#pragma once // db #include #include // qt #include /// /// @brief Hyperion instance manager specific database interface. prepares also the Hyperion database for all follow up usage (Init QtSqlConnection) along with db name /// class InstanceTable : public DBManager { public: InstanceTable(const QString& rootPath, QObject* parent = nullptr) : DBManager(parent) { // Init Hyperion database usage setRootPath(rootPath); setDatabaseName("hyperion"); // Init instance table setTable("instances"); createTable(QStringList()<<"instance INTEGER"<<"friendly_name TEXT"<<"enabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0"<<"last_use TEXT"); // start/create the first Hyperion instance index 0 createInstance(); }; ~InstanceTable(){}; /// /// @brief Create a new Hyperion instance entry, the name needs to be unique /// @param name The name of the instance /// @param[out] inst The id that has been assigned /// @return True on success else false /// inline bool createInstance(const QString& name, quint8& inst) { VectorPair fcond; fcond.append(CPair("friendly_name",name)); // check duplicate if(!recordExists(fcond)) { inst = 0; VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance",inst)); // increment to next avail index while(recordExists(cond)) { inst++; cond.removeFirst(); cond.append(CPair("instance",inst)); } // create QVariantMap data; data["friendly_name"] = name; data["instance"] = inst; VectorPair lcond; return createRecord(lcond, data); } return false; } /// /// @brief Delete a Hyperion instance /// @param inst The id that has been assigned /// @return True on success else false /// inline bool deleteInstance(const quint8& inst) { VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance",inst)); if(deleteRecord(cond)) { // delete settings entries SettingsTable settingsTable(inst); settingsTable.deleteInstance(); return true; } return false; } /// /// @brief Assign a new name for the given instance /// @param inst The instance index /// @param name The new name of the instance /// @return True on success else false (instance not found) /// inline bool saveName(const quint8& inst, const QString& name) { VectorPair fcond; fcond.append(CPair("friendly_name",name)); // check duplicate if(!recordExists(fcond)) { if(instanceExist(inst)) { VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance",inst)); QVariantMap data; data["friendly_name"] = name; return updateRecord(cond, data); } } return false; } /// /// @brief Get all instances with all columns /// @param justEnabled return just enabled instances if true /// @return The found instances /// inline QVector getAllInstances(const bool& justEnabled = false) { QVector results; getRecords(results, QStringList(), QStringList() << "instance ASC"); if(justEnabled) { for (auto it = results.begin(); it != results.end();) { if( ! (*it)["enabled"].toBool()) { it = results.erase(it); continue; } ++it; } } return results; } /// /// @brief Test if instance record exists /// @param[in] user The user id /// @return true on success else false /// inline bool instanceExist(const quint8& inst) { VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance",inst)); return recordExists(cond); } /// /// @brief Get instance name by instance index /// @param index The index to search for /// @return The name of this index, may return NOT FOUND if not found /// inline const QString getNamebyIndex(const quint8 index) { QVariantMap results; VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance", index)); getRecord(cond, results, QStringList("friendly_name")); QString name = results["friendly_name"].toString(); return name.isEmpty() ? "NOT FOUND" : name; } /// /// @brief Update 'last_use' timestamp /// @param inst The instance to update /// inline void setLastUse(const quint8& inst) { VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance", inst)); QVariantMap map; map["last_use"] = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate); updateRecord(cond, map); } /// /// @brief Update 'enabled' column by instance index /// @param inst The instance to update /// @param newState True when enabled else false /// inline void setEnable(const quint8& inst, const bool& newState) { VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance", inst)); QVariantMap map; map["enabled"] = newState; updateRecord(cond, map); } /// /// @brief Get state of 'enabled' column by instance index /// @param inst The instance to get /// @return True when enabled else false /// inline bool isEnabled(const quint8& inst) { VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance", inst)); QVariantMap results; getRecord(cond, results); return results["enabled"].toBool(); } private: /// /// @brief Create first Hyperion instance entry, if index 0 is not found. /// inline void createInstance() { if(instanceExist(0)) setEnable(0, true); else { QVariantMap data; data["friendly_name"] = "First LED Hardware instance"; VectorPair cond; cond.append(CPair("instance", 0)); if(createRecord(cond, data)) setEnable(0, true); else throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create Hyperion root instance in db! This should never be the case..."); } } };