$(document).ready(function () { var modalOpened = false; var ledsim_width = 540; var ledsim_height = 489; var dialog; var leds; var grabberConfig; var lC = false; var imageCanvasNodeCtx; var ledsCanvasNodeCtx; var canvas_height; var canvas_width; var twoDPaths = []; var toggleLeds = false; var toggleLedsNum = false; var toggleSigDetectArea = false; /// add prototype for simple canvas clear() method CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clear = function () { this.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) }; function create2dPaths() { twoDPaths = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < leds.length; idx++) { var led = leds[idx]; twoDPaths.push(build2DPath(led.hmin * canvas_width, led.vmin * canvas_height, (led.hmax - led.hmin) * canvas_width, (led.vmax - led.vmin) * canvas_height, 5)); } } /** * Draws a rounded rectangle into a new Path2D object, returns the created path. * If you omit the last three params, it will draw a rectangle * outline with a 5 pixel border radius * @param {Number} x The top left x coordinate * @param {Number} y The top left y coordinate * @param {Number} width The width of the rectangle * @param {Number} height The height of the rectangle * @param {Number} [radius = 5] The corner radius; It can also be an object * to specify different radii for corners * @param {Number} [radius.tl = 0] Top left * @param {Number} [radius.tr = 0] Top right * @param {Number} [radius.br = 0] Bottom right * @param {Number} [radius.bl = 0] Bottom left * @return {Path2D} The final path */ function build2DPath(x, y, width, height, radius) { if (typeof radius == 'number') { radius = { tl: radius, tr: radius, br: radius, bl: radius }; } else { var defaultRadius = { tl: 0, tr: 0, br: 0, bl: 0 }; for (var side in defaultRadius) { radius[side] = radius[side] || defaultRadius[side]; } } var path = new Path2D(); path.moveTo(x + radius.tl, y); path.lineTo(x + width - radius.tr, y); path.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius.tr); path.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius.br); path.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius.br, y + height); path.lineTo(x + radius.bl, y + height); path.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius.bl); path.lineTo(x, y + radius.tl); path.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius.tl, y); return path; } $(window.hyperion).one("ready", function () { leds = window.serverConfig.leds; grabberConfig = window.serverConfig.grabberV4L2; if (window.showOptHelp) { createHint('intro', $.i18n('main_ledsim_text'), 'ledsim_text'); $('#ledsim_text').css({ 'margin': '10px 15px 0px 15px' }); $('#ledsim_text .bs-callout').css("margin", "0px") } if (getStorage('ledsim_width') != null) { ledsim_width = getStorage('ledsim_width'); ledsim_height = getStorage('ledsim_height'); } dialog = $("#ledsim_dialog").dialog({ uiLibrary: 'bootstrap', resizable: true, modal: false, minWidth: 250, width: ledsim_width, minHeight: 350, height: ledsim_height, closeOnEscape: true, autoOpen: false, title: $.i18n('main_ledsim_title'), resize: function (e) { updateLedLayout(); }, opened: function (e) { if (!lC) { updateLedLayout(); lC = true; } modalOpened = true; requestLedColorsStart(); setClassByBool('#leds_toggle_live_video', window.imageStreamActive, "btn-danger", "btn-success"); if ($('#leds_toggle_live_video').hasClass('btn-success')) requestLedImageStart(); }, closed: function (e) { modalOpened = false; }, resizeStop: function (e) { setStorage("ledsim_width", $("#ledsim_dialog").outerWidth()); setStorage("ledsim_height", $("#ledsim_dialog").outerHeight()); } }); // apply new serverinfos $(window.hyperion).on("cmd-config-getconfig", function (event) { leds = event.response.info.leds; grabberConfig = event.response.info.grabberV4L2; updateLedLayout(); }); }); function printLedsToCanvas(colors) { if (grabberConfig.signalDetection && toggleSigDetectArea && storedAccess === 'expert') { sigDetectAreaCanvasNodeCtx.setLineDash([5, 5]); sigDetectAreaCanvasNodeCtx.stroke(build2DPath(grabberConfig.sDHOffsetMin * canvas_width, grabberConfig.sDVOffsetMin * canvas_height, (grabberConfig.sDHOffsetMax - grabberConfig.sDHOffsetMin) * canvas_width, (grabberConfig.sDVOffsetMax - grabberConfig.sDVOffsetMin) * canvas_height, 5)); } // toggle leds, do not print if (toggleLeds) return; var useColor = false; var cPos = 0; ledsCanvasNodeCtx.clear(); if (typeof colors != "undefined") useColor = true; // check size of ledcolors with leds length if (colors && colors.length / 3 < leds.length) return; for (var idx = 0; idx < leds.length; idx++) { var led = leds[idx]; // can be used as fallback when Path2D is