// STL includes #include #include // QT includes #include // getoptPlusPLus includes #include #include "V4L2Grabber.h" using namespace vlofgren; /// Data parameter for the video standard typedef vlofgren::PODParameter VideoStandardParameter; namespace vlofgren { /// Translates a string (as passed on the commandline) to a color standard /// /// @param[in] s The string (as passed on the commandline) /// @return The color standard /// @throws Parameter::ParameterRejected If the string did not result in a video standard template<> V4L2Grabber::VideoStandard VideoStandardParameter::validate(const std::string& s) throw (Parameter::ParameterRejected) { QString input = QString::fromStdString(s).toLower(); if (input == "pal") { return V4L2Grabber::PAL; } else if (input == "ntsc") { return V4L2Grabber::NTSC; } else if (input == "no-change") { return V4L2Grabber::NO_CHANGE; } throw Parameter::ParameterRejected("Invalid value for video standard. Valid values are: PAL, NTSC, and NO-CHANGE"); return V4L2Grabber::NO_CHANGE; } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { // create the option parser and initialize all parameters OptionsParser optionParser("Simple application to send a command to hyperion using the Json interface"); ParameterSet & parameters = optionParser.getParameters(); StringParameter & argDevice = parameters.add ('d', "device", "The device to use [default=/dev/video0]"); VideoStandardParameter & argVideoStandard = parameters.add('v', "video-standard", "The used video standard. Valid values are PAL. NYSC, or NO-CHANGE [default=PAL]"); IntParameter & argInput = parameters.add ('i', "input", "Input channel [default=0]"); IntParameter & argSizeDecimation = parameters.add ('s', "size-decimator", "Decimation factor for the output size [default=1]"); SwitchParameter<> & argHelp = parameters.add > ('h', "help", "Show this help message and exit"); // set defaults argDevice.setDefault("/dev/video0"); argVideoStandard.setDefault(V4L2Grabber::PAL); argInput.setDefault(0); argSizeDecimation.setDefault(1); // parse all options optionParser.parse(argc, const_cast(argv)); // check if we need to display the usage. exit if we do. if (argHelp.isSet()) { optionParser.usage(); return 0; } V4L2Grabber grabber( argDevice.getValue(), argInput.getValue(), argVideoStandard.getValue(), 1, argSizeDecimation.getValue()); grabber.start(); grabber.capture(1); grabber.stop(); } catch (const std::runtime_error & e) { // An error occured. Display error and quit std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }