// STL includes #include #include MessageForwarder::MessageForwarder() { } MessageForwarder::~MessageForwarder() { } void MessageForwarder::addJsonSlave(std::string slave) { QStringList parts = QString(slave.c_str()).split(":"); if (parts.size() != 2) throw std::runtime_error(QString("Wrong address: unable to parse address (%1)").arg(slave.c_str()).toStdString()); bool ok; quint16 port = parts[1].toUShort(&ok); if (!ok) throw std::runtime_error(QString("Wrong address: Unable to parse the port number (%1)").arg(parts[1]).toStdString()); JsonSlaveAddress c; c.addr = QHostAddress(parts[0]); c.port = port; _jsonSlaves << c; } void MessageForwarder::addProtoSlave(std::string slave) { _protoSlaves << QString(slave.c_str()); } QStringList MessageForwarder::getProtoSlaves() { return _protoSlaves; } QList MessageForwarder::getJsonSlaves() { return _jsonSlaves; } bool MessageForwarder::protoForwardingEnabled() { return ! _protoSlaves.empty(); }