not available //roundRect(ledsCanvasNodeCtx, led.hmin * canvas_width, led.vmin * canvas_height, (led.hmax-led.hmin) * canvas_width, (led.vmax-led.vmin) * canvas_height, 4, true, colors[idx]) //ledsCanvasNodeCtx.fillRect(led.hmin * canvas_width, led.vmin * canvas_height, (led.hmax-led.hmin) * canvas_width, (led.vmax-led.vmin) * canvas_height); ledsCanvasNodeCtx.fillStyle = (useColor) ? "rgba(" + colors[cPos] + "," + colors[cPos + 1] + "," + colors[cPos + 2] + ",0.75)" : "hsla(" + (idx * 360 / leds.length) + ",100%,50%,0.75)"; ledsCanvasNodeCtx.fill(twoDPaths[idx]); ledsCanvasNodeCtx.stroke(twoDPaths[idx]); if (toggleLedsNum) { //ledsCanvasNodeCtx.shadowOffsetX = 1; //ledsCanvasNodeCtx.shadowOffsetY = 1; //ledsCanvasNodeCtx.shadowColor = "black"; //ledsCanvasNodeCtx.shadowBlur = 4; ledsCanvasNodeCtx.fillStyle = "white"; ledsCanvasNodeCtx.textAlign = "center"; ledsCanvasNodeCtx.fillText(((led.name) ? led.name : idx), (led.hmin * canvas_width) + (((led.hmax - led.hmin) * canvas_width) / 2), (led.vmin * canvas_height) + (((led.vmax - led.vmin) * canvas_height) / 2)); } // increment colorsPosition cPos += 3; } } function updateLedLayout() { if (grabberConfig.signalDetection && storedAccess === 'expert') { $("#sigDetectArea_toggle").show(); } else { $("#sigDetectArea_toggle").hide(); } //calculate body size canvas_height = $('#ledsim_dialog').outerHeight() - $('#ledsim_text').outerHeight() - $('[data-role=footer]').outerHeight() - $('[data-role=header]').outerHeight() - 40; canvas_width = $('#ledsim_dialog').outerWidth() - 30; $('#leds_canvas').html(""); var leds_html = ''; leds_html += ''; leds_html += ''; $('#leds_canvas').html(leds_html); imageCanvasNodeCtx = document.getElementById("image_preview_canv").getContext("2d"); ledsCanvasNodeCtx = document.getElementById("leds_preview_canv").getContext("2d"); sigDetectAreaCanvasNodeCtx = document.getElementById("grab_preview_canv").getContext("2d"); create2dPaths(); printLedsToCanvas(); resetImage(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $('#leds_toggle_num').off().on("click", function () { toggleLedsNum = !toggleLedsNum toggleClass('#leds_toggle_num', "btn-danger", "btn-success"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $('#leds_toggle').off().on("click", function () { toggleLeds = !toggleLeds ledsCanvasNodeCtx.clear(); toggleClass('#leds_toggle', "btn-success", "btn-danger"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $('#leds_toggle_live_video').off().on("click", function () { setClassByBool('#leds_toggle_live_video', window.imageStreamActive, "btn-success", "btn-danger"); if (window.imageStreamActive) { requestLedImageStop(); resetImage(); } else { requestLedImageStart(); } }); $('#sigDetectArea_toggle').off().on("click", function () { toggleSigDetectArea = !toggleSigDetectArea sigDetectAreaCanvasNodeCtx.clear(); toggleClass('#sigDetectArea_toggle', "btn-success", "btn-danger"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $(window.hyperion).on("cmd-ledcolors-ledstream-update", function (event) { if (!modalOpened) { requestLedColorsStop(); } else { printLedsToCanvas(event.response.result.leds) } }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $(window.hyperion).on("cmd-ledcolors-imagestream-update", function (event) { setClassByBool('#leds_toggle_live_video', window.imageStreamActive, "btn-danger", "btn-success"); if (!modalOpened) { if ($('#leds_prev_toggle_live_video').length > 0) return; requestLedImageStop(); } else { var imageData = (event.response.result.image); var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { imageCanvasNodeCtx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height); }; image.src = imageData; } }); $("#btn_open_ledsim").off().on("click", function (event) { dialog.open(); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $(window.hyperion).on("cmd-settings-update", function (event) { var obj = event.response.data if (obj.leds || obj.grabberV4L2) { console.log("ledsim: cmd-settings-update", event.response.data); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function (val, idx, array) { window.serverInfo[val] = obj[val]; }); leds = window.serverConfig.leds; grabberConfig = window.serverConfig.grabberV4L2; updateLedLayout(); } }); function resetImage() { if (getStorage("darkMode", false) == "on") { imageCanvasNodeCtx.clear(); } else { imageCanvasNodeCtx.fillStyle = "rgb(225,225,225)" imageCanvasNodeCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height); } var image = document.getElementById('navbar_brand_logo'); imageCanvasNodeCtx.drawImage(image, canvas_width / 2 - image.width / 2, canvas_height / 2 - image.height / 2, image.width, image.height); } });