// AtmoOrb by Lightning303 & Rick164, Additions by Lord-Grey // // ESP8266 Standalone Version // // // You may change the settings that are commented #define FASTLED_ALLOW_INTERRUPTS 0 // To make sure that all leds get changed 100% of the time, we need to allow FastLED to disabled interrupts for a short while. // If you experience problems, please set this value to 1. // This is only needed for 3 wire (1 data line + Vcc and GND) chips (e.g. WS2812B). If you are using WS2801, APA102 or similar chipsets, you can set the value back to 1. #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiUdp.h> #include <FastLED.h> #define NUM_LEDS 24 // Number of leds #define DATA_PIN 7 // Data pin for leds (the default pin 7 might correspond to pin 13 on some boards) #define SERIAL_DEBUG 0 // Serial debugging (0=Off, 1=On) #define ID 1 // Id of this lamp // Smoothing #define SMOOTH_STEPS 20 // Steps to take for smoothing colors #define SMOOTH_DELAY 10 // Delay between smoothing steps #define SMOOTH_BLOCK 0 // Block incoming colors while smoothing // Startup color #define STARTUP_RED 255 // Color shown directly after power on #define STARTUP_GREEN 175 // Color shown directly after power on #define STARTUP_BLUE 100 // Color shown directly after power on // White adjustment #define RED_CORRECTION 220 // Color Correction #define GREEN_CORRECTION 255 // Color Correction #define BLUE_CORRECTION 180 // Color Correction // RC Switch #define RC_SWITCH 0 // RF transmitter to swtich remote controlled power sockets (0=Off, 1=On) #if RC_SWITCH == 1 #include <RCSwitch.h> #define RC_PIN 2 // Data pin for RF transmitter #define RC_SLEEP_DELAY 900000 // Delay until RF transmitter send signals char* rcCode0 = "10001"; // First part of the transmission code char* rcCode1 = "00010"; // Second part of the transmission code RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch(); boolean remoteControlled = false; #endif // Network settings const char* ssid = "***"; // WiFi SSID const char* password = "***"; // WiFi password const IPAddress multicastIP(239,255,255,250); // Multicast IP address const int multicastPort = 49692; // Multicast port number IPAddress ip_null(0,0,0,0); IPAddress local_IP(0,0,0,0); WiFiUDP Udp; int timeout = 20000; // wait 20 sec for successfull login boolean is_connect = false; // ... not yet connected CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; byte nextColor[3]; byte prevColor[3]; byte currentColor[3]; byte smoothStep = SMOOTH_STEPS; unsigned long smoothMillis; void setColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue); void setSmoothColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue); void smoothColor(); void clearSmoothColors(); void setup() { FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS); //FastLED.setCorrection(TypicalSMD5050); FastLED.setCorrection(CRGB(RED_CORRECTION, GREEN_CORRECTION, BLUE_CORRECTION)); FastLED.showColor(CRGB(STARTUP_RED, STARTUP_GREEN, STARTUP_BLUE)); #if RC_SWITCH == 1 mySwitch.enableTransmit(RC_PIN); #endif #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.begin(115200); #endif #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.printf("Connecting to %s ", ssid); #endif // .... wait for WiFi gets valid !!! unsigned long tick = millis(); // get start-time for login WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while ( (!is_connect) && ((millis() - tick) < timeout) ) { yield(); // ... for safety is_connect = WiFi.status(); // connected ? if (!is_connect) // only if not yet connected ! { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print("."); // print a dot while waiting #endif delay(50); } } if (is_connect) { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print("after "); Serial.print(millis() - tick); Serial.println(" ms"); #endif // .... wait for local_IP becomes valid !!! is_connect = false; tick = millis(); // get start-time for login while ( (!is_connect) && ((millis() - tick) < timeout) ) { yield(); // ... for safety local_IP = WiFi.localIP(); is_connect = local_IP != ip_null; // connected ? if (!is_connect) // only if not yet connected ! { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print("."); // print a dot while waiting #endif delay(50); } } if (is_connect) { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print("local_IP valid after "); Serial.print(millis() - tick); Serial.println(" ms"); Serial.println(""); Serial.print(F("Connected to ")); Serial.println(ssid); #endif // ... now start UDP and