// QT includes #include #include #include #include "protoserver/ProtoConnectionWrapper.h" #include "X11Wrapper.h" #include "HyperionConfig.h" using namespace commandline; // save the image as screenshot void saveScreenshot(QString filename, const Image & image) { // store as PNG QImage pngImage((const uint8_t *) image.memptr(), image.width(), image.height(), 3*image.width(), QImage::Format_RGB888); pngImage.save(filename); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { std::cout << "hyperion-x11:" << std::endl << "\tVersion : " << HYPERION_VERSION << " (" << HYPERION_BUILD_ID << ")" << std::endl << "\tbuild time: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << std::endl; QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); try { // create the option parser and initialize all parameters Parser parser("X11 capture application for Hyperion"); IntOption & argFps = parser.add ('f', "framerate", "Capture frame rate [default: %1]", "10"); IntOption & argCropWidth = parser.add (0x0, "crop-width", "Number of pixels to crop from the left and right sides of the picture before decimation [default: %1]", "0"); IntOption & argCropHeight = parser.add (0x0, "crop-height", "Number of pixels to crop from the top and the bottom of the picture before decimation [default: %1]", "0"); IntOption & argCropLeft = parser.add (0x0, "crop-left", "Number of pixels to crop from the left of the picture before decimation (overrides --crop-width)"); IntOption & argCropRight = parser.add (0x0, "crop-right", "Number of pixels to crop from the right of the picture before decimation (overrides --crop-width)"); IntOption & argCropTop = parser.add (0x0, "crop-top", "Number of pixels to crop from the top of the picture before decimation (overrides --crop-height)"); IntOption & argCropBottom = parser.add (0x0, "crop-bottom", "Number of pixels to crop from the bottom of the picture before decimation (overrides --crop-height)"); IntOption & argSizeDecimation = parser.add ('s', "size-decimator", "Decimation factor for the output size [default=%1]", "8"); BooleanOption & argScreenshot = parser.add(0x0, "screenshot", "Take a single screenshot, save it to file and quit"); Option & argAddress = parser.add