#include "MFSourceReaderCB.h" #include "grabber/MFGrabber.h" // Constants namespace { const bool verbose = false; } MFGrabber::MFGrabber(const QString & device, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned fps, int pixelDecimation, QString flipMode) : Grabber("V4L2:MEDIA_FOUNDATION") , _currentDeviceName(device) , _newDeviceName(device) , _hr(S_FALSE) , _sourceReader(nullptr) , _pixelDecimation(pixelDecimation) , _lineLength(-1) , _frameByteSize(-1) , _noSignalCounterThreshold(40) , _noSignalCounter(0) , _fpsSoftwareDecimation(0) , _brightness(0) , _contrast(0) , _saturation(0) , _hue(0) , _currentFrame(0) , _noSignalThresholdColor(ColorRgb{0,0,0}) , _signalDetectionEnabled(true) , _cecDetectionEnabled(true) , _noSignalDetected(false) , _initialized(false) , _x_frac_min(0.25) , _y_frac_min(0.25) , _x_frac_max(0.75) , _y_frac_max(0.75) { setWidthHeight(width, height); setFramerate(fps); setFlipMode(flipMode); CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); _hr = MFStartup(MF_VERSION, MFSTARTUP_NOSOCKET); if(FAILED(_hr)) CoUninitialize(); else _sourceReaderCB = new SourceReaderCB(this); } MFGrabber::~MFGrabber() { uninit(); SAFE_RELEASE(_sourceReader); SAFE_RELEASE(_sourceReaderCB); if(SUCCEEDED(_hr) && SUCCEEDED(MFShutdown())) CoUninitialize(); } bool MFGrabber::init() { if(!_initialized && SUCCEEDED(_hr)) { QString foundDevice = ""; int foundIndex = -1, bestGuess = -1, bestGuessMinX = INT_MAX, bestGuessMinFPS = INT_MAX; bool autoDiscovery = (QString::compare(_currentDeviceName, "auto", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 ); // enumerate the video capture devices on the user's system enumVideoCaptureDevices(); // if(!autoDiscovery && !_deviceProperties.contains(_currentDeviceName)) { Debug(_log, "Device '%s' is not available. Changing to auto.", QSTRING_CSTR(_currentDeviceName)); autoDiscovery = true; } if(autoDiscovery) { Debug(_log, "Forcing auto discovery device"); if(_deviceProperties.count()>0) { foundDevice = _deviceProperties.firstKey(); _currentDeviceName = foundDevice; Debug(_log, "Auto discovery set to %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_currentDeviceName)); } } else foundDevice = _currentDeviceName; if(foundDevice.isNull() || foundDevice.isEmpty() || !_deviceProperties.contains(foundDevice)) { Error(_log, "Could not find any capture device"); return false; } QList dev = _deviceProperties[foundDevice]; Debug(_log, "Searching for %s %d x %d @ %d fps (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(foundDevice), _width, _height,_fps, QSTRING_CSTR(pixelFormatToString(_pixelFormat))); for( int i = 0; i < dev.count() && foundIndex < 0; ++i ) { bool strict = false; const auto& val = dev[i]; if(bestGuess == -1 || (val.width <= bestGuessMinX && val.width >= 640 && val.fps <= bestGuessMinFPS && val.fps >= 10)) { bestGuess = i; bestGuessMinFPS = val.fps; bestGuessMinX = val.width; } if(_width && _height) { strict = true; if(val.width != _width || val.height != _height) continue; } if(_fps && _fps!=15) { strict = true; if(val.fps != _fps) continue; } if(_pixelFormat != PixelFormat::NO_CHANGE) { strict = true; if(val.pf != _pixelFormat) continue; } if(strict && (val.fps <= 60 || _fps != 15)) foundIndex = i; } if(foundIndex < 0 && bestGuess >= 0) { if(!autoDiscovery && _width != 0 && _height != 0) Warning(_log, "Selected resolution not found in supported modes. Set default configuration"); else Debug(_log, "Set default configuration"); foundIndex = bestGuess; } if(foundIndex>=0) { if(SUCCEEDED(init_device(foundDevice, dev[foundIndex]))) _initialized = true; } else Error(_log, "Could not find any capture device settings"); } return _initialized; } void MFGrabber::uninit() { // stop if the grabber was not stopped if(_initialized) { Debug(_log,"uninit grabber: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_newDeviceName)); stop(); } } HRESULT MFGrabber::init_device(QString deviceName, DeviceProperties props) { PixelFormat pixelformat = GetPixelFormatForGuid(props.guid); QString error; IMFMediaSource* device = nullptr; IMFAttributes* deviceAttributes = nullptr, *sourceReaderAttributes = nullptr; IAMVideoProcAmp *pProcAmp = nullptr; IMFMediaType* type = nullptr; HRESULT hr = S_OK; Debug(_log, "Init %s, %d x %d @ %d fps (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(deviceName), props.width, props.height, props.fps, QSTRING_CSTR(pixelFormatToString(pixelformat))); DebugIf(verbose, _log, "Symbolic link: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(props.symlink)); hr = MFCreateAttributes(&deviceAttributes, 2); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not create device attributes (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = deviceAttributes->SetGUID(MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE, MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_GUID); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("SetGUID_MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } if(FAILED(deviceAttributes->SetString(MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK, (LPCWSTR)props.symlink.utf16())) && _sourceReaderCB) { error = QString("IMFAttributes_SetString_MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = MFCreateDeviceSource(deviceAttributes, &device); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("MFCreateDeviceSource (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } if(!device) { error = QString("Could not open device (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } else Debug(_log, "Device opened"); // Set Brightness/Contrast/Saturation/Hue if (_brightness != 0 || _contrast != 0 || _saturation != 0 || _hue != 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(device->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pProcAmp)))) { long lMin, lMax, lStep, lDefault, lCaps, Val; if (_brightness != 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Brightness, &lMin, &lMax, &lStep, &lDefault, &lCaps))) { Debug(_log, "Brightness: min=%i, max=%i, default=%i", lMin, lMax, lDefault); if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->Get(VideoProcAmp_Brightness, &Val, &lCaps))) Debug(_log, "Current brightness set to: %i",Val); if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Brightness, _brightness, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual))) Debug(_log, "Brightness set to: %i",_brightness); else Error(_log, "Could not set brightness"); } else Error(_log, "Brightness is not supported by the grabber"); } if (_contrast != 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Contrast, &lMin, &lMax, &lStep, &lDefault, &lCaps))) { Debug(_log, "Contrast: min=%i, max=%i, default=%i", lMin, lMax, lDefault); if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->Get(VideoProcAmp_Contrast, &Val, &lCaps))) Debug(_log, "Current contrast set to: %i",Val); if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Contrast, _contrast, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual))) Debug(_log, "Contrast set to: %i",_contrast); else Error(_log, "Could not set contrast"); } else Error(_log, "Contrast is not supported by the grabber"); } if (_saturation != 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Saturation, &lMin, &lMax, &lStep, &lDefault, &lCaps))) { Debug(_log, "Saturation: min=%i, max=%i, default=%i", lMin, lMax, lDefault); if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->Get(VideoProcAmp_Saturation, &Val, &lCaps))) Debug(_log, "Current saturation set to: %i",Val); if (SUCCEEDED(pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Saturation, _saturation, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual))) Debug(_log, "Saturation set to: %i",_saturation); else Error(_log, "Could not set saturation"); } else Error(_log, "Saturation is not supported by the grabber"); } if (_hue != 0) { hr = pProcAmp->GetRange(VideoProcAmp_Hue, &lMin, &lMax, &lStep, &lDefault, &lCaps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Debug(_log, "Hue: min=%i, max=%i, default=%i", lMin, lMax, lDefault); hr = pProcAmp->Get(VideoProcAmp_Hue, &Val, &lCaps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) Debug(_log, "Current hue set to: %i",Val); hr = pProcAmp->Set(VideoProcAmp_Hue, _hue, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) Debug(_log, "Hue set to: %i",_hue); else Error(_log, "Could not set hue"); } else Error(_log, "Hue is not supported by the grabber"); } } } hr = MFCreateAttributes(&sourceReaderAttributes, 1); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not create Source Reader attributes (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = sourceReaderAttributes->SetUnknown(MF_SOURCE_READER_ASYNC_CALLBACK, (IMFSourceReaderCallback *)_sourceReaderCB); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not set stream parameter: SetUnknown_MF_SOURCE_READER_ASYNC_CALLBACK (%1)").arg(hr); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto done; } hr = MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(device, sourceReaderAttributes, &_sourceReader); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not create the Source Reader (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = MFCreateMediaType(&type); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not create an empty media type (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = type->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not set stream parameter: SetGUID_MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = type->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, props.guid); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not set