/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Matthias Bolte <matthias@tinkerforge.com> * Copyright (C) 2011 Olaf Lüke <olaf@tinkerforge.com> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of this file, * with or without modification, are permitted. */ #ifndef _WIN32 #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE // for usleep from unistd.h #endif #include <errno.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <winsock2.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday #include <sys/socket.h> // connect #include <sys/select.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> // TCP_NO_DELAY #include <netdb.h> // gethostbyname #include <netinet/in.h> // struct sockaddr_in #endif #define IPCON_EXPOSE_INTERNALS #include "ip_connection.h" #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __BORLANDC__ #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) #define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED #elif defined __GNUC__ #ifdef _WIN32 // workaround struct packing bug in GCC 4.7 on Windows // http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=52991 #define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED __attribute__((gcc_struct, packed)) #else #define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED __attribute__((packed)) #endif #else #error unknown compiler, do not know how to enable struct packing #endif typedef struct { PacketHeader header; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED Enumerate; typedef struct { PacketHeader header; char uid[8]; char connected_uid[8]; char position; uint8_t hardware_version[3]; uint8_t firmware_version[3]; uint16_t device_identifier; uint8_t enumeration_type; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED EnumerateCallback; #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __BORLANDC__ #pragma pack(pop) #endif #undef ATTRIBUTE_PACKED #ifndef __cplusplus #ifdef __GNUC__ #ifndef __GNUC_PREREQ #define __GNUC_PREREQ(major, minor) \ ((((__GNUC__) << 16) + (__GNUC_MINOR__)) >= (((major) << 16) + (minor))) #endif #if __GNUC_PREREQ(4, 6) #define STATIC_ASSERT(condition, message) \ _Static_assert(condition, message) #else #define STATIC_ASSERT(condition, message) // FIXME #endif #else #define STATIC_ASSERT(condition, message) // FIXME #endif STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(PacketHeader) == 8, "PacketHeader has invalid size"); STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Packet) == 80, "Packet has invalid size"); STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(EnumerateCallback) == 34, "EnumerateCallback has invalid size"); #endif /***************************************************************************** * * BASE58 * *****************************************************************************/ #define BASE58_MAX_STR_SIZE 13 static const char BASE58_ALPHABET[] = \ "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; #if 0 static void base58_encode(uint64_t value, char *str) { uint32_t mod; char reverse_str[BASE58_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int i = 0; int k = 0; while (value >= 58) { mod = value % 58; reverse_str[i] = BASE58_ALPHABET[mod]; value = value / 58; ++i; } reverse_str[i] = BASE58_ALPHABET[value]; for (k = 0; k <= i; k++) { str[k] = reverse_str[i - k]; } for (; k < BASE58_MAX_STR_SIZE; k++) { str[k] = '\0'; } } #endif static uint64_t base58_decode(const char *str) { int i; int k; uint64_t value = 0; uint64_t base = 1; for (i = 0; i < BASE58_MAX_STR_SIZE; i++) { if (str[i] == '\0') { break; } } --i; for (; i >= 0; i--) { if (str[i] == '\0') { continue; } for (k = 0; k < 58; k++) { if (BASE58_ALPHABET[k] == str[i]) { break; } } value += k * base; base *= 58; } return value; } /***************************************************************************** * * Socket * *****************************************************************************/ struct _Socket { #ifdef _WIN32 SOCKET handle; #else int handle; #endif Mutex send_mutex; // used to serialize socket_send calls }; #ifdef _WIN32 static int socket_create(Socket *socket_, int domain, int type, int protocol) { BOOL flag = 1; socket_->handle = socket(domain, type, protocol); if (socket_->handle == INVALID_SOCKET) { return -1; } if (setsockopt(socket_->handle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&flag, sizeof(flag)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(socket_->handle); return -1; } mutex_create(&socket_->send_mutex); return 0; } static void socket_destroy(Socket *socket) { mutex_destroy(&socket->send_mutex); closesocket(socket->handle); } static int socket_connect(Socket *socket, struct sockaddr_in *address, int length) { return connect(socket->handle, (struct sockaddr *)address, length) == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0; } static void socket_shutdown(Socket *socket) { shutdown(socket->handle, SD_BOTH); } static int socket_receive(Socket *socket, void *buffer, int length) { length = recv(socket->handle, (char *)buffer, length, 0); if (length == SOCKET_ERROR) { length = -1; if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR) { errno = EINTR; } else { errno = EFAULT; } } return length; } static int socket_send(Socket *socket, void *buffer, int length) { mutex_lock(&socket->send_mutex); length = send(socket->handle, (const char *)buffer, length, 0); mutex_unlock(&socket->send_mutex); if (length == SOCKET_ERROR) { length = -1; } return length; } #else static int socket_create(Socket *socket_, int domain, int type, int protocol) { int flag = 1; socket_->handle = socket(domain, type, protocol); if (socket_->handle < 0) { return -1; } if (setsockopt(socket_->handle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&flag, sizeof(flag)) < 0) { close(socket_->handle); return -1; } mutex_create(&socket_->send_mutex); return 0; } static void socket_destroy(Socket *socket) { mutex_destroy(&socket->send_mutex); close(socket->handle); } static int socket_connect(Socket *socket, struct sockaddr_in *address, int length) { return connect(socket->handle, (struct sockaddr *)address, length); } static void socket_shutdown(Socket *socket) { shutdown(socket->handle, SHUT_RDWR); } static int socket_receive(Socket *socket, void *buffer, int length) { return recv(socket->handle, buffer, length, 0); } static int socket_send(Socket *socket, void *buffer, int length) { int rc; mutex_lock(&socket->send_mutex); rc = send(socket->handle, buffer, length, 0); mutex_unlock(&socket->send_mutex); return rc; } #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Mutex * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 void mutex_create(Mutex *mutex) { InitializeCriticalSection(&mutex->handle); } void mutex_destroy(Mutex *mutex) { DeleteCriticalSection(&mutex->handle); } void mutex_lock(Mutex *mutex) { EnterCriticalSection(&mutex->handle); } void mutex_unlock(Mutex *mutex) { LeaveCriticalSection(&mutex->handle); } #else void mutex_create(Mutex *mutex) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex->handle, NULL); } void mutex_destroy(Mutex *mutex) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex->handle); } void mutex_lock(Mutex *mutex) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex->handle); } void mutex_unlock(Mutex *mutex) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex->handle); } #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Event * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 static void event_create(Event *event) { event->handle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); } static void event_destroy(Event *event) { CloseHandle(event->handle); } static void event_set(Event *event) { SetEvent(event->handle); } static void event_reset(Event *event) { ResetEvent(event->handle); } static int event_wait(Event *event, uint32_t timeout) { // in msec return WaitForSingleObject(event->handle, timeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? 0 : -1; } #else static void event_create(Event *event) { pthread_mutex_init(&event->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&event->condition, NULL); event->flag = false; } static void event_destroy(Event *event) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&event->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&event->condition); } static void event_set(Event *event) { pthread_mutex_lock(&event->mutex); event->flag = true; pthread_cond_signal(&event->condition); pthread_mutex_unlock(&event->mutex); } static void event_reset(Event *event) { pthread_mutex_lock(&event->mutex); event->flag = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&event->mutex); } static int event_wait(Event *event, uint32_t timeout) { // in msec struct timeval tp; struct timespec ts; int ret = 0; gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); ts.tv_sec = tp.tv_sec + timeout / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (tp.tv_usec + (timeout % 1000) * 1000) * 1000; while (ts.tv_nsec >= 1000000000L) { ts.tv_sec += 1; ts.tv_nsec -= 1000000000L; } pthread_mutex_lock(&event->mutex); while (!event->flag) { ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&event->condition, &event->mutex, &ts); if (ret != 0) { ret = -1; break; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&event->mutex); return ret; } #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Semaphore * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 static int semaphore_create(Semaphore *semaphore) { semaphore->handle = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, INT32_MAX, NULL); return semaphore->handle == NULL ? -1 : 0; } static void semaphore_destroy(Semaphore *semaphore) { CloseHandle(semaphore->handle); } static int semaphore_acquire(Semaphore *semaphore) { return WaitForSingleObject(semaphore->handle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? -1 : 0; } static void semaphore_release(Semaphore *semaphore) { ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore->handle, 1, NULL); } #else static int semaphore_create(Semaphore *semaphore) { #ifdef __APPLE__ // Mac OS X does not support unnamed semaphores, so we fake them. Unlink // first to ensure that there is no existing semaphore with that name. // Then open the semaphore to create a new one. Finally unlink it again to // avoid leaking the name. The semaphore will work fine without a name. char name[100]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "tf-ipcon-%p", semaphore); sem_unlink(name); semaphore->pointer = sem_open(name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU, 0); sem_unlink(name); if (semaphore->pointer == SEM_FAILED) { return -1; } #else semaphore->pointer = &semaphore->object; if (sem_init(semaphore->pointer, 0, 0) < 0) { return -1; } #endif return 0; } static void semaphore_destroy(Semaphore *semaphore) { #ifdef __APPLE__ sem_close(semaphore->pointer); #else sem_destroy(semaphore->pointer); #endif } static int semaphore_acquire(Semaphore *semaphore) { return sem_wait(semaphore->pointer) < 0 ? -1 : 0; } static void semaphore_release(Semaphore *semaphore) { sem_post(semaphore->pointer); } #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Thread * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 static DWORD WINAPI thread_wrapper(void *opaque) { Thread *thread = (Thread *)opaque; thread->function(thread->opaque); return 0; } static int thread_create(Thread *thread, ThreadFunction function, void *opaque) { thread->function = function; thread->opaque = opaque; thread->handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread_wrapper, thread, 0, &thread->id); return thread->handle == NULL ? -1 : 0; } static void thread_destroy(Thread *thread) { CloseHandle(thread->handle); } static bool thread_is_current(Thread *thread) { return thread->id == GetCurrentThreadId(); } static void thread_join(Thread *thread) { WaitForSingleObject(thread->handle, INFINITE); } static void thread_sleep(int msec) { Sleep(msec); } #else static void *thread_wrapper(void *opaque) { Thread *thread = (Thread *)opaque; thread->function(thread->opaque); return NULL; } static int thread_create(Thread *thread, ThreadFunction function, void *opaque) { thread->function = function; thread->opaque = opaque; return pthread_create(&thread->handle, NULL, thread_wrapper, thread); } static void thread_destroy(Thread *thread) { (void)thread; } static bool thread_is_current(Thread *thread) { return pthread_equal(thread->handle, pthread_self()) ? true : false; } static void thread_join(Thread *thread) { pthread_join(thread->handle, NULL); } static void thread_sleep(int msec) { usleep(msec * 1000); } #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Table * *****************************************************************************/ static void table_create(Table *table) { mutex_create(&table->mutex); table->used = 0; table->allocated = 16; table->keys = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * table->allocated); table->values = (void **)malloc(sizeof(void *) * table->allocated); } static void table_destroy(Table *table) { free(table->keys); free(table->values); mutex_destroy(&table->mutex); } static void table_insert(Table *table, uint32_t key, void *value) { int i; mutex_lock(&table->mutex); for (i = 0; i < table->used; ++i) { if (table->keys[i] == key) { table->values[i] = value; mutex_unlock(&table->mutex); return; } } if (table->allocated <= table->used) { table->allocated += 16; table->keys = (uint32_t *)realloc(table->keys, sizeof(uint32_t) * table->allocated); table->values = (void **)realloc(table->values, sizeof(void *) * table->allocated); } table->keys[table->used] = key; table->values[table->used] = value; ++table->used; mutex_unlock(&table->mutex); } static void table_remove(Table *table, uint32_t key) { int i; int tail; mutex_lock(&table->mutex); for (i = 0; i < table->used; ++i) { if (table->keys[i] == key) { tail = table->used - i - 1; if (tail > 0) { memmove(table->keys + i, table->keys + i + 1, sizeof(uint32_t) * tail); memmove(table->values + i, table->values + i + 1, sizeof(void *) * tail); } --table->used; break; } } mutex_unlock(&table->mutex); } static void *table_get(Table *table, uint32_t key) { int i; void *value = NULL; mutex_lock(&table->mutex); for (i = 0; i < table->used; ++i) { if (table->keys[i] == key) { value = table->values[i]; break; } } mutex_unlock(&table->mutex); return value; } /***************************************************************************** * * Queue * *****************************************************************************/ enum { QUEUE_KIND_EXIT = 0, QUEUE_KIND_META, QUEUE_KIND_PACKET }; typedef struct { uint8_t function_id; uint8_t parameter; uint64_t socket_id; } Meta; static void queue_create(Queue *queue) { queue->head = NULL; queue->tail = NULL; mutex_create(&queue->mutex); semaphore_create(&queue->semaphore); } static void queue_destroy(Queue *queue) { QueueItem *item = queue->head; QueueItem *next; while (item != NULL) { next = item->next; free(item->data); free(item); item = next; } mutex_destroy(&queue->mutex); semaphore_destroy(&queue->semaphore); } static void queue_put(Queue *queue, int kind, void *data, int length) { QueueItem *item = (QueueItem *)malloc(sizeof(QueueItem)); item->next = NULL; item->kind = kind; item->data = NULL; item->length = length; if (data != NULL) { item->data = malloc(length); memcpy(item->data, data, length); } mutex_lock(&queue->mutex); if (queue->tail == NULL) { queue->head = item; queue->tail = item; } else { queue->tail->next = item; queue->tail = item; } mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); semaphore_release(&queue->semaphore); } static int queue_get(Queue *queue, int *kind, void **data, int *length) { QueueItem *item; if (semaphore_acquire(&queue->semaphore) < 0) { return -1; } mutex_lock(&queue->mutex); if (queue->head == NULL) { mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); return -1; } item = queue->head; queue->head = item->next; item->next = NULL; if (queue->tail == item) { queue->head = NULL; queue->tail = NULL; } mutex_unlock(&queue->mutex); *kind = item->kind; *data = item->data; *length = item->length; free(item); return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * * Device * *****************************************************************************/ enum { IPCON_FUNCTION_ENUMERATE = 254 }; static int ipcon_send_request(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, Packet *request); void device_create(Device *device, const char *uid_str, IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, uint8_t api_version_major, uint8_t api_version_minor, uint8_t api_version_release) { DevicePrivate *device_p; uint64_t uid; uint32_t value1; uint32_t value2; int i; device_p = (DevicePrivate *)malloc(sizeof(DevicePrivate)); device->p = device_p; uid = base58_decode(uid_str); if (uid > 0xFFFFFFFF) { // convert from 64bit to 32bit value1 = uid & 0xFFFFFFFF; value2 = (uid >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; uid = (value1 & 0x00000FFF); uid |= (value1 & 0x0F000000) >> 12; uid |= (value2 & 0x0000003F) << 16; uid |= (value2 & 0x000F0000) << 6; uid |= (value2 & 0x3F000000) << 2; } device_p->uid = uid & 0xFFFFFFFF; device_p->ipcon_p = ipcon_p; device_p->api_version[0] = api_version_major; device_p->api_version[1] = api_version_minor; device_p->api_version[2] = api_version_release; // request mutex_create(&device_p->request_mutex); // response device_p->expected_response_function_id = 0; device_p->expected_response_sequence_number = 0; mutex_create(&device_p->response_mutex); memset(&device_p->response_packet, 0, sizeof(Packet)); event_create(&device_p->response_event); for (i = 0; i < DEVICE_NUM_FUNCTION_IDS; i++) { device_p->response_expected[i] = DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_INVALID_FUNCTION_ID; } device_p->response_expected[IPCON_FUNCTION_ENUMERATE] = DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_FALSE; device_p->response_expected[IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE] = DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_FALSE; // callbacks for (i = 0; i < DEVICE_NUM_FUNCTION_IDS; i++) { device_p->registered_callbacks[i] = NULL; device_p->registered_callback_user_data[i] = NULL; device_p->callback_wrappers[i] = NULL; } // add