#include // hyperion #include #include // qt #include HyperionIManager* HyperionIManager::HIMinstance; HyperionIManager::HyperionIManager(const QString& rootPath, QObject* parent, bool readonlyMode) : QObject(parent) , _log(Logger::getInstance("HYPERION-INSTMGR")) , _instanceTable( new InstanceTable(rootPath, this, readonlyMode) ) , _rootPath( rootPath ) , _readonlyMode(readonlyMode) { HIMinstance = this; qRegisterMetaType("InstanceState"); } Hyperion* HyperionIManager::getHyperionInstance(quint8 instance) { Hyperion* pInstance {nullptr}; if(_runningInstances.contains(instance)) return _runningInstances.value(instance); if (!_runningInstances.isEmpty()) { Warning(_log,"The requested instance index '%d' with name '%s' isn't running, return main instance", instance, QSTRING_CSTR(_instanceTable->getNamebyIndex(instance))); pInstance = _runningInstances.value(0); } return pInstance; } QVector HyperionIManager::getInstanceData() const { QVector instances = _instanceTable->getAllInstances(); for( auto & entry : instances) { // add running state entry["running"] = _runningInstances.contains(entry["instance"].toInt()); } return instances; } void HyperionIManager::startAll() { for(const auto & entry : _instanceTable->getAllInstances(true)) { startInstance(entry["instance"].toInt()); } } void HyperionIManager::stopAll() { // copy the instances due to loop corruption, even with .erase() return next iter QMap instCopy = _runningInstances; for(const auto instance : instCopy) { instance->stop(); } } void HyperionIManager::handleEvent(Event event) { Debug(_log,"%s Event [%d] received", eventToString(event), event); switch (event) { case Event::Suspend: toggleSuspend(true); break; case Event::Resume: toggleSuspend(false); break; case Event::Idle: toggleIdle(true); break; case Event::ResumeIdle: toggleIdle(false); break; default: break; } } void HyperionIManager::toggleSuspend(bool isSuspend) { Info(_log,"Put all instances in %s state", isSuspend ? "suspend" : "working"); QMap instCopy = _runningInstances; for(const auto instance : instCopy) { emit instance->suspendRequest(isSuspend); } } void HyperionIManager::toggleIdle(bool isIdle) { Info(_log,"Put all instances in %s state", isIdle ? "idle" : "working"); QMap instCopy = _runningInstances; for(const auto instance : instCopy) { emit instance->idleRequest(isIdle); } } void HyperionIManager::toggleStateAllInstances(bool enable) { // copy the instances due to loop corruption, even with .erase() return next iter QMap instCopy = _runningInstances; for(const auto instance : instCopy) { emit instance->compStateChangeRequest(hyperion::COMP_ALL, enable); } } bool HyperionIManager::startInstance(quint8 inst, bool block, QObject* caller, int tan) { if(_instanceTable->instanceExist(inst)) { if(!_runningInstances.contains(inst) && !_startQueue.contains(inst)) { QThread* hyperionThread = new QThread(); hyperionThread->setObjectName("HyperionThread"); Hyperion* hyperion = new Hyperion(inst, _readonlyMode); hyperion->moveToThread(hyperionThread); // setup thread management connect(hyperionThread, &QThread::started, hyperion, &Hyperion::start); connect(hyperion, &Hyperion::started, this, &HyperionIManager::handleStarted); connect(hyperion, &Hyperion::finished, this, &HyperionIManager::handleFinished); connect(hyperion, &Hyperion::finished, hyperionThread, &QThread::quit, Qt::DirectConnection); // setup further connections // from Hyperion connect(hyperion, &Hyperion::settingsChanged, this, &HyperionIManager::settingsChanged); connect(hyperion, &Hyperion::videoMode, this, &HyperionIManager::requestVideoMode); // to Hyperion connect(this, &HyperionIManager::newVideoMode, hyperion, &Hyperion::newVideoMode); // add to queue and start _startQueue << inst; hyperionThread->start(); // update db _instanceTable->setLastUse(inst); _instanceTable->setEnable(inst, true); if(block) { while(!hyperionThread->isRunning()){}; } if (!_pendingRequests.contains(inst) && caller != nullptr) { PendingRequests newDef{caller, tan}; _pendingRequests[inst] = newDef; } return true; } Debug(_log,"Can't start Hyperion instance index '%d' with name '%s' it's already running or queued for start", inst, QSTRING_CSTR(_instanceTable->getNamebyIndex(inst))); return false; } Debug(_log,"Can't start Hyperion instance index '%d' it doesn't exist in DB", inst); return false; } bool HyperionIManager::stopInstance(quint8 inst) { // inst 0 can't be stopped if(!isInstAllowed(inst)) return false; if(_instanceTable->instanceExist(inst)) { if(_runningInstances.contains(inst)) { // notify a ON_STOP rather sooner than later, queued signal listener should have some time to drop the pointer before it's deleted emit instanceStateChanged(InstanceState::H_ON_STOP, inst); Hyperion* hyperion = _runningInstances.value(inst); hyperion->stop(); // update db _instanceTable->setEnable(inst, false); return true; } Debug(_log,"Can't stop Hyperion instance index '%d' with name '%s' it's not running'", inst, QSTRING_CSTR(_instanceTable->getNamebyIndex(inst))); return false; } Debug(_log,"Can't stop Hyperion instance index '%d' it doesn't exist in DB", inst); return false; } bool HyperionIManager::createInstance(const QString& name, bool start) { quint8 inst; if(_instanceTable->createInstance(name, inst)) { Info(_log,"New Hyperion instance created with name '%s'",QSTRING_CSTR(name)); emit instanceStateChanged(InstanceState::H_CREATED, inst, name); emit change(); if(start) startInstance(inst); return true; } return false; } bool HyperionIManager::deleteInstance(quint8 inst) { // inst 0 can't be deleted if(!isInstAllowed(inst)) return false; // stop it if required as blocking and wait stopInstance(inst); if(_instanceTable->deleteInstance(inst)) { Info(_log,"Hyperion instance with index '%d' has been deleted", inst); emit instanceStateChanged(InstanceState::H_DELETED, inst); emit change(); return true; } return false; } bool HyperionIManager::saveName(quint8 inst, const QString& name) { if(_instanceTable->saveName(inst, name)) { emit change(); return true; } return false; } void HyperionIManager::handleFinished() { Hyperion* hyperion = qobject_cast(sender()); quint8 instance = hyperion->getInstanceIndex(); Info(_log,"Hyperion instance '%s' has been stopped", QSTRING_CSTR(_instanceTable->getNamebyIndex(instance))); _runningInstances.remove(instance); hyperion->thread()->deleteLater(); hyperion->deleteLater(); emit instanceStateChanged(InstanceState::H_STOPPED, instance); emit change(); } void HyperionIManager::handleStarted() { Hyperion* hyperion = qobject_cast(sender()); quint8 instance = hyperion->getInstanceIndex(); Info(_log,"Hyperion instance '%s' has been started", QSTRING_CSTR(_instanceTable->getNamebyIndex(instance))); _startQueue.removeAll(instance); _runningInstances.insert(instance, hyperion); emit instanceStateChanged(InstanceState::H_STARTED, instance); emit change(); if (_pendingRequests.contains(instance)) { PendingRequests def = _pendingRequests.take(instance); emit startInstanceResponse(def.caller, def.tan); _pendingRequests.remove(instance); } }