// Qt includes #include #include #include // project includes #include "JsonClientConnection.h" const quint64 FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 512 * 512 * 2; //maximum size of a frame when sending a message JsonClientConnection::JsonClientConnection(QTcpSocket *socket) : QObject() , _socket(socket) , _hyperion(Hyperion::getInstance()) , _receiveBuffer() , _webSocketHandshakeDone(false) , _onContinuation(false) , _log(Logger::getInstance("JSONCLIENTCONNECTION")) , _notEnoughData(false) , _clientAddress(socket->peerAddress()) , _connectionMode(CON_MODE::INIT) { // connect internal signals and slots connect(_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(socketClosed())); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData())); // create a new instance of JsonProcessor _jsonProcessor = new JsonProcessor(_clientAddress.toString(), _log); // get the callback messages from JsonProcessor and send it to the client connect(_jsonProcessor,SIGNAL(callbackMessage(QJsonObject)),this,SLOT(sendMessage(QJsonObject))); } JsonClientConnection::~JsonClientConnection() { delete _socket; delete _jsonProcessor; } void JsonClientConnection::readData() { switch(_connectionMode) { case CON_MODE::INIT: _receiveBuffer = _socket->readAll(); // initial read to determine connection _connectionMode = (_receiveBuffer.contains("Upgrade: websocket")) ? CON_MODE::WEBSOCKET : CON_MODE::RAW; // init websockets if (_connectionMode == CON_MODE::WEBSOCKET) { doWebSocketHandshake(); break; } // if no ws, hand over the data to raw handling case CON_MODE::RAW: handleRawJsonData(); break; case CON_MODE::WEBSOCKET: handleWebSocketFrame(); break; } } void JsonClientConnection::handleRawJsonData() { _receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll(); // raw socket data, handling as usual int bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1; while(bytes > 0) { // create message string QString message(QByteArray(_receiveBuffer.data(), bytes)); // remove message data from buffer _receiveBuffer = _receiveBuffer.mid(bytes); // handle message _jsonProcessor->handleMessage(message); // try too look up '\n' again bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1; } } void JsonClientConnection::getWsFrameHeader(WebSocketHeader* header) { char fin_rsv_opcode, mask_length; _socket->getChar(&fin_rsv_opcode); _socket->getChar(&mask_length); header->fin = (fin_rsv_opcode & BHB0_FIN) == BHB0_FIN; header->opCode = fin_rsv_opcode & BHB0_OPCODE; header->masked = (mask_length & BHB1_MASK) == BHB1_MASK; header->payloadLength = mask_length & BHB1_PAYLOAD; // get size of payload switch (header->payloadLength) { case payload_size_code_16bit: { QByteArray buf = _socket->read(2); header->payloadLength = ((buf.at(0) << 8) & 0xFF00) | (buf.at(1) & 0xFF); } break; case payload_size_code_64bit: { QByteArray buf = _socket->read(8); header->payloadLength = 0; for (uint i=0; i < 8; i++) { header->payloadLength |= ((quint64)(buf.at(i) & 0xFF)) << (8*(7-i)); } } break; } // if the data is masked we need to get the key for unmasking if (header->masked) { _socket->read(header->key, 4); } } void JsonClientConnection::handleWebSocketFrame() { //printf("frame\n"); // we are on no continious reading from socket from call before if (!_notEnoughData) { getWsFrameHeader(&_wsh); } if(_socket->bytesAvailable() < (qint64)_wsh.payloadLength) { //printf("not enough data %llu %llu\n", _socket->bytesAvailable(), _wsh.payloadLength); _notEnoughData=true; return; } _notEnoughData = false; QByteArray buf = _socket->read(_wsh.payloadLength); //printf("opcode %x payload bytes %llu avail: %llu\n", _wsh.opCode, _wsh.payloadLength, _socket->bytesAvailable()); if (OPCODE::invalid((OPCODE::value)_wsh.opCode)) { sendClose(CLOSECODE::INV_TYPE, "invalid opcode"); return; } // check the type of data frame bool isContinuation=false; switch (_wsh.opCode) { case OPCODE::CONTINUATION: isContinuation = true; // no break here, just jump over to opcode text case OPCODE::BINARY: case OPCODE::TEXT: { // check for protocal violations if (_onContinuation && !isContinuation) { sendClose(CLOSECODE::VIOLATION, "protocol violation, somebody sends frames in between continued frames"); return; } if (!_wsh.masked && _wsh.opCode == OPCODE::TEXT) { sendClose(CLOSECODE::VIOLATION, "protocol violation, unmasked text frames not allowed"); return; } // unmask data for (int i=0; i < buf.size(); i++) { buf[i] = buf[i] ^ _wsh.key[i % 4]; } _onContinuation = !_wsh.fin || isContinuation; // frame contains text, extract it, append data if this is a continuation if (_wsh.fin && ! isContinuation) // one frame { _wsReceiveBuffer.clear(); } _wsReceiveBuffer.append(buf); // this is the final frame, decode and handle data if (_wsh.fin) { _onContinuation = false; if (_wsh.opCode == OPCODE::TEXT) { _jsonProcessor->handleMessage(QString(_wsReceiveBuffer)); } else { handleBinaryMessage(_wsReceiveBuffer); } _wsReceiveBuffer.clear(); } } break; case OPCODE::CLOSE: { sendClose(CLOSECODE::NORMAL); } break; case OPCODE::PING: { // ping received, send pong quint8 pong[] = {OPCODE::PONG, 0}; _socket->write((const char*)pong, 2); _socket->flush(); } break; case OPCODE::PONG: { Error(_log, "pong recievied, protocol violation!"); } default: Warning(_log, "strange %d\n%s\n", _wsh.opCode, QSTRING_CSTR(QString(buf))); } } /// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.2 for more information void JsonClientConnection::sendClose(int status, QString reason) { Info(_log, "send close: %d %s", status, QSTRING_CSTR(reason)); ErrorIf(!reason.isEmpty(), _log, QSTRING_CSTR(reason)); _receiveBuffer.clear(); QByteArray sendBuffer; sendBuffer.append(136+(status-1000)); int length = reason.size(); if(length >= 126) { sendBuffer.append( (length > 0xffff) ? 