to IPConnection table_insert(&ipcon_p->devices, device_p->uid, device_p); } void device_destroy(Device *device) { DevicePrivate *device_p = device->p; table_remove(&device_p->ipcon_p->devices, device_p->uid); event_destroy(&device_p->response_event); mutex_destroy(&device_p->response_mutex); mutex_destroy(&device_p->request_mutex); free(device_p); } int device_get_response_expected(DevicePrivate *device_p, uint8_t function_id, bool *ret_response_expected) { int flag = device_p->response_expected[function_id]; if (flag == DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_INVALID_FUNCTION_ID) { return E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (flag == DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_ALWAYS_TRUE || flag == DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_TRUE) { *ret_response_expected = true; } else { *ret_response_expected = false; } return E_OK; } int device_set_response_expected(DevicePrivate *device_p, uint8_t function_id, bool response_expected) { int current_flag = device_p->response_expected[function_id]; if (current_flag != DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_TRUE && current_flag != DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE) { return E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } device_p->response_expected[function_id] = response_expected ? DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_TRUE : DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE; return E_OK; } int device_set_response_expected_all(DevicePrivate *device_p, bool response_expected) { int flag = response_expected ? DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_TRUE : DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE; int i; for (i = 0; i < DEVICE_NUM_FUNCTION_IDS; ++i) { if (device_p->response_expected[i] == DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_TRUE || device_p->response_expected[i] == DEVICE_RESPONSE_EXPECTED_FALSE) { device_p->response_expected[i] = flag; } } return E_OK; } void device_register_callback(DevicePrivate *device_p, uint8_t id, void *callback, void *user_data) { device_p->registered_callbacks[id] = callback; device_p->registered_callback_user_data[id] = user_data; } int device_get_api_version(DevicePrivate *device_p, uint8_t ret_api_version[3]) { ret_api_version[0] = device_p->api_version[0]; ret_api_version[1] = device_p->api_version[1]; ret_api_version[2] = device_p->api_version[2]; return E_OK; } int device_send_request(DevicePrivate *device_p, Packet *request, Packet *response) { int ret = E_OK; uint8_t sequence_number = packet_header_get_sequence_number(&request->header); uint8_t response_expected = packet_header_get_response_expected(&request->header); uint8_t error_code; if (response_expected) { mutex_lock(&device_p->request_mutex); event_reset(&device_p->response_event); device_p->expected_response_function_id = request->header.function_id; device_p->expected_response_sequence_number = sequence_number; } ret = ipcon_send_request(device_p->ipcon_p, request); if (ret != E_OK) { if (response_expected) { mutex_unlock(&device_p->request_mutex); } return ret; } if (response_expected) { if (event_wait(&device_p->response_event, device_p->ipcon_p->timeout) < 0) { ret = E_TIMEOUT; } device_p->expected_response_function_id = 0; device_p->expected_response_sequence_number = 0; event_reset(&device_p->response_event); if (ret == E_OK) { mutex_lock(&device_p->response_mutex); error_code = packet_header_get_error_code(&device_p->response_packet.header); if (device_p->response_packet.header.function_id != request->header.function_id || packet_header_get_sequence_number(&device_p->response_packet.header) != sequence_number) { ret = E_TIMEOUT; } else if (error_code == 0) { // no error if (response != NULL) { memcpy(response, &device_p->response_packet, device_p->response_packet.header.length); } } else if (error_code == 1) { ret = E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (error_code == 2) { ret = E_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { ret = E_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE; } mutex_unlock(&device_p->response_mutex); } mutex_unlock(&device_p->request_mutex); } return ret; } /***************************************************************************** * * IPConnection * *****************************************************************************/ struct _CallbackContext { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p; Queue queue; Thread thread; Mutex mutex; bool packet_dispatch_allowed; }; static int ipcon_connect_unlocked(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, bool is_auto_reconnect); static void ipcon_disconnect_unlocked(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p); static void ipcon_dispatch_meta(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, Meta *meta) { ConnectedCallbackFunction connected_callback_function; DisconnectedCallbackFunction disconnected_callback_function; void *user_data; bool retry; if (meta->function_id == IPCON_CALLBACK_CONNECTED) { if (ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_CONNECTED] != NULL) { *(void **)(&connected_callback_function) = ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_CONNECTED]; user_data = ipcon_p->registered_callback_user_data[IPCON_CALLBACK_CONNECTED]; connected_callback_function(meta->parameter, user_data); } } else if (meta->function_id == IPCON_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED) { // need to do this here, the receive loop is not allowed to // hold the socket mutex because this could cause a deadlock // with a concurrent call to the (dis-)connect function if (meta->parameter != IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_REQUEST) { mutex_lock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); // don't close the socket if it got disconnected or // reconnected in the meantime if (ipcon_p->socket != NULL && ipcon_p->socket_id == meta->socket_id) { // destroy disconnect probe thread