#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QJsonDocument>

// hyperion / utils
#include <utils/Logger.h>

// settings
#include <utils/settings.h>

class BonjourServiceRegister;
class StaticFileServing;
class QtHttpServer;

OPENSSL command that generated the embedded key and cert file

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
  -keyout hyperion.key -out hyperion.crt -extensions san -config \
  <(echo "[req]";
    echo distinguished_name=req;
    echo "[san]";
    echo subjectAltName=DNS:hyperion-project.org,IP:
    ) \
  -subj /CN=hyperion-project.org

class WebServer : public QObject {

	WebServer (const QJsonDocument& config, const bool& useSsl, QObject * parent = 0);

	virtual ~WebServer (void);

	void start();
	void stop();

	quint16 getPort() { return _port; };

	/// check if server has been inited
	bool isInited() { return _inited; };

	/// @brief Set a new description, if empty the description is NotFound for clients
	void setSSDPDescription(const QString & desc);

	/// @emits whenever server is started or stopped (to sync with SSDPHandler)
	/// @param newState   True when started, false when stopped
	void stateChange(const bool newState);

	/// @brief Emits whenever the port changes (doesn't compare prev <> now)
	void portChanged(const quint16& port);

public slots:
	/// @brief Init server after thread start
	void initServer();

	void onServerStopped      (void);
	void onServerStarted      (quint16 port);
	void onServerError        (QString msg);

	/// @brief Handle settings update from Hyperion Settingsmanager emit or this constructor
	/// @param type   settingyType from enum
	/// @param config configuration object
	void handleSettingsUpdate(const settings::type& type, const QJsonDocument& config);

	QJsonDocument        _config;
	bool				 _useSsl;
	Logger*              _log;
	QString              _baseUrl;
	quint16              _port;
	StaticFileServing*   _staticFileServing;
	QtHttpServer*        _server;
	bool                 _inited = false;

	const QString        WEBSERVER_DEFAULT_PATH	    = ":/webconfig";
	const QString        WEBSERVER_DEFAULT_CRT_PATH = ":/hyperion.crt";
	const QString        WEBSERVER_DEFAULT_KEY_PATH = ":/hyperion.key";
	quint16              WEBSERVER_DEFAULT_PORT     = 8090;

	BonjourServiceRegister * _serviceRegister = nullptr;

#endif // WEBSERVER_H