// STL includes #include #include #include #include // Linux includes #include #include #include #include // Local Hyperion includes #include "ProviderUdp.h" const ushort MAX_PORT = 65535; ProviderUdp::ProviderUdp() : LedDevice() , _udpSocket (nullptr) , _port(1) , _defaultHost("") { _deviceReady = false; _latchTime_ms = 1; } ProviderUdp::~ProviderUdp() { if ( _udpSocket != nullptr ) { _udpSocket->deleteLater(); } } bool ProviderUdp::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) { bool isInitOK = LedDevice::init(deviceConfig); QString host = deviceConfig["host"].toString(_defaultHost); if (_address.setAddress(host) ) { Debug( _log, "Successfully parsed %s as an ip address.", deviceConfig["host"].toString().toStdString().c_str()); } else { Debug( _log, "Failed to parse [%s] as an ip address.", deviceConfig["host"].toString().toStdString().c_str()); QHostInfo info = QHostInfo::fromName(host); if (info.addresses().isEmpty()) { Debug( _log, "Failed to parse [%s] as a hostname.", deviceConfig["host"].toString().toStdString().c_str()); QString errortext = QString ("Invalid target address [%1]!").arg(host); this->setInError ( errortext ); return false; } else { Debug( _log, "Successfully parsed %s as a hostname.", deviceConfig["host"].toString().toStdString().c_str()); _address = info.addresses().first(); } } int config_port = deviceConfig["port"].toInt(_port); if ( config_port <= 0 || config_port > MAX_PORT ) { QString errortext = QString ("Invalid target port [%1]!").arg(config_port); this->setInError ( errortext ); isInitOK = false; } else { _port = static_cast(config_port); Debug( _log, "UDP using %s:%d", _address.toString().toStdString().c_str() , _port ); } return isInitOK; } bool ProviderUdp::initNetwork() { bool isInitOK = false; _udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(this); // Try to bind the UDP-Socket if ( _udpSocket != nullptr ) { QHostAddress localAddress = QHostAddress::Any; quint16 localPort = 0; if ( !_udpSocket->bind(localAddress, localPort) ) { QString warntext = QString ("Could not bind local address: %1, (%2) %3").arg(localAddress.toString()).arg(_udpSocket->error()).arg(_udpSocket->errorString()); Warning ( _log, "%s", QSTRING_CSTR(warntext)); } isInitOK = true; } return isInitOK; } int ProviderUdp::open() { int retval = -1; QString errortext; _deviceReady = false; if ( init(_devConfig) ) { if ( ! initNetwork()) { this->setInError( "UDP Network error!" ); } else { // Everything is OK -> enable device _deviceReady = true; setEnable(true); retval = 0; } } return retval; } void ProviderUdp::close() { LedDevice::close(); if ( _udpSocket != nullptr ) { // Test, if device requires closing if ( _udpSocket->isOpen() ) { Debug(_log,"Close UDP-device: %s", QSTRING_CSTR( this->getActiveDeviceType() ) ); _udpSocket->close(); // Everything is OK -> device is closed } } } int ProviderUdp::writeBytes(const unsigned size, const uint8_t * data) { qint64 retVal = _udpSocket->writeDatagram((const char *)data,size,_address,_port); WarningIf((retVal<0), _log, "&s", QSTRING_CSTR(QString ("(%1:%2) Write Error: (%3) %4").arg(_address.toString()).arg(_port).arg(_udpSocket->error()).arg(_udpSocket->errorString()))); return retVal; }