// Local-Hyperion includes #include "LedDeviceNanoleaf.h" // ssdp discover #include // Qt includes #include #include // Controller configuration settings const QString CONFIG_ADDRESS = "output"; const QString CONFIG_PORT = "port"; const QString CONFIG_AUTH_TOKEN ="token"; // Panel configuration settings const QString PANEL_LAYOUT = "layout"; const QString PANEL_NUM = "numPanels"; const QString PANEL_ID = "panelId"; const QString PANEL_POSITIONDATA = "positionData"; const QString PANEL_SHAPE_TYPE = "shapeType"; const QString PANEL_ORIENTATION = "0"; const QString PANEL_POS_X = "x"; const QString PANEL_POS_Y = "y"; // List of State Information const QString STATE_ON = "on"; const QString STATE_ONOFF_VALUE = "value"; const QString STATE_VALUE_TRUE = "true"; const QString STATE_VALUE_FALSE = "false"; //Device Data elements const QString DEV_DATA_NAME = "name"; const QString DEV_DATA_MODEL = "model"; const QString DEV_DATA_MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer"; const QString DEV_DATA_FIRMWAREVERSION = "firmwareVersion"; //Nanoleaf Stream Control elements const QString STREAM_CONTROL_IP = "streamControlIpAddr"; const QString STREAM_CONTROL_PORT = "streamControlPort"; const QString STREAM_CONTROL_PROTOCOL = "streamControlProtocol"; const quint16 STREAM_CONTROL_DEFAULT_PORT = 60222; //Fixed port for Canvas; // Nanoleaf OpenAPI URLs const QString API_DEFAULT_PORT = "16021"; const QString API_URL_FORMAT = "http://%1:%2/api/v1/%3/%4"; const QString API_ROOT = ""; const QString API_EXT_MODE_STRING_V1 = "{\"write\" : {\"command\" : \"display\", \"animType\" : \"extControl\"}}"; const QString API_EXT_MODE_STRING_V2 = "{\"write\" : {\"command\" : \"display\", \"animType\" : \"extControl\", \"extControlVersion\" : \"v2\"}}"; const QString API_STATE ="state"; const QString API_PANELLAYOUT = "panelLayout"; const QString API_EFFECT = "effects"; //Nanoleaf ssdp services const QString SSDP_CANVAS = "nanoleaf:nl29"; const QString SSDP_LIGHTPANELS = "nanoleaf_aurora:light"; const int SSDP_TIMEOUT = 5000; // timout in ms // Nanoleaf Panel Shapetypes enum SHAPETYPES { TRIANGLE, RHYTM, SQUARE, CONTROL_SQUARE_PRIMARY, CONTROL_SQUARE_PASSIVE, POWER_SUPPLY, }; // Nanoleaf external control versions enum EXTCONTROLVERSIONS { EXTCTRLVER_V1 = 1, EXTCTRLVER_V2 }; LedDevice* LedDeviceNanoleaf::construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) { return new LedDeviceNanoleaf(deviceConfig); } LedDeviceNanoleaf::LedDeviceNanoleaf(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) : ProviderUdp() { init(deviceConfig); } bool LedDeviceNanoleaf::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) { LedDevice::init(deviceConfig); int configuredLedCount = this->getLedCount(); Debug(_log, "ActiveDevice : %s", QSTRING_CSTR( this->getActiveDevice() )); Debug(_log, "LedCount : %d", configuredLedCount); Debug(_log, "ColorOrder : %s", QSTRING_CSTR( this->getColorOrder() )); Debug(_log, "LatchTime : %d", this->getLatchTime()); //Set hostname as per configuration and default port _hostname = deviceConfig[ CONFIG_ADDRESS ].toString(); _api_port = API_DEFAULT_PORT; _auth_token = deviceConfig[ CONFIG_AUTH_TOKEN ].toString(); //If host not configured then discover device if ( _hostname.isEmpty() ) //Discover Nanoleaf device if ( !discoverNanoleafDevice() ) { Error(_log, "No target IP defined nor Nanoleaf device discovered"); return false; } //Get Nanoleaf device details and configuration _networkmanager = new QNetworkAccessManager(); // Read Panel count and panel Ids QString url = getUrl(_hostname, _api_port, _auth_token, API_ROOT ); QJsonDocument doc = getJson( url ); QJsonObject jsonAllPanelInfo = doc.object(); QString deviceName = jsonAllPanelInfo[DEV_DATA_NAME].toString(); _deviceModel = jsonAllPanelInfo[DEV_DATA_MODEL].toString(); QString deviceManufacturer = jsonAllPanelInfo[DEV_DATA_MANUFACTURER].toString(); _deviceFirmwareVersion = jsonAllPanelInfo[DEV_DATA_FIRMWAREVERSION].toString(); Debug(_log, "Name : %s", QSTRING_CSTR( deviceName )); Debug(_log, "Model : %s", QSTRING_CSTR( _deviceModel )); Debug(_log, "Manufacturer : %s", QSTRING_CSTR( deviceManufacturer )); Debug(_log, "FirmwareVersion: %s", QSTRING_CSTR( _deviceFirmwareVersion)); // Get panel details from /panelLayout/layout QJsonObject jsonPanelLayout = jsonAllPanelInfo[API_PANELLAYOUT].toObject(); QJsonObject jsonLayout = jsonPanelLayout[PANEL_LAYOUT].toObject(); int panelNum = jsonLayout[PANEL_NUM].toInt(); QJsonArray positionData = jsonLayout[PANEL_POSITIONDATA].toArray(); std::map> panelMap; // Loop over all children. foreach (const QJsonValue & value, positionData) { QJsonObject panelObj = value.toObject(); int panelId = panelObj[PANEL_ID].toInt(); int panelX = panelObj[PANEL_POS_X].toInt(); int panelY = panelObj[PANEL_POS_Y].toInt(); int panelshapeType = panelObj[PANEL_SHAPE_TYPE].toInt(); //int panelOrientation = panelObj[PANEL_ORIENTATION].toInt(); //std::cout << "Panel [" << panelId << "]" << " (" << panelX << "," << panelY << ") - Type: [" << panelshapeType << "]" << std::endl; // Skip Rhythm panels if ( panelshapeType != RHYTM ) { panelMap[panelY][panelX] = panelId; } else { Info(_log, "Rhythm panel skipped."); } } // Sort panels top down, left right for(auto posY = panelMap.crbegin(); posY != panelMap.crend(); ++posY) { // posY.first is the first key for(auto const &posX : posY->second) { // posX.first is the second key, posX.second is the data //std::cout << "panelMap[" << posY->first << "][" << posX.first << "]=" << posX.second << std::endl; _panelIds.push_back(posX.second); } } this->_panelLedCount = _panelIds.size(); Debug(_log, "PanelsNum : %d", panelNum); Debug(_log, "PanelLedCount : %d", _panelLedCount); // Check. if enough panelds were found. if (_panelLedCount < configuredLedCount) { throw std::runtime_error ( (QString ("Not enough panels [%1] for configured LEDs [%2] found!").arg(_panelLedCount).arg(configuredLedCount)).toStdString() ); } else { if ( _panelLedCount > this->getLedCount() ) { Warning(_log, "Nanoleaf: More panels [%d] than configured LEDs [%d].", _panelLedCount, configuredLedCount ); } } switchOn(); // Set Nanoleaf to External Control (UDP) mode Debug(_log, "Set Nanoleaf to External Control (UDP) streaming mode"); QJsonDocument responseDoc = changeToExternalControlMode(); // Set UDP streaming port _port = STREAM_CONTROL_DEFAULT_PORT; // Resolve port for Ligh Panels QJsonObject jsonStreamControllInfo = responseDoc.object(); if ( ! jsonStreamControllInfo.isEmpty() ) { _port = jsonStreamControllInfo[STREAM_CONTROL_PORT].toInt(); } _defaultHost = _hostname; ProviderUdp::init(deviceConfig); Debug(_log, "Started successfully" ); return true; } bool LedDeviceNanoleaf::discoverNanoleafDevice() { bool isDeviceFound (false); // device searching by ssdp QString address; SSDPDiscover discover; // Discover Canvas device address = discover.getFirstService(STY_WEBSERVER, SSDP_CANVAS, SSDP_TIMEOUT); //No Canvas device not found if ( address.isEmpty() ) { // Discover Light Panels (Aurora) device address = discover.getFirstService(STY_WEBSERVER, SSDP_LIGHTPANELS, SSDP_TIMEOUT); if ( address.isEmpty() ) { Warning(_log, "No