// system includes
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>

// stl includes
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>

// Qt includes
#include <QResource>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QHostInfo>

// hyperion util includes
#include "hyperion/ImageProcessorFactory.h"
#include "hyperion/ImageProcessor.h"
#include "utils/ColorRgb.h"
#include "HyperionConfig.h"

// project includes
#include "BoblightClientConnection.h"

BoblightClientConnection::BoblightClientConnection(QTcpSocket *socket, const int priority)
	: QObject()
	, _locale(QLocale::C)
	, _socket(socket)
	, _imageProcessor(ImageProcessorFactory::getInstance().newImageProcessor())
	, _hyperion(Hyperion::getInstance())
	, _receiveBuffer()
	, _priority(priority)
	, _ledColors(Hyperion::getInstance()->getLedCount(), ColorRgb::BLACK)
	, _log(Logger::getInstance("BOBLIGHT"))
	, _clientAddress(QHostInfo::fromName(socket->peerAddress().toString()).hostName())
	// initalize the locale. Start with the default C-locale
	_locale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator | QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator);

	// connect internal signals and slots
	connect(_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(socketClosed()));
	connect(_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData()));

	if (_priority < 255)
		// clear the current channel
		_priority = 255;

	delete _socket;

void BoblightClientConnection::readData()
	_receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll();

	int bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1;
	while(bytes > 0)
		// create message string (strip the newline)
		QString message = QString::fromLatin1(_receiveBuffer.data(), bytes-1);
		// remove message data from buffer
		_receiveBuffer = _receiveBuffer.mid(bytes);

		// handle trimmed message

		// drop messages if the buffer is too full
		if (_receiveBuffer.size() > 100*1024)
			Debug(_log, "server drops messages (buffer full)");

		// try too look up '\n' again
		bytes = _receiveBuffer.indexOf('\n') + 1;

void BoblightClientConnection::socketClosed()
	if (_priority < 255)
		// clear the current channel
		_priority = 255;

	emit connectionClosed(this);

void BoblightClientConnection::handleMessage(const QString & message)
	//std::cout << "boblight message: " << message.toStdString() << std::endl;

	QStringList messageParts = message.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

	if (messageParts.size() > 0)
		if (messageParts[0] == "hello")
		else if (messageParts[0] == "ping")
			sendMessage("ping 1\n");
		else if (messageParts[0] == "get" && messageParts.size() > 1)
			if (messageParts[1] == "version")
				sendMessage("version 5\n");
			else if (messageParts[1] == "lights")
		else if (messageParts[0] == "set" && messageParts.size() > 2)
			if (messageParts.size() > 3 && messageParts[1] == "light")
				bool rc;
				unsigned ledIndex = messageParts[2].toUInt(&rc);
				if (rc && ledIndex < _ledColors.size())
					if (messageParts[3] == "rgb" && messageParts.size() == 7)
						// replace decimal comma with decimal point
						messageParts[4].replace(',', '.');
						messageParts[5].replace(',', '.');
						messageParts[6].replace(',', '.');

						bool rc1, rc2, rc3;
						uint8_t red = qMax(0, qMin(255, int(255 * messageParts[4].toFloat(&rc1))));

						// check for correct locale should not be needed anymore - please check!
						if (!rc1)
							// maybe a locale issue. switch to a locale with a comma instead of a dot as decimal seperator (or vice versa)
							_locale = QLocale((_locale.decimalPoint() == QChar('.')) ? QLocale::Dutch : QLocale::C);
							_locale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator | QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator);

							// try again
							red = qMax(0, qMin(255, int(255 * messageParts[4].toFloat(&rc1))));

						uint8_t green = qMax(0, qMin(255, int(255 * messageParts[5].toFloat(&rc2))));
						uint8_t blue  = qMax(0, qMin(255, int(255 * messageParts[6].toFloat(&rc3))));

						if (rc1 && rc2 && rc3)
							ColorRgb & rgb =  _ledColors[ledIndex];
							rgb.red = red;
							rgb.green = green;
							rgb.blue = blue;

							// send current color values to hyperion if this is the last led assuming leds values are send in order of id
							if ((ledIndex == _ledColors.size() -1) && _priority < 255)
								_hyperion->setColors(_priority, _ledColors, -1, true, hyperion::COMP_BOBLIGHTSERVER, _clientAddress);

					else if(messageParts[3] == "speed" ||
						      messageParts[3] == "interpolation" ||
						      messageParts[3] == "use" ||
						      messageParts[3] == "singlechange")
						// these message are ignored by Hyperion
			else if (messageParts.size() == 3 && messageParts[1] == "priority")
				bool rc;
				int prio = messageParts[2].toInt(&rc);
				if (rc && prio != _priority)
					if (_priority < 255)
						// clear the current channel

					_priority = prio;
		else if (messageParts[0] == "sync")
			// send current color values to hyperion
			if (_priority < 255)
				_hyperion->setColors(_priority, _ledColors, -1, true, hyperion::COMP_BOBLIGHTSERVER, _clientAddress);

	Debug(_log, "unknown boblight message: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(message));

void BoblightClientConnection::sendMessage(const QByteArray & message)
	//std::cout << "send boblight message: " << message;

void BoblightClientConnection::sendLightMessage()
	char buffer[256];

	int n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "lights %d\n", _hyperion->getLedCount());
	sendMessage(QByteArray(buffer, n));

	double h0, h1, v0, v1;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < _hyperion->getLedCount(); ++i)
		_imageProcessor->getScanParameters(i, h0, h1, v0, v1);
		n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "light %03d scan %f %f %f %f\n", i, 100*v0, 100*v1, 100*h0, 100*h1);
		sendMessage(QByteArray(buffer, n));