// STL includes #include #include // Local LedDevice includes #include "LedDeviceTinkerforge.h" static const unsigned MAX_NUM_LEDS = 320; static const unsigned MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE = 16; LedDeviceTinkerforge::LedDeviceTinkerforge(const std::string &host, uint16_t port, const std::string &uid, const unsigned interval) : LedDevice(), _host(host), _port(port), _uid(uid), _interval(interval), _ipConnection(nullptr), _ledStrip(nullptr), _colorChannelSize(0) { // empty } LedDeviceTinkerforge::~LedDeviceTinkerforge() { // Close the device (if it is opened) if (_ipConnection != nullptr && _ledStrip != nullptr) { switchOff(); } if (_ipConnection != nullptr) delete _ipConnection; if (_ledStrip != nullptr) delete _ledStrip; } int LedDeviceTinkerforge::open() { _ipConnection = new IPConnection; ipcon_create(_ipConnection); int connectionStatus = ipcon_connect(_ipConnection, _host.c_str(), _port); if (connectionStatus < 0) { std::cerr << "Attempt to connect to master brick (" << _host << ":" << _port << ") failed with status " << connectionStatus << std::endl; return -1; } _ledStrip = new LEDStrip; led_strip_create(_ledStrip, _uid.c_str(), _ipConnection); int frameStatus = led_strip_set_frame_duration(_ledStrip, _interval); if (frameStatus < 0) { std::cerr << "Attempt to connect to led strip bricklet (led_strip_set_frame_duration()) failed with status " << frameStatus << std::endl; return -1; } return 0; } int LedDeviceTinkerforge::write(const std::vector &ledValues) { std::cerr << "Write" << std::endl; unsigned nrLedValues = ledValues.size(); if (nrLedValues > MAX_NUM_LEDS) { std::cerr << "Invalid attempt to write led values. Not more than " << MAX_NUM_LEDS << " leds are allowed." << std::endl; return -1; } if (_colorChannelSize < nrLedValues) { _redChannel.resize(nrLedValues, uint8_t(0)); _greenChannel.resize(nrLedValues, uint8_t(0)); _blueChannel.resize(nrLedValues, uint8_t(0)); } _colorChannelSize = nrLedValues; auto redIt = _redChannel.begin(); auto greenIt = _greenChannel.begin(); auto blueIt = _blueChannel.begin(); for (const ColorRgb &ledValue : ledValues) { *redIt = ledValue.red; redIt++; *greenIt = ledValue.green; greenIt++; *blueIt = ledValue.blue; blueIt++; } return transferLedData(_ledStrip, 0, _colorChannelSize, &_redChannel[0], &_greenChannel[0], &_blueChannel[0]); } int LedDeviceTinkerforge::switchOff() { std::cerr << "Switchoff" << std::endl; std::fill(_redChannel.begin(), _redChannel.end(), 0); std::fill(_greenChannel.begin(), _greenChannel.end(), 0); std::fill(_blueChannel.begin(), _blueChannel.end(), 0); return transferLedData(_ledStrip, 0, _colorChannelSize, &_redChannel[0], &_greenChannel[0], &_blueChannel[0]); } int LedDeviceTinkerforge::transferLedData(LEDStrip *ledStrip, unsigned index, unsigned length, uint8_t *redChannel, uint8_t *greenChannel, uint8_t *blueChannel) { // we need that array size no matter how many leds will really be set uint8_t _reds[MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE]; uint8_t _greens[MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE]; uint8_t _blues[MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE]; int status = E_INVALID_PARAMETER; unsigned i; unsigned int copyLength; if (index >= 0 && length > 0 && index < length && length <= MAX_NUM_LEDS) { for (i = index; i < length; i += MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE) { copyLength = (i + MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE > length) ? length - i : MAX_NUM_LEDS_SETTABLE; memcpy(_reds, redChannel + i, copyLength * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(_greens, greenChannel + i, copyLength * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(_blues, blueChannel + i, copyLength * sizeof(uint8_t)); status = led_strip_set_rgb_values(ledStrip, i, copyLength, _reds, _greens, _blues); if (status != E_OK) { std::cerr << "Setting led values failed with status " << status << std::endl; break; } } } return status; }