Nanoleaf device discovered"); } } // Canvas or Light Panels found if ( ! address.isEmpty() ) { Info(_log, "Nanoleaf device discovered at [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR( address )); isDeviceFound = true; QStringList addressparts = address.split(":", QString::SkipEmptyParts); _hostname = addressparts[0]; _api_port = addressparts[1]; } return isDeviceFound; } QJsonDocument LedDeviceNanoleaf::changeToExternalControlMode() { QString url = getUrl(_hostname, _api_port, _auth_token, API_EFFECT ); QJsonDocument jsonDoc; // If device model is Light Panels (Aurora) if ( _deviceModel == "NL22") { _extControlVersion = EXTCTRLVER_V1; //Enable UDP Mode v1 jsonDoc = putJson(url, API_EXT_MODE_STRING_V1); } else { _extControlVersion = EXTCTRLVER_V2; //Enable UDP Mode v2 jsonDoc= putJson(url, API_EXT_MODE_STRING_V2); } return jsonDoc; } QString LedDeviceNanoleaf::getUrl(QString host, QString port, QString auth_token, QString endpoint) const { return API_URL_FORMAT.arg(host).arg(port).arg(auth_token).arg(endpoint); } QJsonDocument LedDeviceNanoleaf::getJson(QString url) const { Debug(_log, "GET: [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR( url )); // Perfrom request QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = _networkmanager->get(request); // Connect requestFinished signal to quit slot of the loop. QEventLoop loop; loop.connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(quit())); // Go into the loop until the request is finished. loop.exec(); QJsonDocument jsonDoc; if(reply->operation() == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) { jsonDoc = handleReply( reply ); } // Free space. reply->deleteLater(); // Return response return jsonDoc; } QJsonDocument LedDeviceNanoleaf::putJson(QString url, QString json) const { Debug(_log, "PUT: [%s] [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR( url ), QSTRING_CSTR( json ) ); // Perfrom request QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = _networkmanager->put(request, json.toUtf8()); // Connect requestFinished signal to quit slot of the loop. QEventLoop loop; loop.connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(quit())); // Go into the loop until the request is finished. loop.exec(); QJsonDocument jsonDoc; if(reply->operation() == QNetworkAccessManager::PutOperation) { jsonDoc = handleReply( reply ); } // Free space. reply->deleteLater(); // Return response return jsonDoc; } QJsonDocument LedDeviceNanoleaf::handleReply(QNetworkReply* const &reply ) const { QJsonDocument jsonDoc; int httpStatusCode = reply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute ).toInt(); if(reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { if ( httpStatusCode != 204 ){ QByteArray response = reply->readAll(); QJsonParseError error; jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { Error (_log, "Got invalid response"); throw std::runtime_error(""); } else { //Debug // QString strJson(jsonDoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)); // std::cout << strJson.