stream parameter: SetGUID_MF_MT_SUBTYPE (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = MFSetAttributeSize(type, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, props.width, props.height); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not set stream parameter: SMFSetAttributeSize_MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = MFSetAttributeSize(type, MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, props.numerator, props.denominator); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not set stream parameter: MFSetAttributeSize_MF_MT_FRAME_RATE (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = MFSetAttributeRatio(type, MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, 1, 1); if(FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Could not set stream parameter: MFSetAttributeRatio_MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = _sourceReaderCB->InitializeVideoEncoder(type, pixelformat); if (FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Failed to initialize the Video Encoder (%1)").arg(hr); goto done; } hr = _sourceReader->SetCurrentMediaType(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_VIDEO_STREAM, nullptr, type); if (FAILED(hr)) { error = QString("Failed to set media type on Source Reader (%1)").arg(hr); } done: if(FAILED(hr)) { Error(_log, "%s", QSTRING_CSTR(error)); SAFE_RELEASE(_sourceReader); } else { _pixelFormat = props.pf; _width = props.width; _height = props.height; _frameByteSize = _width * _height * 3; _lineLength = _width * 3; } // Cleanup SAFE_RELEASE(deviceAttributes); SAFE_RELEASE(device); SAFE_RELEASE(pProcAmp); SAFE_RELEASE(type); SAFE_RELEASE(sourceReaderAttributes); return hr; } void MFGrabber::uninit_device() { SAFE_RELEASE(_sourceReader); } void MFGrabber::enumVideoCaptureDevices() { if(FAILED(_hr)) { Error(_log, "enumVideoCaptureDevices(): Media Foundation not initialized"); return; } _deviceProperties.clear(); IMFAttributes* attr; if(SUCCEEDED(MFCreateAttributes(&attr, 1))) { if(SUCCEEDED(attr->SetGUID(MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE, MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_GUID))) { UINT32 count; IMFActivate** devices; if(SUCCEEDED(MFEnumDeviceSources(attr, &devices, &count))) { DebugIf(verbose, _log, "Detected devices: %u", count); for(UINT32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { UINT32 length; LPWSTR name; LPWSTR symlink; if(SUCCEEDED(devices[i]->GetAllocatedString(MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_FRIENDLY_NAME, &name, &length))) { if(SUCCEEDED(devices[i]->GetAllocatedString(MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK, &symlink, &length))) { QList devicePropertyList; QString dev = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)name); Debug(_log, "Found capture device: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(dev)); IMFMediaSource *pSource = nullptr; if(SUCCEEDED(devices[i]->ActivateObject(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pSource)))) { IMFMediaType *pType = nullptr; IMFSourceReader* reader; if(SUCCEEDED(MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(pSource, NULL, &reader))) { for (DWORD i = 0; ; i++) { if (FAILED(reader->GetNativeMediaType((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_VIDEO_STREAM, i, &pType))) break; GUID format; UINT32 width = 0, height = 0, numerator = 0, denominator = 0; if( SUCCEEDED(pType->GetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &format)) && SUCCEEDED(MFGetAttributeSize(pType, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, &width, &height)) && SUCCEEDED(MFGetAttributeRatio(pType, MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, &numerator, &denominator))) { PixelFormat pixelformat = GetPixelFormatForGuid(format); if (pixelformat != PixelFormat::NO_CHANGE) { DeviceProperties properties; properties.symlink = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)symlink); properties.width = width; properties.height = height; properties.fps = numerator / denominator; properties.numerator = numerator; properties.denominator = denominator; properties.pf = pixelformat; properties.guid = format; devicePropertyList.append(properties); DebugIf(verbose, _log, "%s %d x %d @ %d fps (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(dev), properties.width, properties.height, properties.fps, QSTRING_CSTR(pixelFormatToString(properties.pf))); } } pType->Release(); } reader->Release(); } pSource->Release(); } _deviceProperties.insert(dev, devicePropertyList); } CoTaskMemFree(symlink); } CoTaskMemFree(name); devices[i]->Release(); } CoTaskMemFree(devices); } attr->Release(); } } } void MFGrabber::start_capturing() { if (_initialized && _sourceReader) { HRESULT hr = _sourceReader->ReadSample(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_VIDEO_STREAM, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) Error(_log, "ReadSample (%i)", hr); } } void MFGrabber::process_image(const void *frameImageBuffer, int size) { unsigned int processFrameIndex = _currentFrame++; // frame skipping if((processFrameIndex % (_fpsSoftwareDecimation + 1) != 0) && (_fpsSoftwareDecimation > 0)) return; // CEC detection if(_cecDetectionEnabled) return; // We do want a new frame... if (size < _frameByteSize && _pixelFormat != PixelFormat::MJPEG) Error(_log, "Frame too small: %d != %d", size, _frameByteSize); else { if (_threadManager.isActive()) { if (_threadManager._threads == nullptr) { _threadManager.initThreads(); Debug(_log, "Max thread count = %d", _threadManager._maxThreads); for (unsigned int i=0; i < _threadManager._maxThreads && _threadManager._threads != nullptr; i++) { MFThread* _thread = _threadManager._threads[i]; connect(_thread, SIGNAL(newFrame(unsigned int, const Image &,unsigned int)), this , SLOT(newThreadFrame(unsigned int, const Image &, unsigned int))); } } for (unsigned int i = 0;_threadManager.isActive() && i < _threadManager._maxThreads && _threadManager._threads != nullptr; i++) { if ((_threadManager._threads[i]->isFinished() || !_threadManager._threads[i]->isRunning())) { // aquire lock if ( _threadManager._threads[i]->isBusy() == false) { MFThread* _thread = _threadManager._threads[i]; _thread->setup(i, _pixelFormat, (uint8_t *)frameImageBuffer, size, _width, _height, _lineLength, _subsamp, _cropLeft, _cropTop, _cropBottom, _cropRight, _videoMode, _flipMode, processFrameIndex, _pixelDecimation); _threadManager._threads[i]->start(); break; } } } } } } void MFGrabber::setSignalThreshold(double redSignalThreshold, double greenSignalThreshold, double blueSignalThreshold, int noSignalCounterThreshold) { _noSignalThresholdColor.red = uint8_t(255*redSignalThreshold); _noSignalThresholdColor.green = uint8_t(255*greenSignalThreshold); _noSignalThresholdColor.blue = uint8_t(255*blueSignalThreshold); _noSignalCounterThreshold = qMax(1, noSignalCounterThreshold); if(_signalDetectionEnabled) Info(_log, "Signal threshold set to: {%d, %d, %d} and frames: %d", _noSignalThresholdColor.red, _noSignalThresholdColor.green, _noSignalThresholdColor.blue, _noSignalCounterThreshold ); } void MFGrabber::setSignalDetectionOffset(double horizontalMin, double verticalMin, double horizontalMax, double verticalMax) { // rainbow 16 stripes 0.47 0.2 0.49 0.8 // unicolor: 0.25 0.25 0.75 0.75 _x_frac_min = horizontalMin; _y_frac_min = verticalMin; _x_frac_max = horizontalMax; _y_frac_max = verticalMax; if(_signalDetectionEnabled) Info(_log, "Signal detection area set to: %f,%f x %f,%f", _x_frac_min, _y_frac_min, _x_frac_max, _y_frac_max ); } bool MFGrabber::start() { try { if(!_initialized) { _threadManager.start(); DebugIf(verbose, _log, "Decoding threads: %d",_threadManager._maxThreads); if(init()) { start_capturing(); Info(_log, "Started"); return true; } } } catch(std::exception& e) { Error(_log, "Start failed (%s)", e.what()); } return false; } void MFGrabber::stop() { if(_initialized) { _initialized = false; _threadManager.stop(); uninit_device(); // restore pixelformat to configs value if it is not auto or device name has not changed if(_pixelFormatConfig != PixelFormat::NO_CHANGE || _newDeviceName != _currentDeviceName) _pixelFormat = _pixelFormatConfig; _deviceProperties.clear(); Info(_log, "Stopped"); } } void MFGrabber::receive_image(const void *frameImageBuffer, int size) { process_image(frameImageBuffer, size); start_capturing(); } void MFGrabber::newThreadFrame(unsigned int threadIndex, const Image& image, unsigned int sourceCount) { checkSignalDetectionEnabled(image); // get next frame if (threadIndex >_threadManager._maxThreads) Error(_log, "Frame index %d out of range", sourceCount); if (threadIndex <= _threadManager._maxThreads) _threadManager._threads[threadIndex]->noBusy(); } void MFGrabber::checkSignalDetectionEnabled(Image image) { if(_signalDetectionEnabled) { // check signal (only in center of the resulting image, because some grabbers have noise values along the borders) bool noSignal = true; // top left unsigned xOffset = image.width() * _x_frac_min; unsigned yOffset = image.height() * _y_frac_min; // bottom right unsigned xMax = image.width() * _x_frac_max; unsigned yMax = image.height() * _y_frac_max; for(unsigned x = xOffset; noSignal && x < xMax; ++x) for(unsigned y = yOffset; noSignal && y < yMax; ++y) noSignal &= (ColorRgb&)image(x, y) <= _noSignalThresholdColor; if(noSignal) ++_noSignalCounter; else { if(_noSignalCounter >= _noSignalCounterThreshold) { _noSignalDetected = true; Info(_log, "Signal detected"); } _noSignalCounter = 0; } if( _noSignalCounter < _noSignalCounterThreshold) { emit newFrame(image); } else if(_noSignalCounter == _noSignalCounterThreshold) { _noSignalDetected = false; Info(_log, "Signal lost"); } } else emit newFrame(image); } QStringList MFGrabber::getDevices() const { QStringList result = QStringList(); for(auto it = _deviceProperties.begin(); it != _deviceProperties.end(); ++it) result << it.key(); return result; } QStringList MFGrabber::getAvailableEncodingFormats(const QString& devicePath, const int& /*device input not used on windows*/) const { QStringList result = QStringList(); for(int i = 0; i < _deviceProperties[devicePath].count(); ++i ) if(!result.contains(pixelFormatToString(_deviceProperties[devicePath][i].pf), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) result << pixelFormatToString(_deviceProperties[devicePath][i].pf).toLower(); return result; } QMultiMap MFGrabber::getAvailableDeviceResolutions(const QString& devicePath, const int& /*device input not used on windows*/, const PixelFormat& encFormat) const { QMultiMap result = QMultiMap(); for(int i = 0; i < _deviceProperties[devicePath].count(); ++i ) if(!result.contains(_deviceProperties[devicePath][i].width, _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].height) && _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].pf == encFormat) result.insert(_deviceProperties[devicePath][i].width, _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].height); return result; } QIntList MFGrabber::getAvailableDeviceFramerates(const QString& devicePath, const int& /*device input not used on windows*/, const PixelFormat& encFormat, const unsigned width, const unsigned height) const { QIntList result = QIntList(); for(int i = 0; i < _deviceProperties[devicePath].count(); ++i ) { int fps = _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].numerator / _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].denominator; if(!result.contains(fps) && _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].pf == encFormat && _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].width == width && _deviceProperties[devicePath][i].height == height) result << fps; } return result; } void MFGrabber::setSignalDetectionEnable(bool enable) { if(_signalDetectionEnabled != enable) { _signalDetectionEnabled = enable; Info(_log, "Signal detection is now %s", enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } } void MFGrabber::setCecDetectionEnable(bool enable) { if(_cecDetectionEnabled != enable) { _cecDetectionEnabled = enable; Info(_log, QString("CEC detection is now %1").arg(enable ? "enabled" : "disabled").toLocal8Bit()); } } bool MFGrabber::setDevice(QString device) { if(_currentDeviceName != device) { _currentDeviceName = device; return true; } return false; } void MFGrabber::setPixelDecimation(int pixelDecimation) { if(_pixelDecimation != pixelDecimation) _pixelDecimation = pixelDecimation; } void MFGrabber::setFlipMode(QString flipMode) { if(_flipMode != parseFlipMode(flipMode)) Grabber::setFlipMode(parseFlipMode(flipMode)); } bool MFGrabber::setWidthHeight(int width, int height) { if(Grabber::setWidthHeight(width, height)) { Debug(_log,"Set device resolution to width: %i, height: %i", width, height); return true; } else if(width == 0 && height == 0) { _width = _height = 0; Debug(_log,"Set device resolution to 'Automatic'"); return true; } return false; } bool MFGrabber::setFramerate(int fps) { if(Grabber::setFramerate(fps)) { Debug(_log,"Set fps to: %i", fps); return true; } return false; } void MFGrabber::setFpsSoftwareDecimation(int decimation) { _fpsSoftwareDecimation = decimation; if(decimation > 0) Debug(_log,"Skip %i frame per second", decimation); } bool MFGrabber::setEncoding(QString enc) { if(_pixelFormatConfig != parsePixelFormat(enc)) { Debug(_log,"Set hardware encoding to: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(enc.toUpper())); _pixelFormatConfig = parsePixelFormat(enc); if(!_initialized) _pixelFormat = _pixelFormatConfig; return true; } return false; } bool MFGrabber::setBrightnessContrastSaturationHue(int brightness, int contrast, int saturation, int hue) { if(_brightness != brightness || _contrast != contrast || _saturation != saturation || _hue != hue) { _brightness = brightness; _contrast = contrast; _saturation = saturation; _hue = hue; Debug(_log,"Set brightness to %i, contrast to %i, saturation to %i, hue to %i", _brightness, _contrast, _saturation, _hue); return true; } return false; } void MFGrabber::reloadGrabber() { if(_initialized) { Debug(_log,"Reloading Media Foundation Grabber"); // stop grabber uninit(); // restore pixelformat to configs value if it is not auto or device name has not changed if(_pixelFormatConfig != PixelFormat::NO_CHANGE || _newDeviceName != _currentDeviceName) _pixelFormat = _pixelFormatConfig; // set _newDeviceName _newDeviceName = _currentDeviceName; // start grabber start(); } }