#pragma once // hyperion includes #include #include #include #include // qt includess #include #include #include #include // createEffect helper struct find_schema: std::unary_function { QString pyFile; find_schema(QString pyFile):pyFile(pyFile) { } bool operator()(EffectSchema const& schema) const { return schema.pyFile == pyFile; } }; // deleteEffect helper struct find_effect: std::unary_function { QString effectName; find_effect(QString effectName) :effectName(effectName) { } bool operator()(EffectDefinition const& effectDefinition) const { return effectDefinition.name == effectName; } }; class JsonCB; class JsonAPI : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /// /// Constructor /// /// @param peerAddress provide the Address of the peer /// @param log The Logger class of the creator /// @param parent Parent QObject /// @param noListener if true, this instance won't listen for hyperion push events /// JsonAPI(QString peerAddress, Logger* log, QObject* parent, bool noListener = false); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON message /// /// @param message the incoming message as string /// void handleMessage(const QString & message, const QString& httpAuthHeader = ""); public slots: /// _timer_ledcolors requests ledcolor updates (if enabled) void streamLedcolorsUpdate(); /// push images whenever hyperion emits (if enabled) void setImage(const Image & image); /// process and push new log messages from logger (if enabled) void incommingLogMessage(Logger::T_LOG_MESSAGE); signals: /// /// Signal emits with the reply message provided with handleMessage() /// void callbackMessage(QJsonObject); /// /// Signal emits whenever a jsonmessage should be forwarded /// void forwardJsonMessage(QJsonObject); private: // The JsonCB instance which handles data subscription/notifications JsonCB* _jsonCB; // true if further callbacks are forbidden (http) bool _noListener; /// The peer address of the client QString _peerAddress; /// Log instance Logger* _log; /// Hyperion instance Hyperion* _hyperion; /// timer for ledcolors streaming QTimer _timer_ledcolors; // streaming buffers QJsonObject _streaming_leds_reply; QJsonObject _streaming_image_reply; QJsonObject _streaming_logging_reply; /// flag to determine state of log streaming bool _streaming_logging_activated; /// mutex to determine state of image streaming QMutex _image_stream_mutex; /// timeout for live video refresh volatile qint64 _image_stream_timeout; /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Color message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleColorCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Image message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleImageCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Effect message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleEffectCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Effect message (Write JSON Effect) /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleCreateEffectCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Effect message (Delete JSON Effect) /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleDeleteEffectCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON System info message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleSysInfoCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Server info message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleServerInfoCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Clear message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleClearCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Adjustment message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleAdjustmentCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON SourceSelect message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleSourceSelectCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON GetConfig message and check subcommand /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleConfigCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON GetConfig message from handleConfigCommand() /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleSchemaGetCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON SetConfig message from handleConfigCommand() /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleConfigSetCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON Component State message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleComponentStateCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON Led Colors message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleLedColorsCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON Logging message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleLoggingCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON Proccessing message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleProcessingCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// Handle an incoming JSON VideoMode message /// /// @param message the incoming message /// void handleVideoModeCommand(const QJsonObject & message, const QString &command, const int tan); /// /// Handle an incoming JSON message of unknown type /// void handleNotImplemented(); /// /// Send a standard reply indicating success /// void sendSuccessReply(const QString &command="", const int tan=0); /// /// Send a standard reply indicating success with data /// void sendSuccessDataReply(const QJsonDocument &doc, const QString &command="", const int &tan=0); /// /// Send an error message back to the client /// /// @param error String describing the error /// void sendErrorReply(const QString & error, const QString &command="", const int tan=0); };