// system includes #include #include #include #include #include // stl includes #include #include #include #include // Qt includes #include #include #include // hyperion util includes #include #include "HyperionConfig.h" #include #include #include // project includes #include "BoblightClientConnection.h" // Constants namespace { const int BOBLIGHT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 128; const int BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY = PriorityMuxer::FG_PRIORITY+1; const int BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY = PriorityMuxer::BG_PRIORITY-1; } //End of constants BoblightClientConnection::BoblightClientConnection(Hyperion* hyperion, QTcpSocket* socket, int priority) : QObject() , _locale(QLocale::C) , _socket(socket) , _imageProcessor(hyperion->getImageProcessor()) , _hyperion(hyperion) , _receiveBuffer() , _priority(priority) , _ledColors(hyperion->getLedCount(), ColorRgb::BLACK) , _log(Logger::getInstance("BOBLIGHT")) , _clientAddress(QHostInfo::fromName(socket->peerAddress().toString()).hostName()) { // initalize the locale. Start with the default C-locale _locale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator | QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator); // connect internal signals and slots connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &BoblightClientConnection::socketClosed); connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &BoblightClientConnection::readData); } BoblightClientConnection::~BoblightClientConnection() { _socket->deleteLater(); } void BoblightClientConnection::readData() { _receiveBuffer.append(_socket->readAll()); int bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1; while (bytes > 0) { // create message string (strip the newline) const QString message = readMessage(_receiveBuffer.data(), bytes); // handle trimmed message handleMessage(message); // remove message data from buffer _receiveBuffer.remove(0, bytes); // drop messages if the buffer is too full if (_receiveBuffer.size() > 100 * 1024) { Debug(_log, "server drops messages (buffer full)"); _receiveBuffer.clear(); } // try too look up '\n' again bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1; } } QString BoblightClientConnection::readMessage(const char* data, const size_t size) const { char* end = (char*)data + size - 1; // Trim left while (data < end && std::isspace(*data)) { ++data; } // Trim right while (end > data && std::isspace(*end)) { --end; } // create message string (strip the newline) const int len = end - data + 1; const QString message = QString::fromLatin1(data, len); //std::cout << bytes << ": \"" << message.toUtf8().constData() << "\"" << std::endl; return message; } void BoblightClientConnection::socketClosed() { if (_priority >= BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY && _priority <= BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY) { _hyperion->clear(_priority); } emit connectionClosed(this); } void BoblightClientConnection::handleMessage(const QString& message) { //std::cout << "boblight message: " << message.toStdString() << std::endl; QStringList messageParts = QStringUtils::split(message, ' ', QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts); if (!messageParts.isEmpty()) { if (messageParts[0] == "hello") { sendMessage("hello\n"); return; } else if (messageParts[0] == "ping") { sendMessage("ping 1\n"); return; } else if (messageParts[0] == "get" && messageParts.size() > 1) { if (messageParts[1] == "version") { sendMessage("version 5\n"); return; } else if (messageParts[1] == "lights") { sendLightMessage(); return; } } else if (messageParts[0] == "set" && messageParts.size() > 2) { if (messageParts.size() > 3 && messageParts[1] == "light") { bool rc; const unsigned ledIndex = parseUInt(messageParts[2], &rc); if (rc && ledIndex < _ledColors.size()) { if (messageParts[3] == "rgb" && messageParts.size() == 7) { // custom parseByte accepts both ',' and '.' as decimal separator // no need to replace decimal comma with decimal point bool rc1, rc2, rc3; const uint8_t red = parseByte(messageParts[4], &rc1); const uint8_t green = parseByte(messageParts[5], &rc2); const uint8_t blue = parseByte(messageParts[6], &rc3); if (rc1 && rc2 && rc3) { ColorRgb& rgb = _ledColors[ledIndex]; rgb.red = red; rgb.green = green; rgb.blue = blue; if (_priority == 0 || _priority < BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY || _priority > BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY) return; // send current color values to hyperion if this is the last led assuming leds values are send in order of id if (ledIndex == _ledColors.size() - 1) { _hyperion->setInput(_priority, _ledColors); } return; } } else if (messageParts[3] == "speed" || messageParts[3] == "interpolation" || messageParts[3] == "use" || messageParts[3] == "singlechange") { // these message are ignored by Hyperion return; } } } else if (messageParts.size() == 3 && messageParts[1] == "priority") { bool rc; const int prio = static_cast(parseUInt(messageParts[2], &rc)); if (rc) { int currentPriority = _hyperion->getCurrentPriority(); if (prio == currentPriority) { Error(_log, "The priority %i is already in use onther component of type [%s]", prio, componentToString(_hyperion->getPriorityInfo(currentPriority).componentId)); _socket->close(); } else { if (prio < BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY || prio > BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY) { _priority = BOBLIGHT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY; while (_hyperion->getActivePriorities().contains(_priority)) { _priority += 1; } // warn against invalid priority Warning(_log, "The priority %i is not in the priority range of [%d-%d]. Priority %i is used instead.", prio, BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY, BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY, _priority); // register new priority (previously modified) _hyperion->registerInput(_priority, hyperion::COMP_BOBLIGHTSERVER, QString("Boblight@%1").arg(_clientAddress)); } else { // register new priority _hyperion->registerInput(prio, hyperion::COMP_BOBLIGHTSERVER, QString("Boblight@%1").arg(_clientAddress)); _priority = prio; } } } return; } } else if (messageParts[0] == "sync") { if (_priority >= BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY && _priority <= BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY) { int currentPriority = _hyperion->getCurrentPriority(); if ( _priority != currentPriority) { // register this connection's priority _hyperion->registerInput(_priority, hyperion::COMP_BOBLIGHTSERVER, QString("Boblight@%1").arg(_clientAddress)); } if (_priority >= BOBLIGHT_MIN_PRIORITY && _priority <= BOBLIGHT_MAX_PRIORITY) { _hyperion->setInput(_priority, _ledColors); // send current color values to hyperion } } return; } } Debug(_log, "unknown boblight message: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(message)); } /// Float values 10 to the power of -p for p in 0 .. 8. const float ipows[] = { 1, 1.0f / 10.0f, 1.0f / 100.0f, 1.0f / 1000.0f, 1.0f / 10000.0f, 1.0f / 100000.0f, 1.0f / 1000000.0f, 1.0f / 10000000.0f, 1.0f / 100000000.0f }; float BoblightClientConnection::parseFloat(const QString& s, bool *ok) const { // We parse radix 10 const char MIN_DIGIT = '0'; const char MAX_DIGIT = '9'; const char SEP_POINT = '.'; const char SEP_COMMA = ','; const int NUM_POWS = 9; /// The maximum number of characters we want to process const int MAX_LEN = 18; // Chosen randomly /// The index of the current character int q = 0; /// The integer part of the number int64_t n = 0; auto it = s.begin(); #define STEP ((it != s.end()) && (q++ < MAX_LEN)) // parse the integer-part while (it->unicode() >= MIN_DIGIT && it->unicode() <= MAX_DIGIT && STEP) { n = (n * 10) + (it->unicode() - MIN_DIGIT); ++it; } /// The resulting float value float f = static_cast(n); // parse decimal part if ((it->unicode() == SEP_POINT || it->unicode() == SEP_COMMA) && STEP) { /// The decimal part of the number int64_t d = 0; /// The exponent for the scale-factor 10 to the power -e int e = 0; ++it; while (it->unicode() >= MIN_DIGIT && it->unicode() <= MAX_DIGIT && STEP) { d = (d * 10) + (it->unicode() - MIN_DIGIT); ++e; ++it; } const float h = static_cast(d); // We want to use pre-calculated power whenever possible if (e < NUM_POWS) { f += h * ipows[e]; } else { f += h / std::pow(10.0f, e); } } if (q >= MAX_LEN || q < s.length()) { if (ok) { //std::cout << "FAIL L " << q << ": " << s.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl; *ok = false; } return 0; } if (ok) { //std::cout << "OK " << d << ": " << s.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl; *ok = true; } return f; } unsigned BoblightClientConnection::parseUInt(const QString& s, bool *ok) const { // We parse radix 10 const char MIN_DIGIT = '0'; const char MAX_DIGIT = '9'; /// The maximum number of characters we want to process const int MAX_LEN = 10; /// The index of the current character int q = 0; /// The integer part of the number int n = 0; auto it = s.begin(); // parse the integer-part while (it->unicode() >= MIN_DIGIT && it->unicode() <= MAX_DIGIT && ((it != s.end()) && (q++ < MAX_LEN))) { n = (n * 10) + (it->unicode() - MIN_DIGIT); ++it; } if (ok) { *ok = !(q >= MAX_LEN || q < s.length()); } return n; } uint8_t BoblightClientConnection::parseByte(const QString& s, bool *ok) const { const int LO = 0; const int HI = 255; #if defined(FAST_FLOAT_PARSE) const float d = parseFloat(s, ok); #else const float d = s.toFloat(ok); #endif // Clamp to byte range 0 to 255 return static_cast(qBound(LO, int(HI * d), HI)); // qBound args are in order min, value, max; see: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtglobal.html#qBound } void BoblightClientConnection::sendMessage(const QByteArray &message) { if (_socket->isOpen()) { _socket->write(message); } } void BoblightClientConnection::sendLightMessage() { char buffer[256]; int n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "lights %d\n", _hyperion->getLedCount()); sendMessage(QByteArray(buffer, n)); double h0, h1, v0, v1; for (int i = 0; i < _hyperion->getLedCount(); ++i) { _imageProcessor->getScanParameters(i, h0, h1, v0, v1); n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "light %03d scan %f %f %f %f\n", i, 100 * v0, 100 * v1, 100 * h0, 100 * h1); sendMessage(QByteArray(buffer, n)); } }