#include "LedDeviceFadeCandy.h" static const ssize_t MAX_NUM_LEDS = 10000; // OPC can handle 21845 leds - in theory, fadecandy device should handle 10000 leds static const ssize_t OPC_SET_PIXELS = 0; // OPC command codes static const ssize_t OPC_HEADER_SIZE = 4; // OPC header size LedDeviceFadeCandy::LedDeviceFadeCandy(const std::string& host, const uint16_t port, const unsigned channel) : _host(host), _port(port), _channel(channel) { _opc_data.resize( OPC_HEADER_SIZE ); _opc_data[0] = channel; _opc_data[1] = OPC_SET_PIXELS; _opc_data[2] = 0; _opc_data[3] = 0; } LedDeviceFadeCandy::~LedDeviceFadeCandy() { _client.close(); } bool LedDeviceFadeCandy::isConnected() { return _client.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState; } bool LedDeviceFadeCandy::tryConnect() { if ( _client.state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState ) { _client.connectToHost( _host.c_str(), _port); if ( _client.waitForConnected(1000) ) qDebug("fadecandy/opc: connected to %s:%i on channel %i", _host.c_str(), _port, _channel); } return isConnected(); } int LedDeviceFadeCandy::write( const std::vector & ledValues ) { ssize_t nrLedValues = ledValues.size(); ssize_t led_data_size = nrLedValues * 3; // 3 color bytes ssize_t opc_data_size = led_data_size + OPC_HEADER_SIZE; if (nrLedValues > MAX_NUM_LEDS) { std::cerr << "fadecandy/opc: Invalid attempt to write led values. Not more than " << MAX_NUM_LEDS << " leds are allowed." << std::endl; return -1; } if ( opc_data_size != _opc_data.size() ) _opc_data.resize( opc_data_size ); _opc_data[2] = led_data_size >> 8; _opc_data[3] = led_data_size & 0xff; uint idx = OPC_HEADER_SIZE; for (const ColorRgb& color : ledValues) { _opc_data[idx ] = unsigned( color.red ); _opc_data[idx+1] = unsigned( color.green ); _opc_data[idx+2] = unsigned( color.blue ); idx += 3; } return ( transferData()<0 ? -1 : 0 ); } int LedDeviceFadeCandy::transferData() { if ( isConnected() || tryConnect() ) return _client.write( _opc_data, _opc_data.size() ); return -2; } int LedDeviceFadeCandy::switchOff() { for ( int idx=OPC_HEADER_SIZE; idx < _opc_data.size(); idx++ ) _opc_data[idx] = 0; return ( transferData()<0 ? -1 : 0 ); }