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl; } } } else { QString errorReason; if ( httpStatusCode > 0 ) { QString httpReason = reply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute ).toString(); QString advise; switch ( httpStatusCode ) { case 400: advise = "Check Request Body"; break; case 401: advise = "Check Authentication Token (API Key)"; break; case 404: advise = "Check Resource given"; break; default: break; } errorReason = QString ("%1:%2 [%3 %4] - %5").arg(_hostname).arg(_api_port).arg(httpStatusCode).arg(httpReason).arg(advise); } else { errorReason = QString ("%1:%2 - %3").arg(_hostname).arg(_api_port).arg(reply->errorString()); } Error (_log, "%s", QSTRING_CSTR( errorReason )); throw std::runtime_error("Network Error"); } // Return response return jsonDoc; } LedDeviceNanoleaf::~LedDeviceNanoleaf() { delete _networkmanager; } int LedDeviceNanoleaf::write(const std::vector & ledValues) { int retVal = 0; uint udpBufferSize; //Light Panels // nPanels 1B // nFrames 1B // panelID 1B // 3B // 1B // tranitionTime 1B // //Canvas //In order to support the much larger number of panels on Canvas, the size of the nPanels, //panelId and tranitionTime fields have been been increased from 1B to 2B. //The nFrames field has been dropped as it was set to 1 in v1 anyway // // nPanels 2B // panelID 2B // 3B // 1B // tranitionTime 2B //udpBufferSize = _panelLedCount * 7 + 1; // Buffersize for LightPanels udpBufferSize = _panelLedCount * 8 + 2; uint8_t udpbuffer[udpBufferSize]; uchar lowByte; // lower byte uchar highByte; // upper byte uint i=0; // Set number of panels highByte = (uchar) (_panelLedCount >>8 ); lowByte = (uchar) (_panelLedCount & 0xFF); if ( _extControlVersion == EXTCTRLVER_V2 ) { udpbuffer[i++] = highByte; } udpbuffer[i++] = lowByte; ColorRgb color; for ( int panelCounter=0; panelCounter < _panelLedCount; panelCounter++ ) { uint panelID = _panelIds[panelCounter]; highByte = (uchar) (panelID >>8 ); lowByte = (uchar) (panelID & 0xFF); // Set panels configured if( panelCounter < this->getLedCount() ) { color = (ColorRgb) ledValues.at(panelCounter); } else { // Set panels not configed to black; color = ColorRgb::BLACK; //printf ("panelCounter [%d] >= panelLedCount [%d]\n", panelCounter, _panelLedCount ); } // Set panelID if ( _extControlVersion == EXTCTRLVER_V2 ) { udpbuffer[i++] = highByte; } udpbuffer[i++] = lowByte; // Set number of frames - V1 only if ( _extControlVersion == EXTCTRLVER_V1 ) { udpbuffer[i++] = 1; // No of Frames } // Set panel's color LEDs udpbuffer[i++] = color.red; udpbuffer[i++] = color.green; udpbuffer[i++] = color.blue; // Set white LED udpbuffer[i++] = 0; // W not set manually // Set transition time unsigned char tranitionTime = 1; // currently fixed at value 1 which corresponds to 100ms highByte = (uchar) (tranitionTime >>8 ); lowByte = (uchar) (tranitionTime & 0xFF); if ( _extControlVersion == EXTCTRLVER_V2 ) { udpbuffer[i++] = highByte; } udpbuffer[i++] = lowByte; //std::cout << "[" << panelCounter << "]" << " Color: " << color << std::endl; } // printf ("udpBufferSize[%d], Bytes to send [%d]\n", udpBufferSize, i); // for ( uint c= 0; c < udpBufferSize;c++ ) // { // printf ("%x ", (uchar) udpbuffer[c]); // } // printf("\n"); retVal &= writeBytes( i , udpbuffer); return retVal; } QString LedDeviceNanoleaf::getOnOffRequest (bool isOn ) const { QString state = isOn ? STATE_VALUE_TRUE : STATE_VALUE_FALSE; return QString( "{\"%1\":{\"%2\":%3}}" ).arg(STATE_ON).arg(STATE_ONOFF_VALUE).arg(state); } int LedDeviceNanoleaf::switchOn() { Debug(_log, "switchOn()"); //Switch on Nanoleaf device QString url = getUrl(_hostname, _api_port, _auth_token, API_STATE ); putJson(url, this->getOnOffRequest(true) ); return 0; } int LedDeviceNanoleaf::switchOff() { Debug(_log, "switchOff()"); //Set all LEDs to Black LedDevice::switchOff(); //Switch off Nanoleaf device physically QString url = getUrl(_hostname, _api_port, _auth_token, API_STATE ); putJson(url, getOnOffRequest(false) ); return _deviceReady ? write(std::vector(_ledCount, ColorRgb::BLACK )) : -1; return 0; }