#pragma once

#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QPair>

/// JsonSchemaChecker is a very basic implementation of json schema.
/// The json schema definition draft can be found at
/// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-03
/// The following keywords are supported:
/// - type
/// - required
/// - properties
/// - items
/// - enum
/// - minimum
/// - maximum
/// - addtionalProperties
/// - minItems
/// - maxItems
/// - minLength
/// - maxLength

class QJsonSchemaChecker
	virtual ~QJsonSchemaChecker();

	/// @param schema The schema to use
	/// @return true upon succes
	bool setSchema(const QJsonObject & schema);

	/// @brief Validate a JSON structure
	/// @param value The JSON value to check
	/// @param ignoreRequired Ignore the "required" keyword in hyperion schema. Default is false
	/// @return The first boolean is true when the arguments is valid according to the schema. The second is true when the schema contains no errors
	/// @return TODO: Check the Schema in SetSchema() function and remove the QPair result
	QPair<bool, bool> validate(const QJsonObject & value, bool ignoreRequired = false);

	/// @brief Auto correct a JSON structure
	/// @param value The JSON value to correct
	/// @param ignoreRequired Ignore the "required" keyword in hyperion schema. Default is false
	/// @return The corrected JSON structure
	QJsonObject getAutoCorrectedConfig(const QJsonObject & value, bool ignoreRequired = false);

	/// @return A list of error messages
	QStringList getMessages() const;

	/// Validates a json-value against a given schema. Results are stored in the members of this
	/// class (_error & _messages)
	/// @param[in] value The value to validate
	/// @param[in] schema The schema against which the value is validated
	void validate(const QJsonValue &value, const QJsonObject & schema);

	/// Adds the given message to the message-queue (with reference to current line-number)
	/// @param[in] message The message to add to the queue
	void setMessage(const QString & message);

	// attribute check functions
	/// Checks if the given value is of the specified type. If the type does not match _error is set
	/// to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue
	/// @param[in] value The given value
	/// @param[in] schema The specified type (as json-value)
	void checkType(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Checks is required properties of an json-object exist and if all properties are of the
	/// correct format. If this is not the case _error is set to true and an error-message is added
	/// to the message-queue.
	/// @param[in] value The given json-object
	/// @param[in] schema The schema of the json-object
	void checkProperties(const QJsonObject & value, const QJsonObject & schema);

	/// Checks whether certain properties of a JSON object exist under certain dependencies and are the same.
	/// If this is not the case _error is set to true and an error-message is added
	/// to the message-queue.
	/// @param[in] value The given json-object
	/// @param[in] schema The schema of the json-object
	void checkDependencies(const QJsonObject & value, const QJsonObject & schema);

	/// Verifies the additional configured properties of an json-object. If this is not the case
	/// _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The given json-object
	/// @param schema The schema for the json-object
	/// @param ignoredProperties The properties that were ignored
	void checkAdditionalProperties(const QJsonObject & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QStringList & ignoredProperties);

	/// Checks if the given value is larger or equal to the specified value. If this is not the case
	/// _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param[in] value The given value
	/// @param[in] schema The minimum value (as json-value)
	void checkMinimum(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Checks if the given value is smaller or equal to the specified value. If this is not the
	/// case _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param[in] value The given value
	/// @param[in] schema The maximum value (as json-value)
	void checkMaximum(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Checks if the given value is hugher than the specified value. If this is the
	/// case _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The given value
	/// @param schema The minimum size specification (as json-value)
	void checkMinLength(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Checks if the given value is smaller than the specified value. If this is the
	/// case _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The given value
	/// @param schema The maximum size specification (as json-value)
	void checkMaxLength(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Validates all the items of an array.
	/// @param value The json-array
	/// @param schema The schema for the items in the array
	void checkItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonObject & schema);

	/// Checks if a given array has at least a minimum number of items. If this is not the case
	/// _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The json-array
	/// @param schema The minimum size specification (as json-value)
	void checkMinItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Checks if a given array has at most a maximum number of items. If this is not the case
	/// _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The json-array
	/// @param schema The maximum size specification (as json-value)
	void checkMaxItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// Checks if a given array contains only unique items. If this is not the case
	/// _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The json-array
	/// @param schema Bool to enable the check (as json-value)
	void checkUniqueItems(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema);

	/// Checks if an enum value is actually a valid value for that enum. If this is not the case
	/// _error is set to true and an error-message is added to the message-queue.
	/// @param value The enum value
	/// @param schema The enum schema definition
	void checkEnum(const QJsonValue & value, const QJsonValue & schema, const QJsonValue & defaultValue);

	/// @brief Return the "default" value as string. If not found, an empty string is output
	/// @param value The JSON value to search
	/// @return The "default" value as string
	QString getDefaultValue(const QJsonValue & value);

	/// The schema of the entire json-configuration
	QJsonObject _qSchema;
	/// ignore the required value in json schema
	bool _ignoreRequired;
	/// Auto correction variable
	QString _correct;
	/// The auto corrected json-configuration
	QJsonObject _autoCorrected;
	/// The current location into a json-configuration structure being checked
	QStringList _currentPath;
	/// The result messages collected during the schema verification
	QStringList _messages;
	/// Flag indicating an error occured during validation
	bool _error;
	/// Flag indicating an schema error occured during validation
	bool _schemaError;