#include #include //QT include #include #include #include #include #include "hyperion/Hyperion.h" LedDeviceRegistry LedDevice::_ledDeviceMap = LedDeviceRegistry(); QString LedDevice::_activeDevice = ""; int LedDevice::_ledCount = 0; int LedDevice::_ledRGBCount = 0; int LedDevice::_ledRGBWCount= 0; LedDevice::LedDevice() : QObject() , _log(Logger::getInstance("LedDevice")) , _ledBuffer(0) , _deviceReady(true) , _refresh_timer() , _refresh_timer_interval(0) , _last_write_time(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()) , _latchTime_ms(0) , _componentRegistered(false) , _enabled(true) { LedDevice::getLedDeviceSchemas(); qRegisterMetaType("hyperion::Components"); // setup timer _refresh_timer.setSingleShot(false); _refresh_timer.setInterval(0); connect(&_refresh_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(rewriteLeds())); } // dummy implemention int LedDevice::open() { return 0; } void LedDevice::setEnable(bool enable) { // emit signal when state changed if (_enabled != enable) { emit enableStateChanged(enable); } // set black to leds when they should go off if ( _enabled && !enable) { switchOff(); } _enabled = enable; } int LedDevice::addToDeviceMap(QString name, LedDeviceCreateFuncType funcPtr) { _ledDeviceMap.emplace(name,funcPtr); return 0; } const LedDeviceRegistry& LedDevice::getDeviceMap() { return _ledDeviceMap; } void LedDevice::setActiveDevice(QString dev) { _activeDevice = dev; } bool LedDevice::init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) { _latchTime_ms = deviceConfig["latchTime"].toInt(_latchTime_ms); _refresh_timer.setInterval( deviceConfig["rewriteTime"].toInt( _refresh_timer_interval) ); if (_refresh_timer.interval() <= (signed)_latchTime_ms ) { Warning(_log, "latchTime(%d) is bigger/equal rewriteTime(%d)", _refresh_timer.interval(), _latchTime_ms); _refresh_timer.setInterval(_latchTime_ms+10); } return true; } QJsonObject LedDevice::getLedDeviceSchemas() { // make sure the resources are loaded (they may be left out after static linking) Q_INIT_RESOURCE(LedDeviceSchemas); QJsonParseError error; // read the json schema from the resource QDir d(":/leddevices/"); QStringList l = d.entryList(); QJsonObject result, schemaJson; for(QString &item : l) { QFile schemaData(QString(":/leddevices/")+item); QString devName = item.remove("schema-"); if (!schemaData.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { Error(Logger::getInstance("LedDevice"), "Schema not found: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(item)); throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Schema not found: " + item.toStdString()); } QByteArray schema = schemaData.readAll(); QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(schema, &error); schemaData.close(); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { // report to the user the failure and their locations in the document. int errorLine(0), errorColumn(0); for( int i=0, count=qMin( error.offset,schema.size()); i& ledValues) { int retval = 0; if (!_deviceReady || !_enabled) return -1; // restart the timer if (_refresh_timer.interval() > 0) { _refresh_timer.start(); } if (_latchTime_ms == 0 || QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()-_last_write_time >= _latchTime_ms) { _ledValues = ledValues; retval = write(ledValues); _last_write_time = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); } //else Debug(_log, "latch %d", QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()-_last_write_time); return retval; } int LedDevice::switchOff() { return _deviceReady ? write(std::vector(_ledCount, ColorRgb::BLACK )) : -1; } int LedDevice::switchOn() { return 0; } void LedDevice::setLedCount(int ledCount) { _ledCount = ledCount; _ledRGBCount = _ledCount * sizeof(ColorRgb); _ledRGBWCount = _ledCount * sizeof(ColorRgbw); } int LedDevice::rewriteLeds() { return _enabled ? write(_ledValues) : -1; }