127 : 126); int num_bytes = (length > 0xffff) ? 8 : 2; for(int c = num_bytes - 1; c != -1; c--) { sendBuffer.append( quint8((static_cast(length) >> (8 * c)) % 256)); } } else { sendBuffer.append(quint8(length)); } sendBuffer.append(reason); _socket->write(sendBuffer); _socket->flush(); _socket->close(); } void JsonClientConnection::doWebSocketHandshake() { // http header, might not be a very reliable check... Debug(_log, "Websocket handshake"); // get the key to prepare an answer int start = _receiveBuffer.indexOf("Sec-WebSocket-Key") + 19; QByteArray value = _receiveBuffer.mid(start, _receiveBuffer.indexOf("\r\n", start) - start); _receiveBuffer.clear(); // must be always appended value += "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // generate sha1 hash QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(value, QCryptographicHash::Sha1).toBase64(); // prepare an answer QString data = QString("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n") + QString("Upgrade: websocket\r\n") + QString("Connection: Upgrade\r\n") + QString("Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ")+QString(hash.data()) + "\r\n\r\n"; _socket->write(QSTRING_CSTR(data), data.size()); _socket->flush(); // we are in WebSocket mode, data frames should follow next _webSocketHandshakeDone = true; } void JsonClientConnection::socketClosed() { _webSocketHandshakeDone = false; emit connectionClosed(this); } QByteArray JsonClientConnection::makeFrameHeader(quint8 opCode, quint64 payloadLength, bool lastFrame) { QByteArray header; if (payloadLength <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) { //FIN, RSV1-3, opcode (RSV-1, RSV-2 and RSV-3 are zero) quint8 byte = static_cast((opCode & 0x0F) | (lastFrame ? 0x80 : 0x00)); header.append(static_cast(byte)); byte = 0x00; if (payloadLength <= 125) { byte |= static_cast(payloadLength); header.append(static_cast(byte)); } else if (payloadLength <= 0xFFFFU) { byte |= 126; header.append(static_cast(byte)); quint16 swapped = qToBigEndian(static_cast(payloadLength)); header.append(static_cast(static_cast(&swapped)), 2); } else { byte |= 127; header.append(static_cast(byte)); quint64 swapped = qToBigEndian(payloadLength); header.append(static_cast(static_cast(&swapped)), 8); } } else { Error(_log, "JsonClientConnection::getHeader: payload too big!"); } return header; } qint64 JsonClientConnection::sendMessage(QJsonObject message) { QJsonDocument writer(message); QByteArray serializedReply = writer.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact) + "\n"; if (!_socket || (_socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)) return 0; if (_webSocketHandshakeDone) return sendMessage_Websockets(serializedReply); return sendMessage_Raw(serializedReply); } qint64 JsonClientConnection::sendMessage_Raw(const char* data, quint64 size) { return _socket->write(data, size); } qint64 JsonClientConnection::sendMessage_Raw(QByteArray &data) { return _socket->write(data.data(), data.size()); } qint64 JsonClientConnection::sendMessage_Websockets(QByteArray &data) { qint64 payloadWritten = 0; quint32 payloadSize = data.size(); const char * payload = data.data(); qint32 numFrames = payloadSize / FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES + ((quint64(payloadSize) % FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES) > 0 ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; ++i) { const bool isLastFrame = (i == (numFrames - 1)); quint64 position = i * FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES; quint32 frameSize = (payloadSize-position >= FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ? FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES : (payloadSize-position); QByteArray buf = makeFrameHeader(OPCODE::TEXT, frameSize, isLastFrame); sendMessage_Raw(buf); qint64 written = sendMessage_Raw(payload+position,frameSize); if (written > 0) { payloadWritten += written; } else { _socket->flush(); Error(_log, "Error writing bytes to socket: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(_socket->errorString())); break; } } if (payloadSize != payloadWritten) { Error(_log, "Error writing bytes to socket %d bytes from %d writte", payloadWritten, payloadSize); return -1; } return payloadWritten; } void JsonClientConnection::handleBinaryMessage(QByteArray &data) { uint8_t priority = data.at(0); unsigned duration_s = data.at(1); unsigned imgSize = data.size() - 4; unsigned width = ((data.at(2) << 8) & 0xFF00) | (data.at(3) & 0xFF); unsigned height = imgSize / width; if ( ! (imgSize) % width) { Error(_log, "data size is not multiple of width"); return; } Image image; image.resize(width, height); memcpy(image.memptr(), data.data()+4, imgSize); _hyperion->setImage(priority, image, duration_s*1000); }