event_set(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_event); thread_join(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_thread); thread_destroy(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_thread); // destroy socket socket_destroy(ipcon_p->socket); free(ipcon_p->socket); ipcon_p->socket = NULL; } mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); } // NOTE: wait a moment here, otherwise the next connect // attempt will succeed, even if there is no open server // socket. the first receive will then fail directly thread_sleep(100); if (ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED] != NULL) { *(void **)(&disconnected_callback_function) = ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED]; user_data = ipcon_p->registered_callback_user_data[IPCON_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED]; disconnected_callback_function(meta->parameter, user_data); } if (meta->parameter != IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_REQUEST && ipcon_p->auto_reconnect && ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed) { ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending = true; retry = true; // block here until reconnect. this is okay, there is no // callback to deliver when there is no connection while (retry) { retry = false; mutex_lock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); if (ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed && ipcon_p->socket == NULL) { if (ipcon_connect_unlocked(ipcon_p, true) < 0) { retry = true; } } else { ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending = false; } mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); if (retry) { // wait a moment to give another thread a chance to // interrupt the auto-reconnect thread_sleep(100); } } } } } static void ipcon_dispatch_packet(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, Packet *packet) { EnumerateCallbackFunction enumerate_callback_function; void *user_data; EnumerateCallback *enumerate_callback; DevicePrivate *device_p; CallbackWrapperFunction callback_wrapper_function; if (packet->header.function_id == IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE) { if (ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE] != NULL) { *(void **)(&enumerate_callback_function) = ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE]; user_data = ipcon_p->registered_callback_user_data[IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE]; enumerate_callback = (EnumerateCallback *)packet; enumerate_callback_function(enumerate_callback->uid, enumerate_callback->connected_uid, enumerate_callback->position, enumerate_callback->hardware_version, enumerate_callback->firmware_version, leconvert_uint16_from(enumerate_callback->device_identifier), enumerate_callback->enumeration_type, user_data); } } else { device_p = (DevicePrivate *)table_get(&ipcon_p->devices, packet->header.uid); if (device_p == NULL) { return; } callback_wrapper_function = device_p->callback_wrappers[packet->header.function_id]; if (callback_wrapper_function == NULL) { return; } callback_wrapper_function(device_p, packet); } } static void ipcon_callback_loop(void *opaque) { CallbackContext *callback = (CallbackContext *)opaque; int kind; void *data; int length; while (true) { if (queue_get(&callback->queue, &kind, &data, &length) < 0) { // NOTE: what to do here? try again? exit? break; } // NOTE: cannot lock callback mutex here because this can // deadlock due to an ordering problem with the socket mutex //mutex_lock(&callback->mutex); if (kind == QUEUE_KIND_EXIT) { //mutex_unlock(&callback->mutex); break; } else if (kind == QUEUE_KIND_META) { ipcon_dispatch_meta(callback->ipcon_p, (Meta *)data); } else if (kind == QUEUE_KIND_PACKET) { // don't dispatch callbacks when the receive thread isn't running if (callback->packet_dispatch_allowed) { ipcon_dispatch_packet(callback->ipcon_p, (Packet *)data); } } //mutex_unlock(&callback->mutex); free(data); } // cleanup mutex_destroy(&callback->mutex); queue_destroy(&callback->queue); thread_destroy(&callback->thread); free(callback); } // NOTE: assumes that socket_mutex is locked if disconnect_immediately is true static void ipcon_handle_disconnect_by_peer(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, uint8_t disconnect_reason, uint64_t socket_id, bool disconnect_immediately) { Meta meta; ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed = true; if (disconnect_immediately) { ipcon_disconnect_unlocked(ipcon_p); } meta.function_id = IPCON_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED; meta.parameter = disconnect_reason; meta.socket_id = socket_id; queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_META, &meta, sizeof(meta)); } enum { IPCON_DISCONNECT_PROBE_INTERVAL = 5000 }; enum { IPCON_FUNCTION_DISCONNECT_PROBE = 128 }; // NOTE: the disconnect probe loop is not allowed to hold the socket_mutex at any // time because it is created and joined while the socket_mutex is locked static void ipcon_disconnect_probe_loop(void *opaque) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = (IPConnectionPrivate *)opaque; PacketHeader disconnect_probe; packet_header_create(&disconnect_probe, sizeof(PacketHeader), IPCON_FUNCTION_DISCONNECT_PROBE, ipcon_p, NULL); while (event_wait(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_event, IPCON_DISCONNECT_PROBE_INTERVAL) < 0) { if (ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_flag) { // TODO: this might block if (socket_send(ipcon_p->socket, &disconnect_probe, disconnect_probe.length) < 0) { ipcon_handle_disconnect_by_peer(ipcon_p, IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_ERROR, ipcon_p->socket_id, false); break; } } else { ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_flag = true; } } } static void ipcon_handle_response(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, Packet *response) { DevicePrivate *device_p; uint8_t sequence_number = packet_header_get_sequence_number(&response->header); ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_flag = false; response->header.uid = leconvert_uint32_from(response->header.uid); if (sequence_number == 0 && response->header.function_id == IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE) { if (ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE] != NULL) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_PACKET, response, response->header.length); } return; } device_p = (DevicePrivate *)table_get(&ipcon_p->devices, response->header.uid); if (device_p == NULL) { // ignoring response for an unknown device return; } if (sequence_number == 0) { if (device_p->registered_callbacks[response->header.function_id] != NULL) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_PACKET, response, response->header.length); } return; } if (device_p->expected_response_function_id == response->header.function_id && device_p->expected_response_sequence_number == sequence_number) { mutex_lock(&device_p->response_mutex); memcpy(&device_p->response_packet, response, response->header.length); mutex_unlock(&device_p->response_mutex); event_set(&device_p->response_event); return; } // response seems to be OK, but can't be handled } // NOTE: the receive loop is now allowed to hold the socket_mutex at any time // because it is created and joined while the socket_mutex is locked static void ipcon_receive_loop(void *opaque) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = (IPConnectionPrivate *)opaque; uint64_t socket_id = ipcon_p->socket_id; Packet pending_data[10]; int pending_length = 0; int length; uint8_t disconnect_reason; while (ipcon_p->receive_flag) { length = socket_receive(ipcon_p->socket, (uint8_t *)pending_data + pending_length, sizeof(pending_data) - pending_length); if (!ipcon_p->receive_flag) { return; } if (length <= 0) { if (length < 0 && errno == EINTR) { continue; } if (length == 0) { disconnect_reason = IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_SHUTDOWN; } else { disconnect_reason = IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_ERROR; } ipcon_handle_disconnect_by_peer(ipcon_p, disconnect_reason, socket_id, false); return; } pending_length += length; while (ipcon_p->receive_flag) { if (pending_length < 8) { // wait for complete header break; } length = pending_data[0].header.length; if (pending_length < length) { // wait for complete packet break; } ipcon_handle_response(ipcon_p, pending_data); memmove(pending_data, (uint8_t *)pending_data + length, pending_length - length); pending_length -= length; } } } // NOTE: assumes that socket_mutex is locked static int ipcon_connect_unlocked(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, bool is_auto_reconnect) { struct hostent *entity; struct sockaddr_in address; uint8_t connect_reason; Meta meta; // create callback queue and thread if (ipcon_p->callback == NULL) { ipcon_p->callback = (CallbackContext *)malloc(sizeof(CallbackContext)); ipcon_p->callback->ipcon_p = ipcon_p; ipcon_p->callback->packet_dispatch_allowed = false; queue_create(&ipcon_p->callback->queue); mutex_create(&ipcon_p->callback->mutex); if (thread_create(&ipcon_p->callback->thread, ipcon_callback_loop, ipcon_p->callback) < 0) { mutex_destroy(&ipcon_p->callback->mutex); queue_destroy(&ipcon_p->callback->queue); free(ipcon_p->callback); ipcon_p->callback = NULL; return E_NO_THREAD; } } // create and connect socket entity = gethostbyname(ipcon_p->host); if (entity == NULL) { // destroy callback thread if (!is_auto_reconnect) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_EXIT, NULL, 0); if (!thread_is_current(&ipcon_p->callback->thread)) { thread_join(&ipcon_p->callback->thread); } ipcon_p->callback = NULL; } return E_HOSTNAME_INVALID; } memset(&address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); memcpy(&address.sin_addr, entity->h_addr_list[0], entity->h_length); address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_port = htons(ipcon_p->port); ipcon_p->socket = (Socket *)malloc(sizeof(Socket)); if (socket_create(ipcon_p->socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) < 0) { // destroy callback thread if (!is_auto_reconnect) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_EXIT, NULL, 0); if (!thread_is_current(&ipcon_p->callback->thread)) { thread_join(&ipcon_p->callback->thread); } ipcon_p->callback = NULL; } // destroy socket free(ipcon_p->socket); ipcon_p->socket = NULL; return E_NO_STREAM_SOCKET; } if (socket_connect(ipcon_p->socket, &address, sizeof(address)) < 0) { // destroy callback thread if (!is_auto_reconnect) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_EXIT, NULL, 0); if (!thread_is_current(&ipcon_p->callback->thread)) { thread_join(&ipcon_p->callback->thread); } ipcon_p->callback = NULL; } // destroy socket socket_destroy(ipcon_p->socket); free(ipcon_p->socket); ipcon_p->socket = NULL; return E_NO_CONNECT; } ++ipcon_p->socket_id; // create disconnect probe thread ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_flag = true; event_reset(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_event); if (thread_create(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_thread, ipcon_disconnect_probe_loop, ipcon_p) < 0) { // destroy callback thread if (!is_auto_reconnect) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_EXIT, NULL, 0); if (!thread_is_current(&ipcon_p->callback->thread)) { thread_join(&ipcon_p->callback->thread); } ipcon_p->callback = NULL; } // destroy socket socket_destroy(ipcon_p->socket); free(ipcon_p->socket); ipcon_p->socket = NULL; return E_NO_THREAD; } // create receive thread ipcon_p->receive_flag = true; ipcon_p->callback->packet_dispatch_allowed = true; if (thread_create(&ipcon_p->receive_thread, ipcon_receive_loop, ipcon_p) < 0) { ipcon_disconnect_unlocked(ipcon_p); // destroy callback thread if (!is_auto_reconnect) { queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_EXIT, NULL, 0); if (!thread_is_current(&ipcon_p->callback->thread)) { thread_join(&ipcon_p->callback->thread); } ipcon_p->callback = NULL; } return E_NO_THREAD; } ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed = false; ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending = false; // trigger connected callback if (is_auto_reconnect) { connect_reason = IPCON_CONNECT_REASON_AUTO_RECONNECT; } else { connect_reason = IPCON_CONNECT_REASON_REQUEST; } meta.function_id = IPCON_CALLBACK_CONNECTED; meta.parameter = connect_reason; meta.socket_id = 0; queue_put(&ipcon_p->callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_META, &meta, sizeof(meta)); return E_OK; } // NOTE: assumes that socket_mutex is locked static void ipcon_disconnect_unlocked(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p) { // destroy disconnect probe thread event_set(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_event); thread_join(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_thread); thread_destroy(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_thread); // stop dispatching packet callbacks before ending the receive // thread to avoid timeout exceptions due to callback functions // trying to call getters if (!thread_is_current(&ipcon_p->callback->thread)) { // NOTE: cannot lock callback mutex here because this can // deadlock due to an ordering problem with the socket mutex //mutex_lock(&ipcon->callback->mutex); ipcon_p->callback->packet_dispatch_allowed = false; //mutex_unlock(&ipcon->callback->mutex); } else { ipcon_p->callback->packet_dispatch_allowed = false; } // destroy receive thread if (ipcon_p->receive_flag) { ipcon_p->receive_flag = false; socket_shutdown(ipcon_p->socket); thread_join(&ipcon_p->receive_thread); thread_destroy(&ipcon_p->receive_thread); } // destroy socket socket_destroy(ipcon_p->socket); free(ipcon_p->socket); ipcon_p->socket = NULL; } static int ipcon_send_request(IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, Packet *request) { int ret = E_OK; mutex_lock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); if (ipcon_p->socket == NULL) { ret = E_NOT_CONNECTED; } if (ret == E_OK) { if (socket_send(ipcon_p->socket, request, request->header.length) < 0) { ipcon_handle_disconnect_by_peer(ipcon_p, IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_ERROR, 0, true); ret = E_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_flag = false; } } mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); return ret; } void ipcon_create(IPConnection *ipcon) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p; int i; ipcon_p = (IPConnectionPrivate *)malloc(sizeof(IPConnectionPrivate)); ipcon->p = ipcon_p; #ifdef _WIN32 ipcon_p->wsa_startup_done = false; #endif ipcon_p->host = NULL; ipcon_p->port = 0; ipcon_p->timeout = 2500; ipcon_p->auto_reconnect = true; ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed = false; ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending = false; mutex_create(&ipcon_p->sequence_number_mutex); ipcon_p->next_sequence_number = 0; table_create(&ipcon_p->devices); for (i = 0; i < IPCON_NUM_CALLBACK_IDS; ++i) { ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[i] = NULL; ipcon_p->registered_callback_user_data[i] = NULL; } mutex_create(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); ipcon_p->socket = NULL; ipcon_p->socket_id = 0; ipcon_p->receive_flag = false; ipcon_p->callback = NULL; ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_flag = false; event_create(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_event); semaphore_create(&ipcon_p->wait); } void ipcon_destroy(IPConnection *ipcon) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; ipcon_disconnect(ipcon); // NOTE: disable disconnected callback before? mutex_destroy(&ipcon_p->sequence_number_mutex); table_destroy(&ipcon_p->devices); mutex_destroy(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); event_destroy(&ipcon_p->disconnect_probe_event); semaphore_destroy(&ipcon_p->wait); free(ipcon_p->host); free(ipcon_p); } int ipcon_connect(IPConnection *ipcon, const char *host, uint16_t port) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; int ret; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsa_data; #endif mutex_lock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); #ifdef _WIN32 if (!ipcon_p->wsa_startup_done) { if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa_data) != 0) { mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); return E_NO_STREAM_SOCKET; } ipcon_p->wsa_startup_done = true; } #endif if (ipcon_p->socket != NULL) { mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); return E_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } free(ipcon_p->host); ipcon_p->host = strdup(host); ipcon_p->port = port; ret = ipcon_connect_unlocked(ipcon_p, false); mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); return ret; } int ipcon_disconnect(IPConnection *ipcon) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; CallbackContext *callback; Meta meta; mutex_lock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed = false; if (ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending) { // abort pending auto-reconnect ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending = false; } else { if (ipcon_p->socket == NULL) { mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); return E_NOT_CONNECTED; } ipcon_disconnect_unlocked(ipcon_p); } // destroy callback thread callback = ipcon_p->callback; ipcon_p->callback = NULL; mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->socket_mutex); // do this outside of socket_mutex to allow calling (dis-)connect from // the callbacks while blocking on the join call here meta.function_id = IPCON_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED; meta.parameter = IPCON_DISCONNECT_REASON_REQUEST; meta.socket_id = 0; queue_put(&callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_META, &meta, sizeof(meta)); queue_put(&callback->queue, QUEUE_KIND_EXIT, NULL, 0); if (!thread_is_current(&callback->thread)) { thread_join(&callback->thread); } // NOTE: no further cleanup of the callback queue and thread here, the // callback thread is doing this on exit return E_OK; } int ipcon_get_connection_state(IPConnection *ipcon) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; if (ipcon_p->socket != NULL) { return IPCON_CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED; } else if (ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_pending) { return IPCON_CONNECTION_STATE_PENDING; } else { return IPCON_CONNECTION_STATE_DISCONNECTED; } } void ipcon_set_auto_reconnect(IPConnection *ipcon, bool auto_reconnect) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; ipcon_p->auto_reconnect = auto_reconnect; if (!ipcon_p->auto_reconnect) { // abort potentially pending auto reconnect ipcon_p->auto_reconnect_allowed = false; } } bool ipcon_get_auto_reconnect(IPConnection *ipcon) { return ipcon->p->auto_reconnect; } void ipcon_set_timeout(IPConnection *ipcon, uint32_t timeout) { // in msec ipcon->p->timeout = timeout; } uint32_t ipcon_get_timeout(IPConnection *ipcon) { // in msec return ipcon->p->timeout; } int ipcon_enumerate(IPConnection *ipcon) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; Enumerate enumerate; int ret; ret = packet_header_create(&enumerate.header, sizeof(Enumerate), IPCON_FUNCTION_ENUMERATE, ipcon_p, NULL); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } return ipcon_send_request(ipcon_p, (Packet *)&enumerate); } void ipcon_wait(IPConnection *ipcon) { semaphore_acquire(&ipcon->p->wait); } void ipcon_unwait(IPConnection *ipcon) { semaphore_release(&ipcon->p->wait); } void ipcon_register_callback(IPConnection *ipcon, uint8_t id, void *callback, void *user_data) { IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p = ipcon->p; ipcon_p->registered_callbacks[id] = callback; ipcon_p->registered_callback_user_data[id] = user_data; } int packet_header_create(PacketHeader *header, uint8_t length, uint8_t function_id, IPConnectionPrivate *ipcon_p, DevicePrivate *device_p) { uint8_t sequence_number; bool response_expected = false; int ret = E_OK; mutex_lock(&ipcon_p->sequence_number_mutex); sequence_number = ipcon_p->next_sequence_number + 1; ipcon_p->next_sequence_number = sequence_number % 15; mutex_unlock(&ipcon_p->sequence_number_mutex); memset(header, 0, sizeof(PacketHeader)); if (device_p != NULL) { header->uid = leconvert_uint32_to(device_p->uid); } header->length = length; header->function_id = function_id; packet_header_set_sequence_number(header, sequence_number); if (device_p != NULL) { ret = device_get_response_expected(device_p, function_id, &response_expected); packet_header_set_response_expected(header, response_expected ? 1 : 0); } return ret; } uint8_t packet_header_get_sequence_number(PacketHeader *header) { return (header->sequence_number_and_options >> 4) & 0x0F; } void packet_header_set_sequence_number(PacketHeader *header, uint8_t sequence_number) { header->sequence_number_and_options |= (sequence_number << 4) & 0xF0; } uint8_t packet_header_get_response_expected(PacketHeader *header) { return (header->sequence_number_and_options >> 3) & 0x01; } void packet_header_set_response_expected(PacketHeader *header, uint8_t response_expected) { header->sequence_number_and_options |= (response_expected << 3) & 0x08; } uint8_t packet_header_get_error_code(PacketHeader *header) { return (header->error_code_and_future_use >> 6) & 0x03; } // undefine potential defines from /usr/include/endian.h #undef LITTLE_ENDIAN #undef BIG_ENDIAN #define LITTLE_ENDIAN 0x03020100ul #define BIG_ENDIAN 0x00010203ul static const union { uint8_t bytes[4]; uint32_t value; } native_endian = { { 0, 1, 2, 3 } }; static void *leconvert_swap16(void *data) { uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *)data; uint8_t d[2]; d[0] = s[1]; d[1] = s[0]; s[0] = d[0]; s[1] = d[1]; return data; } static void *leconvert_swap32(void *data) { uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *)data; uint8_t d[4]; d[0] = s[3]; d[1] = s[2]; d[2] = s[1]; d[3] = s[0]; s[0] = d[0]; s[1] = d[1]; s[2] = d[2]; s[3] = d[3]; return data; } static void *leconvert_swap64(void *data) { uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *)data; uint8_t d[8]; d[0] = s[7]; d[1] = s[6]; d[2] = s[5]; d[3] = s[4]; d[4] = s[3]; d[5] = s[2]; d[6] = s[1]; d[7] = s[0]; s[0] = d[0]; s[1] = d[1]; s[2] = d[2]; s[3] = d[3]; s[4] = d[4]; s[5] = d[5]; s[6] = d[6]; s[7] = d[7]; return data; } int16_t leconvert_int16_to(int16_t native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(int16_t *)leconvert_swap16(&native); } } uint16_t leconvert_uint16_to(uint16_t native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(uint16_t *)leconvert_swap16(&native); } } int32_t leconvert_int32_to(int32_t native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(int32_t *)leconvert_swap32(&native); } } uint32_t leconvert_uint32_to(uint32_t native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(uint32_t *)leconvert_swap32(&native); } } int64_t leconvert_int64_to(int64_t native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(int64_t *)leconvert_swap64(&native); } } uint64_t leconvert_uint64_to(uint64_t native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(uint64_t *)leconvert_swap64(&native); } } float leconvert_float_to(float native) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return native; } else { return *(float *)leconvert_swap32(&native); } } int16_t leconvert_int16_from(int16_t little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(int16_t *)leconvert_swap16(&little); } } uint16_t leconvert_uint16_from(uint16_t little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(uint16_t *)leconvert_swap16(&little); } } int32_t leconvert_int32_from(int32_t little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(int32_t *)leconvert_swap32(&little); } } uint32_t leconvert_uint32_from(uint32_t little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(uint32_t *)leconvert_swap32(&little); } } int64_t leconvert_int64_from(int64_t little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(int64_t *)leconvert_swap64(&little); } } uint64_t leconvert_uint64_from(uint64_t little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(uint64_t *)leconvert_swap64(&little); } } float leconvert_float_from(float little) { if (native_endian.value == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { return little; } else { return *(float *)leconvert_swap32(&little); } }