check the result: is_connect = Udp.beginMulticast(local_IP, multicastIP, multicastPort); if (is_connect) { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print("Listening to Multicast at "); Serial.print(multicastIP); Serial.println(":" + String(multicastPort)); #endif } else { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.println(" - ERROR beginMulticast !"); #endif } } else { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.println("local_IP invalid after timeout !"); #endif } } else { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.println("- invalid after timeout !"); #endif } } void loop() { #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print(F("Lost connection to ")); Serial.print(ssid); Serial.println(F(".")); Serial.println(F("Trying to reconnect.")); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print(F(".")); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println(F("Reconnected.")); } #endif if (Udp.parsePacket()) { byte len = Udp.available(); byte rcvd[len]; Udp.read(rcvd, len); #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print(F("UDP Packet from ")); Serial.print(Udp.remoteIP()); Serial.print(F(":")); Serial.print(Udp.remotePort()); Serial.print(F(" to ")); Serial.println(Udp.destinationIP()); for (byte i = 0; i < len; i++) { Serial.print(rcvd[i]); Serial.print(F(" ")); } Serial.println(""); #endif if (len >= 8 && rcvd[0] == 0xC0 && rcvd[1] == 0xFF && rcvd[2] == 0xEE && (rcvd[4] == ID || rcvd[4] == 0)) { switch (rcvd[3]) { case 1: smoothStep = SMOOTH_STEPS; forceLedsOFF(); break; case 2: default: setSmoothColor(rcvd[5], rcvd[6], rcvd[7]); break; case 4: setColor(rcvd[5], rcvd[6], rcvd[7]); smoothStep = SMOOTH_STEPS; break; case 8: #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print(F("Announce myself. OrbID: ")); Serial.println(ID); #endif Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort()); Udp.write(ID); Udp.endPacket(); break; case 9: #if SERIAL_DEBUG == 1 Serial.print(F("Identify myself. OrbID: ")); Serial.println(ID); #endif identify(); break; } } } if (smoothStep < SMOOTH_STEPS && millis() >= (smoothMillis + (SMOOTH_DELAY * (smoothStep + 1)))) { smoothColor(); } #if RC_SWITCH == 1 if (remoteControlled && currentColor[0] == 0 && currentColor[1] == 0 && currentColor[2] == 0 && millis() >= smoothMillis + RC_SLEEP_DELAY) { // Send this signal only once every seconds smoothMillis += 1000; mySwitch.switchOff(rcCode0, rcCode1); } #endif } // Display color on leds void setColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue) { // Is the new color already active? if (currentColor[0] == red && currentColor[1] == green && currentColor[2] == blue) { return; } currentColor[0] = red; currentColor[1] = green; currentColor[2] = blue; FastLED.showColor(CRGB(red, green, blue)); } // Set a new color to smooth to void setSmoothColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue) { if (smoothStep == SMOOTH_STEPS || SMOOTH_BLOCK == 0) { // Is the new color the same as the one we already are smoothing towards? // If so dont do anything. if (nextColor[0] == red && nextColor[1] == green && nextColor[2] == blue) { return; } // Is the new color the same as we have right now? // If so stop smoothing and keep the current color. else if (currentColor[0] == red && currentColor[1] == green && currentColor[2] == blue) { smoothStep = SMOOTH_STEPS; return; } prevColor[0] = currentColor[0]; prevColor[1] = currentColor[1]; prevColor[2] = currentColor[2]; nextColor[0] = red; nextColor[1] = green; nextColor[2] = blue; smoothMillis = millis(); smoothStep = 0; #if RC_SWITCH == 1 if (!remoteControlled) { remoteControlled = true; } #endif } } // Display one step to the next color void smoothColor() { smoothStep++; byte red = prevColor[0] + (((nextColor[0] - prevColor[0]) * smoothStep) / SMOOTH_STEPS); byte green = prevColor[1] + (((nextColor[1] - prevColor[1]) * smoothStep) / SMOOTH_STEPS); byte blue = prevColor[2] + (((nextColor[2] - prevColor[2]) * smoothStep) / SMOOTH_STEPS); setColor(red, green, blue); } // Force all leds OFF void forceLedsOFF() { setColor(0,0,0); clearSmoothColors(); } // Clear smooth color byte arrays void clearSmoothColors() { memset(prevColor, 0, sizeof(prevColor)); memset(currentColor, 0, sizeof(nextColor)); memset(nextColor, 0, sizeof(nextColor)); } void identify() { for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++) { FastLED.showColor(CRGB::LemonChiffon); delay(500); FastLED.showColor(CRGB::Black); delay(500); } }