #Check, if dtparam=spi=on is in place if [ $CPU_RPI -eq 1 ]; then BOOT_DIR="/boot" if [ $BOOT_BERRYBOOT -eq 1 ]; then BOOT_DIR=$(sed -ne "s#/dev/mmcblk0p1 \([^ ]*\) vfat rw,.*#\1#p" /etc/mtab) fi if [ -z "$BOOT_DIR" -o ! -f "$BOOT_DIR/config.txt" ]; then echo '---> Warning: RPi using BERRYBOOT found but can not locate where config.txt is to enable SPI. (BOOT_DIR='"$BOOT_DIR)" SPIOK=1 # Not sure if OK, but don't ask to reboot else SPIOK=`grep '^\dtparam=spi=on' "$BOOT_DIR/config.txt" | wc -l` if [ $SPIOK -ne 1 ]; then echo '---> Raspberry Pi found, but SPI is not set, we write "dtparam=spi=on" to '"$BOOT_DIR/config.txt" sed -i '$a dtparam=spi=on' "$BOOT_DIR/config.txt" REBOOTMESSAGE="echo Please reboot your Raspberry Pi, we inserted dtparam=spi=on to $BOOT_DIR/config.txt" fi fi fi echo ${start_msg} echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "---> Hyperion has been installed/updated!" echo "---> " $STARTUP_MSG echo "---> For configuration, visit with your browser: ${NET_IP}:8090" echo "---> or if already used by another service try: ${NET_IP}:8091" $REBOOTMESSAGE echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Webpage: www.hyperion-project.org" echo "Wiki: wiki.hyperion-project.org" echo "Forum: forum.hyperion-project.org" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [ -e /opt/hyperion/ ] then echo echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "- It seemd that you have an older version of hyperion installed in /opt/hyperion -" echo "- please remove it to avoid problems -" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi exit 0