// STL includes #include #include // QT includes #include // Local LedDevice includes #include "LedDevicePiBlaster.h" LedDevicePiBlaster::LedDevicePiBlaster(const Json::Value &deviceConfig) : _fid(nullptr) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // initialise the mapping tables // -1 is invalid // z is also meaningless // { "gpio" : 4, "ledindex" : 0, "ledcolor" : "r" }, #define TABLE_SZ sizeof(_gpio_to_led)/sizeof(_gpio_to_led[0]) for (unsigned i=0; i < TABLE_SZ; i++ ) { _gpio_to_led[i] = -1; _gpio_to_color[i] = 'z'; } _deviceReady = init(deviceConfig); } LedDevicePiBlaster::~LedDevicePiBlaster() { // Close the device (if it is opened) if (_fid != nullptr) { fclose(_fid); _fid = nullptr; } } bool LedDevicePiBlaster::init(const Json::Value &deviceConfig) { _deviceName = deviceConfig.get("output", "").asString(); Json::Value gpioMapping = deviceConfig.get("gpiomap", Json::nullValue); if (gpioMapping.isNull()) { throw std::runtime_error("Piblaster: no gpiomap defined."); } // walk through the json config and populate the mapping tables for (const Json::Value& gpioMap : gpioMapping) { const int gpio = gpioMap.get("gpio",-1).asInt(); const int ledindex = gpioMap.get("ledindex",-1).asInt(); const std::string ledcolor = gpioMap.get("ledcolor","z").asString(); // ignore missing/invalid settings if ( (gpio >= 0) && (gpio < signed(TABLE_SZ)) && (ledindex >= 0) ){ _gpio_to_led[gpio] = ledindex; _gpio_to_color[gpio] = ledcolor[0]; // 1st char of string } else { Warning( _log, "IGNORING gpio %d ledindex %d color %c", gpio,ledindex, ledcolor[0]); } } return true; } LedDevice* LedDevicePiBlaster::construct(const Json::Value &deviceConfig) { return new LedDevicePiBlaster(deviceConfig); } int LedDevicePiBlaster::open() { if (_fid != nullptr) { // The file pointer is already open Error( _log, "Device (%s) is already open.", _deviceName.c_str() ); return -1; } if (!QFile::exists(_deviceName.c_str())) { Error( _log, "The device (%s) does not yet exist.", _deviceName.c_str() ); return -1; } _fid = fopen(_deviceName.c_str(), "w"); if (_fid == nullptr) { Error( _log, "Failed to open device (%s). Error message: %s", _deviceName.c_str(), strerror(errno) ); return -1; } Info( _log, "Connected to device(%s)", _deviceName.c_str()); return 0; } int LedDevicePiBlaster::write(const std::vector & ledValues) { // Attempt to open if not yet opened if (_fid == nullptr && open() < 0) { return -1; } int valueIdx = -1; for (unsigned int i=0; i < TABLE_SZ; i++ ) { valueIdx = _gpio_to_led[ i ]; if ( (valueIdx >= 0) && (valueIdx < _ledCount) ) { double pwmDutyCycle = 0.0; switch (_gpio_to_color[ i ]) { case 'r': pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].red / 255.0; break; case 'g': pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].green / 255.0; break; case 'b': pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].blue / 255.0; break; case 'w': pwmDutyCycle = ledValues[valueIdx].red; pwmDutyCycle += ledValues[valueIdx].green; pwmDutyCycle += ledValues[valueIdx].blue; pwmDutyCycle /= (3.0*255.0); break; default: continue; } // fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", iPins[iPin], pwmDutyCycle); if ( (fprintf(_fid, "%i=%f\n", i, pwmDutyCycle) < 0) || (fflush(_fid) < 0)) { if (_fid != nullptr) { fclose(_fid); _fid = nullptr; return -1; } } } } return 0; }