#pragma once // STL includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // QT includes #include // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winprog/windows-data-types#ssize-t #if defined(_MSC_VER) #include typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t; #endif template class ImageData : public QSharedData { public: typedef Pixel_T pixel_type; ImageData(unsigned width, unsigned height, const Pixel_T background) : _width(width), _height(height), _pixels(new Pixel_T[width * height + 1]) { std::fill(_pixels, _pixels + width * height, background); } ImageData(const ImageData & other) : QSharedData(other), _width(other._width), _height(other._height), _pixels(new Pixel_T[other._width * other._height + 1]) { memcpy(_pixels, other._pixels, (long) other._width * other._height * sizeof(Pixel_T)); } ImageData& operator=(ImageData rhs) { rhs.swap(*this); return *this; } void swap(ImageData& s) noexcept { using std::swap; swap(this->_width, s._width); swap(this->_height, s._height); swap(this->_pixels, s._pixels); } ImageData(ImageData&& src) noexcept : _width(0) , _height(0) , _pixels(NULL) { src.swap(*this); } ImageData& operator=(ImageData&& src) noexcept { src.swap(*this); return *this; } ~ImageData() { delete[] _pixels; } inline unsigned width() const { return _width; } inline unsigned height() const { return _height; } uint8_t red(unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->red; } uint8_t green(unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->green; } uint8_t blue(unsigned pixel) const { return (_pixels + pixel)->blue; } const Pixel_T& operator()(unsigned x, unsigned y) const { return _pixels[toIndex(x,y)]; } Pixel_T& operator()(unsigned x, unsigned y) { return _pixels[toIndex(x,y)]; } void resize(unsigned width, unsigned height) { if (width == _width && height == _height) return; if ((width * height) > unsigned((_width * _height))) { delete[] _pixels; _pixels = new Pixel_T[width*height + 1]; } _width = width; _height = height; } Pixel_T* memptr() { return _pixels; } const Pixel_T* memptr() const { return _pixels; } void toRgb(ImageData& image) const { if (image.width() != _width || image.height() != _height) image.resize(_width, _height); const unsigned imageSize = _width * _height; for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < imageSize; idx++) { const Pixel_T & color = _pixels[idx]; image.memptr()[idx] = ColorRgb{color.red, color.green, color.blue}; } } ssize_t size() const { return (ssize_t) _width * _height * sizeof(Pixel_T); } void clear() { if (_width != 1 || _height != 1) { _width = 1; _height = 1; delete[] _pixels; _pixels = new Pixel_T[2]; } memset(_pixels, 0, (unsigned long) _width * _height * sizeof(Pixel_T)); } private: inline unsigned toIndex(unsigned x, unsigned y) const { return y * _width + x; } private: /// The width of the image unsigned _width; /// The height of the image unsigned _height; /// The pixels of the image Pixel_T* _pixels; };